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Assignment - II

1)A) What are the various types of cooling system and compare them.
B) What are the advantages of air cooling over water cooling

Ans.There are mainly two types of cooling system :

(a) Air cooled system, and
(b) Water cooled system.

Air Cooled System

Air cooled system is generally used in small engines say up to 15-20 kW and
in aero plane engines.
In this system fins or extended surfaces are provided on the cylinder walls,
cylinder head, etc. Heat generated due to combustion in the engine cylinder will be
conducted to the fins and when the air flows over the fins, heat will be dissipated to
The amount of heat dissipated to air depends upon :
(a) Amount of air flowing through the fins.
(b) Fin surface area.
(c) Thermal conductivity of metal used for fins.

Advantages of Air Cooled System

Following are the advantages of air cooled system :
(a) Radiator/pump is absent hence the system is light.
(b) In case of water cooling system there are leakages, but in this case there
are no leakages.
(c) Coolant and antifreeze solutions are not required.
(d) This system can be used in cold climates, where if water is used it may

Disadvantages of Air Cooled System

(a) Comparatively it is less efficient.
(b) It is used in aero planes and motorcycle engines where the engines are
exposed to air directly.
In this method, cooling water jackets are provided around the cylinder,
cylinder head, valve seats etc. The water when circulated through the jackets, it
absorbs heat of combustion. This hot water will then be cooling in the radiator
partially by a fan and partially by the flow developed by the forward motion of the
vehicle. The cooled water is again recirculated through the water jackets.
Types of Water Cooling System
There are two types of water cooling system :

a. Thermo Siphon System

In this system the circulation of water is due to difference in temperature (i.e.
difference in densities) of water. So in this system pump is not required but water is
circulated because of density difference only.

b. Pump Circulation System

In this system circulation of water is obtained by a pump. This pump is driven
by means of engine output shaft through V-belts.

(a) Uniform cooling of cylinder, cylinder head and valves.
(b) Specific fuel consumption of engine improves by using water cooling
(c) If we employ water cooling system, then engine need not be provided at
the front end of moving vehicle.
(d) Engine is less noisy as compared with air cooled engines, as it has water
for damping noise.
(a) It depends upon the supply of water.
(b) The water pump which circulates water absorbs considerable power.
(c) If the water cooling system fails then it will result in severe damage of
(d) The water cooling system is costlier as it has more number of parts. Also it
requires more maintenance and care for its parts.

C) What is necessity of thermostat in a cooling system. Explain about bellow type and
wax thermostat.
Ans. We cannot let engine temperature increase beyond certain point. For this,
coolant is pumped. But too much removal of heat will reduce efficiency that is rejecting
more heat to sink will bring down efficiency. Therefore, thermostat checks the temp and
sends coolant only when it is required.
Also, to maintain optimum temp by reducing over rejection of heat to coolant and to keep
efficiency high we put liners around cylinders.
Bellow type Thermostat:
Modern condensing units, low-pressure control switches are largely replaced by
thermostatic-control switches. Thermostatic consists of three main parts: a bulb, capillary
tubes, and a power element or switch. Lamp is attached to the evaporator in a manner that
ensures contact with the evaporator. Lamp is connected to a source element with a
small capillary tube .
The work of the bellows is provided by the temperature change. Or thermostatic
switch management, such as increased temperature of the evaporator, bulb temperature also
increases. This raises the pressure thermostatic-liquid pairs. This, in turn, causes bellows
expand and intensify the electric contact. Contact closes the circuit of the engine, and the
engine and compressor will start to work.
As evaporator temperature decreases and the lamp becomes colder and the pressure is
reduced to the point where bellows contracts enough to open the electrical contacts, so
turning off the motor circuits. Thus, the condensing unit is fully automated. Thus, it is able to
produce as much cold required to meet any normal operating condition.

Wax type Thermostat:

This kind of thermostat is used in an internal combustion engine to maintain the core
temperature of the engine at optimal operating temperatures by regulating the coolant flow to
an external heat sink, usually an air-cooled radiator.
This type of thermostat operates mechanically. It makes use of wax pellets in closed spaces.
The wax is solid at low temperatures but as the machine heats up the wax melts and expands.
The enclosed space has an expansion provision that operates the stick that opens the valve
when the operating temperature is exceeded.

The operating temperature is fixed but is determined by the particular composition of the
wax, so this type of thermostat is available to maintain different temperatures, usually in the
range of 70 to 90 ° C (160 200 ° F). Modern machines run the heat, that is, more than 80 ° C
(180 ° F), to run more efficiently and reduce pollutant emissions.

1. A) Explain the working of Thermosyphon cooling system with suitable examples and
compare that with forced circulation cooling system.

