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2021 Scholarship
Application Deadline Month Day Year

Background and Mission

The Hernando County Republican Party is committed to the fundamental principle of Republicanism. The
Republican Party itself endorses, recognizes and where practical, supports those who use their abilities and
energies to build a better future for themselves, their families and their communities. We are also aware that
many women made choices earlier in life that, while giving them valuable skills and experience, at the same
time denied them opportunity to acquire knowledge or training necessary to fully qualify for today's and
tomorrow's career advancements and financial rewards. It is from these beliefs, commitments and recognition
that this program was envisioned and established.

The mission of the Her Next Step Scholarship Program is to provide meaningful financial assistance to
Hernando County women who demonstrate the desire and ability to pursue education accreditation and skills
training programs to become empowered contributors to our community, but for whom a lack of resources to
engage in such programs presents a significant barrier to success. A further important aspect of that mission is
to inform and engage Hernando County's business and professional community as to the valuable assets such
women represent as potential key employees and indeed leaders of the growing, evolving, vibrant, free society
that is our shared vision of Hernando County's future.

Eligibility Women 24 years of age or older, United States Citizen and full-time resident and
registered Republican voter in Hernando County
Award Scholarship award amount is a minimum of $500.00

Process Applicants are reviewed individually and objectively scored by an independent

committee - criteria includes work experience, academic, vocational, trade, or
technical training, financial need, community activities, and recommendations.
Other Scholarship award is payable to any Florida based accredited academic, vocational,
trade or technical institution.
Her Next Step Scholarship Program 2021
Sponsored by the Hernando County Republican Party

A. Eligibility and Important dates

1. Women 24 years of age and older

2. United States Citizen
3. Full-time resident and registered Republican voter in Hernando County
4. Awards will be based on financial need and applicant’s demonstration of the principles documented by the
enclosed Background and Mission Statement
5. Application deadline is MM/DD/YYYY
6. Scholarship selection will be made by MM/DD/YYYY

B. Personal Data

Year of birth:

C. Instructions for completing the Application

7. Complete all items under section “D” Personal and Professional Background, page 3
8. Complete section “E” Financial Background, page 4
9. Review and sign the bottom of page 4
10. Review and sign Authorization and Release, page 5
11. Complete the applicant portion of the Academic and Professional Recommendation, page 6.
12. Ask someone in your work, academic, vocational, trade, technical or volunteer network to complete the
professional portion, also on page 6. Give them a self-addressed return envelope with the following
address: Hernando Her Next Step Scholarship Program, P.0. BOX 6650, Spring Hill, Florida 34611
13. Include a government issued photo identification such as a copy of your Driver’s License
14. Proof of Republican voter registration in Hernando County

Her Next Step Scholarship Program 2021
Sponsored by the Hernando County Republican Party

D. Personal and Professional Background

Please answer the below questions. If needed utilize one to three separate type written pages. Please do not use
less than a 12-point sized font.

1. List school, community activities including job or work functions.

2. List awards or recognition you may have received in the past three years, with social or charitable
organizations. You may also enter “Not Applicable” or “N/A” after this question.

3. List work experience including employer, part/full time, position held, dates of employment,
responsibilities (or attach your resume).

4. Describe the life experiences that have brought you to this point and time?

• In addition to the above select at least two of the below questions to answer:
o Why are you applying for this scholarship?
o What are you going to accomplish based on this scholarship?
o How will this scholarship change the trajectory of your life?
o What are your goals in the next decade?
o How will the training or education improve your family or community?

5. Include with this application two personal letters of recommendation. Please include your personal
reference’s name, address, cell phone and email.

Her Next Step Scholarship Program 2021
Sponsored by the Hernando County Republican Party

E. Financial Background

1. Marital status (Mark X): Single Married Separated Divorced Widowed

2. Do you own or rent?
3. Education completed
4. Career path
5. Academic or accredited vocational, trade or technical institution

6. Estimated tuition/books cost (yr.)

7. Are you or will you be receiving financial aid (scholarships, loans, grants, etc.)?
If yes, please describe including type and amounts.

