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EMM 102/3


Chapter 1: Introduction
Go to: EMM 102 Statics

Mechanical Engineering 1
Topic objectives
• To provide an introduction to the engineering
• To give a statement of Newton’s Laws of
Motion and Gravitation.

• To review the principles of

SI system of units
• To present a general
procedure for analysis

Mechanical Engineering 2
• Mechanics is a branch of physical sciences
concerned with the state of rest or motion of
bodies that are subjected to the action of
• Two areas: Statics and Dynamics
• Statics – equilibrium of bodies that are either
at rest or move with a constant velocity
• Dynamics – is concerned with the accelerated
motion of bodies.
Mechanical Engineering 3


Rigid Bodies Deformable Bodies

(Things that do not (Things that change Fluids
change shape) shape)

Statics Dynamics Compressible Incompressible

Strength of Materials

Mechanical Engineering 4
• Study of what happens to a “thing” (the technical name is
“body”) when FORCES are applied to it.

• Either the body or the forces could be large or small.

Mechanical Engineering 5
Why study static?

This is what may

happens if static’s is
not applied

Mechanical Engineering 6
Why study statics?
• Because the static principles are used in your
daily routines.
• Its provides the fundamental knowledge for:
- the building and bridge constructions.
- vehicles design and construction.
- satellite designs
- etc. (you name it…)

Mechanical Engineering 7
Newton’s Laws of Motion

• First Law –

• Second Law –

• Third Law –

Mechanical Engineering 8
Newton’s Law of Gravitational Attraction

• Gravitational Attraction – a governing law of

attraction between two particles:

• Weight – gravitational attraction of the earth

on a body or quantity of mass:

Mechanical Engineering 9
Fundamental Concepts
• Four fundamental physical quantities:

Length Mass
Time Force
• Particles:

• Rigid body:

Mechanical Engineering 10
The International System of Units
• SI system of units is used extensively as it is a
worldwide standard for measurement
• Table 1.1 in the textbook summarizes these unit
• Do yourself a favor…. Review the rules for use
of the various SI symbols – textbook Sect. 1.4,
pages 8.
• Also, get to know a bit about English system of
Mechanical Engineering 11
A 3-Step Approach
1. Interpret: Read carefully and determine what is given and
what is to be found/delivered. Ask, if not clear. If
necessary, make assumptions and indicate them.

2. Plan: Think about major steps (or a road map) that you
will take to solve a given problem. Think of
alternative/creative solutions and choose the best
one. Apply the relevant principles.
3. Execute: Carry out your steps. Use appropriate diagrams
and equations. Estimate your answers. Avoid
simple calculation mistakes. Reflect on / revise
your work.

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