Urban Forestry & Urban Greening: Katia Perini, Adriano Magliocco

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Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 13 (2014) 495–506

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Urban Forestry & Urban Greening

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Effects of vegetation, urban density, building height, and atmospheric

conditions on local temperatures and thermal comfort
Katia Perini ∗ , Adriano Magliocco
University of Genoa, Department of Architectural Sciences, Stradone S. Agostino, 37, 16123 Genoa, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: This paper shows the effects of several variables, which co-cause the Urban Heat Island effect on temper-
ENVI-met ature distribution and outdoor thermal comfort (by using the Predicted Mean Vote, PMV) on dense urban
Green roof environments. The study was conducted by means of a three-dimensional microclimate model, ENVI-met
3.1, which forecasts the microclimatic changes within urban environments. The effects of building density
Thermal comfort
(% of built area) and canyon effect (building height) on potential temperature, mean radiant temperature,
Urban heat island
Vegetation and Predicted Mean Vote distribution are quantified. The influence of several types of green areas (vegeta-
tion on the ground and on roofs) on temperature mitigation and on comfort improvements is investigated
for different atmospheric conditions and latitudes in a Mediterranean climate. The research quantifies
the effects of the variables investigated on temperature distributions and in determining outdoor com-
fort conditions. Vegetation on the ground and on roofs mitigates summer temperatures, decreases the
indoor cooling load demand, and improves outdoor comfort. The results of the study demonstrate that
density and height of buildings in a city area influence potential temperature, mean radiant temperature,
and Predicted Mean Vote distribution; for most of the cases examined higher density causes higher tem-
peratures and with taller buildings vegetation has higher cooling effects. Considering the cooling effect
of vegetation, a difference can be noticed depending on the amount of green areas and vegetation type.
The results of this study show also that vegetation is more effective with higher temperatures and lower
relative humidity values in mitigating potential temperatures, mean radiant temperatures, and PMV and
in decreasing the cooling load demand.
© 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Introduction side-effects of human activities, and the excess of asphalted areas

(low albedo) in comparison to green areas cause the urban heat
European cities tend to be densely built and have become to island phenomenon: temperature difference between cities and
be highly polluted; this is an environmental topic which is impor- suburban or rural areas is determined by this phenomenon (2–5 ◦ C;
tant to address (Legambiente, 2011). Four out of five European Taha, 1997). Several studies show that this phenomenon has been
citizens live in urban areas, and their quality of life is directly increasing in these past years with the rise of temperatures in cities
influenced by the state of urban environment; the environmental (Böhm, 1998; Hasanean, 2001; Rozbicki and Golaszewski, 2003),
problems within cities have significant consequences on human and causes damage to human health especially during summer
health, citizens’ quality of life as also urban economic performance periods, when air temperatures remain high also during the night
(COM/2005/0718). David Owen (2009) states that people living in (Taha, 1997; Tereshchenko and Filonov, 2001). High urban tem-
cities consume less energy compared to people living in suburbs peratures have caused in Europe a drastic increase in using cooling
or rural areas, therefore reducing the negative effects of envi- systems (which cause the emission of pollutants coming from the
ronmental issues for human health and quality of life to pursue use of fossil sources). Studies ordered by the European Union, such
sustainable development is mandatory. High levels of pollution as “Energy Efficiency and Certification of Central Air Condition-
in the atmosphere along with “cementification” of urban areas, ers” (EECCAC) and “Energy Efficiency of Room Air Conditioners”
(EERAC), forecast for 15 European member states an increase up
to four times of the energy consumption for air conditioning. The
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 3282144076. use of air conditioning related to higher temperatures increases,
E-mail addresses: kperini@arch.unige.it, katia.perini7@gmail.com (K. Perini), itself, the Urban Heat Island phenomenon (UHI, Landsberg, 1981;
magliocc@arch.unige.it (A. Magliocco). Santamouris et al., 2001; Nakamatsu et al., 2003; Petralli et al.,

1618-8667/© 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
496 K. Perini, A. Magliocco / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 13 (2014) 495–506

