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Time to review -future tenses

When to use GOING TO

1. (Prior Plan) When we have already decided or we INTEND to do something in the future. The decision has been
made before the moment of speaking.

They're going to travel to the beach - in fact they have already bought the tickets.

I'm going to accept the job offer.

2. (Evidence) When there are definite signs that something is going to happen. Something is likely to happen based
on the evidence or experience you have.

I think it is going to rain - I just felt a drop.

I don't feel well. I think I'm going to throw up. (throw up = vomit)

3. When something is about to happen:

Get back! The bomb is going to explode.

What’s the formula?

Affirmative – subject + to be + going to + verb: She is going to travel.

Negative – subject + to be (negative) + going to + verb: She isn’t going to travel.

Interrogative – to be + subject + going to + verb: Is she going to travel?

Answer using going to:

1) Translate to English:

a) Eu vou viajar para o Canadá em setembro.


b) Minha amiga não vai comprar um novo computador.


c) Eles vão convidar todos os amigos deles?


d) Por que você vai começar um curso de coreano?


e) Nós não vamos trabalhar durante o feriado.


f) Vocês vão terminar o projeto até semana que vem?


2) Change into interrogative:

a) She is going to study Chemistry in college.

b) They are going to accept the deal that the director proposed.


c) Your brother is going to help the new students with the math classes.


d) Her sister is going to teach her how to cook.


e) She is going to write a new book about her theory.


When to use WILL

1. (Rapid Decisions) For things that we decide to do now. This is when you make a decision at that moment, in a
spontaneous way.

I'll buy a coffee for you too.

I think I'll go to the movies tonight. (I’ve decided it now.)

2. (Prediction) When we think or believe something about the future.

My team will not win the league this season.

I think it will rain later so take an umbrella with you.

Note: You can use both Will and Going to for making future predictions.

3. To make an offer or a promise.

I'll give you a discount if you buy it right now.

I promise I will behave next time.

I'll take you to the movies if you'd like.

What’s the formula?

Affirmative – subject + will + verb: I will study today.

Negative – subject + won’t + verb: I won’t study today.

Interrogative – will + subject + verb: Will you study?

Answer with will:

1) Translate to English:

a) Ela pegará o ônibus para a escola em 10 minutos.


b) Eu farei meu melhor para ajudar você.


c) Ela não irá à festa do meu irmão hoje à noite.

d) Não se preocupe, eu não contarei para ninguém.


e) Eu acho que choverá mais tarde, leve seu guarda-chuva.


f) Você viajará com a família de seu amigo esse ano?


2) Answer the questions using complete answers:

a) What will you do this weekend?


b) What will happen if we keep polluting the environment?


c) What will life be like when you are 40?


d) What will education be like in the future?


e) If you have time today, what will you do?


f) What will you do in the future if you are rich?


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