8. Approximately what percentage of your education costs are covered?

9. Are you "Head of Household" or the primary source of income for your family?
10. Your family’s annual income: ($0-$30k), ($30k-$50k), ($50k+) or prefer not to say
11. What percent of total family income do your earnings represent? %
12. Indicate the number of people supported by your family income
13. What is the number of family members attending an academic or vocational, trade or technical
institution? __________

Please sign, date and return application including above documents, letters, pages, and forms by post marked
date MM/DD/YYYY to:
Hernando Republican Party
Hernando Her Next Step Scholarship Program
P.0. BOX 6650
Spring Hill, Florida 34611

By my signature below, I affirm that the information provided in this application packet and attachments is true
and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize the Hernando Republican Party to verify the correctness of
these statements to appraise this application.

Applicant Signature

Print Name


Her Next Step Scholarship Program 2021
Sponsored by the Hernando County Republican Party

Authorization and Waiver

Information Use Authorization

I, , upon being awarded a Hernando Her Next Step Scholarship,

hereby authorize the Hernando County Republican Party to use my name and photograph for the purposes of

advertising or otherwise promoting the Hernando Her Next Step Scholarship Program. No use of any other

information contained in or derived from this application is authorized to be used for such purposes or otherwise

shared or used in any forum or for any purpose other than evaluating my application under that program without

my explicit, written authorization.

Applicant Signature

Print Name


Press Release Waiver

I, ________________________________________, upon being awarded a Hernando Her Next Step Scholarship,

give Hernando County Republican Party permission to use my photograph for the purpose of placing photographs

in newspaper articles, marketing brochures and other mediums as deemed necessary for public relations activities

for the scholarship promotion campaign.

Applicant Signature

Print Name


Her Next Step Scholarship Program 2021
Sponsored by the Hernando County Republican Party

Professional Recommendation
For the Applicant: Name __________________________________________________________
In one to two sentences, summarize the nature and extent of your association with the individual you have asked to recommend
you. Then fill in either one or both of the following tables that apply.
Academic, Vocational, Trade or Technical
Academic or other Institution Course Title/Topic When Taken Grade Received

Other Settings or Activities (Community or Volunteer)

Setting/Activity Location Nature Time Span

For the Recommending Professional:

Please accept our thanks for completing this form as fully and accurately as possible. It will be a key part of our scholarship
award process. The applicant will have provided an addressed, stamped envelope for you to return the completed form. Please
note and keep in mind the deadline indicated on that envelope for us to be able to use it in our decision process.
1. Amplify (if appropriate) the applicant's summary of your relationship and interactions with her that are relevant to your
assessment of her qualifications in the context of the attached mission statement.

2. Indicate, relative to others you have interacted with Factor Top 1% Top 5% Top 20% Top 1/3 Lower 1/2 N/A
in similar situations and environments, where you Intellect
would rate the applicant's performance in each of Teamwork
these factors that most employers consider important Leadership
for their employees to exhibit. For each indicate your Self-motivated
rating as: Problem Solver
Superior (Top 1%), Professionalism
Outstanding (Top 5%) Work Ethic
Excellent (Top 20%) Positive Attitude
Good (Top l/3)
Average/Poor (Lower l/2)
or Unable to Judge, “Not Applicable” (N/A) Maturity
Self Confidence
Overall Potential
3. Sometimes talented people have only marginal academic records. Is it your opinion that this applicant's
educational records accurately reflect her abilities? Mark (X). Yes __, No __, No Opinion __, if No, please elaborate.

4. List any instances when the applicant positively influenced a campus or community group or activity in ways that illustrate
her commitment and ability to positive impact the purposes and goals of groups she chooses to support.

Signature _________________________________________Date ______________________

Printed _______________________________________________

School/Business/Organization _______________________________________Title ______________________


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