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Guayaquil University

Administrative Science Faculty

Name: Javier Yépez Zambrano

Date: June 14, 2021
Course: IGE 8-3
Subject: Business Composition

Chapter 1. TASK 3. Writing for the Global Marketplace 11-06-2021

I need that you write an example of an e mail. Think that you have to send a letter or e
mail to the vice president of Ecuador to give some suggestions about the how can
improve the technology and eduaction in Our country.

Subject: Suggestion and improvement of technology in the education of the country

Appreciated: Dr. Alfredo Enrique Borrero Vega. ( Mr Vice-President of the Republic)

The purpose of this communication is to share some suggestions and improvement for the education of our
country through technology. For this reason, I will mention some ideas so that they can be analyzed to enter a
project that will benefit the country:
Offer various ways to display information (audio, video, infographics, images and animations). Provide an
immediate response that allows the teacher to gather information about what is happening in the classroom.
This resource is very important as it provides timely feedback so that you can adjust the class to the pace of
learning. They facilitate the connection with experts via videoconferencing.
From the educational point of view, ICT has opened up great potential for improving and expanding teaching
and learning processes. In the field of education, the digital media have offered opportunities for interaction as
well as opportunities to generate greater equity and inclusion, in addition to providing educational programmes
and teachers' pedagogical intentions to facilitate their way of teaching.
We submit it to your consideration and revision, so that it may be of benefit to the education of Ecuador that it
is approved.
We look forward to your comments, Mr Vice-President of the Republic.
Cordial greetings,
Javier Yépez Zambrano.
Student of Engineering in Business Management.
Faculty of Administration
University of Guayaquil

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