Thermo-syphon Water Cooling System
The thermo-syphon cooling system (Fig. 12.30) operates on the principle of natural convec-
tion caused by variation in density of water, and hence does not use a pump. The heated
water expands, due to which the density decreases. When it cools down, its volume decreases
and hence density increases. This variations in density sets up convection currents so that
circulation of water takes place. All components of water-cooling systems except the
circulating pump are used in this case.

Thermo-syphon liquid cooling system.

The advantages of thermo-syphon cooling are :

(a) Cheap as no water pump is required.
(b) Reliable as there are no moving parts.
(c) Circulation of water depends solely on engine temperature. The hotter the engine, the
greater is the circulation.

Disadvantages of thermo-syphon cooling are as follows

(which are additional points over those provided under section 12.1.3).
(a) In order to achieve efficient circulation, the radiator top tank must be well above the
engine. This needs a high bonnet line.
(b) Cooled water enters the engine at the bottom of the cylinder, where the engine normally
runs fairly cool and it heats up to maximum as it reaches the top of the cylinders. Therefore, it
has a reduced cooling effect on the hottest part of the engine.
(c) Difficult to fit an interior heater successfully without a water pump.
(d) Under conditions of very heavy load or in hot climates the water may not circulate as
quickly as required.

Forced Circulation Water Cooling System

The water-cooling system (Figs. 12.6 and 12.8) has the major components such as
water jackets, circulating pump, fan, thermostat, connecting pipes and hoses, radiator and
radiator cap. The direction of cooling water flow is upward from the cylinder head to the top
tank of the radiator, then downward through the radiator core to the bottom tank. From the
bottom tank it moves through the lower radiator hose to the cylinder block water jackets and
then through the water pump, which circulates the water. Water enters the engine at the
centre of the inlet side of the pump. The circulating pump is driven by a belt from the
crankshaft. As engine speed increases, the flow of coolant increases.

Forced circulation water cooling system.

B) What is the purpose of the radiator is an automobile. Explain its construction.

Ans. A radiator is a type of heat exchanger. It is designed to transfer heat from the hot
coolant that flows through it to the air blown through it by the fan.
Most modern cars use aluminum radiators. These radiators are made by brazing thin
aluminum fins to flattened aluminum tubes. The coolant flows from the inlet to the outlet
through many tubes mounted in a parallel arrangement. The fins conduct the heat from the
tubes and transfer it to the air flowing through the radiator.

The working principle of a car radiator is as follows:

1. A pumping system pushes the normal temperature coolant from the radiator towards
the engine.
2. A running engine produces a large amount of heat, which is absorbed by the coolant;
eventually, the engine temperature falls down. This heated coolant is again pumped
back to the radiator.
3. Once the hot coolant reaches the radiator, it circulates through a series of pipes of the
4. Air surrounding the radiator absorbs this heat and brings down the temperature of the
heated coolant.
5. The procedure continues as long as the vehicle is running.
6. In the absence of the radiator, the engine will cease to function due to overheating.

C). What are the factors that affect spark advance and retard mechanism and explain
about it.

Ans. Spark advance mechanism:

The purpose of spark advance mechanism is to assure that under every
condition of engine operation, ignition takes place at the most favorable instant in
time i.e. most favorable from a standpoint of engine power, fuel economy and
minimum exhaust dilution. Tendency to knock increases with spark advance and
decreases with spark retardation.By means of these mechanisms the advance angle is
accurately set so that ignition occurs before TDC point of the piston. The engine
speed and the engine load are the control quantities required for the automatic
adjustment of the ignition timing. Most of the engines are fitted with mechanisms
which are integral with the distributor and automatically regulate the optimum spark
advance to account for change of speed and load.

Spark retard mechanism:

Retarding the engine simply means to slow down the operating speed of the
engine, usually to control the equipment or process they are driving. Spark retardation
is one major step in controlling detonation. Retarding the ignition timing can be useful
for a few things, but is generally left untouched. Reasons for doing this would be for
non-computer managed fuel economy, a car that has minor forced induction and non-
computer management, if the vehicle isn't performing as desired, and some engines
will actually benefit and gain horsepower from retarded timing.
2. A)What are the functions of ignition system and explain about magneto ignition
system of a 4 Cylinder system.

Ans. Functions:
1. Produces 30000 volt spark across spark plug
2. Distributes high voltage spark to each spark plug in correct sequence
3. Times the spark so it occurs as is piston is nearing top dead center
4. Varies spark timing with load, speed and other conditions

Magneto ignition system:

The working principle of magneto ignition system is same as battery ignition
system except in the magneto ignition system Magneto is used to produce energy
except battery.  The diagram of four cylinder magneto ignition system is as follow.

