Iso 80000-1 English

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INTERNATIONAL Iso STANDARD 80000-1 at etton roost 85, Quantities and units Part 1: General Grandeurs et untes Partie 1: Génératies Reforenes number 1s 80000-1-2000(€) 1807008 180 80000-1:2000(6) POF dhaclaimer “Tis POF tla may contin embed testaces in accorcance wan Adc Noein GOAT, 2 ke aye pte! a ame Dat ‘hsbc be edned were he peace stich ae entced wr horenrd so od Veta ote compu’ paring he eng ‘Soicacng (se, partes aap hee Pe respon of 0X FM} ADD Howry ply Tw ISO Cere'w Secrecei cepa etal ink ee ‘Acoce sa tademar of Achbe Systems Incrprad esas ofthe sofuare procs used crete his POF te can be four nthe Genera rf vse 1 the fle: the POF creation (rarcters reopened for pag. Every cove has bee ote gute hal ees eat or uae by 130 mee des. thetratay overt ara erobiom wang ot found. peace wom re Cant Secetarat ate adress gv em. AW corrnssnrrncrecreococunenn ‘Al gs rete Unless chemise specie, no par of his putin may be reproduced oiled i any frm a by ary means, acter or mechanical incudrg psacneyng ahd PACs, wil Praag fom ar FSO mf was lbw oF 180s renter boy in he coy ha requester 180 copyright alice ‘a seine Soe Gs21* Ganon 20 Fax oa0 22 Ha oa7 Ecol copramBioo og Wao wean Puctanec in Sutra Wi (2150 2009 A pes resend 180 80000-1:2009(€) Contents Page Dimenzions Units. Printing rules ‘Annex A (normative) Terms in names for physical quantities. ‘Annex B (normative) Rounding of numbers ..n..~ ‘Annex C (normative) Logarithmic quantities and their units ‘Annex D (informative) Intemational organizations in the field of quantities and units. BibHOg APH. ninemsn nitninannnininenianinenlll 81302008. Arts reser uw 180 80000-1:2009(E) Foreword 180 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies {SO member bodies). The work of preparing Internstinal Standards is normally caried out though ISO echnical commitees Each member body interesled in @ subject for which a technical commitiee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. Intemational organizations, governenental and ‘non-goverimental, in faison wih ISO, also taka part in the work. ISO collaborates closely wih the Internatonal Electroteemnical Commission (|EC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardzaton, International Standards are drafted in accordance wth the rules given in the ISOVIEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical commitees is to prepare International Standards. Draft Intemational Standards adopted by the technical committees are eifcuated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an Intemational Standard requires approval by at least 75 % ofthe member bodies casting a vot. [Attontion is crawn to the possbilly that some of the elements of ISO 8000-1 may be the subject of patent ‘ighis. ISO shall not be held responsible for ideniying any or all such patent rights. 180 80000-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TG 12, Quantities and units in co-operation with IECITC 25, Quantes and units This rat eiton of [60 80000-1 cancel and replaces ISO 31-0:1962 and ISO 1000:1902. also incorporates the Amendments 1S0 31-0 1982/hmd, 11986, 150. 31-0 1992/hmd 2 2008 and ISO 1000 1982/Amd 1 1986. "The major technical changes from the previous standard are the folowing the stweture has beon changed to emphasize that quantities come fst and units then alow — definitions in eecordance with ISONIEC Guide 982007 heve been added — Annexes A and 8 have become nome — anewnomatve Amex G has been added 180 80000 consists of the fotowing parts, under the general tite Quantities and uns — Patt: General — Part 2: Matematica! signs and symbols to be used inthe natural sciences and tecology — Part 3: Space and ime — Part §: Mochanies — Part 8: Tremoaynamics — Pat 7: tight — Part 8: Acousbes — Part 8: Physical chemisry and molecular physics — Pat 10: Atomic and ructeor pics — Patt 14: Cheraceristc numbers — Pant 12: Sols stot pysies w (190 208- Al igs sere 180 s0000-1:2009(E) EC 80000 consists ofthe following parts, under the general tile Quantities and units: — Part: Electromagnetism = Part 13:snformation science and technology — Port 14: Tetabiometriss related to human physiology 2180 2000 Al rights eres Introduction 0.4 Quantities ‘Systems of quanilies and systems of units can be trealad in many consistent, but diferent, ways. Which {neatment fo use is only 2 matter of convention. The presentation given in this International Standard is the ‘one that is the basis for the Iniemabonal System of Units, the SI (from the French: Sysiéme international dlunités), adopted by the General Conference on Weights and Measures, the CGPM (from the French: Conférence générale des poids 6! mesures) ‘The quantiles and relations among the quantiias used hare are those almost universally accepted for use throughout the