Solutions Elementary 2ed Teacher 39 S Book

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oxford arn exam 2"¢ edition support Solutions aCe la ae seClat tem Lele <: with Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM R6nan McGuinness, Amanda Begg Tim Falla, Paul A Davies OXFORD Solutions Elementary Teacher's Book OXFORD | Rénan McGuinness, Amanda Begg Tim Falla, Paul A Davies UNIVERSITY DRESS ~ Eicontents Unit T Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 units units Unit7 units unit 9 Unit 10 Introduction Introduction Friends and family Get Ready for your Exam 1 My time Language Review 1-2 /Skills Round-up 1-2 Atschoo! Get Ready for your Exam 2 Special occasions Language Review 3-4 / Skills Round-up 1-4 Healthy ving Get Ready for your Exam 3 Going places Language Review 5-6 / Skills Round-up 1-6 Fame! Get Ready for your Exam 4 In the wile Language Review 7-8 / Skills Round-up 1-8 The world of work Get Ready for your Exam 5 Time to travel Language Review 9-10// Skills Round-up 1-10 Workbook answer key 95 108 106 4 us oduction “ eae a ee Anote from the authors ‘Welcome to Solutions 2nd Editon, Teache's'responses to the been careful to follow the same guiding principles in the new edition, providing a course that has: + astrong focus on exam topics and tasks a Gear structure, wth easy-to-follow lessons that always have an achievable outcome familia PPP (presentation, practice and production) approach with plenty of extra practice material * a guided approach to speating and witing. Inthe course of extensive research cared out for the new ‘edition, we spoke to scores of teachers an asked them how we could improve the course, Inresponge to thet requests, we have: ‘+ updated and eFeshed all the material, making it more appealing to 14-19 year olds ‘made the vocabulary sets more sophisticated, with Increased practice inthe vocabulary lessons, as wel a in the Cutture and Reading lessons * included more listening exarn tasts inthe Student's Bock and Workbook *+ provided more resources to support teachers including [photacopiable worksheets for every lesson in the Student's Book, which provide a mixture of extra practice, ‘extension and communicative activities; review games and worksheets * provided enhanced digital resources, comprising Tools (a digita version of the Students Book for use with interactive whiteboards); digital Workbooks: improved online tests additional online vocabulary and grammar evercises. ‘Solutions 2nd Edition has benefited from collaboration with teachers with extensive experience of teaching 14-19 year-olds and of preparing students for their schoo leaving ‘exam, We would like to thank Rénén McGuinness for sharing his expertise in writing the procedural notes in the Teacher's Book Amanda Begg provided the printable activities on the ‘Teachers Resource CD-ROM. We are confident thatthe resuiti a forward-thinking and modern course that wil prepare your studerts for exams and provide you with al the suaport that you need. We hope that you and your students enjoy using It Tim Fata and Paul A Davies The components of the course Student's Book The Student's Book contains: + ten topic besed units, each covering seven lessons 1+ five Language Review/Stils Round-up sections, providing & language test of the previous two units and a cumulative skils-based review * five Get Ready for your Exam sections providing typical ‘exam tasks and preparation + ten Vocabulary Builders with practice andextension ‘ten Grammar Builder Reference sections containing grammar reference and further exercises. Words mobile phone app ‘iso avaliable for students to puichase's the Solutions 2nd Egition Eiementary Words app for Apple and Android mobile phones The app offers definitions and contextual sentences for over 1,000 useful words from the Elementary Student's ‘Bock and Workbook This helps to consolidate teaming by ‘enabling students to check and learn the meaning of the words presented and encountered in lass and at hore. The app also olves stucents the opportunity to practise she words through two different types of quiz. The fst multiple choice quiz checks student understanding of the meaning (of the words by matching words to definitions. The second checks understanding of the context of the words by asking students to drag and droo words into contextual sentences, Please go to wwwounconrvelt/solutions/wordsapp for mare information. ‘Three class audio CDs ‘The three audio CDs contain alt the tstening material from the Student's 800k, plis recordings of all the reading texts from the Student's Book. Workbook (with audio CD) ‘The 120-page Workbook mirrors and reinforces the content of the Student's Book tr offers: ‘+ further practice lesson-by-lesson of the