Arssdc Work Points I Have To Do

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Arssdc work

Points I have to do
• household and industrial solid waste management (specify recycling and/or disposal),

• internal and external communication systems (specify devices and central equipment),

• internal transportation systems (show routes and vehicles, with dimensions), and

• day/night cycle provisions (specify schedule and mechanisms/operations for providing it).

This is the basic information some of you will need to continue your work.

Population = 11500
Area per person m^2   =  54.65 m^2
Gravity = 1
RPM of residential torus =  1.037 
Solar Panel Required =  1.6 million m^2  (Dependent on requirements of Operations and Human Factor)
Surface Area available  =  1.9 million m^2 Residential Torus  (+ - ) 0.8 million m^2  
Air Pressure = 0.5
Crop Growth Chamber Area = 138 000 m^2
Torus internal diameter = 120 meter
Torus External diameter = 1.66 km
Pg 1
household and industrial solid waste management (specify recycling and/or disposal),


sewage management

Pipes would be laid all over the settlement in order to collect sewage, which would all be brought
to a recycling centre . Where electricity could be generated , and pure water obtained from it .
This would ensure that the water supply to the people of the settlement remains constant .

Water recycling

The recycled water should be used for

- crops

- industrial purposes

.drinking purposes


In order to use waste water for drinking or for any other purpose. it needs to be safe
and clean, the water must go through extensive cleaning. Treatment methods include
using chemicals and methods that kill any bacteria or unsavory thing in the water and
purify the water back to a state of safe use.

Purpose behind recycling

The water recycling would ensure that water is only brought once from the earth to
the settlement , and is recycled again and again inorder to meet the settlements

water would also be lost to the atmosphere in the form of water vapours from the
process of respiration and sweating. This would result in the water becoming humid .
so therefore in order to remove the water vapour from the atmosphere it would be
condensed into water and treated with uv rays inorder to kill any germs and bacteria
so that it should be fit for human consumption

also inorder to make the settlement as environmental friendly as possible the liquid
waste would also be recycled . different processes could be carried out in order to
make the liquid clean and fit for human consumption such as microbial fuel cell ,

Different wastes

Materials to be recycled are either brought to a collection center or picked up from the curbside, then they
are sorted by robots according to different classification, cleaned, and reprocessed into new materials

Such as for example wastes made up of metals would be first sorted , meloted and then recasted.
In the cas of paper related wastes , they would be first sorted according to different types and
then recycled inorder to make new paper related products. The wastes related to plastics would
be compressed by heating and then usede ot make new plasti related goods for the settlement
internal and external communication systems (specify devices and central equipment),

internal communications

for the internal communication the most feasible way of communicating would be by using
wireless technology secondly if the wires would be used inoreder to establish a communication
network the installation process would be compex and if unforfunately any problem occurs in
the network , it would be very difficult to fix the problem.moblie phones wopuld be used to
communicate which would be charged by using solar energy . charging points would be made all
around the settlement . each phone wopuld have a solar strip attached on the mobile which would
convert solar energy in order to run the phone . this would be a cheap , cost effective and
environmentally friendly solution in order to provide communications

the whole network would be controlled by a central server , which would be responsible for
ensuring the smooth running of the system , and managing the security if the netwoprk in order
to prevent cyber crimes

external communications

communication with the outer world is very essential ,especially with the earth and other
settlements . therefore inorder to provide with with an effiecent and fast comminuncation from a
such long distance , we would use radio waves for the transmitting of information.the earth
stations would receive the signals which would be set up in the erarth .the communications
would occur in extremely high frequency bands.thuis ensuring that the communication means
would be effiecnt

have to improve it more

The recycling and the disposal of household and industrial wastes
Household and industrial solid waste management


The recycling of household and industrial solid wastes covers countless things


The purpose of recycling is to keep solid waste minimum and new products are
manufactured in order to meet the settlements demands, out of the waste. Thus
ensuring new input is kept to minimum. It would make the settlement more productive
and self sustainable

how to do it

Household waste includes biodegradable, organic and non biodegradable. All these types cannot be
recycled using the same methods. Some are easier to recycle whereas others are harder but the
settlement will not have any other choice but to recycle as much of the waste as possible.

