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SEO & Snap Chat

Submitted By
Abdul Rehman(L1F17BBAM0042)
Raja Asad Iqbal(L1F17BBAM0044)
Mahnoor Fatima(L1F17BBAM0048)
Aqeel Younus(L1F17BBAM0049)
Rabia Javaid(L1F17BBAM0063)
Abeera Shoaib(L1F17BBAM0087)

Submitted To
Sir Waseem Irshad

Digital Marketing

Table of Contents
Define the Assigned Media...................................................................................................................2
Search Engine Optimization..............................................................................................................2
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Assigned Media........................................................................2
Advantages and Disadvantages of SEO............................................................................................2
Advantages and Disadvantages of Snapchat.....................................................................................3
Different Sub-Types/Variants of Assigned Media................................................................................4
Types of SEO....................................................................................................................................4
Variants of SnapChat........................................................................................................................4
Examples five from Pakistan and five international..............................................................................4
Pakistani Brands/Organizations of SEO............................................................................................4
International Brands/Organizations of SEO......................................................................................5
International Brands/Organizations of SnapChat..............................................................................5
HISTORY OF THIS MEDIA...............................................................................................................5
History of SEO..................................................................................................................................5
SNAP CHAT HISTORY......................................................................................................................8
OBJECTIVE AND KPI’S...................................................................................................................10
Tools are used to measure KPI’s.........................................................................................................12
So how do you define the right KPIs?.............................................................................................15
Top 5 Digital Marketing Agencies......................................................................................................15
Emerging Trends.................................................................................................................................17
Emerging trends of SEO...................................................................................................................17
Emerging Trends of SnapChat.........................................................................................................17
MCQs, Short and Long Questions......................................................................................................17
Short Questions...............................................................................................................................22
Long Questions...................................................................................................................................24

What can SEO do for your business?..............................................................................................24
What are the different components of SEO?...................................................................................24
What will be your approach if your SEO method doesn’t work?....................................................26

Define the Assigned Media

Search Engine Optimization
SEO stands for search engine optimization which is defined as an art of ranking a website high on a
search engine in the unpaid section, also known as the organic listings.
In other words, Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing the online content on a
website in such a way that a search engine likes to show it as a top result for searches of a certain

Snapchat is an application on Androids and iOS platforms that allows the users to send and receive
data such as "self-destructing" photos and videos. Photos and videos taken with the app are called
Once you view a message, image or video received via Snapchat as a snap, it is automatically
deleted. This makes the service ideal for sharing quick updates with friends without accumulating
media or messages on your mobile device.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Assigned Media

Advantages and Disadvantages of SEO
SEO is an extremely powerful tool in marketing. Some key advantages of SEO can include:

 A very high return on Investment

SEO has performed exceptionally in the terms of ROI in SEO. One of a big reason SEO produces
such a high Return on Investment is because it attracts high-converting traffic. For Instance,
when a customer finds your website at the top of the results, the chances of them converting into
that client skyrocket are very likely to increase hence resulting in the high return.

 Expand the reach of your business

Word of Mouth referrals constitute a major portion of a business’ growth, and it isn’t going away
any time soon. What many companies don’t realize is that SEO allows them to tap into a vast
network of potential clients far greater than the network of word of mouth clients can reach.
Whether on a local or national level, your website can exponentially increase the number of
people who learn about your business.

 Long lasting results

Another major benefit of SEO is the residual benefit you’ll see from it. You enjoy full-scale
rewards with the visibility you’ve established also they are certainly longer-lasting than many
marketing channels.

While the advantages of doing SEO are clear, there can be downsides that will play important roles in
your decision-making process. These include:

 Long-Term Play
One of the biggest disadvantages of SEO is the time it takes to produce results. Google
themselves say to give an SEO company 4-12 months to produce results. If you are in need of a
fast solution to boost your sales, SEO probably isn’t the right way to do the marketing.

 No Guarantees
Another downside to pursuing SEO is that there really are no guarantees it will work. In fact,
Google specifically warns businesses against companies that offer guaranteed 1st-page results.
The fact is, the algorithm is constantly changing, with rankings fluctuating on a daily basis
resulting in the working mechanism of SEO to change and sometimes giving negative results as

 Competition
We occasionally encounter businesses that compete in a space that is truly saturated with
competition. With a limited budget, it could potentially take years to catch up. Or, a company
that was once the top dog in the rankings suddenly finds themselves behind the 8-ball, as their
competitors grew wise to the power of an effective SEO strategy and leapfrogged the former
leader. SEO needs an almost constant investment in order to maintain its effectiveness and
positive ROI.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Snapchat

Snapchat is easy to connect, you can create your own Snapchat ID easily, no personal details are
shared due to privacy issues, you can connect to others by sharing your ID through Snapcode or
other mediums.
Snapchat can only store pictures temporary in the app, you don’t have to worry about your
pictures being stored in Snapchat database or someone saving them, the posted picture will
disappear after a day unless you personally save it in your device.
Snapchat has picture filters, Snapchat filters allow you to edit your picture to anything you can
think of, its crazy filters & wide imagination has made it popular compared to other picture
editing apps.

