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Department (Faculty) Inst. of Agri.

Extension, Education and Rural Development

Student Name Muhammad Arif
Father Name Muhammad Wazeer
Program B.ed (1.5 years)
Student AG# 2019-AG-2178
Supervisors Name Ms Sania Yaseen
Title of Research Role of Audio Visual Aids in learning at Secondary Level
Why and Purpose:
This examination is going to explore the impacts of visual Aids in improving learning of
understudies at auxiliary dimension. Instruction is essential for everyone.. Instructing and
learning are the significant component in training.. With the progression of time, modified
strategies and methods are entered in the field of instruction and instructor utilize distinctive
sort of helps to make compelling learning. The purpose of this proposal is to analyze how the
audiovisual teaching aids are applied in the modern educational environment and to assess
their application efficiency in the context of the secondary-level vocational education
establishments. This research aims to focus on the quarries as to how language class can be
dynamic and effective with the use of audio video materials.. This research gives a clear view
of the reason of using audio-visual aids in language teaching and its advantages from both
teachers‟ and learners‟ perspectives. To develop concept and sequences in a subject matter
area. To test students performance, while other classmates observe. Two show relationship by
means of transpiring overlays in contrasting color. To give the illusion of motion in
transparency. The purpose of this study was to investigate “effects of audio visual aids in
enhancing learning of students at secondary level”. This study was descriptive and survey to
investigate the effects of visual Aids in enhancing learning of students at secondary level.
Objectives :
1. To strengthen teachers' skills in making teaching-learning process more
2. To attract and retain learners' attention
3. To make class more interactive and interesting
4. To focus on student-centered approach and visual aids in learning.
Significance of the Study:
 This study will be helpful for educators to know the importance and
advantages visual aids in teaching learning process especially at secondary level.
 The use of audio-visual aids has become a common fashion for the language
teachers, but many of them might not be well aware of these.
 This paper will give an insight to the language teachers about audio-visual
 This study will help the language teachers to know better about the
effectiveness of using audio-visual aids in the classroom.
 This study will be a future guideline for the English language teachers.
Delimitation of the Study:
This study was delimited and conducted at the secondary level because of the
shortage of time , limited resources and according to requirement of this program.

Assumptions of the Study:

It is assumed that audio visual aids play a vital role in the learning at secondary level
because the video along with audio imparts a positive response in student learning
Theoretical framework:
The Direct Method is one of the language teaching methods which emphasizes on
the complete use of the target language. In this method, teachers do not use any L1 in
the classroom. Even though any student cannot understand anything, teachers do not
use L1; rather they demonstrate and show something to make them understand. As a
result, teachers use different visual aids like picture and posters in the classroom.
Conceptual Framework:
A conceptual framework is defined as a network or a “plane” of associated
models. Conceptual framework analysis offers a procedure of theorization for building
conceptual frameworks based on grounded theory method. According to the
conceptual framework the visual aids represents the independent variable while the
enhancing learning process acts as dependent variable.
Research Methodology:
This chapter deals with the method and procedure of the study. The present study was
concerned with the effects of visual Aids in enhancing learning of students at
secondary level. For the collection of relevant information procedure and
methodology are used as fellow:
i. Research design:
It is descriptive and survey research about the effects of visual Aids in enhancing
learning of students at secondary level. Descriptive research is “aimed at casting light
on current issues
ii. Population:
A population is otherwise called an all-around characterized gathering of people or
questions known to have comparative attributes. All people or protests inside a
specific population typically have a typical, restricting trademark or characteristic. The
target of this study is the teachers of 5 public schools and 5 privateschools.100 female
teachers of the public and private secondary schools were given the questionnaire.
iii. Sampling and Sample:
In research a sample is a gathering of individuals, articles, or things that are
taken from a bigger population for estimation. The example ought to be illustrative of
the population to guarantee that we can sum up the discoveries from the exploration
test to the population all in all.100 female teachers of the public and private secondary
schools were taken as convenient sampling.
iv. Research Instruments:
The study used questionnaires as the main research instrument. Questionnaire
is the form in which different questions asked by the sample of the study to complete
the goal of the study.
v. Validation of the Instruments:
I conducted our study at ground level by giving the students questionnaire that they
filled according to their learning by the audio visual aids so the results of this study
would be 95% valid and authenticated.
As the research followed only qualitative method for data collection, the data was
analyzed based on the discourse and coding. Checklist and questions helped to
organize the information in order. Different questions were set in different segments
depending on the research questions. First, the findings of the class observation then
the teacher interview data were analyzed. And finally the FGD information was

Analysis of data:
Researchers visited in ten schools of private and Government and collect data from all
these schools. Data was collected from students and teachers at secondary level. One
hundred questionnaires were filled by the teachers and students. After the collection of
the data it was tabulated. Questionnaires were analyzed. Responses of teachers were
described and then analyzed by frequencies and then its major commonness and
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