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Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra


T.YB.Sc. SEM VI CH 601

Prof. (Dr.) A. M. Nemade | Dr. H. A. Mahajan
Dr. G. H. Sonawane Dr. V. T. Patil
| Dr. S. D. Yeole

Photographic Plate

7 rays
rays rays

Radioactive Substance
IA-Lead Block Centre of Symmetry

:: QUESTIONS :unit investigation of

molecular structure
Multiple Choice Questions:
The additive as well as constitutive propery is
a) Specific volume Molar volume
c) Corrected voume dh quiv alent volume
2. Specific Relacivity of the molecule is mainly depends on ---
a) wavelenvth of light bi pressure
c) temperatt. d) selocity of the radiation
3. Molar refriaction is ne product of- and moleenlar weight of the substance.
) Speeitic rotation b) Specilic angle
c) Specitic dispersion dy Specitie refaetion

4. Molar tetraction is nvesersly ptunortional to

a) retractive index b) mvlar nmas
- y density
5. Afolar relractioi is measure

a) ces ole bjoules

in tems of
- c)molar volune

c) cal mole- d) lit mole

Optical exaltation is the property wlich is observed in case of molecule
a) conjugate double bond b) one double bond
c) single bond d) aliphatie
7. Polar molecule has -- - dipolemoment
Zero b) pemanent C) negative d) temporury
. Orientation polarisation arises due to --- ****
a) kinetic nmotion of the moleeule b) potential energy
c) intuce moment d) internal tmotion

Orientation polanzation is observed in ------- molecule.

a) Non polar ) Polar
c) Same eleetronegative d) Homo nuclear diatomic
10. Debye is the unit of measurement of-
a) induce polarisatíon b) orientation puslarition
c) dipole moment d) molar olrisation
1. The bond moment is exist between the diatomic moleeule due to dillercnce in-
a) Molar mass Atomic weight c)lectronegativity d) Desity
12. The unit of dipolemoment Debye is cquivalent to-

a) 10- esu cm b) 10-10 esu cm c) 10 esu em d) 10 eu em

13. f any given molecule if it has centre of symmetry then it Ihas - imlemnent.
a) One unit b) Zero c)l'ositive d) Nepative
14 On the basis of molecular stnucture study simple triatomie NIlg molecule huas
a)LLinear b) Pyramidal c)Tetragmal d) Square planer
15. Para disubstituted benzene molecule having identical substitutent has dipole ment
a) zero b) less than one c)grenter than one d) one
the two substituent are same in para disubstituted benzene ring the its dipole moment

a) less than zero 6) more than zero c) zero d) one

17. Wave number of the radiation is always recipracol of -
a) Frequency b) Wavelength c) Intensity d) Velocity
18. The rotational constant in rotational spectra is alwuys express in --
a) cm b) cm2 c) cm d) cm sce
19. Selection rule of rotational transition in rotational spectra is -

a) Al 0 b) AJ-+1 c)AJ- -1 d) 4=t1

20. The selection rule in rotational spectral study J=+1always indicate
a) absorption spectrum emission spectrum
c) Line spectrum d) band spectrum
21. The basic condition for molecule to be microwave active is -
a) molecule has zero dipole moment b) molecule has permanant dipolemoment
c) molecule has one unit dipolemoment d)molecule is neutral
22. In rotational spectra the first line appears at
a) 2 b) 4B c) 6B d) 8
23. Rotational spectra are also called as -
a) Raman spectra b) Microwave spectra c)Infrared spectra d) Electronie spectra
24. Bond length of simple diatomic molecule is given by the equation.
a)t= l/p c) /e d) , =
25. The isotopic substitution in the molecule changes its
a) internuclear distance b) reduce mass
c) bond angle d) None of lhese
26. The vibrational spectra ure also known as
a) Micro wave spectra b) Raman spcctra
c) Electronic spectra d) Infra-red spectra
27. The vibrational spectra oceurred with
a) Raman spectra b) Rotational spectra
c) Electronic spectra d) NMR-spectra
28. The relative intensities of spectral lines depends on of the transition bet
Various energy levels.
a) relative densities b) relative probabilities
c) relative vibration d) relative rotation
29. In the energy equation of non rigid rotator the constant D is known as
a) Force constant b) Boltzman constant
c) Rotational constant d) Centrifugal distortion constant
30. The value of D' in non rigid rotator is - as compared with the rotational const
a) higher b) smaller ) thrice d) 10 times
31. In case of non rigid rotator the first rolational line appear at
a) 2B-4D cm b) 4B-2D cm c)4B-32Dcm d) 6B 108D cm
32. The second rotational line in case of non rigid rotator will appeared at -
a) 23-4D cm b)4B-2D cm" c) 4B 32D cm d) 32B-4D
33. The simple triatomic molecule OCO is - ****
a) Microwave inactive b) Microwave active
c) Shows rotational spectra d) Shows microwave transition
34. For linear polyatomic molecules moment of inertia equation is given by
a) I=
m d) I= 2m