2006). This is an important field to investigate for the creation of The aim of the study presented is to quantitatively investigate
a more sustainable environment since buildings consume about the influence of several variables, which co-cause the Urban Heat
40% of the energy used (IEA-ECBCS, International Energy Agency – Island effect, on temperature distribution (potential temperature
Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems, Annual and mean radiant temperature) and on outdoor thermal comfort
report 2012). (PMV) in a typical city area. The role played by vegetation on the
Huge quantities of solar radiations are mainly stored and re- ground – green areas with grass, trees, shrubs – and green roofs in
radiated in urban areas due to massive construction material and mitigating summer temperatures (and consequently in reducing
canyon effect, which is more relevant with taller buildings (Arnfield the energy demand for air conditioning) and in improving com-
et al., 1999; Santamouris et al., 2001). A study conducted in the fort will be quantified. A simulation tool, ENVI-met Version 3.1
city of Florence (Italy) shows the impact of green areas on air BETA V, is used to forecast the microclimatic changes within urban
temperatures inside the city. The conclusion was that the tem- environment.
perature distribution is connected to the distance from the city The quantitative research is focused on building density (% of
centre, the mean number of buildings per square metre, and their built area) and “cementification”, canyon effect (building height),
height. Higher air temperatures were found in the city centre. and atmospheric conditions (temperature, humidity, wind speed,
Within green areas located in the city centre (parks or gardens) and wind direction). To investigate the effects of building density,
lower temperatures were recorded compared to the ones recorded different configurations are simulated, as well as different build-
in the street (1.5–2 ◦ C, Petralli et al., 2006). This happens because ing heights to evaluate the role of canyon effect. Three different
greened surfaces have different albedo values compared to arti- locations (latitudes), Milan, Genoa, and Rome (Italy), and for each a
ficial hard surfaces (20–30% for vegetation and 5% for asphalt, typical summer day and the hottest summer day, are analysed with
Mariani and Sovrano Sangallo, 2005) and high concentration of the aim to quantify the effects of different atmospheric conditions
water (Taha, 1997). Within urban areas, the impact of evapotranspi- in Mediterranean climate.
ration and shading of plants can significantly reduce the amount of
heat that would be re-radiated by façades and other hard surfaces
(Scudo and Ochoa De La Torre, 2003; Shashua-Bar and Hoffman, Methodology
In addition to green areas on the ground, also green roofs can With the aim to forecast the microclimatic changes within urban
have an important role, as they can represent up to 32% of the hor- environment, a simulation tool, ENVI-met Version 3.1 BETA V,
izontal surface of built-up areas (Frazer, 2005). Rosenzweig et al. was used. Envi-met is a three-dimensional microclimate model
(2006) suggested that if New York City covers 50% of roof tops with designed to simulate the surface–plant–air interactions in urban
green roofs, the temperature difference between the city and its environment with a typical resolution of 0.5–10 m in space and
surroundings may decrease by 0.8 ◦ C. 10 s in time; Envi-met can be used to evaluate several aspects of
The effects of vegetation on microclimate depend also on atmo- urban canyons and the effects of vegetation on outdoor comfort
spheric conditions (local climate), as demonstrated by Alexandri and urban heat island mitigation (Bruse and Fleer, 1998).
and Jones (2008); the authors simulated a temperature decrease in Several configurations were simulated. These vary depending
an urban canyon with green façades and green roofs for a reduction on location, climatic conditions, building density and height, veg-
of air temperature higher than 6 ◦ C for a Mediterranean climate and etation type and quantity. With respect to the locations, latitudes
up to 4 ◦ C for a temperate climate. corresponding to Milan (Lat. 45.29, Long. 9.11), Genoa (Lat. 44.24,
The effects of vegetation on microclimate and comfort can be Long. 8.55), and Rome (Lat. 41.54, Long. 12.30) are considered
evaluated by using environmental modelling. This was conceived (Fig. 1). For each city enumerated climatic data recorded within the
with the aim to understand many of the current environmental city centre during the months of June, July, and August at 10:00 A.M.
problems; it allows to quantify the effects due to zone changes (land in the last three years have been collected (available to the public on
coverage) on meteorological parameter and on quality of life con- the regions’ web sites at http://www.cartografiarl.regione.liguria.
sequences, through microclimate models as Envi-met (Nardino and it/; http://ita.arpalombardia.it/; http://www.arpalazio.net/main/
Georgiadis, 2011). aria/sci/basedati/meteo.php). According to ENVI-met 3.1 Manual
Envi-met models have been used in several studies to evalu- (Bruse, 2009) a numerical model needs initialisation time, which
ate the effects of the characteristics of cities on their microclimate. cannot be at noon, since the model would not be able to “guess”
Krüger et al. (2011) observed and estimated relations between the right start conditions. The time 10:00 A.M. was chosen for this
urban morphology and changes to microclimate and air quality study so that calculations can follow the atmospheric processes,
within a city centre; Fahmy et al. (2010) studied the leaf area index avoiding overlong simulations (time needed for each simulation).
(LAI) using ENVI-met plants database as platform for a foliage mod- For each variable related to the atmospheric conditions – tem-
elling parameter, the leaf area density (LAD). Ali-Toudert and Mayer perature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction – about
(2007) analyse the relation between outdoor thermal comfort and 16,000 data have been used. The “Average summer day” repre-
the design of an urban street by using the three-dimensional sents a typical summer day, according to a statistical analysis
microclimate model ENVI-met; they found that vertical profiles which has been used to evaluate the significance of the data. Since
and different orientations of street have a moderate impact on the average values do not represent extreme conditions, these
the air temperature and a strong effect on the heat gained by a are separately analysed (“hottest summer day”). For all the cases
human body: the larger the openness to the sky of the canyon, analysed, climatic data of temperature and relative humidity are
the higher the heat stress. For canyons with a smaller sky view, normally distributed. In confirmation of this, for both tempera-
the orientation is also decisive: E–W canyons are the most stress- ture and relative humidity the percentage of data which fall inside
ful and deviating from this orientation ameliorates their thermal the interval (average ± standard deviation) varies between 65% and
conditions. Yang et al. (2013) compared field measurements of the 72% (expected normal value 68.3%) and between 94% and 95.6% in
thermal behaviour of different types of ground surface and the data the interval (average ±2 times standard deviation) with expected
obtained with an ENVI-met model. The results show that the ENVI- normal value 95.5%. The correlation between the collected data
met model is capable of reasonably modelling the diurnal thermal for relative humidity and temperature is negative with a Pearson
behaviour of different ground surfaces and their effects on local air Coefficient (degree of linear dependence between two variables) of
temperature and humidity. −0.75 for Milan and Rome and −0.40 for Genoa, which shows that
K. Perini, A. Magliocco / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 13 (2014) 495–506 497