Snapchat can be very addictive to young & old people due to the filters & stories that are easy to
get hooked on, just like other social networks, you can spend a lot of time adding different filters
than you would on Facebook

Snapchat doesn’t allow you to share content like in Facebook & Twitter, you can only take a
screenshot of the published content & share it with other platforms

Different Sub-Types/Variants of Assigned Media
Types of SEO
 On-page SEO
 Off-page SEO
 Technical SEO
 Local SEO
 App Store Optimization
 YouTube SEO

Variants of SnapChat
Snapchat is currently testing a brand-new version of the app called Snapchat Alpha. In Snapchat
Alpha, some of the menus have been simplified, making the app easier to navigate, The Stories list
has also been tweaked, giving it a much more Instagram feel but the biggest improvement it’s in
terms of performance: people using Snapchat Alpha say the app feels smoother and more fluid.

Examples five from Pakistan and five international

Pakistani Brands/Organizations of SEO
SEO Hub is a Pakistani digital marketing company which is committed to provide state of the art
digital marketing solutions to local Pakistani websites. Their services include Search Engine
Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Branding solutions in Pakistan, Content writing and
much more.
• SEOKingsClub
SEOKingsClub is one of the best and well-reputed SEO services company in Lahore. By using
White hat SEO strategies we helped a lot of clients from all over the world to rank on Google’s
first page for target keywords.
• SEOPro
SEOPro is a renowned Pakistani company having expertise in the search engine optimization.
They are offering digital marketing services all over the country. They have a great track record,
as they achieved consistent success. They achieved quick results through the implementation of
strategies and delivered customers with effective and great quality SEO services in Pakistan.
This is a company known as a pioneer company in the SEO services in Pakistan. They master the
skills of developing web promotional and development services for the Pakistani customers.
Rank Higher is another successful SEO company providing comprehensive SEO services in
Pakistan. They are based in Lahore, but they ensure the provision of their services throughout the
country. The company had just started a couple of years ago, but they achieved success at a quick
succession. They provided an alternative to the traditional marketing services. It is one of the
fastest growing SEO agencies in Pakistan.

International Brands/Organizations of SEO
• Neil Patel Digital
• Voice SEO
• ReachLocal
• Outerbox

International Brands/Organizations of SnapChat

• GroupOn
Groupon uses daily challenges to promote social engagement. For example, the brand awards special
deals to the first person to see or take a screenshot of a particular Snap
• Sprite
Sprite invited Brazilian Snapchat users to submit their personal account QR codes for a chance to
have their code printed on millions of Sprite cans. The campaign, called RFRSH Na Lata (“fresh on
the can”), was promoted through online videos
• Sony Pictures
Sony Pictures became the first brand to purchase a Snapchat Discover ad when it did so to promote
the upcoming film, James Bond: Spectre. The campaign featured 14 photos and behind-the-scenes
videos from the movie
• World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
The non-profit took advantage of the ephemeral nature of Snapchat marketing with their #LastSelfie
campaign. WWF smartly snapped out images of endangered species to promote their environmental
protection message
• Audi
German car company Audi partnered with American satire publication The Onion to snap humorous
images and captions during the Super Bowl
• McDonald’s
As part of the QSR’s “Choose Lovin’” campaign, McDonald’s created a 15-second animated video
clip showing how the brand can make even mortal enemies—Batman & the Joker—make peace.
McDonald’s has also enlisted NBA star Lebron James to take over the restaurant’s Snapchat account.


History of SEO
1. A Timeline of Search Engine History
Search engines have changed the way we find information, conduct research, shop for
products and services, entertain ourselves, and connect with others. Behind almost every
online destination – whether it’s a website, blog, social network, or app is a search engine.
Search engines have become the connecting force and directional guide to everyday life.

But how did this all start?
We’ve put together a timeline of notable milestones from the history of search engines and
search engine optimization to understand the roots of this technology, which has become
such an important part of our world.
2. Dawn of SEO: ‘The Wild West’ Era
In the last decade of the 1900s, the search engine landscape was highly competitive. You had
your choice of search engines – both human-powered directories and crawler-based listings
including the likes of AltaVista, Ask Jeeves, Excite, Infoseek, Lycos, and Yahoo.
In the beginning, the only way to perform any kind of SEO was through on-page activities.
This included optimizing for factors such as:
 Making sure the content was good and relevant.
 There was enough text.
 Your HTML tags were accurate.
 You had internal links and outbound links.
If you wanted to rank well in this era, the trick was pretty much just repeating your keywords
enough times throughout your webpages and meta tags. Want to outrank a page that uses a
keyword 100 times? Then you’d use the keyword 200 times! Today, we call this practice

3. 1996
Yahoo was created by Stanford University students Jerry Wang and David Filo in a campus
trailer. Yahoo was originally an Internet bookmark list and directory of interesting sites.
Webmasters had to manually submit their page to the Yahoo directory for indexing so that it
would be there for Yahoo to find when someone performed a search.
4. 1997
Following on the success of A Webmaster’s Guide to Search Engines, Danny Sullivan
launched Search Engine Watch, a website dedicated to providing news about the search
industry, tips on searching the web, and information about how to rank websites better.