Each household will be provided with its respective waste bin. Every night robots will collect the waste
and relay each type of waste to where it will be recycled and so in this way a waste cycle will form which
will efficiently manage household waste.

Material Process
External and internal commmunications system

Reverse osmosis to be used in order to convert liquid waste into drinkable water
Day and night provisions (final) specify schedule and mechanisms/operations for providing it).

Day and night provisions (final)

In order to provide day and night provisions we would use Electro chromic smart glasses. They would be
electronically controlled and their opacity can be adjusted when needed by altering the voltage that
passes through it. After the change in its opacity has been made a constant supply of electric current is
not needed to maintain that state. Apart from controlling the amount of light entering the settlement, it
would also help in controlling the amount of heat passing through it .a big advantage of this glass is that it
provides visibility even in the darkened state, thus the residents of the settlement can have a view of the
space even at night time.

Day and night provisions

Option no 1:

Day and Night Cycle will be based on the following schedules to simulate the natural elongation and contraction of the day and night
during each season. The Mylar surface is highly efficient in heat insulation and reflection of light (97% percent). Hence heat and light
will be conserved within the settlement. For moderate and other variable light intensity, the Smart Glass (electro-chromic glass) will be
digitally controlled to maneuver its opacity for the desired intensity. For complete and maximum light intensity, the solar cell plates
covering the PC Transparent Ceramics will converge or separate.

The settlement will always be rotating and revolving in such an orbit that it will always face the sun and will have
continuous sunlight falling on one side of the torus. The side will have solar panels and gaps within the solar panels
that will allow the light to pass through it and provide real sunlight. The light
passing through windows will actually be solar panels which will slide in and out to allow sunlight to enter or block it.
SUMMER 13-15
AUTUMN 11-13
SPRING 11-13
Lights at night or workplace will be transmitted via fibre optics to provide illumination. PHOLED lights will be used when
the mars moons obstruct the sunlight for short durations.
Each quadrant of the settlement will be at an 8 hrs time difference. This will ensure that most of the people always
work in the day shift and are not exposed to the health hazards of working in the night shifts. This will also allow
economic activity round the clock.:

option 3:

There are two ways of creating day-night cycles. In the orbit there
is no night, only day for 24hours every day. One way is by installing
mirrors all over the settlement and when the mirrors are vertical
it would allow light to pass through and it would be the day
time. When the mirrors are horizontal then they would reflect all
the light and that would be the night time. The time allotted for the
rotation of the mirrors would be fixed according to different seasons.
Another of making the day night cycle is by using smart
glass in the settlement. The smart glass is a material that
changes light transmission when potential difference is applied. It controls the amount of heat and light
passing through it. The glass can turn from transparent to opaque and back again too. Figure 3.2 (g)
shows the composition of Smart Glass

information from the net:

Smart glass, EGlass, or switchable glass, also called smart windows or switchable windows in its

application to windows or skylights, refers to electrically switchable glass or glazing which changes light
transmission properties when voltage is applied.

Certain types of smart glass can allow users to control the amount of light and heat passing through: with
the press of a button, it changes from transparent to translucent, partially blocking light while maintaining
a clear view of what lies behind the window. Another type of smart glass can provide privacy at the turn of
a switch.

Smart glass technologies include electrochromic devices, suspended particle devices, Micro-

Blinds and liquid crystal devices.

The use of smart glass can save costs for heating, air-conditioning and lighting and avoid the cost of
installing and maintaining motorized light screens or blinds or curtains. When opaque, liquid crystal or
electrochromic smart glass blocks most UV, thereby reducing fabric fading; for SPD-type smart glass, this
is achieved when used in conjunction with low-e low emissivity coatings.

Critical aspects of smart glass include installation costs, the use of electricity, durability, as well as
functional features such as the speed of control, possibilities for dimming, and the degree of transparency
of the glass.

Water to be processed Filtration Beds Micro-filtration layers UV Radiation Treatment Micro-Organic matter removal Precipitation of metal ions Reverse Osmosis Units Hydro-Ionic Regulation
Subsection Flouride Ions for tooth decay prevention Chloride ions to prevent disinfection Naturally occurring mineral ions for taste

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