To evaluate the effect of vegetation in mitigating the urban

heat island phenomenon and in enhancing outdoor thermal com-
fort, three different cases are simulated: “no green”, “green A”,
“green B”. “Green A” and “green B” vary depending on the den-
sity (1 or 2). For “density 1”, “green A” is made of 16 green roofs
(12,000 m2 ) and 11 green areas on the ground (30,000 m2 ), while
for “density 2” 32 green roofs (24,000 m2 ) and 2 green areas on
the ground (8000 m2 ) are considered. With respect to “green B”,
“density 1” includes 56 green roofs (42,000 m2 ) and 23 green areas
on the ground (37,900 m2 ), whereas “density 2” 96 green roofs
(72,000 m2 ) and 2 green areas on the ground (8000 m2 ; Table 2).
Vegetation on the ground is made of a mix of trees with dif-
ferent heights (10–15–20 m), density (very dense, average dense,
light dense), 2 m height hedges, and grass. Green roofs are mostly
planted with grass. Just in the case of “density 2” – “green B” green
roofs are planted also with hedges to simulate an intensive green
roof (Fig. 2). The ground surface, if not greened, is paved.
Coming from the variables described (location, climate, density,
height, green), 72 different configurations are simulated with ENVI-
met 3.1.
As shown in Fig. 2 vegetation and all the other components of the
model (e.g. buildings) are included in the model domain by allocat-
ing various natural soils or artificial materials for each grid cell. Each
vegetation grid cell has its own characteristics. The grid resolution
used for the simulated area measures 5 m horizontally and 2 m ver-
tically (52 m × 52 m × 2 m). A mesh of 80 × 80 grids was allocated
onto the entire model area (4002 m × 4002 m), with a resolution of
5 m. All the simulations carried out start at 10:00 A.M. and run for
4 h; the model saves the data every 60 min.
Fig. 1. Locations considered in this study: Milan, Genoa, Rome (Italy).
For each of the 72 simulations the output regards the poten-
tial temperature, the mean radiant temperature, the Predicted
Mean Vote at 1:00 P.M. The graphical interface Leonardo is used
there is a linear correlation between these two variables. For wind for displaying and analysing the numerical data coming from all
speed and wind direction data reflecting the frequency have been the simulations. To quantify the effects of the several variables
used. described above on air temperatures, the potential temperature
The “Hottest summer day” is the day with the highest Thom at 1.6 m height is used. Potential temperature is the temperature
discomfort index (Table 1). This index (Thom and Bosen, 1959) is at a standard pressure p0 (1000 mbar). Data of potential tempera-
used to combine the several parameters to evaluate which is the ture mitigation are used to calculate the potential energy savings
hottest day in terms of effective temperature; values from 24 to thanks to a simplified steady state analysis. In fact the presence of
27 indicate that more than 50% of people feel discomfort, values vegetation can decrease the cooling load demands inside buildings
from 27 to 29 reveal that most of people feel discomfort and their due to microclimatic modifications (Alexandri and Jones, 2008). The
psychophysical conditions are deteriorating. radiative cooling effects are quantified considering the mean radi-
Typical city areas are simulated; these are designed according to ant temperatures simulated at the ground level. Finally, with the
the characteristics of a certain number of neighbourhoods built in aim to evaluate the thermal comfort at street level, Predicted Mean
the last century in Milan, Genoa, Rome (Italy), and European cities Vote data are taken at 1.6 m height from the ground level. The Pre-
(instead of analysing real case studies with the aim to consider more dicted Mean Vote (PMV) is a comfort index defined by Fanger (1970)
variables with respect to building density and height). The dimen- and mentioned in the ISO 7730:2006 (“Ergonomics of the ther-
sion of the built surface area is 400 m × 400 m (160,000 m2 ). The mal environment – Analytical determination and interpretation of
main long axis of the buildings runs South-North. This orientation thermal comfort using calculation of the PMV and PPD indices and
was chosen as the mostly used during the second post-war building local thermal comfort criteria”). PMV takes into account several
boom (immediately after World War II a great number of build- parameters (e.g. air temperature, mean radiant temperature, wind
ings were constructed, according to population growth, migratory speed); positive values indicate hot-warm, while negative values
flow in direction to metropolis, and to the post-war reconstruction; cold. According to the ISO 7730:2006 PMV values between +0.5
Novi, 1999). and −0.5 correspond to a well-being thermal comfort condition.
To investigate the effect of building density on microclimate,
different configurations have been simulated (Table 2). “Density
1” is made of an area in which buildings cover 30% of the total Results and discussion
surface (48,000 m2 ) with 32 buildings 30 m × 20 m and 32 buildings
30 m × 30 m. For the case “density 2” buildings cover 50% of the total Cooling effects – potential temperature
surface (80,000 m2 ) with 55 buildings 30 m × 20 m and 53 buildings
30 m × 30 m. The output of the simulations in the case of “no green” shows
The influence of the canyon effect in determining microclimate that density and height of buildings influence the potential tem-
conditions is evaluated considering two different heights of build- perature distribution (Fig. 3). Looking at the highest outdoor
ings: “height A” is 14 m (4 floors buildings), “height B” is 24 m potential temperatures reached, it can be noticed that higher den-
(7 floors buildings). These are both very common in the building sity causes higher potential temperatures, since the case “density
heritage of last century’s construction trends. 1” reaches 34.51 ◦ C and the case “density 2” 35.46 ◦ C with the same
498 K. Perini, A. Magliocco / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 13 (2014) 495–506

