Chapter II B Force Systems 3D: Engineering Mechanics

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Chapter II b

Force Systems 3D

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Lecture Overview
1.) - Rectangular Components

- Specifications of a Vector in Space

- Dot product, force components

2.) - Moment of a vector

- Force couples

- Resultant systems

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Rectangular Components
general correlations

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Rectangular Components
general correlations

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Rectangular Components
general correlations

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Specification by 2 point on the line of action
given: point A and B, magnitude F

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Specification by 2 point on the line of action
given: point A and B, magnitude F

(x 2 − x1 )
Fx = F
(y 2 − y1 )
Fy = F
(z − z ) fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

Fz = F 2 1

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Specification by 2 angles which orient the
line of action
given: angle θ and φ, magnitude F

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Specification by 2 angles which orient the
line of action
given: angle θ and φ, magnitude F

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
solving a problem:

- find appropriate coordinate system


- choose the most convenient

representation of the given forces
concerning further operations

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Dot Product, force components
Projection of a force (component) in any
arbitrary direction.

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Recalling: Dot Product (scalar product)

Vectors A and B are θ inclined from each other

r r r r
A.B = A B cosθ = A B cosθ result = scalar
r r
A.B = a x b x + a y b y + a z b z

AB: projection of A in BA: projection of B in

direction of B direction of A
cosθ·A cosθ·B
θ θ

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Dot Product, force components
given: vector F, n (any unit vector)
projection of F in direction of n:

magnitude of Fn
= dot product

vector Fn

α, β, γ = direction cosines of n

l, m, n = direction cosines of F

e.g.: component of F in x-direction (i):

= dot
fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Dot Product, angle between any 2 vectors
given: vector P, Q

r r
P.Q = P Q cosα
r r
−1 P.Q
α = cos

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

−1 P.n
α = cos concerning a unit vector n

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
example 2.5 (from meriam textbook, s.p. 2/9)
A force F with a magnitude of 100 N is applied at the origin O of the axes
x-y-z as shown. The line of action of F passes through point A.
a) Determine the x, y and z components of F

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
example 2.5 (from meriam textbook, s.p. 2/9)
A force F with a magnitude of 100 N is applied at the origin O of the axes
x-y-z as shown. The line of action of F passes through point A.
a) Determine the x, y and z components of F
r r r
F = F n OA = 100 n OA
r r r
r OA (3 i + 4 j + 5k )
n OA = =
OA 32 + 4 2 + 5 2
r 100 r r r
F= (3 i + 4 j + 5k)
r r r r
F = 42.4 i + 56.6 j + 70.7k N
Fx = 42.4 N Fy = 56.6 N Fz = 70.7 N
fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
example 2.5 (from meriam textbook, s.p. 2/9)
A force F with a magnitude of 100 N is applied at the origin O of the axes
x-y-z as shown. The line of action of F passes through point A.
b) Determine the projection Fxy of F on the x-y plane

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
example 2.5 (from meriam textbook, s.p. 2/9)
A force F with a magnitude of 100 N is applied at the origin O of the axes
x-y-z as shown. The line of action of F passes through point A.
b) Determine the projection Fxy of F on the x-y plane

Fxy = F cos θ xy

32 + 4 2
cos θ xy = = 0.707
3 +4 +5
2 2 2

Fxy = 100 ⋅ 0.707 N = 70.7 N

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
example 2.5 (from meriam textbook, s.p. 2/9)
A force F with a magnitude of 100 N is applied at the origin O of the axes
x-y-z as shown. The line of action of F passes through point A.
c) Determine the projection FOB of F along the line OB

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
example 2.5 (from meriam textbook, s.p. 2/9)
A force F with a magnitude of 100 N is applied at the origin O of the axes
x-y-z as shown. The line of action of F passes through point A.
c) Determine the projection FOB of F along the line OB
rr r r r r
FOB = F.n OB F = 42.4 i + 56.6 j + 70.7k N
r r r
r OB ( 6 i + 6 j + 2k )
n OB = =
OB 62 + 62 + 22
r r r r
n OB = 0.668 i + 0.668 j + 0.229k
FOB = F.n OB

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
example 2.5 (from meriam textbook, s.p. 2/9)
A force F with a magnitude of 100 N is applied at the origin O of the axes
x-y-z as shown. The line of action of F passes through point A.
c) Determine the projection FOB of F along the line OB
rr r r r r
FOB = F.n OB F = 42.4 i + 56.6 j + 70.7k N
r r r
r OB ( 6 i + 6 j + 2k )
n OB = =
OB 62 + 62 + 22
r r r r
n OB = 0.668 i + 0.668 j + 0.229k

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Lecture Overview
1.) - Rectangular Components

- Specifications of a Vector in Space

- Dot product

2.) - Moment of a vector

- Force couples

- Resultant systems

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Recalling: Moment - Cross Product (vector product)

Moment of a vector V about any point 0

r is a position vector from reference point 0 to any point on the

line of action of vector F.
r r r r r 0
M0 = r × F = F r sinθ ║r║·sinθ
r r r r
i j k θ
r F
M 0 = rx ry rz
Fx Fy Fz

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Moment of a vector 3D
given: rigid body, force F and line of action, any point O,
vector r
moment of Fn about point O

( )


fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Moment of a vector – rectangular components

Recalling Varignon’s

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Moment about an arbitrary axis

cross product = M0 dot product

scalar result Mλ

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Moment – force couples 3D
given: force couple at distance d, point O

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Moment – force couples 3D

replacing a force by an equivalent force-couple system

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
example 2.6 (from meriam textbook, s.p. 2/10)
A tension T of magnitude of 10 kN is applied to the cable attached to the
top A of the rigid mast and secured to the ground at B.
Determine the moment Mz of T about the z- axis.
Solution 1: finding z-component of MO
(by cross and dot product)

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
example 2.6 (from meriam textbook, s.p. 2/10)
A tension T of magnitude of 10 kN is applied to the cable attached to the
top A of the rigid mast and secured to the ground at B.
Determine the moment Mz of T about the z- axis.
Solution 1: finding z-component of MO

cross product

dot product

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
example 2.6 (from meriam textbook, s.p. 2/10)
A tension T of magnitude of 10 kN is applied to the cable attached to the
top A of the rigid mast and secured to the ground at B.
Determine the moment Mz of T about the z- axis.
Solution 2: finding Mz by Tx, Ty and Tz components

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
example 2.6 (from meriam textbook, s.p. 2/10)
A tension T of magnitude of 10 kN is applied to the cable attached to the
top A of the rigid mast and secured to the ground at B.
Determine the moment Mz of T about the z- axis.
Solution 2: finding Mz by Tx, Ty and Tz components

Ty has no arm about the z-axis!

Tz can not cause a moment about the z-axis!

Tx = T cos θ x
cos θ x =

M z = Tx d x

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Lecture Overview
1.) - Rectangular Components

- Specifications of a Vector in Space

- Dot product

2.) - Moment of a vector

- Force couples

- Resultant systems

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Resultants – 3D - moment as a vector

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Wrench Resultant

When the resultant couple vector M is parallel to the resultant

force R, the system is called a wrench.

example: screw driver fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering
Wrench Resultant

A given force system can be represented by a wrench applied

along a unique line of action.

fig by J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics I

ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY Engineering Mechanics Department of

Faculty of Technology material by Karsten Schlesier Civil Engineering

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