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Lesson 5 Activity: Wave Interference

Start up the simulation and give it a try. Start with one drip of water. The waves are somewhat
easier to see with both the frequency and amplitude cranked up. If you are having trouble
seeing the wave shape, use the “Rotate View” to turn the box sideways so that you can see the
water jiggling up and down. Each ripple going outward has both a crest and a trough, with both
the crest and trough tracing out circular shapes.

Next, leave the Rotate View at the Top setting, and turn on Two Drips. Leave everything else at
the default setting. Watch the interesting patterns for a while. The outgoing ripples from the
two drips are “interfering” with each other. Where crests meet crests, they add together and
you get an even bigger crest. Where trough meets trough, they add together and you get an
even lower trough. Where crest and trough add together, you get zero! You can test this by
turning the Rotate View back to Side, and then switching back and forth between One Drip and
Two Drips. The crests on Two Drips are higher than the crests on One Drip, and the troughs are

Turn the Rotate View to Top, and watch the Two Drip pattern. Note that the bright blue color in
the pattern represents the higher water level (crest) of the combined waves, and that the black
color represents the lower water level of the combined waves (trough). (You can test this by
using Show Graph.)

1. Leaving the Rotate View on Top, and using the Two Drip pattern, turn the Frequency
way down. (Don’t turn it ALL the way down!) Describe how the pattern changes, and
explain why the changes happen.

2. Now put the Frequency back up at the highest setting, and turn the Amplitude down.
Once again describe how the pattern changes, and explain why the changes happen.

Next, use the tabs at the top of the window to choose Sound instead of Water. You will no
longer have the option of viewing this from the side. Use Two Speakers.

3. Is the interference for pattern for sound similar to that for water? Why or why not?

4. What quantity is “waving”, i.e. jiggling up and down? (Hint: Use the Show Graph

Finally, use the tabs at the top to choose Light. Choose Two Lights.

5. Note that instead of choosing frequency, you are allowed to choose color. Watch the
interference pattern with red light, and then with blue light. How does the pattern
change with blue light? Explain why it changes in that manner. Also, go back to your
answer for question number 1, and compare this new answer to the answer for #1.

6. Explain how choosing color is similar to choosing frequency, and how it is different.

7. What quantity is “waving” for the Light?

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