P4 Sample MS

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Pure Mathematics P4 Mark scheme

Question Scheme Marks


1 M1
(2 + 5x)−3
2 5x

1 5x
3 B1
(2) 1 1
2 8 2

1 ( 3)( 4) ( 3)( 4)( 5) M1 A1

1 ( 3)(k x) ( k x) 2 (k x)3 ...
8 2! 3!

2 3
1 5x ( 3)( 4) 5 x ( 3)( 4)( 5) 5 x
1 ( 3) ...
8 2 2! 2 3! 2

1 15 75 2 625 3
1 x x x ...
8 2 2 4

[ 1 – 7.5x + 37.5x2 −156.25 x3 + …]

1 15 75 2 625 3 A1 A1
x; x x ...
8 16 16 32
1 15 11 2 17
or x; 4 x 19 x3 ...
8 16 16 32

M1: Mark can be implied by a constant term of (2) 3
or .
1 1
B1: 2 3
or outside brackets or as candidate’s constant term in their binomial expansion.
8 8
M1: Expands ... k x , k = a value ≠ 1 to give any 2 terms out of 4 terms simplified or un-

( 3)( 4) ( 3)( 4)( 5)

simplified, Eg: 1 ( 3)(k x) or ( k x) 2 (k x)3 or
2! 3!
( 3)( 4) ( 3)( 4) ( 3)( 4)( 5)
1 ... (k x) 2 or ( k x) 2 (k x)3 are fine for M1.
2! 2! 3!
( 3)( 4) ( 3)( 4)( 5)
A1: A correct simplified or un-simplified 1 ( 3)(k x) ( k x) 2 ( k x)3
2! 3!
expansion with consistent k x . Note that k x must be consistent and k = a value ≠ 1. (on
the RHS, not necessarily the LHS) in a candidate’s expansion.
1 15
A1: For x (simplified) or also allow 0.125 0.9375x.
8 16
75 2 625 3 11 17
A1: Accept only x x or 4 x 2 19 x 3 or 4.6875x2 19.53125x3
16 32 16 32

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Question Scheme Marks
2(a) x3 + 2xy – x – y3 – 20 = 0
dy dy dy M1 A1
3x 2 2y 2x 1 3y2 0
dx dx dx B1
3x 2 2y 1 2x 3y2 0 dM1
dy 3x 2 2 y 1 1 3x 2 2 y
or cso A1
dx 3 y2 2x 2x 3y2
(b) dy 2
3(3) 2( 2) 1 22 11
t 3 −2 m T ; or
dx 3( 2)2 2(3) 6 3
"11 " 11
and either T: y 2 x 3 or ( 2) (3) c c ... ,
3 3
T: 11x – 3y – 39 = 0 or K(11x – 3y – 39) = 0 cso A1
(7 marks)
dx dx dx
M1: Differentiates implicitly to include either 2 y or x3 kx 2 or x
dy dy dy
(Ignore ).
dx dx
A1: x3 3x 2 and x y3 20 0 3y2 0
dy dy
B1: 2 xy 2y 2x
dM1: Dependent on the first method mark being awarded. An attempt to factorise out all the
dx dx
terms in as long as there are at least two terms in .
dy dy
1 2 y 3x 2 3x 2 2 y 1
A1: For 2
or equivalent. Eg:
2x 3y 3y2 2x
M1: Some attempt to substitute both x 3 and y 2 into their which contains both x and
y to find mT and
either applies y 2 their mT x 3 , where mT is a numerical value.
or finds c by solving ( 2) their mT (3) c , where mT is a numerical value.
A1: Accept any integer multiple of 11x 3 y 39 0 or 11x 39 3 y 0 or
11x 3 y 39 0 , where their tangent equation is equal to 0.