 First when the engine starts or during cranking magneto rotate which generates a very
high voltage.
 The ignition capacitor connected in parallel with contact breaker. One end of magneto
winding is also grounded through contact breaker.
 The cam regulates the contact breaker. Wherever the breaker open, current flows into
condenser, which charged the condenser.
 As the condenser become charger the primary current falls and the magnetic field
collapses. This will induces a much higher voltage in condenser.
 Now this high voltage EMF produce spark at correct spark plug through distributor.
1. This system is more reliable at medium and high speed.
2. It is more reliable because no battery is used.
3. It requires less frequently maintenance.

1. It has starting problem due to low cranking speed at starting.
2. It is more expensive compare to battery ignition system.
3. There is possibility of misfire due to leakage because wiring carry vary high voltage.

B) Explain about battery coil ignition system with suitable diagram.

Ans. A battery is used to provide energy for ignition. It is work as storage of energy and
charged by dynamo, which is driven by engine. It converts chemical energy to electric
energy. Two types of battery used in spark ignition system, lead acid battery and alkaline
battery. The first one is used in light duty commercial vehicle and the other one is used in
heavy duty commercial vehicle. It is housed in primary side of ignition coil.
In the battery ignition system ignition coil stores the energy in form of magnetic field and
deliver it at the instant of ignition, in form of high voltage current with high tension wire to
correct spark plug. The diagram of four cylinder battery ignition system is as follow.
 First low voltage current flow form battery to the primary coil through ignition switch
and ballast resistor.
 Ballast resistor regulates the temperature of ignition coil by regulating current passing
form it.
 The ignition capacitor connected in parallel with contact breaker. One end of
secondary winding is also grounded through contact breaker.
 When the ignition switch is closed, the primary winding of the coil is connected to the
positive terminal, and current flow through it known as primary current.
 The current flows form primary coil produces a magnetic field which induces an EMF
in secondary coil.
 The cam regulate the contact breaker. Wherever the breaker open, current flows into
condenser, which charged the condenser.
 As the condenser become charger the primary current falls and the magnetic field
collapses. This will induces a much higher voltage in condenser.
 Now the condenser discharge into the battery which reverse the direction of both
primary current and magnetic field. This will induce a very high EMF in secondary winding.
 Now this high voltage EMF produce spark at correct spark plug through distributor.

1. At the time of starting or at low speed good spark is available.
2. The battery which is used to generate spark can be used to light other auxiliary like
headlight, tell light etc.
3. Initial expenditure is less and it has low maintenance cost.
4. Ignition system is not affected by adjusting spark timing in battery ignition system.
1. Time available of built up the current and stored energy is decrease as speed of engine
2. Contact breaker subjected to both electrical and mechanical wear which results short
maintenance interval.
3. The primary voltage decreases as the engine speed increase. So it is not fully reliable of
high speed engine.

 C) What are the merits of electronic ignition system over conventional ignition system?
Ans. Merits:
1. Moving parts are absent so no maintenance are required.
2. Contact breaker point are so no arcing
3. Spark plug increase by 50% and they can be use above 60000km without any
4. More power output
5. More fuel efficient
6. Better combustion

4.a) What is function of spark plug and explain its constructional features?

A. The function of the spark plug is to delivering the electric charge from ignition
system to the compressed fuel in combustion chamber and also provide proper
gap in the combustion. Spark plug ignites the fuel just before the power stork in
IC engine.

Construction: A spark plug have various parts like rust resistant shell, central
electrode which is enclosed in a ceramic insulator, side electrode which is
attached to the metallic shell (rust resistant shell). The lower part of the spark
plug is having threads which is fit and sealed into the combustion chamber. The
upper part of spark plug is attached to ignition coil having shell body. The
insulator and central electrode are subjected to high combustion temperature this
requires that heat must flow from insulator to metallic shell and after that goes
into the combustion chamber. Spark plug has different parts some of the major
parts of it are as follows:

Insulator: It is made up of hard ceramic materials with high dielectric strength. It

provides electrical insulation for the central electrode and mechanical strength to
the spark plug.

Spark plug terminals: It is upper part of the spark plug which is outside the
engine it is connected with ignition coil from the top and attached to central
electrode to conduct high voltage.
Central electrode: It is connected to the spark plug terminals. Central electrode
is made up of nickel alloy having elements of manganese, tungsten, silicon and
chromium. High voltage is supplied through the terminals to the central electrode.

Side/ Ground electrode: It is made up of nickel steel and hot forged to the side
of the metal shell. Side electrode is embedded into the combustion chamber so it
sustains a very high temperature. Multiple side electrodes may be used.

Spark plug gap: Spark plug is designed with some gap between the central and
side electrode. Side electrode little bends to maintain a proper gap for ionizing
the fuel into the gap when high voltage is supplied through electrodes.

Outer metallic body: It is steel shell having threads on the surface for easily
removal and installing into the cylinder head of the engine. It helps to cool the
spark plug by transfer heat to engine body through conduction.

b) Explain about contact breakers.

