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Oct 3, 2017 | For the New Stander | 0 ! |


I woke hearing God say, “I am shouldering the

burden.” I sure wish I would have grasped
this fully during my storm. It ALL makes
sense now. Everything my spouse went
through, everything I went through and felt,
and everything God was trying to get
through my thick skull, “it wasn’t ALL about

He wants to release you from the burden

and let you know who this is really about.
Your spouse and God. Not your marriage.
Not you.

YES, you have your own walk, personal

changes and even some responsibility for
things that were out of order in the
marriage. You are growing in your own
personal relationship with God, but when it
comes to the marriage, the restoration, the
burden your bear and carry, this is not
about you. A person that is in alignment
with God and spiritually mature doesn’t
implode and walk away, they stick around
with God’s help and !x things. The reason
they walk away has more to do with God
than you realize!

Here is what the Holy Spirit shared with me:

During my storm, I did not always pray and

talk to God about being restored because
there were times when I truly understood
how unhappy my husband was. I believed
the lie that marriage had trapped him and
he would never be content with me. He was
so lost, frustrated and angry over how his
life had turned out, and because I would not
allow him to walk in his role, he felt very
frustrated and powerless and that led him
to rebel.

I could relate to that powerless, hopeless

feeling I knew he had. I often woke up
depressed and frustrated with my life. I
desperately wanted to feel peace and
contentment, but I just didn’t know what
was wrong so I could !x it and I was the one
in charge of our life. I was always looking for
solutions, but for me personally, starting
over with a new person or new life was not
an option or temptation for me. My
discontent led me to seek my answers in

The Holy Spirit showed me that was how my

husband felt, he had no peace, nor was he
content. He was also searching for help and
answers and he was rebelling deeply inside
against being controlled and not being
allowed to be in charge of his life. He felt so
disgusted, hopeless, and frustrated, things
were so out of his control and he had no
idea how to !x things. He started to look at
the guys around him, young, single, having
fun, no responsibilities and that is when
envy took hold of him. He wanted what they
had, to be FREE to be his own man and
make decisions of his own life. His
frustrations and discontent should have led
him in prayer, seeking God for help. But
sadly, he was very distanced from God. And,
this opened a door wide open for the enemy
to bring him temptation and snare him in a
pit and trap of adultery.

After God showed me that, He started to

speak to me about the heart of a person
that is so at odds with their life, they
implode. But not at !rst. They live with a
feeling of unhappiness for a while, they may
not show it, it’s deep and hidden so when
they tell you they have been unhappy for a
while, you are "oored, you never saw that

But something comes along and gives them

a choice, entices them with the lure and bait
of something amazing, better, happiness, a
second chance. Where they had no way out
or no choice, they suddenly do. And the
enemy works hard to make them believe
this lie that it’s OK to choose this path and
it’s very acceptable and even pushed by the

So, with this choice comes a decision. While

they can reason with themselves, their
family, their spouse and easily walk away;
they can’t reason with God or His character.
So, to do this thing, they have to walk away
from Him OR enter into a place of total
deception, closing their hearts to the truth.
This is how can they leave the unhappy life
behind and pursue a life of being FREE to be

This is where de"ection comes in. They

blame God, the spouse, the job they are in
and family. They blame EVERYTHING but
themselves, so they can hide from the truth
and be sel!sh. The lure and pull to this new
life is the UTMOST temptation. Don’t
underestimate this power. It’s so strong they
are not able to even think about !xing what
went wrong because they don’t want to.
They just want the happiness that is dangled
in front of them.