Table 1
Average atmospheric data of typical summer days and atmospheric data of the hottest summer days recorded at 10:00 A.M. in the city centre of Milan, Genoa, and Rome
(Italy), considering June, July and August of the last 3 years.

Temperature (◦ C) Rel. humidity (%) Wind speed (m/s) Wind direction Thom DI

Average summer day 23.78 56.09 2.09 South
Hottest summer day 31.00 52.00 1.70 South 26.5
Average summer day 26.27 67.47 3.19 South
Hottest summer day 30.60 79.00 2.50 South 27.6
Average summer day 26.75 59.67 2.43 North
Hottest summer day 32.22 63.00 1.54 S–W 28

building height. Also the height of buildings plays an important Considering the effects of vegetation in mitigating potential
role: with “density 1” and building “height B” the potential tem- temperatures, a difference can be noticed depending on the amount
peratures reach 33.63 ◦ C (with almost 1 ◦ C difference compared to of green areas, vegetation type (green roofs, green areas with trees,
“height A”). In the case of “density 2” the difference between “height shrubs, and grass), atmospheric conditions, locations, building den-
A” and “height B” is more evident: with “height B” the potential sity, and height.
temperature is the lowest (31.78 ◦ C), with a difference of 3.68 ◦ C. Fig. 4shows the potential temperature reduction – considering
Therefore it can be noticed that with taller buildings temperatures the highest temperatures reached in a single point in the area
are lower; this can be due to the shading effect of taller build- analysed – due to vegetation for the average summer day and the
ings at street level at 1:00 P.M. The same trend was found for all hottest summer day in Milan. The data reported reveal that with
the other locations and atmospheric conditions analysed in this more vegetation potential temperatures are lower. The positive
study. effect in temperature reduction can be noticed for all the cases

Fig. 2. Part of an ENVi-met 3.1 Model Domain. Vegetation type: “xx” grass, “h” hedge (dense, 2 m height), “MO” Tree 20 m height – average dense, “SM” Tree 20 m height –
very dense; “SK” Tree 15 m height-very dense, “DS” Tree 10 m height-dense, “l2” Tree 15 m height-light. “14” indicates the building height.
K. Perini, A. Magliocco / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 13 (2014) 495–506 499

Table 2
Configurations simulated with ENVI-met 3.1.

Built area surface: 400 m × 400 m (160,000 m2 ).

Orientation of buildings: east-western axis (north top).

No green Green A Green B

Density 1

Height A Buildings cover 30% of the total surface Buildings cover 30% of the total surface Buildings cover 30% of the total surface
(48,000 m2 ). 32 buildings 30 m × 20 m; 32 (48,000 m2 ). 32 buildings 30 m × 20 m; 32 (48,000 m2 ). 32 buildings 30 m × 20 m; 32
buildings 30 m × 30 m.4 floors buildings, 14 m buildings 30 m × 30 m. 4 floors buildings, 14 m buildings 30 m × 30 m. 4 floors buildings, 14 m
height height height
16 green roofs (12,000 m2 ). 11 green areas on 56 green roofs (42,000 m2 ). 23 green areas on
the ground (30,000 m2 ) the ground (37,900 m2 )

Density 2

Height A Buildings cover 50% of the total surface Buildings cover 50% of the total surface Buildings cover 50% of the total surface
(80,000 m2 ). 55 buildings 30 m × 20 m; 53 (80,000 m2 ). 55 buildings 30 m × 20 m; 53 (80,000 m2 ). 55 buildings 30 m × 20 m; 53
buildings 30 m × 30 m. 4 floors buildings, 14 m buildings 30 m × 30 m. 4 floors buildings, 14 m buildings 30 m × 30 m. 4 floors buildings, 14 m
height height height
32 green roofs (24,000 m2 ). 2 green areas on 96 green roofs (72,000 m2 ). 2 green areas on
the ground (8000 m2 ) the ground (8000 m2 )

Density 1

Height B Buildings cover 30% of the total surface Buildings cover 30% of the total surface Buildings cover 30% of the total surface
(48,000 m2 ). 32 buildings 30 m × 20 m; 32 (48,000 m2 ). 32 buildings 30 m × 20 m; 32 (48,000 m2 ). 32 buildings 30 m × 20 m; 32
buildings 30 m × 30 m. 7 floors buildings, 24 m buildings 30 m × 30 m. 7 floors buildings, 24 m buildings 30 m × 30 m. 7 floors buildings, 24 m
height height height
16 green roofs (12,000 m2 ). 11 green areas on 56 green roofs (42,000 m2 ). 23 green areas on
the ground (30,000 m2 ) the ground (37,900 m2 )