5. 1998 launched with sponsored links and paid search. Advertisers bid on to
rank above organic search results, which were powered by Inktomi. was
ultimately acquired by Yahoo.
6. The Google Revolution 2000

In 2000, Yahoo pulled off the worst strategic move in the history of search and partnered
with Google and let Google power their organic results instead of Inktomi. Beforehand,
Google was a little-known search engine. Hardly known. The end result: every Yahoo search
result said “Powered by Google” and they ended up introducing their largest competitor to
the world and Google became a household name. Until this point, search engines mainly
ranked sites based on the on-page content, domain names, ability to get listed in the
aforementioned directories, and basic site structure (breadcrumbing). But Google’s web
crawler and PageRank algorithm were revolutionary for information retrieval. Google looked
at both on-page and off-page factors the quantity and quality of external links pointing to a
website (as well as the anchor text used).
Although links were only one component of Google’s overall ranking algorithm, SEO
practitioners latched onto links as being the most important factor and an entire sub-industry
of link building was created. over the next decade, it became a race to acquire as many links
as possible in the hopes of ranking higher. Links became a heavily abused tactic that Google
would have to address in coming years. It was also in 2000 that the google toolbar became
available on Internet Explorer, allowing SEO practitioners to see their PageRank score (a
number between 0-10). This ushered in an era of unsolicited link exchange request emails.
So with PageRank, Google essentially introduced a measure of currency to its linking. Much
like domain authority is misused today. Google’s organic results also got some company in
the form of AdWords ads starting in 2000.
These paid search ads began appearing above, below, and to the right of Google’s natural
(i.e., unpaid) results. Meanwhile, a group of webmasters informally got together at a pub in
London to start sharing information about all things SEO in 2000. This informal gathering
eventually turned into Pubcon, a large search conference series that still runs today. Over the
coming months and years, the SEO world got used to a monthly Google Dance, or a period
of time during which Google updated its index, sometimes resulting in major ranking
Although Google’s Brin once famously said Google didn’t believe in web spam, his opinion
had probably changed by the time 2003 rolled around. SEO got a lot harder following
updates like Florida because it became much more important than just repeating keywords X
number of times.

7. Google AdSense: Monetizing Terrible SEO Content

In 2003, after acquiring, Google launched AdSense, which serves contextually
targeted Google ads on publisher sites. The mix of AdSense and led to a surge
in simple, monetized online publishing – and a blogging revolution. While Google probably
didn’t realize it at the time, they were creating problems they would have to fix down the
road. AdSense gave rise to spam my tactics and made-for-AdSense sites filled with
thin/poor/stolen content that existed solely to rank well, get clicks, and make money.

8. Local SEO & Personalization

Around 2004, Google and other top search engines started improving results for queries that
had a geographic intent (e.g., a restaurant, plumber, or some other type of business or service
provider in your city or town). By 2006, Google rolled out a Maps Plus Box, which I was
quite impressed with at the time. It was also around 2004 that Google and search engines
began making greater use of end-user data, such as search history and interests, to
personalize search results. This meant that the results you saw could be different than what
someone sitting next to you in a coffee shop saw when he or she did a search for the same
Google also unleashed a couple of noteworthy updates:
Jagger, which helped to diminish the level of unsolicited link exchanges that were flying
around, as well as heralding the decline in the importance of anchor text as a factor due to its
Big Daddy (coined by Jeff Manson of RealGeeks), which improved the architecture of
Google to allow for an improved understanding of the worth and relationship of links
between sites.
9. YouTube, Google Analytics & Webmaster Tools
In October 2006, Google acquired user-generated video sharing network YouTube for $1.65
billion, which ultimately became the second most used search property in the world. Today,
YouTube has 2 billion users. Due to its soaring popularity, video SEO become crucial for
brands, businesses, and individuals that wanted to be found. Google also launched two
incredibly important tools in 2006: Google Analytics. This free, web-based tool was so
popular at launch that webmasters experienced downtime and maintenance warnings. Google
Webmaster Tools. Now known as the Search Console, Google Webmaster Tools let
webmasters view crawling errors, see what searches your site showed up for, and request re-
inclusion. Also in 2006, XML sitemaps gained universal support from the search engines. XML
sitemaps allow webmasters to display to the search engines, every URL on their website that
is available for crawling. An XML sitemap contains not only a list of URLs but a range of
further information, which helped search engines to crawl more intelligently.
10. The Rise of Social Media
Another phenomenon was emerging late in the 2000s: social networks. Google made its big
bet on YouTube (although it would try again with the now-defunct Google+). But other
networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn all emerged as major players (with many
more to come and go in the following years). Along with the rise of social media came
speculation that social signals can impact search rankings. Yes, social media can help SEO,
but indirectly – just as other forms of marketing can help drive more traffic to your website
and increase brand awareness and affinity (which generates search demand). While the
impact of social shares (likes, tweets, +1’s, etc.) has been denied time and again by Google
through the years as being a ranking factor, it continued to be listed as having a strong
correlation in various ranking factor studies.