material taught in class + more listening practice ++ five Get ready foryour Exam sections providing typical tasks ‘and preparation for exams *+ Challenge! exercises to steich stronger students + iting guides to provide a clear structural framework for wating asks ‘+ Self Checks with Con do statements at the end of every unit topromete conscious lesmer development ‘+ teviews to develon studen's awareness oftheir progress ‘+ a Functions Bank and Writing Bank for reference anireguiar verbs list 2 unit by unit Wordlst, with phonetic ranscriptons and space to write translations Online Workbook Everything students need from a Workbook, plus lkazner~ centred instant support, such as automatic marking and feedback on answers Teacher's Book In addition to methodological nores forthe course, including (deas for mixed ability teaching, it offers: * optional activiles throughout ‘or greater flexibility * structured speaking tasks to get students talking confidently + exam teaching notes with useful tos and strategies to improve students exam techniques ‘+ 2 ful Workbook answerkey including vanscrigts + @fUF Student’s Book enswer key including transcripts for exam sections. ‘Teacher's Resource CD-ROM (TRCD-ROM) Packed with the Teacher's Book, this contains two types of entra resources © digital interactive Vocabulary and Grammar exercises for ‘each unit, and games * printable PDFS: Classroom Activities for each lesson, Sell= ‘Test sheets for students, and suggestion for Warmers and Filers. ‘Test Bank CD-ROM ‘Tests are provided as PDFs and ecitable Word documents. They consist of © aplacement test + two short tests pertunit, Aand 8 versions * longer Progress tests for every unit, A and B versions, ree cumulative tests for Units 1-5, 6-10 and 1-10 nere is also a Results Table to keep a record of your students’ scores. Toots ‘Solutions Tools contains: ‘© page-on-scteen functionality * Pop-up Students Book answer keys and audio lenty of DVD material for every unit further interactive resources * exam preparation resources, Student's and Teacher's websites ‘+ Student's website contains extra practice activities ‘+ Teacher's website contains ideas for extra activities; Exam preparation Student's Book ‘The Student’s Book includes five exarm-specific sections (Ger Ready for your ram) designed to familarise students with te tasktypes typical for most exams These sections provice strategies and exam techniques fo give students the skis they need to tackle exam tasks with corfidence, Each section provides practice of al sis that students will need to demonstrate in most exarrs: listening, reading, speaking anc writng Workbook Every other unit in the Workbook is followed by @ double- ‘page section to practise tasks for both oraland written ‘exams, Work n cass can be followed up with tasks cone as homework ‘The listening material for the Workbook listening tasksis avallable on the Workbook audio CD. Teacher's Book ‘The Teacher's Book fearutes clear sign-posting of exam tasks ‘anc skilis in the main body of the course ‘The Get Read for your Exam lessons in the Students Book are accompanie¢ by full procedural notes with advice anc tips for exam preparation. A tour of the Student's Book ‘There are ten units in the Student's Book. Each unit has ‘seven lessons (AG). Each lesson provides material for one. classroom lesson of approximately 45 minutes. Lesson A- Vocabulary and listening + The unit menu states the main language and stills to be taugtt. «+ Everyesson has an explicit learning objec: ‘ea *+ Lesson 4 introduces the topic of the unit, presents the main vocebuaty set and practises it through lixening and other activities. + This lesson links to the Vocabulary Builder at the back of the book, which provides extra practice and exension, beginning Introduction 5 Lesson 8 - Grammar * Lesson B presents and practises the first main grammar point of the unit. + The new language is presented in a short text or other meaningful context There are Gear grammar tables and rules, and presentation is interactive. Students often have to ‘complete tables and rules, helping ther focus on the structures. + Look out! boxes appear wherever necessary and help students to avcic common errors. Lear this! boxes present key Information in a clear and concise form. * Thislesson links to the Graramar Builder at the back of the book which provides extra practice and grammar reference, nar Lesson C~ Culture ‘+ Lesson C has a reading text which provides cuttura information about Britain, the USA or another English-speaking country. + Students are encouraged to make cultural comparisons * New vocabulary is clearly presented. + Ail Culture lessons include practice of both listening and reading skills. ‘troduction Lesson D - Grammar + Lesson D presents and practises the second main grammar point of the unit «+ The gramrrar presentation is interactive: students often have to complete tables and rules helping them focus on the structures. + Learn ths! boxes present key information in clear and concise form. + Thislesson links to the Grammar Builder at the back of the book, which provides extra practice and grammar reference notes + A inal speaking activity allows students so personalise the new language this happens throughout the book Lesson E - Reading + Lesson E contains the main reading text of the unit. * Troccupies two pages though it ssi designed forone lesson in class. ‘© Thetextis always interesting and relevant to the students, {and links with the topic ofthe unit. © Thetextrecycles the main grammar points from lessons B ando. *# Important new vocabulary ishighlighted in the text and practised in@ follow-up activity and in the Workbook + Strategy boxes appear wherever needed to give advice on specific sils and how best to aporoach the diferent task types. There are boxes for istening, speaking reading and waiting Lesson F - Everyday English + Lesson F (Everyday English) presents a functional dialogue. + The lesson always includes listening practice. + Bara vocabulary is presented, F necessary * Students follow a clear guide when they produce their ‘own dialogue. + Useful functional phrases are taught and practised. ‘+ The step-by-step approach of presentation practice and [production's suitable for mixed-abilty Ciasses and offers achievable goals Lesson G-Writing * Lesson G focuses on writing + The lesson always begins by looking at a model text or texts and studying the structure and format. + Students learn and practise useful phrases + There s2 clear writing guide for the stucents to procuce theirown text = Asupported approach to wating linguistic confidence, creases students’ Get Ready for your Exam + There ae five Get Ready for your Exam sections (afer tunts 1, 3.5, 7 and 8) which focus on exam sails and Preperation. * The sections inciude exam tasks for listening, reading, speaking and use of Engish, * Each exam lesson includes activities to prepare students for typical exam tasks and provide them with the language and skits they need to do them successfully. = These sections relate to the topics of the previous two nits and provide authentic exem practice, Language Review/Skills Round-up = There are five owo-page eviews (after units 2,4, 6,8 and 10) ‘+ The firstiesson of each review isa Language Review of the preceding two units «There are exercises focusing on vocabulary. grammar and functions. + The marks always otal 25, s0 itis easy to monitor progress through the bock. +The second lesson of each review i @Skils Round-up which covers all the preceding units of the book + The materialis certred around a Polish gi called Anna, who visits on a student exchange programme, + The lesson includes practice of al! four silt: Istening reading. writing and speaking, Tips and ideas Teaching vocabulary Vocabulary notebooks Encourage your students 20 record new words in a notebook. They can group words according to the topic or by part of speech. Tel them to write a tangation and an, earTipie Sentence that shows Ure wrurd it Lane, Vocabulary does not just appear on Vocabulary pages. You «an askstudents to make alist ofall the verbs that appear ina Grammar section, of to choose five useful words from a reading or culture text and learn them. Learning phrases We often learn words in solaton, but & vocabulary tem can bemore then one word. e9, surfthentemet, havea shower. Make students aware ofthis and encourage them to record phrases as well as individual words. Revision Regularly revise previously learned sets of vocabulary. Here are two games you could ty in class: ‘+ Oddone out. Give four words, ether orally or written on the board. Students say which is the odd one out You can choose three words from one vocabulary set and one word fiom a different set (relatively easy task) or four words fom the same set, kind, confident, rude, fendly, where rudeis the odd one out asi isthe only word wth negative connotations. + Word tennis. This game canbe played torevise word sets. Call out words in the set, and nominate a student to.answer. The stuclent must respond with another word in the set. Continue round the class. Students must not repeat any previous words. For example, with shops: +1 bookshop + St: supermarket +7: jewellers + Sz baker Teaching grammat Concept checking The concept is important. Do not rush ftom the presentation tothe practice before the students have fully absorbed the ‘meaning of the new language. You can check that they truly Understand a new structure by: * asking them to