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Day-as, Cordova, Cebu

2nd Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021

Summative Test in Understanding Culture, Society and Politics (UCSP)

Name: _____________________________ Year & Section: _______ Score: ______


Part I.
Direction: Read thoroughly the statements below and identify the correct answer from the choices
provided accordingly. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each number.

a. Economic institution b. Reciprocity c. Generalized reciprocity

d. Negative reciprocity e. Secondary sector f. Balanced reciprocity
g. Tertiary sector h. Central bank i. Primary sector j. Credit cooperative
k. Quaternary sector l. Corporation m. Consumer cooperative

_________1. It is being defined as an enduring organization, practice or relationship created by

individuals to handle and cope with basic economic dilemmas.

_________2. In this form of transaction, the giver is expected to gain something in return although it
does not have to be given instantly.

_________3. The knowledge economy is focused on utilizing information and communications (such
as social media) to provide goods and services specifically tailored to the needs and wants of
individual customers or clients.
_________4. Transaction between two socially equal parties having the same status with regards to
values of goods or services.

_________5. The manufacturing industry takes raw materials and combines them to produce a
higher value-added finished product.

_________6. A form of transaction utilizes gestures that expresses personal relationships than
economic transactions.

_________7. This transaction practiced using deceiving ways to gain profit. In this form of
transaction, individuals involved try to gain as much as conceivable while paying the least amount

_________8. This sector is concerned with the intangible aspect of offering services to consumers
and business.

_________9. The primary sector is composed of industries engaged in the business of gathering raw

_________10. It is the only banking institution established through a special law of the government.
_________11. This cooperative provides financial services to its members, including securing savings
and creating funds to be used for issuing loans.

_________12. It is an organization, created by a group of people known as shareholders, which is

legally recognized to act as a single person in carrying out certain goals and objectives.

Part II.
Identify the following sectors of the economy according to the following categories.

a. Primary Sector b. Secondary Sector c. Tertiary Sector d. Quaternary

_________13. Fishing and farming

_________14. Hotels and restaurants
_________15. Mactan Export Processing Zone (MEPZ)
_________16. Information Technology

Part III.
Identify what non-state institutions are the following:

a. Bank b. Corporation c. Cooperative d. Development Agency

_________17. Jollibee
_________18. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
_________19. Banco de Oro (BDO)
_________20. Cordova Multipurpose Cooperative

Part IV.

_________21. Non-state institutions are independent from any state but usually collaborate with the
government in implementing projects.
_________22. Corporations are not required to pay taxes to the government.
_________23. Members of a transnational advocacy group come from different nations involved.
_________24. In a cooperative, the people who use its products or services are not allowed to own
and control the organization.
_________25. Trade unions are the voice of the workers to the management; they serve as link
between employees and their employers.

“People of different religions and cultures live side-by-side in almost every part of the world, and most of us
have overlapping identities which unite us in very different groups.

We can love what we are, without hating what- and who we are not. We can thrive in our own tradition, even
as we learn from others, and come to respect their teachings” — Kofi Annan

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