1. Early History:
Snapchat was founded in 2011 by Evan Spiegel, Reggie Brown, and Bobby Murphy, all
students at Stanford University. Reportedly, Brown came up with the idea of a social media
app that enabled users to post photos and videos that disappeared from the site after a few
moments. Brown reportedly approached Spiegel with the idea, and both agreed on the notion
of a social media platform modeled on disappearing content was a good idea. The duo then
approached Bobby Murphy to write the code used to build the app.
In July, 2011, the co-founders released “Pica boo”, the precursor to Snapchat. Right
afterward, Spiegel and Murphy forced Brown out of the company, and relaunched the
company as Snapchat in September, 2011.
Both Stanford University students were only in their junior year in college at the time. As for
Brown, he settled with the two co-founders for $157 million in September, 2014. He was
also officially credited as being a co-founder of Snapchat. With a clean slate and an
intriguing business model, Spiegel (now the company’s chief executive officer) and Murphy
went to work building the fledgling company
2. Making the Case:
In the company’s first-ever blog post, Spiegel made his case for Snapchat, as a new way to
share information that you wanted to see disappear. In a 2013 interview with The Telegraph,
Spiegel honed in on the real reason Snapchat was such a hit with younger social media users
they didn’t want their social media history coming back to haunt them. Snapchat changed
that perception of deleting something as bad,” he said. “Online, typically you delete
something if it’s bad or if it’s really embarrassing." “What Snapchat said was if we try to
model conversations as they occur, they’re largely ephemeral. We may try to write down and
save the really special moments, but by and large, we just try to let everything go. We
remember it but we don’t try to save it.
3. Building the Perfect Beast
One year into its existence, Snapchat upped the ante – and the user count – by introducing
video to the app, which had just started selling in the Google Play store. The videos were
only 10 seconds long, but the rollout was successful enough to push so-called “snaps” to 50
million per day. In 2013, Snapchat followed up with two new features – “Stories” and
“Chat”. The story feature enabled Snapchat users to post a series of snaps that would remain
active and viewable for 24 hours. Its Chat function helped move Snapchat higher up on the
social media pyramid. Introduced in May, 2014, Chat allowed users to talk to one another in
the chat window via a live video chat. Snapchat also introduced “Our Story,” another story
function that enabled Snapchat users all over the world to post photos and videos from
ballgames, concerts, political rallies and other public events. Later that year, Snapchat
introduced Geofilters, which allowed site users to customize their content and post their
location at the time of the post. 2014 was a busy year, as in December Snapchat rolled out

Snapcash, a money transaction feature which enables site consumers to send and receive
cash from other users, and have it deposited straightaway into their bank account. Also in
December, 2014, Snapchat extended its reach into the financial realm with Community
Geofilters. Now, Snapchat consumers were able to generate their own Geofilters or simply
buy branded filters for their own use.
Soon, the company would officially create a parent company, called Snap, Inc. and
began preparing for a $25 billion initial public offering, which would kick off in 2017.
4. Growing Pains
Snapchat has its share of growth headaches, as well. In 2013, Snapchat was hacked by an
anonymous group, revealing the personal information of 4.6 million users. The company
apologized for the hack and repaired the breach and hasn’t had a major security incident in
the ensuing seven years. The following year, Snapchat settled with the U.S. Federal Trade
Commission, which had accused the company of exaggerating the process it used to protect
user privacy, noting that it couldn’t “guarantee” that user messages “will be deleted in a
specific timeframe. Snapchat wasn’t officially charged by the FTC but the company will be
monitored over the next 20 years.
Analysts expect Snapchat to soon reach its “break-even” point in profits, most likely by
2022. A group of 34 technology analysts estimates the company will earn a profit of $48
million in 2022, after years of losses.


The goal of SEO is not just to drive traffic; it is to drive targeted traffic that takes action.
When sales numbers go up, people tend to forget how they got there. This is why being able
to show your results will help you continue to receive buy in.
If we talk about the KPI’s of SEO then, we have;
 Primary KPI, for revenue,
 secondary KPI for conversion,
 Tertiary KPI for site visit
 leading indicator for impressions
So, we will have a look at;
1. Organic Sessions:
Organic sessions measure earned visits to your website from search engines such as Google
and Bing. A session is defined by a visit to the website, the actions taken by the user during
that visit, and then the exit of the user from the site. If a user idles, their session will time out
after 30 minutes of inactivity by default. A single user can be responsible for multiple
sessions. Organic traffic can be measured directly in Google Analytics, or you can integrate
the data with a reporting tool such as Agency Analytics to better cross-reference with other

data points. Growth in organic traffic is the single most important key performance indicator
because it most clearly aligns with the objective at the heart of SEO: getting more eyes on
your website. A growth in organic sessions has a few potential causes that can be pinpointed
by digging into your analytic data and keyword positions. For one, it could mean more
branded searches. As your digital and traditional marketing efforts pay off with increase
brand awareness, you’ll see more searches for your brand name or products as a result.
As your on-page and off-page optimizations start to pay dividends, your website will
improve rankings for keywords, both ones you are targeting and ones you have put no effort
into achieving. Expected click-through-rate (CTR) increases with every single position on
the search engine results page. Jumping from 3rd 2nd on page 1 can result in a spike in
organic sessions, not to mention if you’re able to jump from page 2 to page 1 of the results
for a high-volume keyword. You can help spur more organic sessions by crafting a
compelling, relevant page title and writing a meta description with a clear, enticing call-to-
action. Growing organic sessions indicates that you are occupying more value real estate on
the leading search engines, exactly what you’d hope to achieve with a full-scale SEO
campaign. Digital and traditional, on-page, and off-page marketing efforts alike will help
you continue to grow the number of organic sessions.
2. Keyword Ranking Increases
Keyword rankings are where your specific keywords are positioned in major search engines
like Google or Bing. The closer to number one, the better. The higher your website ranks for
high volume keywords (terms that are frequently searched), the better. You can track
keyword rankings in a tool such as SEMRush or SE Ranking. There are some keywords you
will naturally rank highly for, like your brand name or highly targeted long-tail keywords
specific to your service and location. Others will be part of a long-term strategy in an effort
to gain visibility for competitive terms with high commercial intent. Keyword ranking is an
essential KPI because it’s what clients directly correlate with SEO success. Keyword ranking
improvements are the first entry point to achieve other primary objectives: more traffic,
leads, and sales. You should keep a close eye on keyword rankings. Fluctuations are normal
and Google algorithm updates can cause significant volatility, but in the long view you
should see growth.
Keep an eye at least weekly if not daily, as a drop in rankings could signal an issue with
your site that must be addressed.
3. Leads/Conversions
The first two ranking factors relate to attracting visitors to your site from search engines –
but what action do you need users to take once they’ve landed on your site? You’ll want to
generate a lead that will hopefully convert into a sale. A lead is any kind of contact with a
potential customer. It could be a: Newsletter signup. Contact form submission asking for
more information. Phone call. Registration for a webinar. Completed purchase. If you set up
goals and events in Google Analytics, you can track leads across a variety of dimensions:

You can also set up goal funnels to see where people drop off in the process and make
improvements to your site and iterate from there. An increase in leads not only means you’re
drawing more visitors to the site, but those visitors are completing the desired action in
higher and higher numbers. This is an essential KPI because it relates so closely to the core
business objective of growing the customer base and increasing sales.
4. Bounce Rate
is a metric that measures the percent of sessions where the user loads the page and
immediately exits without performing any action. Bounce rate is calculated by dividing the
number of non-interactive sessions by the total number of sessions. A typical bounce rate is
between 40 to 60 percent, meaning about half of all sessions are expected to end with no
action taken. But this will vary greatly depending on your industry/niche. Bounce rate is an
important KPI because a huge priority for search engine algorithms is satisfying the user’s
search query. When a user searches a keyword, Google wants to show them the most
relevant and highest quality results possible that resolve the issue. When users bounce back
to the search results page it can indicate that the ranking page is not relevant, frustrating to
navigate, or may not be trustworthy. On the opposite end of the spectrum, a low bounce rate
indicates that your site is relevant, easy/rewarding to navigate, and satisfies a minimum E-A-
T threshold.
5. Pages/Session
Pages per session is a simple metric that measures, on average, how many pages’ users visit
during a session. It also counts repeated views of a single page. What is a strong
page’s/session metric? It will depend on the depth of your site architecture and the
complexity of your conversion funnel. If you have a one-page website, 1 page per session is
perfect (you’ll want to look at time on site, in that case). If you have a content-heavy site
focused on informing the user, or an ecommerce site where users typically view multiple
products and go through a multi-step checkout process, you’ll expect to see many more
pages per session on average. As with other metrics that track user behavior, pages per
session is an important KPI because it indicates the value/quality of your site and how users
navigate through it. Still, having a user visit 100 pages is not truly valuable unless you’re
priming them for a conversion now or later. Make sure you have prominent and clear CTAs
through, even on deep inner pages, to direct users deeper into your conversion funnel.

Tools are used to measure KPI’s

Monitoring the right KPIs is the best way to avoid spending time and money on
something that isn’t driving the expected profit
1. Organic traffic:
This KPI measures how many visitors come to your website from organic search results. It’s
one of the most important metrics to consider, as its growth denotes you reached the main
SEO objective: growing the number of people seeing and visiting your website.

If you work with Google Analytics (and you definitely should), you can easily track daily
searches in your site traffic. Go to the ‘Audience > Overview’ report, click on the ‘Add
Segment,’ and select the ‘Organic Traffic’ filed.

In the resulting report, you can see how the number of organic sessions changes in time and
discover how it correlates with the total sessions.
It’s not a secret the higher your website ranks for the relevant keywords, the better. Search
rankings are a crucial KPI because it directly correlates with your SEO success. Once you
get the higher search positions, you’re about to reach the other objectives such as traffic,
leads, and conversions. It’s also important to track your rankings for the right keywords. So,
if your website ‘Jeans’ section ranks in first place for the ‘black and white vertical striped
skinny jeans for women’ query, your site traffic won’t improve significantly. You can
monitor how your search positions for the target keywords are changing with such tools as
Serpstat or Ahrefs. All you need to do is to enter your domain, select the type of SERP (you
need organic results), import the list of keywords, and start rank tracking

The reports will provide you with the data on your current positions and how they were
changing. Moreover, you can also select competitors’ domains and get reports on their
rankings for the tracked keywords.

3. Search visibility
Search engine visibility indicates how often your domain is shown in search results for the
keywords it’s ranking for.
Tracking search visibility, you can see the positive dynamics even before your site starts
attracting visitors. This score can be a key driver for all your SEO-based activity. Search
engine visibility score is extremely useful if you want to monitor the early results of website

In the Performance report, you’ll see the Total impressions score. Every time a user
comes to the search results page that contains your URL; an impression is recorded.

Links should always be considered as a key SEO metric for content marketers and SEO
experts. Backlinks are among the most important factors behind the rankings now. It means
that your SEO strategy should be revolving around acquiring links. So, the more links you
earn, the better, right? Not exactly. Gaining low-quality links, you will not only fail to
improve your site authority but even hurt your website rankings. To ensure you’re building a
quality link profile, it’s essential to track its quality score. You’ll need one of the backlink
analyses tools for this purpose. Among the ones I would recommend you are:
 Majestic
 Ahrefs
 Moz’s Links Explorer
 Serpstat’s Backlink Analysis tool
Each of these tools provides link authority index: the higher it is, the better the link is. If you
enter your domain, you’ll see the score that estimates the quality of your link profile based
on the number and quality of the referring domains.

5. Organic CTR
Click-through rate (CTR) is a performance metric that measures the ratio of clicks on your
link to the total number of users who viewed the search results. In other words, high CTR =
high traffic. CTR is also an important search engine ranking signal. For instance, if your
search snippets don’t look appealing enough, even high rankings won’t help you attract more
visitors. As a result, your CTR leaves much to be desired. Low CTR will tell search robots
your site doesn’t meet users’ expectations, which may result in lower rankings.
Focusing on traffic and rankings, people often make a huge mistake overlooking this KPI.
Tracking your organic CTR, you can find out why your high impressions don’t result in
significant traffic and fix the problem.
To monitor your CTR, go with Google Search Console.