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Question Scheme Marks
3(a) 1 = A(3x – 1)2 + Bx(3x – 1) + Cx B1
x 0 (1 = A) M1
x 1
3 1 1
3 C C = 3 any two constants correct coefficients of x2 A1
0 = 9A + 3B B = − 3 all three constants correct A1
(b)(i) 1 3 3
x 3x 1 3x 1

3 3 1
ln x ln 3x 1 3x 1 C A1ft
3 13
ln x ln 3x 1 C
3x 1
(b)(ii) 2 1

f x dx ln x ln 3x 1
1 3x 1 1

1 1
ln 2 ln 5 ln1 ln 2 M1
5 2

2 2
ln ... M1

3 4
ln A1
10 5

(10 marks)
B1: Obtaining 1 A(3x 1)2 Bx 3x 1 Cx at any stage. This will usually be at the
beginning of the solution but, if the cover-up rule is used, it could appear later.
M1: A complete method of finding any one of the three constants. If either A 1 or C 3 is given
without working or, at least, without incorrect working, allow this M1 – use of the cover-up
rule is acceptable. In principle, an alternative method is equating coefficients (or substituting
three values other than 0 and 13 ), obtaining a sufficient set of equations and solving for any
one of the three constants.
A1: Any two of A, B and C correct. These will usually, but not always, be A and C.
A1: All three of A, B and C correct. If all three constants are correct and the answers do not
clearly conflict with any working, allow all 4 marks (including the B1) bod. There are a
number of possible ways of finding B but, as long as the M has been gained, you need not
consider the method used.

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Question 3 notes continued
M1: Dependent upon the M mark in (b). Substituting in the correct limits and subtracting, not
necessarily the right way round. There must be evidence that both 1 and 2 have been used
but errors in substitution do not lose the mark.
M1: Dependent upon both previous Ms. Applies the addition and/or subtraction rules of logs to
obtain a single logarithm. Either the addition or the subtraction rule of logs must be used
correctly at least once to gain this mark and this must be seen in the attempt at (b)(ii).
A1: The correct answer in the form specified. Accept equivalent fractions including exact
decimals for a and or b.
Accept ln 54 10 3 .

ln 54 is not acceptable.

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Question Scheme Marks
4(a) dx
2 3 cos 2t B1

− cos t sin t M1 A1

dy 8cos t sin t
dx 2 3 cos 2t

4sin 2t
2 3 cos 2t

dy 2 2
3 tan 2t k A1
dx 3 3


(b) When t
x , y 1 can be implied B1
3 2

2 2
m 3 tan 2 M1
3 3

y 1 2 x dM1

y = 2x − 2 A1


(9 marks)
B1: The correct
M1: k cos t sin t or k sin 2t , where k is a non-zero constant. Allow k 1
A1: 8cos t sin t or 4sin 2t or equivalent. In this question, it is possible to get a correct
answer after incorrect working, e.g. 2cos 2t 2 4sin 2t . This should lose this mark and
the next A but ignore in part (b).
dy dx dy dt
M1: Their divided by their , or their multiplied by their . The answer must be a
dt dt dt dx
function of t only.

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Question 4 notes continued

A1: The correct answer in the form specified. They don’t have to explicitly state k = 23 but
there must be evidence that the constant is 2 . Accept equivalent fractions.
B1: That when t , x 3 and y 1 . Exact numerical values are required but the values can
3 2
be implied, for example by a correct final answer, and can occur anywhere in the question.
M1: Substituting t 3
into their . Trigonometric terms, e.g. tan 23 need not be evaluated.
dM1: Dependent on the previous M. Finding an equation of a tangent with their point and their
numerical value of the gradient of the tangent, not the normal. Expressions like tan 23
must be evaluated. The equation must be linear. Using y y m x x . They should get
x and y the right way round. Alternatively writing y their m x c and using
their point, the right way round, to find c.
A1: cao. The correct answer in the form specified.

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Question Scheme Marks
5(a) y 4x
x e2 , x 0

1x 1x
y 0 4x x e2 0 x(4 e2 ) 0

Attempts to solve e 2 4 giving x ...
e 2
4 xA 4ln 2 in terms of ln where 0

4ln2 cao (Ignore x 0 ) A1


(b) 1
xe 2 e 2 dx , 0, 0 M1
1 1
1x x x
xe 2
dx 2x e 2
2e 2
1 1
x x
2x e 2 2e 2 dx , with or without dx A1

1 1
x x
2xe 2 4e 2 c A1


(c) 4 x dx 2x2 B1

4ln 2 or ln16 or their limits

4ln 2 1 1
1x x x
(4 x x e ) dx
2x 2x e 2
4e 2

1 1 1 1
(4ln 2) (4ln 2) (0) (0)
2(4ln 2)2 2(4ln 2)e 2 4e 2 2(0)2 2(0)e 2 4e 2 M1

= (32(ln 2)2 – 32 ln 2 16 −
= 32(ln 2)2 – 32(ln 2) + 12

(8 marks)
M1: Attempts to solve e 2 4 giving x ... in terms of ln where 0
A1: 4ln 2 cao stated in part (a) only (Ignore x 0 )
1 1
x x
M1: Integration by parts is applied in the form xe 2 e 2 dx , where 0, 0.

