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Physician: walks over to patient to get their urine to diagnose them.

Physician: “It seems you have syphilis.”

Patient 1: “ok”
kbntrty66yret5retyu78i7u654gfdszP/hysician: Grab's mercury ointment

Physician: “Use this” Gives it to Patient.

Patient 1: Walks out of room.


Physician: “Next patient please!”

Patient 2: “ok”

Physician: “It seems you have haemorrhoids.”

Patient 2: “Oh no.”

Physician: “You have 2 options, sit on St. Fiacres stone or have this hot iron put in your rectum.”

Patient 2: “I will go to St. Fiacres stone.”

patient 1 – Hayden
patient 2 – Andreus
physician – Ryan

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