physical sciences. They are presented In the majonty of scientific textbooks today and are familar teal selentsts and technologists NOTE For seetne and magnetic unts inthe CCS.ESU, CCS EMU!) and Gaussian systoms, thor ie 2 aforanco ‘ho systems of quanties by which thay are defined. Inthe CGS-ESU system, the elec eorstant (he permtivty of vacuum) &s defined to be equal 10 1. Le. of dimension one. n the CGS-EMU system, the magnetic constant 1p (perreaity of vacuum) i dened i be equal to 1, Le. of mension one, in cortast to ose quantiles i the ISQ where ‘hey ae not of mension one. The Gaussian system related fo the CGS-ESU and COS-EMU systems and thee are Simla complications, In mechanics, Newion's law of maton in iis general fom is writen F= cine. Inthe ald technical system, MKS?) c= Hey wheres the: standard acceleration of ree fal inte ISO, c= ‘The quanttes and the relations among them are essentalyinfnke in number and are contiwally evolving a3. ew fields of science and technology are developed. Thus, iis not possible to list all these qUantiies and ‘lations in this Intemational Standard; instead, @ selection of the more commonly used quantities and the ‘lations among them is presented, Its Inevitable that some readers working in partolar specialized flekis may find that the quantities they are Inorostod in using may not be Istod in ths Intemational Standarc or in anthor International Standard Howover, provided that they can relate their quantities to more famisar examples that are liste, this wil ot ‘prevent them from defining units for their quanties, Most of the units used to express valves of quantities of interest wore developed and used long before the ‘concept of a system of quantities was developed. Nonetholess, the relations among the quantties, which aro ‘imply the equations of the physical sciences, are important, because in any system of unis the relations: ‘among the units play an important role and are developed from the relations among the corresponding ‘quantities. ‘The system of quantities, including the relations among them the quantities used as the basis of the units of ‘no Si, is named the Intemational System of Quantiios, denoted “ISQ’, In all languages. This name was nt used in ISO 31, ftom which the present harmonized sories has evolved. However, ISO does appear in ISOMEC Guide 99:2007 and in the SI Brachurel, Exition 8:2008. In both cases, this was to ensure consistency with the new Quantiies and unis series that was under preparation at the tme they were published: ithad already been announced thatthe new term would be used. It should be realized, however, ‘that 1SQ is simply a convenient notation to assign to the essentially infinite and continually evolving and ‘expanding system of quantities and equations on which all of medern science and technology rests. 1S is 2 ‘shorthand notation forthe ‘system of quantities on which the Sis based", which was the phras used for this system in ISO 31. 1) ©GS-~centimetre-gram-sacond: ESU = electrostatic wits; EMU = electromagnet: uns. 2), NIKS = matrekograrnsecond, w © 190.2000-Aligs ener 180 80000-1:2009(E) 0.2 Units [A system of units is developed by frst defining a set of base units for small set of corresponding base ‘quantities and then defining derived units as products of powers of the base units corresponding to the ‘lations defining the derived quantiies in lems of the base quantities, In this Inlemational Slandaed and in the SI, there are seven base quantites and seven base units. The base quantites are length, mass, time, Glectric curent, thermodynamic temperature, amount of substance, and luminous intensity. The ‘comesponcing base units are the metre, kiogram, second, ampere, Kelvin, mole, and candela, respectively ‘The definitions of these base units, and their practical realzation, are al the heart of the Sil and are the ‘esponsibiity of the advisory commitiees of the Intemational Gommittee for Weights and Measures, the C1PM (from the French: Coma international des poids et mesures). The current defnitons of the base units, and _adviee for their practical realization, are presented in the SI Brochure®, published by and obtainable from the Intorational Bureau of Weights and Measures, the BIPM (from the French: Bureau intemational des poids ot ‘mosures). Note that in contrast to the base units, each of which has a specific definition, the base quantities ‘re simply choten by convention and ne aiternptie mace to define them otherwiee then operationally. 