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S6 HOA V : Model Questions

Short Answer type Questions: (5 marks)

Module 1

 Chicago School
 Skyscrapers
 Bauhaus Schools
 Minimalism
 5 elements of architecture
 Taliesin west
 Louis Sullivan
 Le Corbusier
 Walter Gropius
 Mies Van Der Rohe
 Farnsworth House
 Less is more
 Bauhaus- Dessau

Part B Questions ( 15 marks)

1. Compare the ideologies and architecture of the Early modern schools of architecture
2. “Form follows Function”-Discuss and Justify the statement taking respective examples
from modern architecture.
3. Write briefly on the origin and evolution of Modern architecture and make a comparative
analysis of the style with the pre-modern and postmodern styles.
4. Discuss “Organic architecture” taking the works of F.L.Wright
5. Discuss the architecture of Le Corbusier and his contributions to India
6. “Architecture of the Machine age”- Elaborate the title using the works of Le Corbusier
7. Explain Chicago school and its effects on American architecture
8. “Less is more” elaborate on the statement with the paradigm of different architects of early
9. Describe the emergence of skyscrapers in America, analyzing the context of Chicago and other
American cities.
S6 Mid-Term Examination 2018
History of Architecture- V
Total:30 marks Time: 1Hr 30 Minutes

PART I :Answer any 4 (5 marks each)

a) Bauhaus School
b) 5 elements of architecture
c) Le Corbusier
d) Taliesin west
e) Louis Sullivan
f) “Less is more”

Part II :Answer any 1 (10 marks each)

1) “Form follows Function”-Discuss and justify the statement taking respective
examples from modern architecture.
2) Write briefly on the origin and evolution of Modern architecture and make a
comparative analysis of the style with the pre-modern and postmodern styles.

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