They were NOT living in obedience and

putting God !rst in their lives. No REAL,
solid, intimate connection to God. Growing
up, but not growing in maturity in the Lord.
Some had no relationship with God,

Husbands were not leading the family as

they should be. Wives were not respecting
their husbands. There was a serious
breakdown in the area of love/respect. Too
many spouses are seeking addictive
substances, or are lost in "eshly pleasures.
Many of us confessed that we were
lukewarm in our walks when our marriages
fell apart. And we could see that spouses
walked away and hardened towards God’s
truth, even to the extent of shunning Him

God has set standards for His children. He

expects us to take being a chosen Child of
God seriously. Not only to protect our
marriage and families, but to protect our
souls from feeling so lost, broken, and
abandoned. When we draw near to God, He
draws near to us. But when we deal
treacherously and faithlessly against Him,
He turns His face away. That word
treacherously means: By violating allegiance
or faith pledged; by betraying a trust. When
we don’t obey God, we are betraying Him.
We can’t say the sinner’s prayer, and go on
living a lukewarm life, where we don’t fully
and totally surrender to Him. To be
lukewarm means you are still keeping
control of your life and have decided to
keep God at a distance that you choose.
God spews the lukewarm from Him,

“I know all the things you do, that you are

neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were
or or the other! But since you are like
lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will
spit you out of my mouth,” (NLT
Revelations 3:15-16).

It’s easy for those that are cold and

lukewarm to become hard, cold and
rebellious towards God. They have had
enough of ‘this’ life and they are going to live
for themselves. OR they buy into the lie that
God wants them happy, twisting scriptures
to !t their new decisions. But it’s all the
same. They are turning their hearts away
from God’s will, plan, and design for their
lives. They have chosen disobedience and
lawlessness. They enter into a life where sin
has no limits. Some of them completely
change overnight from their decision to give
their life totally over to sin.

The other people they get involved with,

they pour their hearts out too and make
their woes seem so great. They paint you
out to be the reason for their lives being
destroyed. The other person falls for this
victim and is convinced they can be better,
be a savior, and they jump on board to get
them out of that bad marriage and help !x
them. Together they fall into the trap of
“happiness means more than holiness and
God understands and doesn’t want us to

The enemy is a powerful, cunning,

persuasive being. And has many ideas and
instruments to convince our spouses that
what they are doing is best for all. They even
believe because this new person agrees with
everything, that they are the love of their life
and soul mates. But they are bonding in
something that is very evil. They are
bonding together in the act of turning their
back on God. They bond in the act of
perishing. Even if they are seeking God and
going to church, they are still not seeking
the truth, but a lie.

“I will Shoulder the burden.”

It’s time for your spouse to get right with

God. This is HIS burden He carries for HIS
child. God has claimed this burden as
something HE will carry. He understands
this “rift” between them, and HE will !x it.
God knows their hearts, why they chose to
give up their inheritance and identity.

Again, God is showing us that our spouses

have FIRST made the decision to turn their
backs on God. Being envious of those that
are arrogant and proud and feeling they are
BLESSED, (See Malachi below) we have failed
to really understand what our spouses have
chosen, and have fallen into the trap of
taking this very personal, feeling they have
FIRST turned their backs on US. Therefore,
we carry the full weight and burden upon
our shoulders of abandonment and
betrayal. But God is saying, this is HIS
BURDEN. They have turned against HIM,
and with that also came a turning away from
you. God WILL !x this. And, we partner with
Him in prayer AND OBEDIENCE!

Don’t let the enemy torment you and make

you feel this is your fault and you’re
responsible for !xing it. And DON’T let him
make you feel this is only between you and
your spouse. This really is about God, and
it’s always been about God!

We ARE to pray in partnership as we enter

spiritual warfare, but the heavy burden is

Jesus answered, “I am the bread of life.

Whoever comes to Me will never hunger,
and whoever believes in Me will never
thirst. But as I stated, you have seen Me
and still you do not believe. Everyone the
Father gives Me will come to Me, and the
one who comes to Me I will never drive
away. For I have come down from heaven,
not to do My own will, but to do the will of
Him who sent Me.

And this is the will of Him who sent Me,

that I shall lose none of those He has given
Me, but raise them up at the last day. For
it is My Father’s will that everyone who
looks to the Son and believes in Him shall
have eternal life, and I will raise him up at
the last day.” John 6:35-40 BSB

Standing with You,

Sheila Hollinger


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