0.3. Realizing the values of units To realize the value ofa unit is to use the definition of the unt to make measurements that compare the value ‘of some quantty of the same kind as the wnit with the value of the unit. This is the essential step in making ‘measurements of the value of any quantity in science. Realizing the values of the base units is of particular Importance. Realizing the values of dorived units fellows in principle from realizing the base uns. “There may be many diferent ways forthe practical realization of the value of a unit, and new methods may be developed as science advances. Any method consistent with the laws of physics could be used to realize any SI unit. Nonetheless. iis often helpful to review experimental methods for realizing the units. and the CIPM recommends such methods, which are presented as part of the Si Brochure. 0.4 Arrangement of the tables In patts 3 to 14 ofthis International Standard, the quantiles and relations among them, which are a subset of the ISO, are given on the left-hand pages, and the units of the Si (and some other Units) are given on the right-hand pages. Some adstional quantities and units ore also gven an the left-hand and right-hand pages, respectwely. The iter numbers of quantities are written pp-nn.s (pp. part number: nn, running number in the part, respectively: 2, sub-number) The item numbers of unite are writen pp-on.l (pp, part number, nn, running ‘number in the part, respectively; |, sub-ltter) 1 180.208 - At ght reser wi INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Quantities and units Part 1: General 1 Scope 130 80000-1 gives general information and defhitions conceming quantities, systems of quantties, units, ‘quanity and unit symbols, and coherent unit systems, especialy the International System of Quantes, 180. ‘andthe International System of Units, SI “Tho principles laid down in SO 80000-1 ae intended for goneral use within the various felts of scienco and technology, and as an introduction to other pars ofthis Interational Standare, Ordinal quantites and nominal properties are ouside the scope of ISO 0000-1. 2. Normative references “The folowing referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edtion cited apples. For undated references, the latest edlion of the referenced ‘document including any amendments) applies, ISOMIEC Guide 88:2007, International vocabulary of metrology — Basic and genoral concepts and associated toms (vin) 3. Terms and definitions For the purposes of his document, the folowing terms and definitions apply. NOTE The content tis cause Is estontaly Ie same asin ISOIEC Guide 99-2007. Some noes and examples ‘re mosses. aa ‘quantity property ofa phenomenon, body, or Substance, where the property has a magnitude that can be expressed by means ofa number and a reference (9180 200-Atrghsresened 1 180 80000-1:2009(6) NOTE 1 The genetic concept ‘quantty can be divided ino several levels of specif concepts, a shown in the {allowing table. The left hand sce ofthe table shows speci concepts under ‘quanti’. These are generic concepts forthe Individual quanios nthe righthand column. engin) ——Yraai + Talus ofctale A ryerriAd [wavelengtn, 2 wavelength of he sodium D radio, 4, oF UN: D) energy. [Rineicenergy. ” | Kineticenergy of particle in glen system. 7, heat. heat of vaporization of sampie of water. O, [eectic charge, @ clei charge ofthe proton, electric resistance, & lect resistance of resister ‘in given circuit &, Jamountat-substance conceatration of amountab- substance concentration of ahanolin wine ample ity By EOI HOH) ruber carconaton of erty 8 Cy number conearatn oT ervocis h Hood ae eve 8 Rockwell hardness (150 nj oad), | Rockwell Charc HR(150 ‘of soe! sample RG (150 ka) NOTE2 _Areference can be 2 measurement unt, a measurement procedure, a reference material oF a combination of uch. For magritd ofa quantity, see 319, NOTES Symbols for quarites are given Inthe 180 80000 and |EC 80000 series, Quantiias and units. The symbols ‘for quanties are writen in iaics. A given syrbol ean ndcate ferent quarts, NOTE —Aquantty as Gene here is scalar, However, a vecor ora tensor, the components of which are quantities, |e also conedored to be a query. NOTES The concept ‘quantly may be generically divided into, eg, ‘physical quantity, ‘chemical quantty, and ‘iclgical quantity, or"base quantity and ‘deved quantty. NOTE® Adapted from ISOMIEC Guide 98:2007, defntion 1.1, n which heres an addtional note, 32 kind of quantity ‘aspect common fo mutually comparable quantities NOTE 1 Kind of quanity satan shortened to “kind, eg, in quarites ofthe same kine NOTE 2 The division ofthe concept ‘quantity into several kinds i to some extent abarary. EXAMPLE 1 The quantities ameter, crcumferancs, and wavelength ae generaly considered to be quantities of the same hind, namoy, of the hind of quart cal engin EXAMPLE 2. The quantes heat, kinetic energy, and potent eneray are generally considered to be quantities of the Same king, namely, of eK of quantty called energy. NOTE Quantities ofthe same kind within a given systern of quantites have te same quantity mension. However, (quanios oft same Gimenson are not necessarily ofthe same kind EXAMPLE Tho quanities moment of force and eneray ae, By convention nct regarded 3 being ofthe same king, ‘though they have the same dimension. Sinaiy for heat capacty and eriiopy 88 well 9s. for number of erties, relative pormeabity, and mass tacton, NOTE 4 tn Engish, te terms for quenttes in the Hel half of te table in 3.1, Nole 1, are offer used for the corresponding "ends of quay In Franch, the torn "ralre” ie only used expressions such ae "ganoure Je mime nature" (ir English, “quanties of ie same king"). 