A. They are used in battery ignition system, in the primary circuit to break the
circuit during ignition. When the circuit is broken during the starting of the engine,
high emf or voltage is induced in the secondary windings which is passed to the
spark plugs through distributor. A contact breaker is a mechanical switch,
activated by a rotating cam, that makes or breaks the ignition circuit to send a
spark to the spark plug. Also, the contact breaker is a mechanical device in the
distributor system and is used to break the circuit.

c) Write about anti-freeze solution.

A. Antifreeze is an additive that can alter the freezing and boiling points of the
coolant in internal combustion engines that use water cooling. As the name
implies, the main purpose of these additives is to prevent the liquid coolant from
freezing, which can cause extensive engine damage. However, modern
antifreeze also allows cooling systems to operate more efficiently by raising the
boiling point of the coolant solution. Various substances have been used as
antifreeze in the past, but most current automotive applications use ethylene
glycol. Naturally colorless, it is typically dyed bright green.

Antifreeze performs two primary functions:

 lowering the freezing point of coolant

 raising the boiling point of coolant

The main job of antifreeze is to lower the freezing point of coolant, which is
important due to the way that water expands when it freezes. Since cooling
systems are closed off, frozen coolant will tend to expand and cause catastrophic
engine failure by deforming or cracking coolant passages in the cylinder block
and head.

Water expands when it freezes, which can spell big trouble for a cooling system.
In addition to lowering the freezing temperature of water, antifreeze also raises its
boiling temperature. Since the boiling point is also raised by the pressure in the
cooling system, this allows engines to run hotter without overheating.

5. a) Briefly explain about charging circuit and voltage regulator.

A. The primary circuit consists of the battery, ammeter, ignition switch,
primary coil winding and breaker points. The primary coil winding usually has
approximately 240 turns of relatively heavy copper wire wound around the
soft iron core of ignition coil. When the ignition switch and the breaker points
are closed a low-voltage current flows from the battery through the primary
circuit and builts up a magnetic field around the soft iron core of the ignition
b) What is necessity of starting function in automobile? Explain about
Bendix drive mechanism.
A. The function of the starter motor is to start up the combustion engine. An
electric motor forms the basis of the starter motor. When the starter switch is
turned on, the starter relay turns on the electric motor. This motor drives the
starter gear ring via the pinion gear. The rotating movement of the starter motor is
created through the interaction of two magnetic fields. Starter motors come with
permanent magnets or with electromagnets. Each of these configurations has its
own specific characteristics. The energy required by the starter motor is provided
by the battery. The starter motor requires a lot of start-up power. The battery
must therefore have sufficient capacity and any losses must be kept to a
minimum. As the starter motor begins to turn faster, start-up power is reduced.
This is caused by the inverse voltage generated. Depending on temperature,
diesel engines require starting assist systems. In case of passenger cars, these
facilities consist of a preheating system that preheats the combustion chamber
and the air it contains.

BENDIX DRIVE MECHANISM: A Bendix drive is a type of engagement

mechanism used in starter motors of internal combustion engines. The device
allows the pinion gear of the starter motor to engage or disengage the flywheel of
the engine automatically when the starter is powered or when the engine fires,
respectively. It is named after its inventor, Vincent Hugo Bendix.

Operation: The Bendix system places the starter drive pinion on a helical drive
spring. When the starter motor begins turning, the inertia of the drive pinion
assembly causes it to wind the spring forcing the length of the spring to change,
and allowing the pinion to engage with the ring gear. When the engine starts,
backdrive from the ring gear causes the drive pinion to exceed the rotative speed
of the starter, at which point the drive pinion is forced back and out of mesh with
the ring gear.

The main drawback to the Bendix drive is that it relies on a certain amount of
"clash" between the teeth of the pinion and the ring gears before they slip into
place and mate completely; the teeth of the pinion are already spinning when
they come into contact with the static ring gear, and unless they happen to align
perfectly at the moment they engage, the pinion teeth will strike the teeth of the
ring gear side-to-side rather than face-to-face, and continue to rotate until both
align. This increase wear on both sets of teeth. For this reason the Bendix drive
has been largely superseded in starter motor design by the pre-engagement
system using a solenoid.
6.Briefly explain about evaporative cooling.
A. In this system, also called steam or vapour cooling, the temperature of the
cooling water is allowed to reach a temperature of 100ºC. This method of
cooling utilizes the high latent heat of vaporisation of water to obtain cooling
with minimum of water. The cooling circuit is such that coolant is always liquid
but the steam formed is sent back for cooling. This system is used for cooling
of many types of industrial engines.
Latent heat of water is utilised to carry the heat. As shown in the diagram, the
water is pumped to the cylinder head, where it gets vaporised to steam.
The steam enters into the tank and condenses back to water with help
of condenser plates. This cycle continues until the engine is on.

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