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1- What duyu NEVER duun Sondey morning?

ay never wekap elei, ay never gutu chech and ay dont du espots.

2-Whot’s yur feivoret drink? Whenand wear du yu drinket?

Mai feivorit drinkis souersap yus and ay drinkit when ay gu dauntaun, in a comerchal

3-Whot duyu iushulei du when yu ar with yur familey?.

wi it tugueda wi woch muvis and den wi pley dóminau.

4-jau often du yu it fast fud? Way du yu laik fast fud?

ay itit very lito, ay umast doun't laikit bicos it guids mi a stomak eik

5- Whot dount yu du WHEN itis riley jot?

ay du not gu autsaid, ay du not gu tu the pul and ay do not lay in bed

6- Whot’s yur feivorit iuniversity sobyec? Way? jaw often du yu stady it?.

atletics, ay laiquit bicos itis a practicol sobyec and ay stady it thri taims a wik.

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