2 "2180/2008 Aig reseed 180 80000-1:2009(€) NOTE 5 Adapled ftom ISOVIEC Guide 99:2007, defiiton 1.2, n which kind” spears as an acrid ten, Note 1 hes been add a3 system of quantities ‘eof quantiles together witha set of non-cantradictory equations relating those quantives, NOTE 1 Ordinal quanti (200 3.26), such 2s Rockwall € hardness. and nominal properties (soe 8.30) such as colour ‘offi. re usualy not considered tobe pt ofa system of quamities because they ar relate fo other quanies tough ‘ompireal relations omy NOTE 2 Adapted from ISOMEC Guide 982007, defiton 1.3, in which Note tts erent. a4 base quantity ‘quantity in a conventionally chosen subset ofa given system of quantities, where no quantty in the subset can be expressed in terms of the other quantities within thal subset NOTE 1 The subset mentioned inthe delintion is toned the “set of base quanttes EXAMPLE The sot ofbaxe quanstes inthe Iterations! Systeen of Quanites(1SQ)is given in 3.6 NOTE 2 Base quanuites are relrred to a8 boing mutt independent since a base quantty cannot be expressed asa product of pomers ofthe other base quantities NOTE 3. Number of entties can be roganed asa base quant in any eystom of quanti. NOTE 4 Adapted from ISOMEC Guide 8:2007, definition 14, in which the defion ie sight dierent 38 derived quantity ‘quaniily, in a system of quantiles, definad in terms of the base quanti of that system EXAMPLE Ine system of quantities having the bese quanties length ond mers, mass density is derived quenity ‘fined as tne quotient of mass and veiume (length to te power twee). NOTE Adapted from ISONEC Guide 9:2007, definition 1.5, n which the example is sight cferent a6 International System of Quantities sa system of quantities based on the seven base quantities: length, mass, time, electric current, thermodynamic temperature, amount of substance, and luminous intensity NOTE 1 This system of quantes is puted in tne IS0:20000 and VEC 9C00 sures. Quanes and uns, Pars 3 10 16 NOTE 2 The Intornatonal Sytem cf Unis (8 (soe tem 3.18) is based onthe ISO. NOTE 9. Adapted fram ISO/IEC Guide 9:2007, defnton 1.6, in which Note ti ferent 37 ‘quantity dimension ‘dimension of a quantity dimension ‘expression of the dependence of a quantity on the base quantities of a system of quantites as a product af powers of factors corresponding fo the base quantities, omiting any numerical factor EXAMPLE 1 Inthe 180, the quantty dimension of force is denoted by dim # = LUT (180.2000 — Alright reserved 3 EXANELE 2 nthe came aystem of quantities, am = ML- in the quantty cimention of mass concertvaen of ‘component 8, and ML: sas te quantiy dmension of mass dens, EXAMPLE The period, 7 oa parte penditum of ang placo with the local accelerat of ee fal i 7 a rere[e race whore Che) = iF ve Hence im e(g)=7 NOTE 1 A power of factor i the factor raised to an exponent. Each factors the cimension of a base qari. NOTE2 The conventonal symbole represartation of he dimension of s base quant & angle upper case later ‘oman (uprgh) fy. The conventional symbale represeriaton of the dinarcon of a derived quanity Is Ube product of [powere af the dimorsions of the base quantities aecotang to the dofintion ofthe donved quanly. The dmansion of 2 uonsly 01s denoted by am 0 NOTE. Inderivng the dimension ofa quantity, no account is take ofits scalar, vector, oF ansor character, NOTE4 Ina given sysiom of quantities, —_quanttes ofthe sae kind have he same quantity dimension, —_quonttos of cterent quant dimensions are always of ferent kinds and = quantities having he same quartiy dimension are rot necessarily ofthe same kind NOTES Symbelsreprosening the dimensions cf the tase quanitios nthe ISO ars ase qunnty ‘Smo for amension| lena recreayrami tempera act owt urns ensty ‘Thus. the dimension of a quantly Q is denoted by dim O = LeM*TISO"NSJ" where the exponents, named denensional ‘ecconends ae posive, rogaive, or 2a. Factors wih exponent 2er0 and the exponent 1 are usualy artied. When a ‘Sxponents are Ze, se 3 8, MOTE 6 Adopted fron ISONEC Gui 982007, detntion 1.7, in wich Note § and Examples 2 and 3 ae diferent ant In whieh “smansion ofa quantity and “imonsion” arn given 3 admit lars, a8 ‘quantity of dimension one dimensioniees quantity quantiy for which all he exponents of the faclors corespanding to the base quantities In is quantity dimension are 2210 