Density 2

Height B Buildings cover 50% of the total surface Buildings cover 50% of the total surface Buildings cover 50% of the total surface
(80,000 m2 ). 55 buildings 30 m × 20 m; 53 (80,000 m2 ). 55 buildings 30 m × 20 m; 53 (80,000 m2 ). 55 buildings 30 m × 20 m; 53
buildings 30 m × 30 m. 7 floors buildings, 24 m buildings 30 m × 30 m. 7 floors buildings, 24 m buildings 30 m × 30 m. 7 floors buildings, 24 m
height height height
32 green roofs (24,000 m2 ). 2 green areas on 96 green roofs (72,000 m2 ). 2 green areas on
the ground (8000 m2 ) the ground (8000 m2 )

analysed and especially for building “density 1” and “height B”, “density 2” and “height A” with a potential temperature difference
by up to 1.52 ◦ C difference between “no green” and “green B” of 0.2–0.29 ◦ C for “green B” and 0.1–0.13 ◦ C for “green A”. This
and 0.62 ◦ C difference between “no green” and “green A” for happens because the vegetation type assumed for the simulations
the average summer day. Vegetation is less effective in case of is different between building “density 1” and “density 2” (green
500 K. Perini, A. Magliocco / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 13 (2014) 495–506

Genoa. A positive effect in temperature reduction can be noticed

for all the cases analysed: vegetation on the ground is again more
effective at street level and especially for building “density 1” and
“height B”, with a difference up to 1.54 ◦ C and 0.63 ◦ C respectively
between “no green” – “green B and “no green” – “green A” for the
average summer day, while for the hottest summer day these values
are 1.59 ◦ C and 0.64 ◦ C.
Also for this location it can be noticed that with more vegeta-
tion (“green B”) potential temperatures are lower. An exception
is the case of “density 2” – “height A”, for which a little difference
between “green A” and “green B” can be noticed (0.06–0.19 ◦ C). Rel-
evant temperature difference can be found in the case of building
“density 2” – “height B” with a potential temperature difference of
1.44–1.17 ◦ C for “green B” and 0.4–0.66 for “green A”. Not a relevant
difference can be noticed between the hottest summer day and the
average summer day; in the case of Genoa the air temperature dif-
ference is lower (4.33 ◦ C) and relative humidity is pretty high for the
hottest summer day (79%; Table 1). As found also by Alexandri and
Jones (2008) the hotter and drier a climate is, the more important
the effect of vegetation in mitigating urban temperatures is.
Compared to Milan and Genoa also Rome reveals a similar trend
for the highest potential temperatures reached in the whole city
area analysed (Fig. 6). For all the cases analysed a positive effect
of vegetation in reducing summer temperatures can be noticed,
especially when more vegetation is assumed. The highest potential
temperatures reached are lower when building density is lower
Fig. 3. Milan (Italy), 1:00 P.M. average summer day – highest outdoor potential (“density 1”) thanks to the wide green areas on the ground which
temperatures reached at 1.6 m from the ground for the “no green” situation with mitigate summer temperatures at 1.6 m high; when buildings are
different building densities and heights. 14 m high (“height A”) the potential temperature reduction goes
from 0.47 to 0.49 ◦ C for “green A” and from 1.28 to 1.56 ◦ C for
roofs are not very effective at 1.6 m high from the ground). In “green B”. In the case of “height B” the potential temperature dif-
general it can be noticed that vegetation is more effective with ference, compared with a “no green” situation, is 0.84–0.78 ◦ C for
higher temperatures (“hottest summer day”); this happens also “green A” and 1.65–1.61 for “green B”. When the building den-
because the air temperature difference between the average day sity is higher the effect of vegetation on potential temperature is
and the hottest day is high (7.22 ◦ C; relative humidity and wind lower: between 0.17 and 0.29 ◦ C for “green A” and between 0.68
speed do not vary much, Table 1). and 0.39 for “green B” case. In general it can be noticed that veg-
Fig. 5 shows the potential temperature reduction due to vege- etation is more effective with higher temperatures; this happens
tation for the average summer day and the hottest summer day in also because the air temperature difference between the “average

Fig. 4. Potential temperature reduction (◦ C) due to vegetation (“green A” and “green B” cases) at 1.6 m for building “density 1” and “height A”, building “density 1” and “height
B”, building “density 2” and “height A”, building “density 2” and “height B”, Milan average summer day and hottest summer day at 1:00 P.M.
K. Perini, A. Magliocco / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 13 (2014) 495–506 501

Fig. 5. Potential temperature reduction (◦ C) due to vegetation (“green A” and “green B” cases) at 1.6 m for building “density 1” and “height A”, building “density 1” and “height
B”, building “density 2” and “height A”, building “density 2” and “height B”, Genoa average summer day and hottest summer day at 1:00 P.M.