6. Branded traffic
Branded traffic is the traffic that comes from users who searched for the terms that contain
your company name. If brand awareness is important for your brand (and it should), branded
traffic should be your primary KPI. As searches already know what they want when
searching for the branded keywords, this type of traffic results in the highest conversion
rates. You can track this KPI with Google Search Console: Add all the keywords associated
with your brand name (including misspelled ones) to the Search Console’s filter. Track how
the number of total clicks and impressions is changing (or not) in time.

So how do you define the right KPIs?

Tracking all the existing metrics at once is a waste of time. You should select the individual
set of KPIs based on your project goals. Here are the main criteria for you to consider when
choosing key performance indicators for evaluating your SEO results:
Specify your goals. What do you want to reach? If you want to drive more visitors, specify
the goal to something like ‘increase the number of visitors by 30% by the end of the year.’

Approve the budget. Define the sum you can spend on SEO before you start. Select the right
tracking tools. Are you ready to purchase well-known monitoring tools? Do you use Google
Analytics or CRM systems? Automate tracking process to save your time and get in-depth

Top 5 Digital Marketing Agencies

Web FX
 It is a performance-focused digital marketing agency with services designed to increase
qualified leads, phone calls, and transactions for clients. Founded in 1996 and headquartered
in Harrisburg, Penn., they have over 250 digital marketing, design, and development experts
who serve customers through SEO, PPC, web design, and more. They also have partnerships
with Google, Facebook, Bing, Salesforce, and more
 The starting price of most WebFx projects is $1,000. It has a team of over 200 people who
are ever-ready to work on your next project.
 Minimum project price: $1,000
 Rating: 4.9
 Services: Digital Transformation, Branding, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media

Dream theory
 It is one of the finest digital marketing agencies that offer everything digital. You can hire the
company for its creative services, digital marketing services, or website design. The agency
works for healthcare clients. Most of its clients focus on SEO and social media marketing
and that’s why if you are looking for someone to optimize your SEO strategies, Dream
Theory is your best bet.
 Minimum project price: $1,000
 Services: Digital Marketing, Ecommerce Store Development, Search Engine Optimization,
Social Media Marketing

Mighty citizen
 It focuses on digital transformation and branding of nonprofits, universities, government
entities, and international non-governmental organizations. It connects data with human-
centered design to build creative strategies that make a positive impact on businesses. Mighty
Citizens is not only marrying data with human-centricity, but it is also playing its part in
improving the world – with one step at a time.
 Minimum project price: $25,000
 Rating: 4.9
 Services: Digital Transformation, Branding, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media

 It is another leading digital marketing company that you can trust to help you take your
online business to the next level. ISynergy offers all the services you need from branding and
awareness to performance marketing and everything that comes in-between. The agency

labels itself ‘a crew of quirky professionals who strive to question the status quo.’ They are
creative, data-driven, and are ever-ready to take up all types of digital marketing projects
 Minimum project price: $5,000
 Rating: 4.9
 Services: Digital Transformation, Branding, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media

NoGood Services
 It is a team of resourceful growth hackers, creatives and data scientists who help unlock rapid
growth for some of the world’s most iconic brands. NoGood’s services help brands across
the full marketing funnel, specializing in growing and scaling startups and enterprises in the
SaaS, B2B and DTC spaces. NoGood was also named a Verified Growth Marketing Expert
Agency by the TechCrunch Community.
 Minimum project price: $5,000
 Services: Performance Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Digital PR, Content
Marketing, Conversion Rate Optimization, Influencer Marketing and Email Marketing.

SEO Plus
 It is a Canadian digital marketing agency that has won many marketing awards for its
services. The company is dedicated to developing and implementing an extensive online
marketing strategy for its clients. It serves across a multitude of digital fronts while focuses
on lead generation, sales strategy, and business growth. SEO Plus is known for its transparent
work and real-time results for its clients. Minimum project price: $1,000
 Rating: 4.9
 Services: SEO, Pay per click, advertising

Emerging Trends
Emerging trends of SEO
 Artificial Intelligence Will Play a Larger Role in SEO
 Voice Search Will Impact Search Queries
 Mobile-Friendliness Will Impact Search Rankings
 Content That Fulfills the Google EAT Principle Will Rank Higher
 Predictive Search Is Set to Improve
 An Effective SEO Strategy Will Need to Include Video
 Image Optimization Will Play a Larger Role in Search
 There Will Be More Importance Placed on Semantically Related Keywords

Emerging Trends of Snap Chat

1. Increasing Presence of Advertisements
2. More Content for Gen Zers
3. Continued Competition with Instagram
4. Snapchat for Presidential Debates
5. News and Political Programming on Snapchat
6. New AR and VR Features

MCQs, Short and Long Questions
SEO Basic
1. SEO stands for_____________.
A. Search Engine Optimization
B. Search Engine Optimum
C. Search Electronic Optimization
D. None of the above

2. If a website's search engine saturation with respect to a particular search engine is 20%, what
does it mean?
A. 20% of the webpages of the website have been indexed by the search engine
B. Only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search engine
C. 20% of the website’s pages will never be indexed
D. None of the above