NOTE 1 The torm dimensiones quanti” is commonly used and i kept hore fr historical reasons. It stoms from the {ct that at exponents ae zero i the symbuic representation of the mension fx such quantiles. The tr “quantty of dmension one” retects the corventer In which the symbole representation of the dimension for such quanten = the ‘Sybl ,eoe Clauee 8. Thi dmensn isnot number, but he uta! lament fr mulipleston of mensions. NOTE 2 The measurement units and values of quanttes of dimension one are numbers, but such quanti convey ‘mare infomation tan a namber NOTE 3 Some quantties of dimension one ave dofnad asthe raos of two quantites ofthe same kind. Th coherent ‘ered unt the number one, yma 1 4 (21802000 AI ght resered 180 80000-1:2009(€) EXAMPLE Plane angle, sold angle, refractive index, relatve permesbilly. mass fecton, fon fecor, Mach pombe NOTE4 — Nurmbers of entities are quarts of mention one. [EXAMPLE Numbor of uns in @ col, numer of molecules h a gven sare, degeneracy of tho energy lvels of @ ‘quantum system, NOTES Adapted rom ISOEC Guide 90:2007, dation 4.8, in which Notes 1 and 3 are diferent and in which “amensoniess quart f gen as an adie tr 39 Unit of measurement ‘measurement unit Unit ‘eal scalar quantty, defined and adopted by convention, with which any other quantty of the same kind can be compared to express the ratio of the second quantity to the fst one as a number NOTE 1 Measurement unis are designatcd by conventionally assigned nares and symbols, NOTE 2 _Moasurement unts of quantities ofthe same quantity drnenson may be designated by the sarne nae and ‘Symbol even wen the quails sre nt ofthe same Kies For example, joe par Ken and JK are respect the ‘ame end symbol of both # measurement unt of heat capacty ard a measurement unit of entropy. which are gener Fol conskered tobe quae of tho same kind. However sn some caeos special massufoment Un names ae esticted tbe used wth quanities of specific kind only. For xamvie, the measutement unt ‘second to tbe power minus ne’ (1s) 's calles nonz (He) wen used fer requorcis and booqural (Bq) when Used fo" actates ef adanuees. AS anther ‘example, te joule J) used as unio energy, bd never a8 unt of mame offre, ie. hereon metre (Nm). NOTE 3 _Moasurement unis of qunities of dimension one are numbers In some cases these measurement unis are ‘gen spocil names, 09. rasan, steraian, and dea, or ae expressed by quotients such ab rlimole por mole equal to 10 and microgram per klagram equa to 10°. NOTE Fora ven quantity, te shor term "uni" is often combined wit the quaniy name, suchas "mass unt” of Nntet mass” NOTES Adapted from ISGVIEC Guce 99:2007, datiton 1.9, n which he detinion and Note 2 are slighty dierent ‘andr wtih measurement ui and uni are gen a8 edited tems. 3.10 base unit ‘measurement unit that's adopted by convention fora base quantity NOTE 1 — ineach coherent system of unis, here is ony ane base unit foreach bose quant [EXAMPLE Inthe SI, the mete isthe base unit of engh. In the CGS systems, the centimetre isthe base unt of sength NOTE 2 Abas unt may aio ser fora derived quant of he same quantty dimension EXAMPLE The derived quanity rafal, when defined a8 aeic volume (volume par area), has the meta as a ‘coherent derived una inthe NOTE 3 _ For number of erties, the number one, symbol 1, can be rgarded as a base unt in any system of uns. ‘Compare Note 3in 34 NOTE 4 Adapted tom ISOMIEC Guide 9:2007, defntion 1.10, n which the example In Note 2 i sight ferent The {Rat sertence Nota Sha been aed am ‘derived unit ‘measurement unit for a derived quanti EXAMPLE _ The metve par second, symbol mis, and the centimetre per second, symbol cis. ate derived unts of ‘Speod nthe SI. The Koma por hour, symbal km, ja measureman! unt of speed oui to Si but accptod Tor bse ‘th he SI. The kro equ! © One natal male per hour, a measurement Ui of speed outde the SI [ISONES Guide 99:2007, 1.11), 180 80000.1:2009(&) 342 ‘coherent derived unit, derived unit that, fora given system of quentties and fora chosen set of base units isa product of powers of ‘base units with no other proportonaiy factor han one [NOTE 1A poner of base unt is the base unt raed to an exponent NOTE 2 Coherence can be determined ony wih respec 10a particular systom of quartes aa given set of base [EXAMPLE tthe mate, the second. and he mols ae base nts, fe metre per sand ie he coherent deve unt of velocty when velocty i dened by the uanity equation &= dns and the mole pet cule mete isthe coerent flemed unt of amountctexbetance concentration when emauntoteubstance concentration is cetned by the ‘quanty equation «=i! The klometre por Maur and the kien a8 examples of dered uate 3.11, Not ‘Coherent derved units in ch a eyster of quaies, NOTE 3 A derived unit canbe coherent with espect to one system of quantities but rate anather. EXAMPLE The centimate per second isthe