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Comments of the mentor

 He comes to his class neat and well groomed and with

prepared lesson plan.
 He provided appropriate learning tasks and projects that
support development of good study habits.
 He kept accurate records of grades.
 He showed fairness and consideration to all his students.
 He used available ICT resources for planning and designing
teaching- learning activities.
 He is open to comments and suggestions from his mentor,
learners, peers, superior and others.
 He needs to improve his art of questioning.

Narrative report


Teaching is a profession that encouraging students to make connections between their

real – life experiences and the subject being studied. The innovation of teaching provides hands –

on activities that really help the students to realize the facts and concepts or ideas on what they

have realizing inside the classroom. Active Learning and Cooperative Learning are the two

methods and approaches that best fitted and suited in teaching Mathematics. As I found out, most

students prefer to have hands – on activities like games, group activities, and board work so that

they will experience the real learning of the topic. By this, you are not teaching to the students to

memorize the facts or concepts but you let them to truly understand the real concepts.

November 23, 2010 – The day of our deployment in Parang High School. I was so

excited to start my teaching because definitely I want to experience the real classroom learning

and set – up. But I realized that first thing to do is know who will be my mentor, what year will

be going to I handle for the whole remaining period, what strategies shall I going to use in order

to handle different type of students and etc.


I met the whole casts of Department of Mathematics and I found out that they are nice,

approachable, pretty cool to be with and helpful especially to Mrs. Bielynda Daelo, my mentor,

Mrs. Teresa San Andres, Mr. Emerardo Claridad, and to Mrs. Imelda Olvida, the chairman

of the department.

As I met my students IV – Rizal, IV – Bonifacio, IV – Burgos and II – Narra, I felt

nervous because like what I have learned in our professors, we are going to meet and face

different type of learners with different abilities, capabilities skills and learning styles, so that it

is a challenge for us. First, I made a lesson plan for the first teaching but it was rejected.

Definitely, I made my lesson plan functionally and productively with the help of research

materials for the motivation and activities.

Time passes by, I was so lucky to have them. They are energetic and full of enthusiasm.

They are pretty and handsome. They are helpful and approachable. They are smart and

intelligent. These are the characteristics of the students that I am looking for. I was so blessed to

have them and I was so blessed that I handled them.

TEACHER’S CHRISTMAS PARTY – We also involved in the Teacher’s Christmas

Party celebration. With the help of my students, IV – Rizal, we competed ourselves in other

department. We did dancing gracefully and finally we won.

MATH MONTH CELEBRATION – We were so lucky to have here in Parang High

School. We are involved in different events of the Mathematics Department. We enjoyed the

Math Camp and Math Awitan. We also redecorated the bulletin board of the department. I made

Tessellation and Tangram as my project. I was also the photographer for the Slogan and Poster

Making Contest.

WORKS AND ACTIVITIES – We are so excited in checking of papers, making a test,

doing step – by – step lesson plan, etc. but as we did it, I found out that it was so hard to do such

things perhaps it was so happy and enjoyable to do it. We, Student Teachers, helped each others

in doing such things. We shared ideas and we did brainstorming. We experienced making grades

of the students.

FINAL DEMONSTRATION TEACHING – We are so busy in making the best lesson

plan for our demo – teaching. We are consulting our mentors and the chairman of the

department. We did the dry run for our demo – teaching so that we determine the changes to our

final – demo. FEBRUARY 23, 2011 – The day has come. I used IV – Rizal as my participants

for my final demonstration teaching and we used Computer Laboratory as the best site for my

demo – teaching. I chose them because I know they are intelligent and have the skills to

overcome the activity included in my lesson. We celebrated our demo. We prepared food for the

casts and also I prepared foods for my participants.


Obviously, we will miss the laughter we had, the ideas and concepts we shared, the kindness of

everyone and how they help us in improving our teaching. We also miss the things we usually do

here inside the department like eating, cleaning, changing galloon in the water dispenser and

washing the dishes. They are a great help to overcome our fear in teaching and developed our

self – confidence. Without them we didn’t experienced the real classroom set – up. Thank you,

Math Department for developing us. Thanks to my mentor Mrs. Bielynda C. Daelo, without her I

didn’t learn the fruitful and meaningful aspect of teaching. Thank you, Parang High School for

making our lives productive in terms of Teaching.


Evaluation and
grading sheets

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