The number of simultancous equations, required to be solved for determination ol ban

lengths in linear triatomic molecules, is

a) one b) two c) three d) four
36. Which of the following molecule is microwave inactive --

a) oco b) HCN c) ocs d) "ocs

37. In detenniatoi o1 bond length of lincar polyatanic molecule having
C N-atom***
equation SoIved sImultancously,
b)N+2 C)N- d) N-
Answers :-b,
- b,
T8-c. 19-d,
11-e, 12 c,
20 a.
- a,
13 -b.
21 -b,
15 ,
23 - b,
24 b,
25-tD, 0d, 27-b, 28 - b, 29d, 30-b, 31-a, 32-c,
33 - a, 34 C,
- b, -
56 a, 31 C.
Multiple Choice Questionsunit-2 radioactivity and it appneaud
1. Nuclear reactions are occuTTing
a) Element
b) Molecule
c) Valance shell
d) nucleus
2. - Tays consists of ... uclei
a) He b) proton
c) Neutron d) none of these
3. In decay there occurs the conversion
P n b)nP
C)C n
4. The conversion of neutron to proton results in

a) a decay b) decay
decay d) p' decay
5. In ydeeay, e electron is capture Irom. shell
a) M b) L

c) K d)N
6, The graphical representation of unclear transtomation is represented by ..
a) Decay kinetics b} Decay schemes

e) Chemical kinetics d) none of these

7. All thea particles from sanie source are.. energelic
a) low ) highly
mono d) different
. The correct order of range of penetration through air for a ,
f and y photon is
a) R,R = R, b) R,< R Ra
c)R,>Ra>R d) Ra RR,
9. The correct relation between half life period and decay constant is

a) b) c) d 144 t
10. The unit of radioactivity is
. **** *****

a) Curie b) dPS c) Becquerel d) All the above

1, A time period lapse between the of a counter recording of two successive pulses time s

a) Resolution

a) isotopes
b) Dead

half life Recovery
12. The unusual mass and radioacliviuy are the twa important characteristics of
b) radio-isotopes d) both b and c
13. For diagnosis of thyroiditis, a tracer used is.
a)Co b)S as Hgs c)Cl as NaCI d) 'I as Nal

1. d) 2. a) 3. .
. b) . c) . 9.

C) 10.
a) 2. d) 3. d)
unit-3 photochemistry
Multiple Choice Questions:
AsOon as the incident light radiation is cut off - stop.
b) Phosphorescence
a) Fluroscence
d) Luminescence
c) Chemiluminiscencc
called as -
-)The emission of light as a result of chemica action is
b) phosphorescence )Chemifuminiscence
a) Fluroscence
he ight emited in chemiluminescence is also called as
c) bright light d) warm light
a) cold light b) hot light
4) Mathematically Lambert's law can be stated as, *

d) a 1
T b)d dlo

) n thermophile detector the metal strips are coated with

b) Hg and Cu e) Ag and Bi d) Hg and P.
a) Hg and Zn
in uranyl oxalate actionometer the sensitizet used is
a) Hg b) Cd c) Z d) UO
7) The spin multiplicity in Jablonski digram is given by
- 2s-1 d)SM +2
a)SM 25Db)SM c) SMsI
8) The absorbance and concentration are related with each other as-

a)A-abe b) A c) A dyAbe
9) Hg vapour lamp is the source of emision-ight.
a) visible IR c)uv ) yellow.
10) For uv light emmiting source the reaction cell used to study the photochemical reaction s
made up of
a) Glass b))quartz c) Aluminum d) Copper.
11) Photochemical reactiona take place by absorption of
a) Infra-red rediation' b) UV and visible radiation
c) Heat energy d) Electromagnetic radiation
12) In photochemical reactions the value of free energy change is -