coherent derived unt of speed in a CGS system of units bu isnot 8 ‘coherent denved unit inthe St NOTE 4 The coherontdorivs unit for every derived quantity of dimension ane ina given system of unis isthe number (one, symbol The name and smb of he measuromort unt one are ganeraynotindeated, [ISOMEC Guide 99:2007, 1.12] 3.13 ‘system of units Sel of babe units and derivad units, together with ther multiples and submuliples, defined in accordance with {ven rules, fora given system of quantiies [ISOMEC Guide 99:2007, 1.13] an ‘coherent system of units ‘stern of units, based on a given system of quantities, in which the measurement unit for each derived ‘quantity isa coherent derived unit EXAMPLE Se of coherent Suns andrelatons batwben thom NOTE 1 Asystem of units can be coheront ot with eepact 10 a eystam of quantiles and he adopted ae uit NOTE 2 _ For acohoront syst of units, numeral ate equations hav the same form, cluding nuerioa factors, ‘he corresponding quanry equations. See examples of numerical value equatons in 3.25. NOTE 3 Adapted from ISONEC Guide 99:2007, defntion 1.14, nwhich Note 28 deren. 315 off-system measurement unit off-system unit ‘measurement unit that does nat belong toa given system of units EXAMPLE 1 The soctonvl (= 1.60218 = 10°" J) an ofeytom measurement unit of enaray wih respect to he SI EXAMPLE 2 0a, how, minuto ae of system measurement nits of tne wih respect othe SI NOTE Adapted rom ISONEG Guide 99:2007,defntion 1.15,inweich Example 1 ferent and in which o-eystom {UNE gven as an arti em 6 (6180 2000- eps eens 180 80000-1:2009(E}) 3.16 International System of Units st systom of units, based on the Intemational System of Quantities, their names and symbols, including a series, of prefixes and their names and eymbol, together with rules fer their use, adopted by the General Conference ‘on Weights and Measures (CGPM) NOTE 1. The Sis founded on te seven base quantiles ofthe ISO and the names end symbs ofthe conesponding bao units, 6008 52. NOTE 2 The base unt andthe coherent dered units of he SI frm a coherent set, designate the “sa of coherent SI tint NOTE For @ ful descgton and explanation ofthe Intemational System af Uns, see exon 8 ofthe 8 brochure ‘pebished by he Burau intoratonal de Pod et Mabures (SIMA) an avaiable cn the IPM wea NOTE4 in quantty seul, the quanity ‘number of entites I often considered o be a base quantity, with the bese unt one symbol f NOTES Forthe St prefs for mutiples of uns and sutmutipes of units, see 6.54 NOTES Adapted fom ISOMIEC Gude 98:2007, defnton 1.16, in which Noles 1 and 6 are dtfrent. a7 imaitiple ofa unit measurement unit obtained by muting a given measurement unit by an integer greater than one EXAMPLE 1 The cme a decimal mile of he mete EXAUPLE 2 The hour is anonsecimal mutiple of he second NOTE 1 St proties for decimal rutipls of SI base unts and SI derived unts are gen in 85.4 NOTE 2 Si preies refer strictly to powers of 10, and should rot be used for powers of 2. For example, 1 BH show not be used t represent 1024s (2 bits), which is a kbs (1 Kb). Pretues or bay multglos re recor vive rere ame | Symbod or 1 25 W196 a9 1a Tos 76 [ym er “ie sr co 747411900 22) eo 112 21 cons 8 We fe lar 172560008 62a |e im er e057 62 Talo 7 er 10737 bat a er "49 78 es Mi ey 12 eo o Sout: IEC B0D00-13.2008. NOTE Adapted rom KSOMEC Gute 08:2007, defnton 1.17, inwhion Noles 1 and 2 are ferent. (91502000 —Atigh revere 7 =2009(€) 318 ‘submultiple of a unit ‘measurement unit cbiained by divicing a given measurement unit by an integer greater than one EXAMPLE 1 The mime e 2 decimal submits of he mare EXANPLE2 For plane ange. the second isa nondecimal submutipl of te minute NOTE Si preties for decimal suberutines of SI bate units anc SI derived unts are gen in 654 BSONEC Guide 99:2007, 1.18] 319 quantity value Value of a quantity value ‘umber and relerence together expressing magnitude of quanty EXAMPLE 1 Long ofa gven ro 5:34 mor524 om EXAMPLE? — Maes ofa gven boo: 052k or 1829 EXAMPLES Curvature of given ar: 12m EXAMPLE 4 Celsus temperature ofa gven sample: sc EXAMPLES Elecite Impodance ofa givon ercult element a a. gventequoncy, where | she imaginary unit asa EXAMPLES — Retracive index ofa given sample of glass: 132 EXANPLE7 Rockwell hardness of given sample (150 hg lad) 43,.5HRO(1E0 9) EXAMPLES Mate actin of catmium ina given sample of copper Sgngor3 10% EXAMPLES Metal of Pb? ina ghen sample of wate: 176 movie EXAMPLE 10 Amount aubstance cncontation of litopin ina given So 1un WHO ‘Simpl of plasma (WHO interatlonal standard G0"552). Intemational Unis erro) NOTE 1 Accorcing he type-ofreference, a quantity valve is either — aproduc of @ number and a measurement unt (see Examples 1.29.4. 