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ASNT STANDARD 2ANO EDITION TOPICAL OUTLINES FOR QUALIFICATION OF NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING PERSONNEL ‘The American Society for ne ndestructive Testing, Inc. ASNT..Creating a Safer World!® : Ss eee Pcie gaan | 201 eomon TOPICAL OUTLINES FOR QUALIFICATION OF NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING PERSONNEL ‘ican Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. ASNT...Creating a Safer World!* Copyright © 2016 by Tao American Society for Nondestuctve Testing ‘he Americen Society for Nondestructive Testing, ine. (ASNT Is nol responsible forthe authenticity or eccuacy of information herein. PubIshed opinions and slalements de no! necessary rellect tne opinion of ASNT. Producis cr services that are cdvertsed or mentioned do not cary the endorsement or recommendation oF ASNT. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced or transmitted h any form, by means electtonic or mechanical inciuding photo- copying, recording or otherwise, withou! Ine expressed por witten permission of The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, he IRRSP, NDT Handbook, The NDT Technician ond ate trademaris of The American Society for Nondestnctive Testing Inc. ACCP. ASNT, Level il Study Guide, Materials Evatuation, Nondestructive Tesing Handbook, Research in Nondestructive Evaivation and RNDE are regiterec:lrademnaris of The American Sociely for Nondestuctive Testing, in. fist printing 03/16 ebook 03/16 rota, if cvciloble for tis exinting, may be ablained trom ASNT's web sile, wwww.asnt.og. ISBN: 978-1-57117-975. ISBN: 978-1 lps 7117-381-2 ebook) Plinted in the United Stotes of America Publched by: ‘The Ameticon Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. 1711 Atlingote tone Columbus, O# 43228-0518 ew 05.09 Eaited boy: Cynthia M, Leeman. Educational Materials Supervisor Te Jor Senior Manager of Pubiications ASKT Mission Slatoment: [ASNT exists to create safer world oy promoting the profession end technologies of nondestructive testing. ANSASNT CP-105-2016 American National Standard ASNT Standard Topical Outlines for ‘ualfication of Nondestructive Testing Personnel Secretariat ‘The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc Approved October 26,2015 American National Standards Institute Abstract “This standard applies to personnel whose specific tasis or jobs require appropriate knowledge of the technical principles underlying non- destrvtive testing (NDT) methods for which they have esponsblities within the scope of their employment. These specific tasks or jobs include, bot are not limited to, performing, spect ating NDT work, ng. reviewing, monitoring, supervising, a ‘To the extent applicable to the standard set forth herein, The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT) does not assume the validity or invalidity, enforceability or unenforceability of patent rights, registered trademarks or copyrights in connection with any stem referred to in tis standard, study materials, or examinations. Users ofthis standard, study materials, or ecarsinaions are futher ‘cautioned and expressly advird that determination of the validity or enforceability of any such patent rights, trademarks or copyrights, and the risk ofthe infringement of such rights through misuse of protected materials are the responsiblity ofthe user. Reference to or pic- ‘wxial depiction of specitic types of products or equipment are for purposes of illustration only and do not represent the endorsement of such products or equipment by ASNT. Employers or other persons utilizing nondestructive testing services are cautioned that they retain full esponsibility for ultimate determi- ation ofthe qualifications of NDT personnel and for the certification praces, The process of personnel qualification and certification as detailed in the standard does not relieve the employer of the ultimate legal responsblity to ensure that the NDT personnel ure fully quali- ed forthe tasks being undertaken This standard is subjoct to revision or withdrawal at any time by ASNT ANSI/ASNT CP-1 American National Standard ‘American Notional Standard Approval ofan American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the requirements for de process consensus, and other criteria for approval have heen met by the standards developer, ‘Consensus i established when, inthe judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by dlicectly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreement meens much more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. ‘Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward thee resolution. ‘The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; their existence does notin any respect preclude anyone, whether they have approved the standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing or using products, processes, or products not conforming. tthe standards ‘The American National Standards Tastitute does not develop standards and wil inno eiscumstances give an interpretation of aay ‘American National Standard, Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to