CLOZE TEST Discovery Could Ease Blood Shortage

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NAME: CLASS: 2020-2021

Fill in each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE
word in each blank.

Scientists may have found a way to reduce shortages of type O blood. Type O is the
kind of blood that hospitals most often need. (1)____________ the researchers are
testing is an easier way to make type O blood out of other kinds of blood. There are
four main blood types. Most people are born (2) ____________ one of these four:
type A, type B, type AB or type O. Type O is known (3) ____________ the universal
blood type. It can (4) __________ safely given to anyone. So it is commonly used (5)
___________ a person is injured or sick and has to have a blood transfusion. Type O
is the (6)__________ common blood group. But the supplies of it available in
hospitals and blood banks are usually limited. This is because (7)__________ high
demand. Type O blood is used in emergencies when there is (8) ___________ time
to identify the patient's blood type. Giving A, B or AB to someone with a different
blood type, including O, can cause a bad reaction by the person's defense system.
(10) ___________ immune system can reject the blood. This immune reaction can
(11) ___________ deadly. For example, people may die (12)__________ they
receive transplanted organs from someone with the wrong blood type. The difference
between blood types is related to (13) ____________ red blood cells contain certain
kinds of sugar molecules or not. These molecules (14) ___________ found on the
surface of the cells. They are called antigens. These antigens are found with type A,
B and AB blood but not with type O. More than twenty-five years ago, scientists
found (15) ___________ the antigens could be removed to create universal-type
cells. They could be removed with chemicals called enzymes. But large amounts of
enzymes (16) ____________ required to make the change. Now, a report published
in Nature Biotechnology describes two formerly unknown bacterial enzymes. The
scientists say these enzymes remove the antigens (17) ____________ easily. To find
these enzymes, the researchers examined more (18)____________ two thousand
five hundred kinds of bacteria and fungi. Doctor Henrik Clausen of the University of
Copenhagen in Denmark led the study. He worked with researchers from France,
Sweden and the United States. The next step, they say, is (19) ___________
complete safety tests. The team is working with the American company ZymeQuest
to test the new method. (20)_________ it meets safety requirements and is not too

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costly, it could become a widely used life-saving tool to increase the supply of
universal blood.

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