5.8 and 9): the measurement unit one is (2neray not indicated for quanes of ension ane (see Examples 6 and). of — a number anda elrence ta 8 measurement procedure (see Example 7), oF — a nuber and a reterence malarial (280 Example 10) NOTE2 The number can be complex soe Example 5). NOTES A quant value can be prasetad in mare tan one way (s0e Examples 1, 22nd 8) NOTE 4 nthe case of vector or tensor quantities exch component hes» quant valve [EXAMPLE Force acing on agen partie, «gin Cartesian components (FFF) = (318:492; 17.0) N, where (631.5: 48.2; 17.0) numaica-vake vacor and N (eon) is the un. or (FF, F.)= (34.5 N; 492 N; 17.0N) where each componentis a quantity NOTES. Adepted fom ISOEC Guide 992007, detnton 1.19, lo which Example 10.ond Note 4 at cifeent arn ‘hich Valua ofa quant” and ‘value! ave gven ae admited terms. 8 (21902000 Anh series 180 0000-1:2009(€) 320 ‘numerical quantity value numerical value of @ quantity rhumerical value fhumber in the expression ofa quantity value, other than any number serving as the reference NOTE 1 For quanttes of mension one, the reference I @ measurement unt which Is number and this Es not ‘considered asa part of te rumencl quan vale. EXAMPLE In an amount of-substance fraction equ 6 3 mmolima the numerical quantly wake is 3 and the unt is rnmolma. The unt rmolmel fs merely equal 19 0.001, but ths umber 0,007 Is hot pat of the numeral ‘uandty value, which remains 3. NOTE2 For quanttes that have @ messurement unit (.c. those ether than ordinal quarts), the numerical vate {0} ofa quantity Qi equenty denctes (0! = CF} where 0] denotes he measurement unt. EXAMPLE For 8 quantty valve of m=5:721 kg, the numerical quantty vue 8 (n= (8721 ko)hg= 5.721. The same quonity value can be erpressed an 721g m whch cose the numerical quantly vale (oh (S721g)o~5 721, Seat, NOTE3 Adapted fom ISOIEC Guide 982007, detton 1.20. n which Note 2 is deren and in which “numerical ‘olus ot quantay" and numba valve” are ghana an sate tre, 3a ‘quantity calculus Set of mathematical rules and operations applied to quantities other than ordinal quantities NOTE In uantly cacuus, quanity equatons are peterred to numarcal value aquatons because quant equations {210 independent ofthe choice of measurement units, whereas numerical valve equations ae not (see also 42 and 63) [1SOMEC Guide 90:2007, 1.21) 322 ‘quantity equation ‘mathematical relation between quantities in a given system of quanttes, infopendent of measurement units EXAWPLE 10} = £0; 0,where 0,0 and Q, dnote cferentquattes, and where isa numerical factor. EXAMPLE 2 T= (1/2)mu2, where Ts the knee energy and 0's the speed of spect parte of mass EXAUPLE 3.11 F whore mis ho amount of substance ofa univalet component, isthe elec current and is the craton ofthe elecroyss, and ste Faraday constant. {'SONEC Guise 99:2007, 1.22) 323 Unt equation mathematica laton between base unt, coherent dtved uns or ther measurement unts EXAMPLE 1 For the quaies in Example 1 of tem 322. 14) 103] where [2 104] aed 10) dere te Imeasurement uns of 0,2, and Oy respectively, povided hat these mesure! nts arena coheent sytem of EXAMPLE? _J-=kom®, where J, hg. m, and s ara the symbols for the joule, Klogram, metre, and second respectively. (The symbol = denotes‘ by denis equal” as given in [80 80000-2:2009, tem 27.3) EXAUPLE 31 kmh = (136). NOTE Aéapted tom ISOEC Guide 9:2007, definition 1.23, in which the Example 2s dierent 180 80000-1:2009(€) 328 ‘conversion factor between units ratio of two measurement unis for quantities ofthe same kind EXAMPLE lan = 1000 anus km = 1000, NOTE The measurement units may belong to ferent systems of units EXAMPLE 1 his =3600and nus 1h=3 6005, [EXAMPLE 2 (arom) = (17.6) and hs 1 kmh = (1.6) mie IISONEC Guide 99:2007, 1.24] 325 ‘numerical value equation ‘numerical quantity value ‘mathematical relaton between numerical quantily values, based on a given quantity equation and specified ‘measurement units EXAMPLE 1 For the quanties in the Fest example in tom 322. {0:1 = £ (04) (03) where {01} (0) nd (0) donot the numerical values of 0. 0, ard 0), respectively rovited that hey are expressed in base units coherent derive writs oxbot EXAMPLE 2 In the quantity equation for knee eneray of @ partie, T= (1/2) maé m= 2kg and 0 = Sis, then (7) = (12) 2.3? tsa numerical value equoton ging the numerical value 9 of Tin joules NOTE __Acapled tom ISONEC Guide 90:2007, detnion 1.25, n wich ‘numerical quant vale equation” is given a | aie er 326 ‘ordinal quantity ‘quantty, defined by a conventional measurement procedure, for which a total ordering relation can be established, according to magnitude, with other quantties of the Same kind, but for which no algebraic ‘Operations among those quantities exist, EXAMPLE 1 Rockwall C hardness EXANPLE 2 Octane numberforparoleum EXAMPLE 3 Earhquske etength onthe Richie cal EXANPLE 4 Subjective lavel of atdominal pain ona sal ren ze 0 ve NOTE 1 Ordinal quantites can enter nto emplical relations only and have neler measurement