translate exemples into thelr own language * talking about the practice activities as youdo them, ‘asking students to explain their ansivers * looking beyond incorrect answers they may be careless errors orthey may be the result of @ misunderstanding contrasting new structures with language that they already know and their own language. Practice Practice makes perfect. Use the activities in the Grammar Builders, photocopiables, the Workbook and on fools, Progression Mechenical practice should come before personalised practice. This allows students to master the basic form and ‘sei first, without having to think about what they are tying toexpiess at the same time. Teaching reading Predicting content Before reading the text ask students tolookat the picture and tell you what they can see ox what is happening. You can akc discuss the ttle and topic with them. Dealing with difficult vocabulary Here are some ideas: + Pre-teach vocabulary. Anticipate which words they will have dificulty with. Put them on the board defore you read the text withthe lass and pre-teach thern You can ‘combine this with a prediction activity by putting a list of ‘words on the board and asking students to guess which, ‘ones wil not appear in the text. For example, for the text abou cifferent health veatments on page 52of the Student's Book, Ist these words: cure headache competion mediche patient gallery ‘= Ask students to look atthe picture and tell you which two ‘words they are not going to find in the text (competition and galery), A the Serre time, check that they understand the other four words. ‘Having read through the text once, tell students to write down three or four words from the text that they do not understand. Then ask them to call out the words, You can then explain or transiate then ‘+ Rather than immediately explaining difficuk vocabulary, ask students to identify the partof speech of the word they do not know. Knowing the part of speech sometimes helps them to guess the meaning. + After working on 2 text, have students write in their vocabulary notebooks four or five new words from the text that they would lie tolesmn. Teaching listening Pro-listening This isan important stage. Listening to sornething’cold’s not easy so prepare the students well.Focus on teaching rather than on testing, Here ae some things you can do: + Tell the stucients in beoad terms what they are going to hear (eg. boy and gi making erengements to go out «+ Predict the content. f there isa picture, ask students to lookat the picture and tell you what they can see or what Ishappening. ‘+ Pre-teach vocabulary. Put new vocabulary on the board and check students understand it Translating the words is perfectly acceptable + Read through the exercise carefully and siowty before the students listen. Ensure that the students understand both the task and all the vocabulary in the exercise. Familiar procedure tts not easy to Isten, ead the exercise and wrte the answers all atthe same time. Take some pressure off the students by telling them you wil play the recording a number of times, and that they should not worry if they do Not get the answers immediately ‘Tell students not to wre anything the first time they listen, Monitor While the students are listening, stand at the back of the class and check that they can all hear. Teaching writing Use a model Ensure that the students understand that the text n Lesson G serves as a model for theit own writing. Preparation Encourage your students to brainstorm ideas anc make notes, either alone or in pairs, before they attemptto write a composition. Draft Tell them to prepare a rough draft of the composition before they write cut the final version, Checking Encourage them to read through their compositian carefully and check it for spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Correction Establish a set of marks that you use to correct students! waitten work For example, sp Indicates a spalling mistake w indkates amissing word or icates a grammatical ervor Vv Indicates a lexical error wo indicates incorrec: word order Self-correction Considerindicating but not cortecting mistakes, and asking students to try to correct themselves. Teaching speaking Confidence building Be aware that speaking is a challenge for most students. Build their confidence and they will soeak more; undermine it and they will be silent. This means * encourage and praise your students when they speak + do notover-correct or interrupt © askother students to be quiet and attentive while a classmate speaks © listen and react when a student spe2ks, with phrases tke “Really” or That interesting! Preparation Allow students time to prepare their ideas before asking ‘ther to speak. This means they will not have