summer day” and the “hottest summer day” is, as well as for Milan, and trees and a “no green” area with the same conditions is around
high (5.47 ◦ C), while relative humidity and wind speed do not vary 3.5 ◦ C.
much (Table 1).
The results through all the cases analysed reveal lower temper- Radiative cooling effects – mean radiant temperature
atures for “green A” and “green B” compared to “no green”, and thus
resulting in cooling effect. Finally it can be mentioned that inside Green areas have a radiative cooling effect as vegetation miti-
the green areas potential temperatures are much lower compared gates mean radiant temperatures behind the foliage and also in the
to the highest temperatures recorded in the whole city area ana- surrounding (streets next to green areas), as shown in Figs. 4–6.
lysed (the temperatures shown in Figs. 4–6 and in Table 3). The Considering the effects of vegetation on the mean radiant tem-
potential temperature difference between a green area with grass peratures a difference can be noticed depending on the amount

Fig. 6. Potential temperature reduction (◦ C) due to vegetation (“green A” and “green B” cases) at 1.6 m for building “density 1” and “height A”, building “density 1” and “height
B”, building “density 2” and “height A”, building “density 2” and “height B”, Rome average summer day and hottest summer day at 1:00 P.M.
502 K. Perini, A. Magliocco / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 13 (2014) 495–506

D2 – HB
green B








D2 – Ha
green A








D2 – Hb










D2 – Ha
green B







D2 – Ha
green A






Fig. 7. Mean radiant temperature reduction (◦ C) due to vegetation (“green A” and

“green B” cases) for building “density 1” and “height A”, building “density 1” and
“height B”, building “density 2” and “height A”, building “density 2” and “height B”,
Milan average summer day and hottest summer day at 1:00 P.M.
D2 – Ha







Highest values reached in the whole city area analysed at 1:00 P.M. Pot. temperature and PMV at 1.6 m high and mean radiant temperature.

of green areas (“green A”, “green B”), vegetation type (green roofs,
green areas with trees, shrubs, and grass), atmospheric conditions,
locations, building density, and height.
D1 – Hb
green B










As shown in Fig. 7 the highest mean radiant temperatures


reached in a single point of the whole city area analysed thanks to

the presence of vegetation are lower compared to a “no green” case
(see Table 3), except for the case of “density 2” – “height B” – “green
D1 – Hb
green A

A” for which a small negative impact can be noticed (−0.25 ◦ C).






The results of the simulations reveal that with more vegetation

mean radiant temperatures are lower. When building density is
higher vegetation is less effective resulting in a small reduction
(from −0.25 to 0.22 ◦ C for “green A” and from 0.34 to 0.56 ◦ C for
D1 – Hb









“green B”). As noticed also for the potential temperature distribu-


tion this is due to the different vegetation type assumed for building
“density 1” and “density 2”. The highest temperature reduction due
to vegetation has been found in “density 1” – “height B” – “green
D1 – Ha
green B

B” with a temperature difference by 1.96 ◦ C in the “hottest summer





day”. In general it can be noticed that between the “average summer

day” and the “hottest summer day” not a relevant difference on the
effects of vegetation has been found. This shows that mean radiant
D1 – Ha

temperatures are not so influenced by the atmospheric conditions

green A








(in this case air temperature) whereas potential temperatures are.



Fig. 8 shows the mean radiant temperature reduction due to

vegetation for the “average summer day” and the “hottest summer
day” in Genoa. Vegetation has a radiative cooling effect in most of
D1 – Ha

the cases analysed. For “density 1” mean radiant temperatures are











lower with more vegetation (“green B” from 0.69 to 1.06; “green

A” from 0.24 to 0.5 ◦ C). The effect of vegetation can also be very
small or negative, as it happens for the case “green A” – “density
Tmrad(C◦ )

Tmrad(C◦ )

Tmrad(C◦ )

Tmrad(C◦ )

Tmrad(C◦ )

Tmrad(C◦ )
Tpot (C◦ )

Tpot (C◦ )

Tpot (C◦ )

Tpot (C◦ )

Tpot (C◦ )

Tpot (C◦ )

2” – “height A”. The atmospheric conditions affect “density 1” and







“density 2” cases in a different way; with respect to this aspect

it can be mentioned that for the “hottest summer day” tempera-
tures and relative humidity (79%) are higher and this may influence
Average summer day

Average summer day

Average summer day

vegetation performances when building density is higher.

Hottest summer day

Hottest summer day

Hottest summer day

Considering the simulations carried out for Rome (Fig. 9) a

reduction of the mean radiant temperatures can be noticed thanks
to vegetation in the whole city area analysed, with exception of the
case “density 2” – “height B” – “green A” which reveals a small nega-

Table 3

tive effect of −0.1 ◦ C. The effects are again more evident when more
vegetation is assumed and for the simulations carried out with a
K. Perini, A. Magliocco / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 13 (2014) 495–506 503

Fig. 8. Mean radiant temperature reduction (◦ C) due to vegetation (“green A” and

“green B” cases) for building “density 1” and “height A”, building “density 1” and
“height B”, building “density 2” and “height A”, building “density 2” and “height B”,
Genoa average summer day and hottest summer day at 1:00 P.M.