units nor quantity monsons Dllereneae and rte of ordeal quintios have no phyeal meaning. NOTE 2 Ordinal quantities are arranged according io orcna quantyalue sles (see 3.78). IISOMEG Guide 99:2007, definition 1.26) a7 ‘quantity-value scale ‘measurement scale ‘ordered set of quantity values of quantities ofa given kind of quantity used in ranking, according to magnitude, ‘uantiies of that kind EXANELE 1 Cols temperature sale, EXAMPLE 2 Tw scale EXAMPLE 3 Rockwell C hardness scale NOTE tepid from ISO.EG Guide 9:2007, 1.27 n which ‘measurement scle'is given as an adie tern, 10 (01502000 A hs reser 180 80000-1:2009(E) 328 ‘ordinal quantity-value scale ordinal value sea ‘quantity-value scale for ordinal quantities EXAMPLE 1 Rockwel C hardness scale EXAMPLE 2 Scale of octane numbers for petri fue NOTE Ancina quatiy-value scale may be estabshed by measurements according io a measurement procedure. NOTE 2 Adapted rom ISONEC Guide 2:2007, 1.28, which “ortnal value scales given as an admit term, 329 ‘conventional reference scale ‘guantty-value scale defined by formal agreement [ISONEC Guide 99:2007, definition 1.25) 330 rRominal property property ofa phenomenon, body, or substance, where the property has ne magnitude EXAMPLE 1 Sexo ahuman being EXAMPLE 2 Colour ofa pat sample, EXAMPLES Colour ofa spottetin chart EXAMPLE 4 150 twodatr country code, EXAMPLE 5 Sequence of ano asin «poypeptise. NOTE 1 A.nominal propery has a value, which can be expressed in words, by alhaumeral codes, or by other NOTE 2 ‘Nominal property vale” is not to be conksed with “nominal quanity value, which fs not used In tis Imernationa Sandor NOTE 3 Adapted ra ISONEC Gute 982007, 1.90, which Note 2 ferent 4 Quantities 44° The concept of quantity In this inlemational Standard, quonities used for the quantitative description of a phenomenon, substance or body are treated, Onna! quantiios, arangod according to quantty-value scales (such as the Beaufort scala, the Richer scale ‘and colourintensty scales) o¢ expressed as tho resut of conventional tests (@9, hardness and corrosion resistance) are nt veated here. Neither nominal properties, Such as the sex of a human being othe ISO two- letter country codes, nor currencies are vested here 42. Kind of quantity — Quantity calculus ‘Quantities may be grouped together into categories of quantities that are mutually comparable. Diameters, stances, heights, wavelengths and so on would constitute such a category, generally called engin, Mutually ‘comparable quantities are called quantities ofthe same kind, Mathemate operations can be performed on quanties ther than ordinal quantities, as explained below 1©180.2000- Aig eseres 1" 180 80000-1:2009(E) ‘Two oF more quantties canno! be added or subiracted unless they belong to the same category of mutually comparable quantes. Hence, quanties on each side of an equal signin an equation must also be of the ‘same kind ‘Quanitios are multiplied and divided by one another according to the rules of algebra, resuiting in new quanttios Performing the mathematical operations addin, subtraction, multpication and division of quantities 's called ‘quantiy caleius. In quantity calculus, the algebraic expressions should be quanties or numbers, 4.3. System of quantities — Base quantities and derived quantities Quantties are related trough equations that express laws of nature or define new quanthies. Each equation between quanttes is called a quantity equation Itis convenient o consider some quantities of different kinds as mutual independent. Such quanttias are ‘alle base quantities. Other quantties, called derived quantities, are defined or expressed in terms of base ‘quanttias by means of equations. Its a matter of choice how many and which quantities of choice which equations are used to define the deri between quantities is called a system of quantites. considered to be base quantiles. tis also a matter quantities. Each set of ron-contradetory equations 44. Universal constants and empirical constants Some quantities are considered to bo constant under all circumstances, Such uantiies ae called universal ‘constants oe fundamental physical constants, EXAMPLE! ‘The Planck constant, 626 068 96(33). 10 4-8 [CODATA 2006 EXANPLE2 The Foraday constant F=06 485,530 (24) Clmal _[CODATA 2004) ‘Other quantities may be constant under some ckcumstances, but depend on others. Thelr values are ‘generally obtained by measurement. They ae called empirical constants, EXAMPLES “Two result of measxing at a corn station the length | and the peice te 7 for each of several particle eclums, can be expressed by one quansty equation roo where Cis an empiteal constant hat dapands on the leaton, Theory shows ha a ‘wheres the local acceleration of fe fal, whic is anaer empirel constant, 2 (6180 2000 — Aight revert

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