to search for ideas at the sere time as tying to express them. ‘Support Help students to prepare thelr ideas: mcke suggestions and provide useful words. Allow them to work in pais, if appropriate ‘Choral drilling LUstan and repeat activities which the cass does together cen help to build confidence because the students feel less exposed. They are also a good chance to practise word stress, and intonation, Teaching mixed ability classes Teaching mixed ability lasses Is demanding and can be very frustrating. There are no easy solutions, but here are some ideas that may helo. Preparation “ty to anticipate problems and prepare in advance. Draw wpa listot the five strongest students in the class and the five weakest. Think about how they will cope in the next lesson, Which group is likely to pose more of a problem - the stronge: students because they will nish quickly and get bored, or the slower students because they will aotbe able to keep up? Think how you wil attermpt to Geel with this. The Teacher's Book includes ideas and suggestions for activities and filers for diferent abilities, Independent learning There isthe temptation in class to give most of your attention to the higher-level students as they are more responsive and they Keep the lesson moving. But which of your students can best work on their own or in pairs? itis ‘often the stronger anes, so consider spending more time in class with the weaker ones, and finding things to keep the fastfnishers occupied while the others catch up, Peer support IF you are doing pairwort, consider pairing stronger students with weaker students Project work Provide ongoing work for stronger students You can give your stronger students extended tasks that they do alone in spare moments. For example, you could give them readers, ask them to keepa diary in English or work ona project. Correcting mistakes How much we correct should depend on the purpose of the activity The key question is:is the activity designed to Improve accuracy o fluency? Accuracy With contolled grammar and vocabulary activities, where the emphasis is on the accurate production ofa particular lenguage point itis best to correct all mistakes, and to do s0 ‘immediately you hear thern. You want your students to master the formsnow and not repeat the misiake in later work, Fluency With activities such as role-play or freer grammar exercises it may be better nct to interrupt and correct every mistake you hear, The important ristakes to correct in these cases are those thar c2use a breakdown in communication, We should not show interest only in the language; we should also be asking ourselves, How well did the students communicate?: During the activity, you can makea note of any serious grammatical and lexical erios and put them on the board at the end of che activity. You can then go through them with the whole class Self-correction Give students 2 chance to correct themse'ves before you supgly the correct version. Modelling ‘When you correct an individual student. ahvays have him oF her repeat the answer after you correctly Peer correction You cam involve the rest ofthe clas in the process of correction. Asks that answer corect?: You cen do this when the studenthas giver a correct answer, as well 2s when the answerisincorrect. “iDVecabulary ves “Teacher's Resoui Printable actives |: ‘AFurictions: Meeting peorle Scenic plein a fe CD-ROM Unit | GH Everyday English Meeting peopie Besson suiniity] Vocabulary: umbers Listening: ialoguesto introduce people Speaking: basic introductions Pronunciation: nurroers !=50;the alphabet ia Todothe lesson in thirty minutes, omit extension and exercises 4 and 9. Vocabulary Builder activities and exercise § can be set for homework, DADs MNT] + tnwoduce yourself tothe studentsin English Say My name 's.. and cometom ...Repeat and encourage the students to repeat afer you ‘+ Askthe students to mingle andtointroduce themselves oeech otver using the same phrases you used. Allow the activity to run fora maxenum of eworinutes. Exercise 1 GD + Refer students 19 the photo and dscuss it with she cass. ‘Askthem where the people are and eit thet they arein 3 Classtoor Ask stuents How obj the people inthe pictsre are andelicitary answers, # Asethe class what they thnk the people in the picture might be talking about. Get some feedbsck frorn the dass. Exercise 2 Gi * Refer students tothe incomplete dialogue. Ask ther to read it ignoring the gaps. to find out what the students are talking about. flict that they are introducing each other. + Tell the students that they re going to hear the dialogue Draw thei attention to the phrases and explain the task. * Play the recording Studerts complete the dialogue. Check answers asacass. Transcript @ 102 GE 1 