(must be in this form) with or without dx

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Question 5 notes continued
1 1
x x
A1: 2x e 2 2e 2 dx or equivalent, with or without dx . Can be un-simplified.
1 1
x x
A1: 2x e 2 4e 2 or equivalent with or without + c. Can be un-simplified.
4 x2
B1: 4x 2 x 2 or oe
M1: Complete method of applying limits of their x A and 0 to all terms of an expression of the
1 1
x x
form Ax 2 Bx e 2 Ce 2 . (Where A 0, B 0 and C 0 ) and subtracting the correct way
A1: A correct three term exact quadratic expression in ln 2 . For example allow for A1
32(ln2)2 32(ln2) 12
8(2ln2) 8(4ln2) 12
2(4ln2) 32(ln2) 12
2(4ln 2)2 2(4ln 2)e 2 12
1 1
(4ln 2) (0)
Note that the constant term of 12 needs to be combined from 4e 2 4e 2 o.e.
Also allow 32ln2(ln2 1) 12 or 32ln 2 ln 2 1 for A1.
32ln 2
Allow 32(ln2 2) 32(ln2) 12 for the final A1.

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Question Scheme Marks
6 Assumption: there exists positive real numbers a, b such that
a b 2 ab

Method 1 Method 2
a+b−2 ab <0 (a + b)2 = (2 ab )
A complete method for
( a b )2 < 0 a2 + 2ab + b2 < 4ab creating M1A1
a2 − 2ab + b2 < 0 (f(a,b))2 < 0
(a − b)2 < 0

This is a contradiction, therefore

If a, b are positive real numbers, then a + b 2 ab A1
(4 marks)
B1: As this is proof by contradiction, the candidate is required to start their proof by assuming
that the contrary. That is ''if a, b are positive real numbers, then a b 2 ab '' is true.

Accept, as a minimum, there exists a and b such that a b 2 ab

M1: For starting with a b 2 ab and proceeding to either ( a b )2 < 0 or (a − b)2 < 0
A1: All algebra is required to be correct. Do not accept, for instance, (a + b)2 = 2 ab 2 even
when followed by correct lines.
A1: A fully correct proof by contradiction. It must include a statement that (a − b)2 < 0 is a
contradiction so if a, b are positive real numbers, then a + b 2 ab

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Question Scheme Marks
x 4cos t , y = 2sin t

x 4 cos t cos sin t sin M1

6 6
Adds their expanded x
So, x y 4 cos t cos sin t sin + 2sin t (which is in terms of t) dM1
6 6 to 2sin t
3 1
4 cos t sin t + 2sin t
2 2

2 3 cos t * cso A1*

2 2
(b) 2 2 Applies cos t + sin t = 1 to
x y y
1 achieve an equation M1
2 3 2
containing only x’s and y’s.
(x y)2 y
12 4
(x + y)2 + 3y2 = 12 (x + y)2 + 3y2 = 12 A1
{a = 3, b = 12} (2)
2 2 2
(x y) 12cos t 12(1 sin t ) 12 12sin 2 t
(x y)2 12 3y2 Applies cos2 t sin 2 t 1 to
achieve an equation M1
containing only x’s and y’s.
(x y )2 3 y 2 12 (x y)2 3 y 2 12 A1
(5 marks)
3 1
M1: cos t cos t cos sin t sin or cos t cos t sin t
6 6 6 6 2 2
dM1: Adds their expanded x (which is in terms of t) to 2sin t .
A1*: Evidence of cos and sin evaluated and the proof is correct with no errors.
6 6
M1: Applies cos2 t sin 2 t 1 to achieve an equation containing only x’s and y’s.
A1: leading ( x y) 2
3y 2