lower building density. For these configurations the atmospheric

conditions influence the performances of vegetation: for the “aver-
Fig. 10. Predicted Mean Vote with “no green” for building “density 1” and “height
age summer day” the mean radiant temperature reduction is in a A”, building “density 1” and “height B”, building “density 2” and “height A”, building
range of 0.05–0.87 ◦ C, while for the “hottest summer day” values “density 2” and “height B”, Milan average summer day.
are in a range of 0.55–1.17 ◦ C. The trend is different for the cases
of building “density 2”: for the “hottest summer day” the values of
the mean radiant temperature reduction go from −0.1 to 0.35; for with same conditions is around 20 ◦ C (with temperature difference
the “average summer day” these are in a range of 0.25–0.65 ◦ C. between 33 ◦ C and 5 ◦ C). Thus vegetation has relevant radiative
In general it can be noticed that the influence of vegetation on cooling effects behind the foliage.
surrounding areas with respect to the mean radiant temperature
reduction is very low. While it can be mentioned that (as pre- Thermal comfort improvement – Predicted Mean Vote
dictable) behind the foliage (inside the green areas) mean radiant
temperatures are much lower compared to the highest tempera- The simulation output at 1:00 P.M. for the “no green” case shows
tures recorded in the whole city area analysed (see temperatures the Predicted Mean Vote at street level revealing discomfort con-
shown in Figs. 5–7, and Table 3). The mean radiant temperature dif- ditions (hot-warm) with the highest values in a range of 4.4–5.26.
ference between a green area on the ground and a “no green” area As shown in Fig. 10 density and height of buildings influence the
thermal comfort conditions. With taller buildings (“height B”) the
highest PMV reached are lower compared to “height A”: for the
building “density 1” 4.91 and for “density 2” 4.14. In the case of
“density 2” the difference between “height A” and “height B” is
more evident. Therefore it can be noticed that with taller build-
ings thermal comfort conditions improve; this can be due to the
shading effect of buildings at street level at 1:00 P.M.
Even if not so relevant, an improvement of thermal comfort due
to green areas can be noticed; as well as for potential temperatures
and mean radiant temperatures with more vegetation (“green B”) a
major improvement can be noticed. Different performances depend
also on building density and height, as shown in Fig. 11 (PMV reduc-
tion due to vegetation for Milan). A positive effect can be noticed
for all the cases analysed and especially for building “density 1” and
“height B”, with a difference of 0.52 between the case of “no green”
and “green B” and 0.19 between “no green” and “green A”. Vegeta-
tion is less effective in the case building “density 2” – “height A” with
a PMV difference of 0.06–0.07 for “green B” and 0.17 for “green A”.
As for potential temperature this happens because the vegetation
type assumed for the simulations is different for building “density
1” and “density 2”. In general it can be noticed that there is not a rel-
evant difference between the two different atmospheric conditions
Fig. 9. Mean radiant temperature reduction (◦ C) due to vegetation (“green A” and
“green B” cases) for building “density 1” and “height A”, building “density 1” and
“height B”, building “density 2” and “height A”, building “density 2” and “height B”, Also in the simulations carried out for the city of Genoa a posi-
Rome average summer day and hottest summer day at 1:00 P.M. tive effect of vegetation can be noticed especially for all the “green
504 K. Perini, A. Magliocco / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 13 (2014) 495–506

Fig. 11. Predicted Mean Vote reduction due to vegetation (“green A” and “green
Fig. 13. Predicted Mean Vote reduction due to vegetation (“green A” and “green
B” cases) for building “density 1” and “height A”, building “density 1” and “height
B” cases) for building “density 1” and “height A”, building “density 1” and “height
B”, building “density 2” and “height A”, building “density 2” and “height B”, Milan
B”, building “density 2” and “height A”, building “density 2” and “height B”, Rome
average summer day and hottest summer day, 1.6 m high at 1:00 P.M.
average summer day and hottest summer day, 1.6 m high at 1:00 P.M.

B” cases, with the exception of “density 2” case for which a negative

this location it can be noticed that there is not a relevant difference
effect of −0.32 and −0.27 was found (Fig. 12). This can be due to
between the two atmospheric conditions analysed.
the atmospheric conditions considered in this study for the Genoa
The reduction of PMV is up to 0.54 with respect to the highest
“hottest summer day”, which are characterised by very high level
values reached in a single point of the whole city area analysed.
of relative humidity, and the influence of green roofs and green
The PMV inside the green areas are around 2–3.5, which means
areas on humidity level and air flow. With a PMV difference of
that vegetation improves thermal comfort conditions.
0.46 in the case “green B” – “density 1” – “height B” vegetation
is more effective, while all the other (positive) values are in a range
Energy saving – cooling load decrease
of 0.09–0.45.
The output of the simulations conducted for Rome (Fig. 13)
Vegetation can decrease indoor cooling load demand thanks
shows that more vegetation is more effective in the improvement
to the temperature variations discussed above, thus resulting in
of thermal comfort. The positive effect of vegetation is again higher
energy savings for air conditioning. In a simplified steady-state
for “density 1” (in a range of 0.14–0.44), which means that vege-
analysis, without taking into consideration internal thermal gains,
tation on the ground is more effective than green roofs. Also for
heat gains/losses (qE ) from the building’s fabric with an average
thermal transmittance value U, an indoor temperature Tin and an
outdoor temperature Tout are given by the relationship (Alexandri
and Jones, 2008):

qE = U(Tout − Tin ).

The decrease in cooling load with vegetation (“green A” or

“green B”) is given by:

qEgreen = (Tno gr − Tgr ) × (Tno gr − Tin )−1

For Tno green =

/ Tin , Tno green > Tin and Tgreen > Tin .