Howareyou 2 Whereare youtrom 3 How old are you 4 Whatabout you Exercise 3 GS ‘Tel the students they are gong te practise the pronunciation of numbers. + Play the recoding, pausing after each number: allow students tme to repeat. With a stronger class, pause the recoiding after more cific numbers only. Transcript © 103 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10,11, 12,13, 14,15, 6,12, 18, 19, 20,21, 22, 23, 24, 25,26 27, 28,29, 30, 40, 50 Exercise 4 (jai Write 24 6 8 0n the board in one ine and write 73.5, undemeat) ina second line. Ask the dass10 el you what the difference between the two lines 's and elicit that the first lineconsiss cf even numbers while the second ine consists of odd numbers. + aplainthe task. Stare atone end ofthe room The fist student ays ewo, the next student says four and 50.00 around the cass unt they reach chity Repeat he activity with the odd numbers. + Tomake the game more competitive skthe clas to stand up as they say the numbers Ifa student misses thelr tuin oF makes a mistake, they are etminated and have to sit down. © Make sure students are pronouncing the numbers correctly Extension - fast finishers Ak the students about afferentthingsin the dass. For example, How many studentsarethese inthe room? How many desks are therein the foom How many windows.arethere in the room? Write the structure There are. nthe room but do ot woty too much about explning ft ast comes up in the fist unit Students try fo answer your questions 3s quickly as possible. For further practice of numbers, 90 ia: Vocabulary Builder (Part 1) Jian 2a 3an 4a San 6a 7an Ban 82 inthesfterroon 3 en TV 4 atnight 5 What'sthedog’s 6 atthedoctor's 7 atchecinema 8 othome Lesson outcome ‘Ask students: What have you leamed today? What can you do ow? and elicit answers: ican understand and use have got inthe ‘present simple. con understand and use articles. Intreduction unit Vocabulary Time, days and dates aE Vocabulary: time, days and dates LUstening: asking fo: the ime Pronunciation: orcinal numbers; dates ‘ Todothe kssonin tity minutes, omit exercises 4and 10 Exercise 7 «and Vocabulary Buller activites can beset for homework EET * In pairs students el each other what time they get up every morning and wet tre they goto bed everynight “+ Get some feedback from 2 few pais. Exercise 1 (323 ‘+ Oraw students attention tothe pictures of the different times Ask them what they see and elicit that they are clocks + Play the recording and ask students to repeat the thnes. Pause the recording afer each time to allow ther to da so. Transcript © 108 Ge Exercise2 GER + Point out the empty clock faces and explain the task Tell students that they can note down the times in digtal format if tvey want io before they draw times on the ciock faces. + Play the recording, Students drew times and check their answersin pairs Play the recording a second time to check answersas.a dass Transcript © 1.09 ae 1 eightovlock 2 tento one _$ quartertorwele 4 quarterpasttan $ fivetofive 6 halFpast eleven Thine otdock § five pastnine Exercise 3. Gif) «+ Refer studerts to the incomplete dialogue and askthem torreadit, ignoring the gaps. lici that Poppy is asking somebody for the time, «Play the recording. Students complete the dialogue using the words given. Check answers asa class. Transcript © 1.10 GB 1 Excuse 2 time 3 past 4 you 5 welcome Exercise 4 GB + Students work in pairs to ask and answer questions about the different times in exercise 2. + Encourage tiem to use the dialogue in exercise 3 a5 an ‘example. Plz it for them again f necessary. * Monitor, making sure students are getting the times right. you Rave'a clock i the toon, you could use for tis! sty: ce a apt che bead wit ‘he harids (so that jou can drew them in) “Askstudehts to safid up. Change the loc gh ti oe drow a afferent time cn the board. The fst student who cant tellyou the correct time ¢an sit down, Keep changing the time until all the students Rave taker a tum. Exercise 5 ii? + Draw students attention tothe words Elck that there are the days ofthe week and the months ofthe year. “Explain the task Make sure students understand that the days of he week are on the lft and the months ofthe year on the right. Students complete the lists and check their answers in pars. Play the recording to check answers as 2 class Encourage ther to repeat so that they can practise their pronunciation Transcript © 111 jst Daye Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday Months February, March, Apri June, August, September, October, November, December Alternative activity low students a few minutes to study the days and months and then tell them to close their books Say a day of the week atrandom,eg, Tuesday, Point toa student at random. ‘That