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are produced

by two progressive aves.

27. Beats
loudness at the
waxing is
rtimes the loudnece
ess of Maxiwave
cach mum
The value of x is:
(b) 2 (c) 2
(a) 1 (d) 4
frequency 480 Hz
produces 10 beats
28) A tuning fork of per
sounded with a vibrating sonomete
secondwhen the frequency oft string,
What must have
increase in tension produces fewer beats per second than slight
(a) 460 Hz (b) 470 Hz (c) 480 Hz (d) 490 Hz

standing between two cliffs, claps his h ds and

A man
29. starts hearing a series of echoes at interv of one seco If
in air is 340 m/s, then
speed of sound the
cliffs is:
(a) 340 m
(b) 680 m (c) 1020 m (d) 1360 m
30. A tuning fork gives 4 beats with S0 cm length of a
sonometer wire. If the length of the wire is shortened
I cm, the number of beats is still the same. The frequency of
the fork is: (MPPMT 2001)
(a) 404 Hz (b) 400 Hz (c)396 Hz (d) 384 Hz
31. In a stationary wave:
maximum at antinodes
(a) strain
(b) strain is maximum at
(c) strain is minimum at nodes
(d) amplitude is zero at all point
(e) strain is constant throughout
32. In a stationary sound wave produced in air:

each air particle executes vibrations with the same

(b) amplitude of vibration is maximum at some places
(c) air particles are stationary
(d) the particles do not execute periodic motion
33. When stationary waves are set up, pick out the correct
statement from the following.
(a) All the particles in the medium are in the same phase of
vibration at all times and distances
(6) The particles with an interval between two consecutive
nodes are in phase, but the particles in two such
consecutive intervals are of opposite phase
(c) The phase lag along the path of the wave increases
the distance from the source increases
(d) Only antinodes are in same phase
34. Phase difference between two particles ofa medium ying
between two consecutive nodes is:
(a) zero (b) /4 (c) T2 (d) T
35. In the equation
y=4cos (27x/ 50)sin 100tt,y Tp
the displacement of a article at the distan x from the
origin and at the time t. Then, a node occurs at thefollow
(a) 12.5 cm (b) 50 em
(c) 20 cmn (d) (100/271) cm
The equation of a plane progressive wave is:

y=009 sin 87
When it is reflected at rigid support, its amplitude becomes
(2/3rd of its previous value. The equation of the reflected
wave is:

(a) y= 0.09sin 8t| t - 0 b)y=0.06 sin 8t

(c)=0.06sin 87t|+ (d)y=-0.06 sin 8t|1+
8, The equation of a plane progressive wave is:

y=002sin 8
When it is reflected at a rarer medium, its
becomes 75% of its previous value. The equation of the
reflected wave is:
(a) y= 002 sin 8t
(b) y= 0.02 sin 87t |t +

(c) y=+a015sin 87t t +

(d) y=-0015sin 8t-
(39 Three sound waves of equal amplitude have frequencies
(v- 1), v,(V+1) They superpose to give beats. The
number of beats produced per second will be:
NEET 2016 (Phase-II]
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1
40. Ten tuning forks are aranged in increasing order of their
frequencies in such a way that any two nearest tuning forks
produce 4 beats per second. The highest frequency is twice
that of the lowest. Possible highest and lowest frequencies
(a) 80 and 40 (b) 100 and 50
(c) 44 and 22 (d) 72 and 36
41. For production of beats the two sources must have:
(a) different frequencies and same amplitude
(b) different frequencies
(c) different frequencies, same amplitude and same phase
(d) different frequencies and same phase
Two waves: y= 025sin 316t,
y 0.25sin 310t
are travelling in same direction. The number of beats
(AIPMT 2005)
produced per second will be:
(b) 3 (c) 3/T (d) 3t
(a) 6

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