Considering an indoor limit temperature for cooling of 26 ◦ C

(according to UNI/TS 11300-1:2008), the average cooling load
decrease due to the “green A” and the “green B” cases at 1:00 P.M.
are shown in Fig. 14. For this calculation the output for x–z axis
(vertical section) have been considered with the aim to give aver-
age values for all the building floors (temperatures are lower for
the last floors).
For all the cases and the locations considered, a positive effect
can be noticed. A major cooling load decrease for all the “green
B” cases analysed was found. The largest cooling load decreases
occur for Rome, where the “average summer day” temperature is
Fig. 12. Predicted Mean Vote reduction due to vegetation (“green A” and “green
the highest (Table 1): in the case of “density 2” the average cooling
B” cases) for building “density 1” and “height A”, building “density 1” and “height
B”, building “density 2” and “height A”, building “density 2” and “height B”, Genoa load decrease reaches 37% for “green B” and 34% for “green A”. Since
average summer day and hottest summer day, 1.6 m high at 1:00 P.M. also for Milan and Genoa in the case of “density 2” – “height B” the
K. Perini, A. Magliocco / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 13 (2014) 495–506 505

same trend can be noticed for PMV: with taller buildings thermal
comfort conditions improve. For most of the cases analysed with
taller buildings (“height B”) vegetation has higher cooling effects;
as well as for the cooling load decreases for which – thanks to the
integration of vegetation – higher values occur when buildings
are taller.
• Considering the cooling effects of vegetation, a difference can
be noticed depending on the amount of green areas (“green A”,
“green B”) and vegetation type (green roofs, green areas with
trees, shrubs, and grass). The data reported demonstrate that with
more vegetation (“green B”) potential temperatures, mean radi-
ant temperatures, and PMV are lower, as well as the cooling load
decreases are larger. Green areas on the ground (grass, shrubs,
trees) are more effective compared to green roofs in reducing
summer potential temperatures, mean radiant temperatures, and
PMV at street level (1.6 m high); nevertheless green roofs are
more effective in decreasing the cooling load of buildings; this is
an important aspect since in very dense urban areas (e.g. “density
2”) due to a lack of space it may be not possible to add more veg-
etation on the ground, even if green areas have a higher positive
effect on outdoor summer temperatures and comfort.
Fig. 14. Average cooling load decrease (%) for all the cities analysed due to vegetation • Different atmospheric conditions and locations influence the
(“green A” and “green B” cases) for building “density 1” and “height A”, building
“density 1” and “height B”, building “density 2” and “height A”, building “density 2” effect of vegetation in mitigating summer temperatures and out-
and “height B”, average summer day at 1:00 P.M. door comfort although with irrelevant differences in most of
the cases analysed. Vegetation is more effective with higher
temperatures and lower relative humidity values in mitigating
cooling load decrease is pretty large it can be noticed that green
potential temperatures, mean radiant temperatures, and PMV
roofs are effective in reducing air temperatures at a certain height
and in decreasing the cooling load demand.
from the ground. It is possible to state this because the vegetation • Within the green areas on the ground and behind the foliage
type assumed for the simulations is different for building “density
potential temperatures, mean radiant temperatures, and PMV are
1” and “density 2”: due to a lack of space for building “density 2”
much lower compared to the highest temperatures recorded in
only two areas on the ground are greened compared to the 23 green
the whole city area analysed (Tpot around 3.5 ◦ C; Trad around
areas on the ground in “density 1” for the “green B” case, but almost
20 ◦ C; PMV around 2); however vegetation can reduce summer
all the roofs are green.
temperatures and improve outdoor comfort in the surroundings
Compared to Milan the climatic data considered for the city
(streets next to green areas), which means that vegetation can
of Genoa are characterised by higher temperatures; however for
reduce the Urban Heat Island Phenomenon in a whole city area.
this location, probably due to high relative humidity levels and
higher wind speed, the average cooling load decrease is generally
This study demonstrated how the variables investigated play a
not higher. Finally it can be noticed that when buildings are taller
role in temperature distributions and in determining outdoor com-
vegetation is generally more effective in reducing the average cool-
fort conditions. Vegetation on the ground and green roofs mitigate
ing load, with differences up to 21% between “height A” and “height
summer temperatures and improve outdoor comfort in Mediter-
ranean climate. Furthermore vegetation (green areas on the ground
Considering all the locations analysed the average cooling load
and green roofs) can decrease the indoor cooling load demand
decrease for “density 1” is in a range of 3–15% for “green A” and
thanks to temperature variations, thus resulting in energy savings
9–20% for “green B”, while for the cases of “density 2” the values
for air conditioning.
are in a range of 6–34% for “green A” and 8–37% for “green B”.
This research has been funded as a “Ricerca di Ateneo 2012” by
In this study a simulation tool, ENVI-met Version 3.1 BETA V, the University of Genoa and has been developed thanks to a post-
has been used to forecast the microclimatic changes within urban doctoral research financed by the University of Genoa. The Authors
environment. Since the aim of this study was to quantitatively thank Professor Saverio Giulini (University of Genoa) for helping
investigate the influence of several variables which co-cause the with the statistical analysis.
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