3. Which of the following items search engines don't want?

A. keyword stuffing
B. buying links
C. poor user experience
D. All of the above

4. For SEO site content should have?

A. meta descriptions
B. title tags
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

5. Which of the following statements is correct with regard to natural links?

A. They are two-way links
B. They are from authority websites
C. They are voluntary in nature
D. They are from .edu or .gov extension websites

6. Which of the following free tools/websites could help you identify which city in the world
has the largest search for the keyword: "six sigma"?
A. Alexa
B. Google Trends
C. Google Traker

D. Word Tracker

7. Pages that are linked from another search engine is known as _________.
A. crawled pages
B. indexed pages
C. unindexed pages
D. root pages

8. What is full form of FFA pages?

A. Free for Alternative links
B. Free for All Search Engine
C. Free for All links
D. Free for Alexa

9. Which of the following search engines offers a popular list of the top 50 most searched
A. Google
B. Yahoo
C. Bing
D. Lycos

10. How much time period is required to get a Google page ranking?
A. 2 weeks
B. 1 week
C. 2 months
D. More than 3 months

11. A Hallway Page is used to:

A. Attract visitors straight onto the Hallway Page from the search engines
B. Organizes the Doorway Pages
C. Guide’s people navigate to different Doorway Pages
D. Enables search engine bots to index the Doorway Pages

12. Which statement from the below options are true when it comes to RSS?
A. It is an XML form
B. This is Realtime streamlined syndication
C. Displaying static information
D. It is a Linux technology

13. What is the term for Optimization strategies that are in an unknown area of reputability?
A. Blue hat techniques
B. Orange hat techniques
C. Grey hat techniques
D. Shady hat techniques

14. If a website’s search engines get saturated with respect to a particular search engine by 20%,
what is it exactly?
A. 20% of the web pages of the website have been indexed by the search engine
B. 20% of the website’s pages will never be indexed
C. Only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search engine
D. The website ranks in the first 20% of all websites indexed by the search engine for its
most important search terms

15. The number of characters recommended for Title Tag?

A. 100
B. 70
C. 150
D. 50

16. Which of the following tactics can harm your search rankings?
A. Adding navigation links to your pages template
B. Using text that is the same color as your pages background
C. Linking to your site from other websites
D. None of the above

17. What do the acronyms PA, DA, and PR stand for?

A. Personal authority, domain authority, parked rename
B. Page authority, domain age, page rank
C. Page authority, domain authority, page rank
D. None of the above

18. What does the term ""fat head"" refer to?

A. A really mean marketer
B. Search phrases over two words in length
C. Search phrases equal to or under two words in length
D. All of the above

19. Which form of redirect/meta tag will transfer the most authority to the directed page?
A. Canonical

B. 301
C. 302
D. 303

20. Which on-page element carries the most weight for SEO?
A. The meta keywords tag
B. The title tag
C. The headers (H1, H2, H3, etc.)

21. Which of the following tactics can harm your search rankings?
A. Adding navigation links to your page’s template
B. Using text that is the same color as your page’s background
C. Linking to your site from other websites
22. What website provides details of search-engine-specific HTML markup that all major
engines have agreed upon?

23. The original name of snapchat was

A. Picaboo
B. Snap family
C. Pic chart

24. When was snapchat created?

A. 8th July 2011
B. 7th August 2012
C. 9 November 2008

25. How many people use snapchat?

A. 220 million
B. 265 million
C. 18 million

26. Saapchat is a company

A. Camera
B. Social media
C. Communication

27. Snapchat is traded on which stock exchange

28. Which company tried to buy snapchat for a billion dollar

A. Apple
B. Google
C. Facebook

29. Which percent of snapchat user are female

A. 75
B. 95
C. 70

30. The founder was former student of

A. Harvard university
B. Stanford university
C. University of Cambridge

31. Snapchat's mascot logo is referred to as

A. Snappy tom
B. Shade chillah
C. Ghost face chillah

32. What you share on Snapchat it's referred to a

A. Post
B. Tweet
C. Snap

Short Questions

1. What is SEO?

Search engine optimization or SEO is a process of keep changing the position of a web page
or website in a search engine results by using keywords or phrases.

2. What are the important types of SEO methods?

Two Types of SEO are:

1. On Page Optimization
2. Off Page Optimization

3. What are the SEO tools do you use?

The SEO tools that I use are Google analytic, Keyword Planner, Alexa, open site explorer,
Google Webmaster.

4. What do you mean by Backlink?

The incoming links to your website or webpage are referred to as Backlink. It is also called
as an inbound link.

5. What are outbound Links?

The outbound links are Links, from your website to another webpage or website

6. What is the main purpose of using keyword in SEO?

A keyword is a single word, and while a combination of those keywords makes phrases.
These keywords or phrases are used by the search engines to populate the subjects over the
internet. Search engine stores keywords in the database, and when a search is done, it will
come up with the best possible match.

7. What is keyword stemming?

The process of finding out new keywords from the root keyword from the search query is
referred to as keywords stemming. Adding a prefix, suffix, or pluralization can be used to
create the new keyword.

8. Name some SEO blogs that help you to enhance your content marketing strategies

1. Google Webmaster Central

2. Search Engine Land
3. SEOSmarty
4. MOZ
5. Search Engine Journal
6. BacklinkO

9. What is snapchat?

Snapchat is a popular messaging app that lets users exchange pictures and videos (called
snaps) that are meant to disappear after they're viewed. It's advertised as a "new type of

camera" because the essential function is to take a picture or video, add filters, lenses or other
effects and share them with friends

10. Is snapchat a save app

Snapchat is one level of “private” and “safe” – but those words are subjective until we're
talking about unbreakable encryption, the likes of which Snapchat does not yet use. NOTE:
There was a “My Eyes Only” feature rolled out in 2016 – but it could only really be used
after Snaps were sent.