Zero b Negative (e) Positive d Both positive or negat

or prOduced per quantum
mber of molecules reacted of light absorbed is knownma
) quantum b) Quantum yield
a) One
d) Photon of light
) Emstein
pheno on
which stop as soon as incident lhght radation -
he are cut off is
Phsporescence b) Luminescence
Fluroscence d) Chemiluminescence
is known as
5) The delayed tluroscence
a) Resonance fluroscence b) Quenching fluroscence
c) Photon
emission d) Phosporescence
The glow of fireflies is due to arieal oxidation of luciferin. It is the example of
a) Fluroscence b) Phosphorescence
c) Chemiluminescence d) Resonance fluroscence.
m Energy of an Einstein of radiation of wavelength 400 nm is than that of radiation of
a) lesser b) greater c) 100 times greater d) None of these

8 Photochemical decomposition of a substance is called as -

a) Thermal dissociation b) Thermolysis c) Photolysis d) Thermal reaction

The reactions which caused by heat and in absence of light are called as
a) Photochemical reactions b) Catalytic reaction
c) Thermal or Dark reactions d) Exothermic reactions
20) Fluroscence is the process in which emission of light take place within -
a).10 sec b) 10- sec e)10 sec d) 10-1 sec
) In photochemical reaction the molecule which under chemical reaction must be already
present in.
a) Triplet excited state b) Singlet excited state
c) Ground state d) None of these
According to quantum mechanics singlet excited state have energy than

corrosponding triplet exCited state.

a) Lower b) Higher ) Same d) Twice
In resonance fluroscence the frequency of absorbed radiation (va) and that of emitted
Tradiation (ve) are related as ---

a)v,e b) Ua De c) V <De

24) n Uranyl Oxalate actinometer-- acid is used.

a) Oxalic acid
b) Phosphoric acid c)Hydrochloric acid d) Sulphuric acid
25) Quantum yield for H, Clh reaction is of the order of-
a) 10 b) 106 c)1 102 d) 10-3
Answers: I-a, 2-C, 3-a, 4-b, 5-C, 6-d, 7-a, 8-a,
10-b, 11 -b, 12-d, 13 b, 14-C, 15-d, 16-
17-a, 18-c, 19-c, 20-b, 21 a, 22 -b, 23 -b, 24--a,
25 b.
MueNL-4 crystfal structure
Multiple Choice Questons
guven y 2a b u C then iller indives
tar the
If the Weiss indices for plane are
plane will be ..

c) 2:1:0 d) 21 :
crystal str. may be determined experimentally by.
a) Bragg's method b) Laue's
c) Powder method d) All of these
which of the following is the correct expression of Bragg law .

a) nA2 d sin' b) 2nA d sin 0

21n sin
e) 22 nd sin 0 d)da
4. The structure of NaCT is..
a) BCC b) FCC
c) SCC d) none of these

Number of molecules present in unit cell is determine by using cquation


a)n= d'dN b)

a'dN a'd
) n- M
6. Liquid erystal are also a as *** . of substance.
a) Mesomorphic phase D) meso mor phase

c)mesophilie phase d) mesophoric phase

L1quid erystal having layer structure with variety of mofecular arrangement within each
layer is known as-*ssseesse n*
a) Smectic liquid crystal b) Nematic liquid crystal
c) Cholestric liquid erystal d) none of these
8. The condition of reinforcement of rellected beam is proportional
to.. Which 8
integral multiple of wavelength.
a) path way b) path cquivalent
c)path difference d) none of these

9 The interplaner distanoe ratio for FCC Is equal to...

2 22/s
d) a
2/2 2/5
Whuch of the following defcct 1s predominantly observed in NaCT
a Schotky b) Prenkel
c) interstitial site defect d) none of these
whichof the following is stoichiomctric defect observed in ionic cyrstals
a Schottky b) Prenkel
c) Both a and b d) none of these
12 The displacement of atom irom its regular lattice position to interstitial site is called as
a) Schottky b) Frenkel
c) Both a and b d) none of these
13. In sodium Chloride rystal due to Schottky defect the cation vacaney is urrounded hy
Chloride ions.
a) Tour b) s
cight d) wO

14. In Frenkel defect observed in silver chloride eryntal, the interatitial Ag atom is surréunaded
O - Chloride ions.
Tour b) six
C)eight d) two
Answers :-8, , 4-b, 3-C, 6- -a, 7-a, -C.
10-a, 11-c, 12-b, 13- b, 14 C.

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