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Standing Committee on Health

and Social Development

Health PEI Overview

June 16, 2021
Health PEI at a glance
• A crown corporation
• Offers a full continuum of acute care and
community-based health services
• Reorganized in January 2021 with new
leadership structure

Purpose of restructure
Goals Priority areas
• decentralized • strengthening
decision making seniors health
• breakdown • primary care
barriers between renewal
programs • mental health and
• improve overall addictions
coordination of • virtual care
the health care
system • health human

Challenges to overcome
• Lack of arms length independence
• Staffing and retention
• Silos, disjointed system
• Developing trust and
engagement with Islanders
• Longstanding reputation of unresponsiveness
• Balancing equity of care with efficiency/quality across PEI
• Internal and external communications
• Our size
We currently focus on putting
out fires and lurching between

Strategic, high-level planning

and implementation are lacking
Progress areas
• Virtual Care planning
• Primary care roadmap, hiring has begun (9.6 FM, 7 NPs)
• Problem identification and solution focused
• Move towards provincial surgical services plan
• Culture change starts at the top—new ELT
• System flow under the new org structure

Next steps
• Recruitment of CEO
• Planning has started and well underway in priority areas.
• Identifying longstanding issues and finding solutions.
• Road will seem rocky as we make changes, challenge status quo.
• Health PEI has the potential to be a leader in health care
delivery in Canada, but this will take time, commitment and

Specific issues
• Prince County Hospital
• Role of community hospitals
• Staff retention
• Staff recruitment and Primary care
planning are with DHW



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