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I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the people behind the realization of this
practice teaching. Thank you to Dr. Elizalde Q. Cena, the Principal of Parang High School, and
his teaching force for letting me to administer my practice teaching and mostly to my students of
IV – Rizal, IV – Bonifacio, IV – Burgos and II - Narra who helped me to endure my skills and
knowledge and sharing it to them.

To Mathematics Department staff, thank you so much for supporting me in my teaching.

Especially to my mentor, Mrs. Bielynda C. Daelo, who shares her knowledge about teaching and
for letting me to use her materials for the whole stayed at vicinity and to Mrs. Imelda Olvida, the
Head Department of Mathematics, for sharing her knowledge regarding my demonstration
teaching. A very fruitful thanks to them for developing me as a teacher.

I also thank you to Mrs. Norma I. Olivares, our subject professor, and the entire section
of BSE 4th year that guides and shares their knowledge about teaching.

To my family, thank you so much for the untiring love, understanding and supporting

To all of my friends, for sharing their effort, time and space.

Also thanks to myself who never cease to do this practice teaching and portfolio and for
being determine to finish my work.

Most of all thank you so much to our Lord Jesus Christ who blessed me with the
knowledge and good health to make this practice teaching realize.


Practice Teaching is a 6 – unit course and a part of the Experiential Learning Course of

the teacher education curriculum which gives the prospective teachers the chance to experience

the life in actual learning environment. The opportunities and experiences embedded in this

course will enable them to meet the challenges of the real learning environment. The varied

requirements will help them cope with the demands of the profession.

Practice Teachers are required to fulfill the following goals of the course in order to achieve

better and effective teachers:

 Demonstrate deep and principled understanding of the learning process and the role of

the teacher in facilitating these processes in their students;

 Manifests a meaningful and comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter they will


 Applies a wide range of teaching process skills (including curriculum development,

lesson planning, use of appropriate technology, materials development, educational

assessment and teaching approaches);

 Acquires direct experience in the field/classroom (classroom observations, teaching

assistance, practice teaching);

 Practices the professional and ethical requirements of the teaching profession;

 Facilitates learning of diverse types of learners, in diverse types of learning environments

using wide range of teaching knowledge and skills;


 Reflects on the relationships among the teaching process skills, the learning processing in

the students, the nature of the content/subject matter and the broader social forces

encumbering the schools and educational processes in order to constantly improve the

teaching knowledge, skills and practice;

 Creates and innovative approaches alternative teaching approaches, takes informed risks

in trying out these innovative approaches, and evaluates the effectiveness of such

approaches in improving student learning; and

 Continues to learn in order to teach to learn to better fulfill their mission as teachers.



Title Page i

Acknowledgement ii

Statement of Purpose of the Portfolio iii

Table of Contents v

I. Student’s Resume 1

II. Prayer of Student Teacher 5

III. What is teaching in my opinion? 7

IV. A brief description of the site of practice teaching 9

V. Examples of Lesson Plans 11

a. Detailed 12

b. Semi – Detailed 16

c. Brief 18

VI. Observation of evaluation forms with reflection 20

VII. Best Lesson Plan with complete set of materials and reflection 23

VIII. Sample of learner’s work and feedback with reflection 30

IX. Title and brief synopsis of professional readings and references

with reflection 63

X. A professional development plan or career plan 66

XI. Documentary Photos 69

a. Parang High School and its facilities 70


b. Parang High School Faculty 71

c. My Mentor and my Students 71

d. My Lesson Plan and Class Records 73

e. Teacher’s Party Celebration 74

f. Math Month Celebration 76

g. Student Teachers’ Dry – Run 78

h. Final Demonstration Teaching 79

XII. Comments of the Mentor 82

XIII. Narrative Report 84

XIV. Evaluation and Grading Sheets 88

XV. Time Card

XVI. Certificate of Completion


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