fsue an interpretation of an American National Standard i the name of the American National Standards Institte, CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at anytime, The procedures ofthe American National Standards institute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard, Purchasers of American National Standards may receive curren information on all standatds by calling ox writing the American National Standards FOREWORD (This foreword ts not part of American National Standard CP-105-2011.) An essential element inthe effectiveness of nondestructive testing (NDT) is the qualificstion ofthe personnel who are responsible for and ssho perform nondestructive testing. Formal traning Is an important and necessary eloment in acquiring the skills necessary to effectively perform nondestructive test. ‘The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT) hes, therefore, undertaken the preparation and publication ofthis standard, which specifies the body of knowledge to be used as part ofa training program qualifying and certifying NDT personnel ASNT CP-105: ASNT Standard Topical Outlines for Qualification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel was initially processed and approved {or submittal to the American National Standards Insitute (ANSD by the ASNT Standards Development Committe. This revision was processed by the ASNTT Standards Development Committee. Commitice approval ofthe standard does aot necessarily imply that all ‘committee members voted for its approval. At the time it approved this standard, the Standards Developmeat Comsmittee had the following members Michael E. MeDantel, Chair Ronald Nisbet, Vce-Chale Matthew L, Patience, CP-105 Chait Charles Longo, Secretary Amy Beeson, Ex-O! Paul E, Deeds, J William C. Plumstead, Se. Michael J-Ruddy Rick L. Ruhge Henry M. Stephens Marvin W. Tela ‘Michael L. Tumbow David H. Vaghn Sharon I. Vuklich ‘The outlines contained inthis American National Standard were approved by the ASNT Technleal and Education (1%KE) Council through its method committees. At the time the standard was approved, the T&E Council, Methods Division had the following members: ‘Methods Division Joseph. Mackin, Chair avid G, Moore, Vice Chair Acoustic Emission Commies Laverence W. Gill, Chair Gerard Hacker, View Chair Joba C. Duke Je. Allen T. Green Edmund G. Hennoke Erie VK. Hill David L. Kesler Margarit G. Lozev Ronnie K. Miller James R Mitchell Adsian A, Pollock Jack C. Spanner, Ir. Sotiros Vahaviolos Electromagnetics Commitiee Mark A. Johnsen, Chait ‘Michael C. Smith, Vice Chae Albert $. Burks Micheel C. Brown James R. Coll Robert £, Cameron James F. Cox ‘Claude D. Davis Darrell W. Harris Xiaowei He Gary E. Heath William G. Hoffmann Bharath Kumar Kedumura Mactia C. Lug Joseph L. Mackin David D. Mackintosh John A. Markanich Allan F.Pardiai Michel J. Ruddy ‘Ward D. Ruramel David F. Russell lassein M, Sadek Roderic K. Stanley ‘Ankit Valpayee “Andrew P, Washabaugh Ground Penetrating Radar Committee Lawrence W. Gill, Chair Morteza K Jafar, Vice Chair Reaty A. Davis Jones, Secretary Sreenivas Alampalll Peter A. Annan James B. Cook Linda R. Davis James S. Davis Michael J. Diaz Juan R. Diaz ‘Christopher C. Hawekotte Joshua R-ones Raymond G, Morasse Ricky L. Morgan ‘Thom Schafer Khosrow Tabrizl Guided Wave Testing Glean M. Light, Chair Jason K. Van Velsor, Vice Chair Andreanne Powvin, Secretary David Alleyne David R. Bajula avid R Dechene ‘Mark vans [Nat ¥. Faransso Huidong Gao Kevin Holt Frederick S. Hoyt Paul Jackson, Danny L. Keck, Doron Kishor’ Donald D. Locke Peter J. Mudge Lawrence E. Mullin, Sr Michael J Murray Ronald T. Nisbet Kevin R Ostergren Michael J. Quarry Reyaz Sabet-Sharghi Dirk Schumann Michael G, Sens ‘Terry M, Webb Infrared/Thetmal Committee 1 Terry Clausing, Chale Albert A. Ohiger, Vee Chair Daniel R Ryan, Secretary Gary Orlove ‘Steven M. Shepard Robert W. Spring Laser Method Commitiee Roger Gregory, Chair Bennett Feferman, Vice Chair Flynn Spears, Secretary Gavin Bristow Michael R. Collingwood ‘Matt Crompton Edgardo D. Ferrer Paul f. Kulowiteh Eberhard Moser Andrew L. Murray John W. Newman. Tey R. Tamberg Rick D, Wallen “Andreas Welz Leak Testing Committee Mark A. Johnson, Chair Anthony. Heinz, Viee Chair Micha! J. Bolton. award J. Briges Gary R Fkier Darcell W, Hares Dietmar F. Heaning David M. Kuh Michael V-McGloin Kane M. Mordaunt Venkat N. Raman ‘Todd E. Selmer Donald J Trapp ‘Magnetic Flux Leakage Martin T. Anderson, Chair “Timothy Scott Rach, Vice Chair David R Baja Darrell W. Harris Danny L. Keck Joseph 1. Mackin (Chris I, Pankrate Microwave Committee Marvin W Trimm, Chair Jack R Lt, J, Viee Chat Robert J. Woodward, Secretary Jacques L. Brignac Toseph T. Case William A. Elingson Ryan Goitia Brian J. Gray Shant Kenderian Jou: Koivwmaki Ken Murphy ‘Wiliam Neyer Kar F Schuh Fr Jeficey Sengenberger Robin Sloan James F. Tedesco Larry Weigel Mq/PT Committee Lise M. Price, Secretary ‘Tracy L Alger Raymond D, Bery, Ll Richard A. Bordelon Liss Brasche John C. Breusch Mare Breit Gina R. Cavell Brenda L. Collins Paulla J Daily Claude D. Davis Charles W. Bick Nat ¥.Faransso

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