Reading I Final Questions

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One Thousand Dollars


How does the story start?

How rich was Gillian’s uncle?
How did the uncle divide his will?
What question did Gillian ask multiple people?
What did the pencil-selling man show him?
Why does he tell the lawyer that he lost the money in the races?
What does Gillian feel about Ms Hayden?
According to old Bryson what are some things that men could do with $ 1000?
What does Gillian do with the money?
According to the will, what will Gillian receive for spending the money in a wise way?
According to the will, what will happen if Gillian spends the money foolishly?
At the end of the story, what lie does Gillian tell the lawyers about the money?
What problem did young Gillian face?
Give a character sketch of Old Bryson.
Why did Gillian go to the club?
Why did Gillian take back the envelope containing his report?
What were the terms of Gillian’s uncle’s will?
How much money did Gillian receive from his late uncle?
Why did Gillian give Miss Hayden the one thousand dollars?
What would happen as a result of his action?
Was Gillian satisfied with the contents of his uncle’s will? Cite references from the text to
support your answer.
Why did Gillian go to the Columbine Theatre? Why was he disappointed there?
What was ‘she’ doing when Gilligan visited her? Describe her appearance.
What did Gillian tell Miss Hayden before giving her one thousand dollars?

What are the three ironies mentioned in the story?

What is the theme of the story and the message O. Henry wanted to pass on in “One
Thousand Dollars”?

Why does it matter about how the money was spent?

Give a character sketch of Gilligan.
‘The Tigress and her Mate’

1. Answer the questions in brief: (3 / 12) + 2

Why does Proudfoot leave the house early and come home late?

How does Proudfoot’s behavior towards Sabra changed? How does he speak to her?

What is Proudfoot’s reaction to Sabra’s announcement that they are going to be parents?
What did he wish for his children’s future?

What does Proudfoot say to Sabra that makes her very angry? How does their fight end?

How does Thurber mix animal -human characteristics? Give examples from the story.

Love is something you put away in the attic with your wedding dress.

When Sabra became aware of the coming of what would have been, had she belonged to the
chosen species, a blessed event, and told Proudfoot about it, he snarled.

“I’m going to hit the sack and if the kids keep me awake by yowling, I’ll drown them like so
many common house kittens”.

The owl who was God

1. What is the moral of the fable?

2. What can be another moral?

3.  How is this fable for our time?

4. Why were all the animals astonished that the owl could see in the dark?

5. Why did the animals worship the owl?

6. Why dii they drive the red fox out of the region?

7. What was strange about the owl?

8. Why does the author mention so many different animals? How can it be
transferred to the human world?

9. How did the secretary bird check whether the owl was very wise or not?

10. Why did they cry he was God?

11. Why did they start bumping into the things imitating the owl?

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