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Strengths Weaknesses
Less dangerous Cameras are expensive
Sunbury would ae more monitored. Some places are hard to put cameras in
A better and safer community. People hacking into the cameras
People would feel safe.

Opportunities Threats
Less bad things happening The cameras could ae used ow hacked into
More people could get jobs watching and to invade people’s privacies.
maintaining the cameras. People might hack the cameras.
More jobs (monitoring, maintenance, set up) Stupid people with bricks
Fixing cameras would be expensive

Idea: more cameras in public areas

My points don’t edit

§ Most groups of people would be happy that that we would have

more cameras. Some people wouldn’t like it but that would because
they are involved in possibly illegal activities. Some people might
just not like it because they think it’s not good privacy.
§ Some people might use the footage for the wrong things
§ The camera systems wouldn’t cost a crazy amount, and most people
would be fine with the cameras so long as they’re only in public
spaces. The camera would use energy but not too much.
§ Sometimes things get broken which would cost a lot, but if there
were cameras it might have been potentially stopped so it could
save money in the end.
CCTV cameras have been used in a lot of cities to make the city stay safer, an example of a city that
used cameras jn public spaces is Sydney.

Each camera costs around $150, we would need around 300 cameras to cover most public areas in
Sunbury which would equal around $45.000 in total on just cameras, the installation is another $2000
dollars ontop of that making it $47.000
With such a large town, there’s bound to be people who break the law, whether it be small
misdemeanours, such as vandalism going all the way up to fights. With cameras, if there is a fight or
somebody is vandalising property, then we can see them through the cameras and prosecute them

Proposal points:
Description of your project, it will form a part of the speech to the class and will need
to be detailed
We are proposing that there should be more security cameras in Sunbury to
discourage crime. If there were more security cameras, then many bad things could be
prevented. Many places already have cameras

The project is sustainable as

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