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L presentation to parents
Project based learning is a kind of learning which is more student based and easier to understand,
and therefore easier to learn from. PBL consists of benchmark, driving questions, and culminating
events. PBL starts with a project launch, where we are told our driving question, such as how do we
purify water, and learn the details of the project. Then we move on to benchmarks, which are small
projects that teach us the skills we need for the final project. The final step is the culminating event.
This is the big project that brings all the skills we have learnt together. This could be making a piece
of art, or purifying creek water. After we have made the thing for our culminating event, we have to
show it to an audience outside the classroom. As an example of how we use PBL in class, in English
and humanities, we had to right an autobiography about an important event or person in our lives.
We were giving a choice about what event or person we wrote about, and during the benchmarks
we learnt skills to write an autobiography. Our culminating event was our finished autobiography,
and we had to show it to a public audience, which was in my case Liam. That is PBL.

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