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Question Scheme Marks
8(a) d
= λ(120 – θ 100
d dt B1
For integrating lhs M1 A1 M1A1;
–ln(120 – θ); = λt + c
For integrating rhs M1 A1 M1A1
{t = 0, θ = 20 } –ln (100) = λ(0) + c
−ln 12 – θ) = λt − ln 1
−λt = ln (120 – θ − ln 1 M1
−λt ln

t 120
e dddM1
100 e–λt 12 − θ
leading to θ 12 − 1 e–λt A1*
(b) {λ = 0.01, θ = 100 } 100 = 120 – 100 e–0.01t M1
100 e 12 −1
120 100
0.01t ln Uses correct order of operations by
moving from 100 120 100e 0.01t
1 120 100 to give t ... and t A ln B , where dM1
t ln
0.01 100 B 0
1 1
t ln 100ln 5
0.01 5
t 16 . 3 161 s nearest second a rt 161 A1
B1M1A1M1A1: Mark as in the scheme.
M1: Substitutes t 0 AND 20 in an integrated equation leading to
t ln f
dddM1: Uses a fully correct method to eliminate their logarithms and writes down an
equation containing their evaluated constant of integration.
A1*: Correct answer with no errors. This is a given answer
M1: Substitutes λ = 0.01, θ = 100 into given equation
M1: See scheme
A1: Awrt 161 seconds.

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Question Scheme Marks
9 (a) A(3, 5, 0) B1


(b) a d or a d, a td a 0, d 0
1 5 with either a i 5j 2k or d 5i 4j 3k , M1
l2 : r 5 4 or a multiple of 5 i 4j 3k
2 3
Correct vector equation using r or l or l2 A1


(c) 1 3 2
AP OP OA 5 5 0
2 0 2

AP ( 2)2 (0)2 ( 2)2 8 2 2 Full method for finding AP M1

2 2 A1


(d) Realisation that the dot M1

2 5 2 5 product is required
So AP 0 and d 2 4 0 . 4 between
2 3 2 3
and Kd2 or Kd1

2 5 dM1
0 . 4
AP . d 2 2 3
AP d 2 ( 2) 2 (0) 2 ( 2) 2 . ( 5) 2 (4) 2 (3) 2

(10 0 6) 4 A1 cso
8 . 50 5

(e) 1
Area APE (their 2 2)2 sin M1

= 2.4 A1


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Question Scheme Marks
9(f) PE ( 5 )i (4 ) j (3 )k and PE their 2 2 from part (c)

{PE2 −5λ)2 + (4λ)2 + (3λ)2 = (their 2 2 )2 This mark can be M1


2 2 4 2 2 2
50 8 Either or A1
25 5 5 5

dependent on the
1 5 previous M mark
2 Substitutes at least one
l2 : r 5 4 dM1
5 of their values of into
2 3
l2 .

3 1 At least one set of A1

3 1 coordinates are correct.
17 33
OE or 3.4 , OE or 6.6
5 5
0.8 3.2
4 16
5 5
Both sets of coordinates A1
are correct.


(15 marks)

3 3
B1: Allow A(3, 5, 0) or 3i 5j or 3 5 0 or 5 or benefit of the doubt 5
0 0

A1: Correct vector equation using r or l or l2 or Line 2 =
1 5 æ 1 ö 5
i.e. Writing r 5 4 or ç 5 ÷ d , where d is a multiple of 4 .
ç ÷
2 3 çè 2 ÷ø 3
Note: Allow the use of parameters or t instead of .
M1: Finds the difference between and their and applies Pythagoras to the result to find
æ 2 ö
Note: Allow M1A1 for ç 0 ÷ leading to AP (2)2 (0)2 ( 2)2 8 2 2.
ç ÷
çè 2 ÷ø

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Question 9 notes continued

M1: Realisation that the dot product is required between
dM1: Full method to find cos (dependent upon the previous M),
A1: cos or exact equivalent
1 1
M1 A1: For (2 2)2 sin(36.869... ) or (2 2) 2 sin(180 36.869... ); awrt 2.40
2 2
Candidates must use their from part (d) or apply a correct method of finding their
3 4
sin from their cos
5 5
M1: Allow special case 1st M1 for 2.5 from comparing lengths or from no working.
2 2 2
for ( 5 ) (4 ) (3 ) (their 2 2)
1st M0 for ( 5 )2 (4 )2 (3 )2 (their 2 2) or equivalent.
their AP 2 2" 2 2
1st M1 for and 1st A1 for
( 5) 2
(4) 2
(3) 2 5 2
5 5
So d1 1 4 "vector" 2 2 4 is M1A1
5 2 3 5 2 3
dM1: In part (f) can be implied for at least 2 (out of 6) correct x, y, z ordinates from their
values of .

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