Press Release - Aid Effectiveness To Development Effectiveness

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In partnership with  Press Release

30th November 2010

75 NGO and sub-national government representatives from seven provinces and Phnom Penh gathered in
Siem Reap on the 30th of November 2010 to discuss and review the implementation of the Paris Declaration
Principles (PD), the Accra Agenda for Action (AAA) and reflect on the newly endorsed Istanbul CSO
Principles for Development Effectiveness.

NGOs and government recognised the progress made by all actors in Cambodia towards the implementation
of PD and AAA. This includes clear policies in the formulation of the NSDP and a clear national
development strategy. There has also been a move towards better alignment of NGOs plans to the NSDP
and MDGs. NGOs have had increased opportunity to participate in the planning processes and the
engagement of all actors on technical issues related to such sectors as education, health and natural resource
management has improved. The capacity of local government officials and CBOs has improved.

While much progress has been made, NGOs and government also recognized that many challenges remain.
While capacity of all actors has increased, it is limited and requires further improvement. Cooperation is still
limited on both sides, with CBOs and government communication not always at optimal levels. Financial
resources for implementing local plans such as the CDPs or CIPs are still limited and hinder development at
the local level. Finally neither government nor NGOs are well informed about the AAA and the PD or are
not fully aware of their implications in improving aid and development effectiveness. There are insufficient
linkages between national priorities and local grassroots initiatives to collectively improve national
sustainable development efforts.

The forum participants recommend the following:

- All actors in the development sector should work in partnership following the principles of PD and
AAA in order to minimize the current gap between various actors in the development sector and to
promote harmonisation between national development priorities and those at the grassroots level
- Ongoing capacity building for NGOs, local government authorities and Cambodian citizens in order
to be able to respond effectively to local development challenges
- Planning for development should be an inclusive process, genuinely engaging all actors in planning,
resource mobilisation and monitoring and evaluation of development progress with the ultimate goal
being the improvement of quality of life of the poor
- Build stronger relationships within institutions and between all development actors at all levels
- Greater and long-term strategic and financial support for local NGOs and local government
- Include all development actors in existing mechanisms such as Technical Working Groups, which
should also be replicated at the sub-national level

We, NGOs and government at the sub-national level, commit to creating an enabling working environment at
the sub-national level for effective application of principles and commitment for promoting aid effectiveness
and development effectiveness. We endorse the Istanbul Principles without any changes in the agreed upon
framework for CSO Development Effectiveness and to reflect on these issues at the national, regional and
international level through multi-stakeholder discussions.

75 NGO Representatives from 5 provinces

Attendant List

No Name Organization Location

1 Khun Bunlee Battambang
2 Chhun Sarorn Battambang
3 Chhim Raymong Battambang
4 Seng Seakhuy Battambang
5 Chin Vuthy Battambang
6 Meak Marin Battambang
Provincial Governor
7 E Sarom Battambang
8 Lao Lun Battambang
9 Sa Kimsorn Battambang
SCO Cambodia
10 Than Rithy Battambang
11 Ry Sopharoth MPK Battambang
12 Ros Chorvivorn VSG Battambang
13 Sokhom Phirun VFC Battambang
14 Prum Kimcheng KMR Battambang
15 El Say Provincial Governor Battambang
16 Annie NUT Help-Age Battambang
17 Ung Yukkhorn AMARA Battambang
18 Prum Has RAHDO B.Meanchey
19 Eng Sokhen SK B.Meanchey
20 Kim Sophorn TPO B.Meanchey
21 Touch Sophanna KFD B.Meanchey
22 Chung Meng KIEDO B.Meanchey
23 Phun Syna DICO B.Meanchey
24 Roeun Phearun VESO B.Meanchey
25 Ly Khom BFDK K.Thom
26 Deip Piry Provincial Governor K.Thom
27 Chim Mony BFD K.Thom
28 Mark Bunhong Provincial Officer K.Thom
29 Long Keo ADRA K.Thom
30 Srey Kimchheoun CoDeC K.Thom
31 Thoeurn Sovantha YCC K.Thom
32 Sin Sovuthy AFD K.Thom
33 Chun Chanputheavy COWS K.Thom
34 Em Bunna CIDC K.Thom
35 Phorn Sophorn APA K.Thom
36 Try Kimlong ADRA Preah Vihear
37 Ly Setha PKH Preah Vihear
38 Den Meakea CIDO O.Meanchey
39 Khiev Bunroeub PSDD O.Meanchey
40 Tuy Sakoeun KBA O.Meanchey
41 Chee Boreth CDA O.Meanchey
42 Mao Manel RCEDO O.Meanchey
43 Srey Mom JSC Siem Reap
44 He Sino KAKO Siem Reap
45 Luon Thavuth CWCC Siem Reap
46 Pich Sophanary PLAN Siem Reap
47 Ung Chanrattana TCO Siem Reap
48 Prum Mao FIDAC Siem Reap
49 Peng Sakun FAP Siem Reap
50 Kim Sotheavy KVO Siem Reap
51 Bous Mab RS Siem Reap
52 Im Sopheak Banteay Srey Siem Reap
53 Kim Sorn Ngan RS Siem Reap
54 Eng Sokna BFD Siem Reap
55 Lin Harrey RS Siem Reap
56 Sun Vong Vannak SCC Siem Reap
57 Sam Sebtra PADV Siem Reap
58 Chan Tean NK Siem Reap
59 Seam Sophal SCC Siem Reap
60 Prin Sophanit LHA Siem Reap
61 Ky Moeung FCC Siem Reap
62 Hun Sakhorn PLCD Siem Reap
63 Kao Sophorn Provincial Gov Siem Reap
64 Saroeun Channy PDP Center Siem Reap
65 Morn Vanny KYA Siem Reap
66 Chea Phong YCC Siem Reap
67 Ul Run World Education K.Cham
68 Soeung Saroeun CCC Phnom Penh
69 Lun Borithy CCC Phnom Penh
70 Toy Monireth CCC Phnom Penh
71 Ky Samphy KrY Phnom Penh
72 Mi Nac CCC Phnom Penh
73 Eng Sophara CCC Phnom Penh
74 Seng Sothida CCC Phnom Penh
75 Monika CCC Phnom Penh
In Total = 75 Participation
NGOs = 70 Participation
Government Officer = 5 Participation
NGOs = 17 from Battambang
NGOs = 07 from Banteay meanchey
NGOs = 11 from Kampong Thom
NGOs = 02 from Preah Vihear
NGOs = 05 from Odor meanchey
NGOs = 24 from Siem Reap
NGOs = 01 from Kampong Cham
NGOs = 08 from Phnom Penh
Governor = 02 from Battambang
Governor = 02 from Kampong Thom
Governor = 01 from Siem Reap

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