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First lesson

EASY SPANISH COURSE is a simplified progressive

Spanish course designed for rapid learning of the
Spanish language, focused on the most useful and
common vocabulary of the living language.

In this first lesson, you will learn how to introduce

yourself and ask useful first contact questions to meet
people and make friends.
Pronunciacion básica del Basic Spanish
español pronunciation

lo más importante para entender la The most important thing to understand

pronunciación del español es recordar Spanish pronunciation is to remember
que las vocales siempre suenan igual that vowels always sound the same (they
(nunca cambian su sonido). eso significa never change their sound). that means
que solo existen 5 sonidos vocálicos y that there are only 5 vowel sounds and
son los siguientes. they are the following.

A As in car
E As in red
I As in bill
O As in on
U As in rout

LL: is similar to the ‘y’ in the word ‘yale’’

Presentándonos Introducing ourselves

Cómo te llamas? Me llamo ______
◼ What’s your name? ◼ My name is ______
De donde eres? Soy de _______
◼ Where are you from? ◼ I am from______
Cuanto años tienes? Tengo _____ años
◼ How old are you? ◼ I’m ____ years old
A qué te dedicas? Soy _____
◼ What do you do for living? ◼ I am a_____
Donde vives? Vivo en ____
◼ Where do you live? ◼ I live in ____
Mucho gusto/encandato Fue un placer conocerte
◼ It is nice to meet you It was nice meeting you.

Cómo estás? Estoy bien y tu?

◼ How are you? ◼ I’m fine and you?
Yo Tambien Me allegro
◼ Me too ◼ I’m happy to know that
saludos greetings
Hola Todo bien?
◼ hello ◼ It’s everything okay?
Buenos dias Buenas tardes
◼ Good morning ◼ Good afternoon/everning
Buenas noches Hasta luego
◼ Good night ◼ See you later
Hasta mañana Hasta pronto
◼ See you tomorrow ◼ See you soon
Chao Adios (when you think you won’t see the
◼ bye person anymore)
◼ bye

Frases importantes important phrases

Me gusta I like
No entiendo I don’t understand
por favor please
¿Puedes repetir, por favor? Can you repeat please?
Gracias Thanks
De nada You are welcome
Lo siento I am sorry
No te preocupes Don’t worry
no entendí I didn’t understand

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