Tarea 5

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Tarea 5

1. When the average kinetic energy of molecules is nearly equal to the bond energy, molecular collisions
will begin to break the bonds. The average kinetic energy of molecules is equal to 3 2. (a) The C-H
bond energy is about 414 kJ mol−1 . At what temperature will the C-H bonds in methane begin to
break? (b) The average binding energy per nucleon (neutron or proton) is in the range (60 − 90) × 106
eV or (60 − 90) × 108 kJ mol−1 . At what temperature do you expect nuclear reactions to take place?
2. Radioactive decay is a first-order reaction. If  is the number of radioactive nuclei at any time , then
 = − . Carbon-14 is radioactive with a half-life of 5730 years. What is the value of ? For
this prosess, do you expect  to change with temperature?
3. When atmospheric CO2 dissolves in water, it produces carbonic acid H2 CO3 (which causes natural rain
to be slightly acidic). At 250 ◦ C the equilibrium constant a for the reaction H2 CO3  3 +H
is specified by pa = 663; the enthalpy of reaction is ∆rxn = 766 kJ mol . Calculate the pH at
25 ◦ C and at 35 ◦ C. Use Henry’s law to obtain [H2 CO3 ].
4. The K+ concentration inside a nerve cell is much larger than the concentration outside it. Suppose
the potential difference across the cell membrane is 90 mV. Assuming the system is in equilibrium,
estimate the ratio of the K+ concentrations inside and outside the cell.

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