Aprendizaje 2: Evidencia 4: Resumen "¿Product Distribution: The Basics?" Neida Mendoza Zabla

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Aprendizaje 2:

Evidencia 4: Resumen “¿Product distribution: The Basics?”








In this essay we find everything related to the technology of means of transport, highlighting the
different means of transport at a global level since an economic factor is positioned for each
country, such as: river or sea, air or rail road, with a high-level logistics that raises the needs of
customers and costs. Which are listed in the documentation.

We can also consider the kind of merchandise and packaging that is being transported; which are
divided into three types, related as follows: General cargo, Mass cargo, Special regime cargo.

It is highlighted that the road infrastructure of a country is very important for economic
development, and contributes considerably with the transport of goods to other territories at the
national and international level.

Evidence 1: Essay "The importance of transport networks"

• Aspects that must be taken into account to identify the transport network mesh that allows
the products to be positioned in national and international markets.


The importance of the Transport Networks is highlighted since it has been positioned globally, with
relevance for both the economic and business human factor is very significant, with high
performance at the logistical level, always taking into account the needs of the client and the costs.
Thanks to this, it allows us to use one or more models of transport, river or maritime road, air or
rail, for the expansion of the products to any part of the world and likewise, your customers can
arrive, starting from an origin with a specific destination to through a logistics process either
nationally or internationally.
Transport networks must be related and take into account conditions such as production, location,
geographical distribution, means of transport, infrastructure and government policies. Where you
have a good relationship with customers, reducing errors. For a common objective with added
values that allows them to have a reduced delivery time. A very important role is played by
identifying the type of merchandise, location, time, cost, and its respective documentation before
customs agents, the International Commercial Terms (Incoterms) regulating the distribution of
documents and delivery of merchandise, distribution channels. which is a commercial structure with
a wide use of producers to reach the final consumer.
Place of delivery of the product: If it is directly or directly with the client.
• Intermediaries: Agent located between the manufacturer and the producer, final consumer
• Mode and means of transport: Those that conform to the product.
• Infrastructure: It is the storage center for the distribution of goods.
We have as a mode of transport the following
In order to have a transport network, the following factors must be taken into account: They are the
physical infrastructure, roads, airports, cargo ports, Railways, River ports and Maritime, vehicles,
equipment used in loading and unloading, programs and control equipment for its traceability and
cargo monitoring.
Land transport is the most used alternative for short distances. Above all, used in developed
countries, which have well-adapted infrastructures for road transport.

Maritime transport, worldwide, is the most used mode for international trade. It is the one that
supports the greatest movement of goods, both in containers, as dry or liquid bulk.
Air transport comprises an important branch of transport worldwide, being the most regulated and
controlled sector of all, in part due to its potential risk.Air transport or transport by plane is the
service of transferring passengers or cargo from a geographical location to another, through the use
of aircraft, that is, vehicles capable of flying. Being the most regulated and controlled sector of all,
in part because of its risk potential.
• Affecting the packaging and packaging of products, for their transit and handling within the
distribution chain.
We can identify that this stage is the most important at the time of its handling in the export process
is the transfer of products to the foreign market. The export activity involves a series of packaging
and packaging requirements that guarantee that the product reaches its final destination in good
condition. To facilitate handling during transport and storage operations.
They are classified into three parts
* General charges
Not unitized or loose: it is the load that does not need packaging.
Unitized: it is when a certain general cargo is grouped and packed making a single package for
* Mass uploads
Bulk cargo
It is the cargo that is transported in abundance and without packaging; it is stored directly in the
hold of ships in large specially conditioned compartments.
* Special regime loads
This difference is given by the care in handling, by conditions such as weight, degree of
conservation, danger. High value, etc. and consequently requires special treatment for stowage.
* EXTRA-DIMENSIONED CARGO: Machinery and vehicles that to be safely stowed require
specialized treatments.
* REFRIGERATED CARGO: Like meats, medicines, flowers, which for their conservation need a
certain degree of constant temperature.
* DANGEROUS CARGO: Chemical substances such as acids and peroxides that must be handled
and stowed applying special standards or procedures.
* VALUABLE CARGO: As is the case with leathers that need heating; Precious artifacts such as
gold, high-quality liquors, etc ; Due to their valuable cargo condition, they require a special
treatment that allows their safety in stowage.
* MAIL: The postal pieces and other packages that contain the mail.
* LIVE ANIMALS: They move in special crates.
Cargo in containers or vans It is general cargo of different packaging that is used inside a metal or
fiberglass box, of the same size, which allows moving a greater amount of cargo in the shortest
possible time.
Air transport cargo unit:
The unit of load used in air transport is the air container, it is also called United Load Device
(ULD), whose translation into Spanish means: unitary elements of load. They allow cargo to be
transported quickly and safely, their shapes and sizes depend on the type of aircraft used for

• Importance of identifying modes and means of transport.

It is the one to choose, and to know how to identify the means of transport that adapts to the needs
of the client for the transfer of the merchandise or the product so that it reaches a specific place in
the best conditions, reducing time and costs.
Railway mode: The gondola, the hopper, the cement plant, the boxcar, the trailer, the tank car, the
bulk carrier and the platform.
Taxi mode: Truck, mule tract
Air mode: Airplane, helicopter
River mode: Boat, ship, speed boat
• The role of road infrastructure in optimizing traffic channels
Road infrastructure plays a very important role for the economic development of the country since
having a good connection between cities and international markets, to reduce the time of transfer of
cargo from one place to another, it is taken into account that the Rise in gasoline prices and tolls
affect us, which the budget that is earned is not enough and the transporters raise prices of their
service, since they do not have the adequate conditions for the routes for the transfer and
distribution of the merchandise, it is evident a problem where the investment of the rulers is
fundamental, and thus have a better infrastructure.
• Variables to take into account when designing distribution centers.
It is the facility or space intended for the distribution of goods or labeled products, preparation of
orders through logistics activities, to meet the supply and demand of the products required by
customers. The different variables are taken into account:
* Identify storage capacities and volume.
* Number of doors or positions for parking.
* Typology of office.
*Geographic location
* Machinery, and infrastructure.
* Labor among others.

• The role of ICTs in transport networks.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) It plays a very important role since it
optimizes the load and saves costs, providing tools to facilitate the coordination of a group of
carriers, the number of kilometers traveled is reduced to carry out a certain number of delivery and
thus take advantage of a better space in a pallet, container or vehicle, saving important costs.

We conclude on this issue that the road infrastructure in Colombia is very backward with respect to
technologies, since its rulers do not handle the correct administration and thus leading to a decrease
in significant economic income for the country, also decreasing connections between cities. and
delaying the transfer of cargo.


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