Long Questions
What can SEO do for your business?
If online marketing is an important part of your business (and, to be frank, it should be!) then
SEO can be a serious asset. It costs nothing to do a little keyword research, come up with a
content strategy, and regularly practice external and internal link building. And while SEO
may not return immediate, tangible conversions, it is a pivotal part of driving organic traffic;
and driving organic traffic is a pivotal part of building brand awareness and familiarity. If
your audience can rely on you to deliver relevant, high-quality resources at the top of the
SERP, they’ll be that much closer to purchasing your product!

What are the different components of SEO?

On-page and off-page SEO
on-page SEO refers to the factors you can control on your own website, off-page SEO refers
to the page ranking factors that occur off your website, such as backlinks from another site. It
also includes your promotion methods, taking into account the amount of exposure
something gets on social media
While keywords are less important than they were a few years ago, keyword optimization is
still a cornerstone of SEO today. That said, the focus has shifted towards more long-tail
keywords, which better fit the search patterns of today’s internet users. Think of your
audience and the keywords they’re searching for; then create and optimize your website
content around those keywords.
Title Tag
The title tag refers to the title of a web page, or the main heading you see in the SERP, and is
one of the most important on-page SEO factors after your actual on-page content. Keep this
title to 65 characters or less (choose your words wisely!)
Meta Description
A meta description is a short description that appears below the URL on a search engine
results page and below a headline in a social post. It describes the content on that page but,
more importantly, it’s written to help your web page stand out in the list of SERP results.
Keep the description to under 155 characters to ensure your entire description is shown in
search results.

Alt Text
Alt text refers to the word or phrase that can be attributed to a picture file to help ensure it
gets indexed and so search engines understand what it is since they can’t see images (they
only see text). For example, if you use a graphic in your blog that outlines some injection
molding tips, you can save the alt text for that image as “automotive-injection-molding-tips,”
and that graphic will start to rank for that phrase in the image results.
Page security is more important than ever, and enabling Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security
technology is crucial for improving your security, trustworthiness, and visibility. By enabling
SSL, you increase the likelihood that a third party doesn’t come between your web server and
the visitors’ web server, ensuring that information entered on the site is safe. Likewise,
Google actually prefers sites that are SSL-enabled, making it essential to boosting visibility.
URL Structure
In addition to the factors listed above, an organized URL structure is important for today’s
marketers because it allows search engines to crawl from page-to-page on your website
easily and makes navigation more efficient for visitors. URLs should contain keywords that
reflect the pages they direct to, as easy-to-understand URLs are more likely to earn clicks and
help search engines crawl your site. URLs should also be relatively short, using your primary
keyword for that page and not using redundant words.
This is where pillar pages have come into play more recently for marketers, with certain
website pages being dedicated to popular topics your prospects are searching for and also
linking all related pages back to that pillar. Let’s say you want to create pillar pages
dedicated to automotive, medical, and consumer injection molding applications. With your
pillars identified, you can tailor your content and URL strategy specifically to those pillars,
link all related content back to the main pillar page, and help you boost your searchability on
those topics.
Internal Linking
Speaking of linking, internally linking related pages on your website is another important
factor of on-page SEO. Linking to different relevant pages on your site makes it easier for
search engines to crawl everything, and it also keeps visitors engaged longer.
Breadcrumb Navigation
Breadcrumbs are navigational aids that inform website visitors where they are on your site
and also help Google understand the structure of your website. A small text path typically
located at the top of a page, a breadcrumb indicates where the user is, with every step being
clickable. Breadcrumbs appear in Google search results, giving users a simple overview of
where the page is located on your site.
Page Performance
While other factors of on-page SEO deal with content quality and structure, the performance
of your website (and its pages) also are on-page ranking factors. Pages that take a long time
to load or don’t render properly on mobile rank lower in SERPs, as users get frustrated,
leave, and increase the bounce rate.

Search engines evaluate this and use it as a key page ranking factor, so it’s crucial for
marketers to consider the image file sizes on their pages, reduce redirects, improve the
mobile responsiveness of their site, and minimize the amount of CSS/JavaScript.
Mobile Friendliness
Everyone has smartphones, and the search for information seems constant. Yes, mobile has
changed the world, so a mobile-friendly website is a critical part of your online presence.
There are two big reasons to make sure visitors with mobile devices have a good experience
on your site:
1. Non-mobile-friendly sites force visitors to pinch or zoom just to read content, which
is frustrating and could cause them to abandon your site
2. Because all of Google now uses the mobile version of website pages for SEO

Schema Markup

Schema markup is used by Google to get information for SERP snippets. There are many
kinds of Schema Markup, some pertaining to a target persona more than others:

 Business Events
 Search Results
 FAQ Page
 News Articles
 Business Function
 Job Posting
 Local Business

What will be your approach if your SEO method doesn’t work?

If the SEO method doesn’t work then do the following,

 First, see whether it is a new project then re-check the keywords

 Then look for relevant keywords that can be helpful
 Make changes in page text, title, and description
 If still not ranked then there may be some other serious issues like bad links, penguin/panda
or other Google penalty, crawlability issues, UI issue, etc.


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