student has to say the next day in sequence. Keep the activity going, and get slightly faster as you move around the classroom, When you have finished, do the same activity Using months ofthe year Exercise 6 ii) * Draw students'attention to thelist of ordinal numbers. Explain that we use ordinal numbers to identify the order (of something in a particular sequence. For example, we use them to talk about days in the week, or how many times we have done something, etc. * Play the recording, Students listen and repeat Point out the different endings after numbers ending in 10, 2ind) and 3. Transcript © 112. jig For further practice of times, days and dates, go to: Vocabulary Builder (Part 2) «get 42 iwsquarterpastone. 3 ttstentotwo. 4 Wtsfive pasts. § tes half pastfour 6 Itstwentytoten. 7 Irs twenty-five past eleven 8 Itsquartertotwelve, # It'stwenty-fiveto nine. 5 Students own answers 6 2nd second 3rd third sth fifth sth seth Rh eighth 9th ninth eth tenth 11th eleventh ‘Dth twelfth Wh thirteenth TSth fiRcenth 8th aightaenth 19th nineteenth 20th twentieth 2ist twenty-first 22nd twenty-second 23rd twenty-thind, {th twenty-seventh 29h twenty-ninth 30th thirtieth Hist thirtyfist 7 Tuesday (3), Saturday (7), Monday (2), Thursday (5), ‘Sunday (1), Wednesday (4), Friday (6) B2 February 3 March 4 April 5 May § June 7 July 8 August 9 September 10 October 11 November 12 December 9 2 Thefirst of October 3 The thirysfist of December 4 The nineteenth of May 5 The twenty-first of August 66 The seventeenth of September 1 The third of March 8 The twentieth of July Exercise 7 jet 1 Students‘own answers 2 May Draw students attention to the questions and elict that they allcontain ordinal numbers. Students answer the questions individually When they are ready, students compare theiranswers in pairs. Check answers asa class. Bt 4 the 5 word 6 i Look out! Point out the diferences in how we write dates and how we say them. Make sure students understand that we do not ‘write and say them in the same way. Exercise 8 i?) Exercise 9 Read the Look out! boxwith the students. In pars, they take tums saying the diferent dates 1~6, Monitos helping out as necessary Play the recording to check the answers for exercise 8, Pause after each date and encourage studerts to repeat Transcript @ 1.13 ith, 1 2 3 4 5 ‘ ‘The fist of February, twenty eleven, “The third of August, nineteen ten “The twenty-first of December, eighteen oh three ‘The second of January, seventeen hundred The nineteenth of October, twenty fourteen The first of July, nineteen ninety-nine Exercise 10 7) 1 2 3 4 5 Draw students artertion to the questions and allow them time to read ther. Check for understanding, In pais, they ask and answer the questions: Monitor as they speak, stening out for correct pronunciation ofthe ordinal ‘numbers, months and years. AAtthe end ofthe activity, get feedback from afew pairs about each question. 14 February 25 December uly Students’ own answers Students own answers Lasson outcome ‘Ask students: What have you learned today? What con you do ‘now? and elicit answers: can tell the time. Ican talk about doys and doves. Introduction unit 15 ie iF Evenjday Enalsh weak Sut Sookpra Wetbosk seals 1 fevlewand Tests Sei 3 Student: SeleTesk ‘Sheets (RCD-ROM, Wort Unit: Progress Tests & Sticit Tests (Test BankCD) = Get Ready for yout Exam 1 ae student’: Book Tod's am | NO=17. x é Bai 1 est 6arkC) Tools Unit 1 Teachers | Resource CD-ROM (FRCD-ROM) Uniet 2 vscabllar interactive exercises (Friends and far 8 Printable ‘aeaNies % eres inc aaene ae Boia Biri Friends a and family HZ Vocabulary and listening Friends and famiiy Psosuan] Vocabulary: members ofthe fami Lstening: dialogue to describe who people ae ‘Speaking: describing frends and famity Pronunciation: Topic people a To do the lessonin thirty minutes omic errs 8 Vocabulary Buller cities and exerts 2and canbe ter homework EES + rawasimple fay tee or your ail (or create one) onthe board Dont go int oo much etal = just include Brothes/stters parents and grandparents Wether fst ames ian eit that thsi foil tee + Inpats students caw tei ow fay tes and compare. Exercise 1 @52@ *+ Draw students attention to the family vocebulay. Point at the family tre you drew cn the board and eicit who the people ar (brothers/sisters, parents and grandparents). * inpairs, students complete the sentences about Holly fami. Monitor, helping with vocabulary as necessary 2 brother 3 grandmother 4 mother $ sister 6 grandfather 7 aunt & cousin 9 uncle Learn this! fiead the ies about using the possessive swith the cass. lake sute they understand that ne use an apostrophe: ‘without swith a plural noun that ends gists Exercise2 GRD + Stuer examine Hol family tee agsin and complete the Sentences eecording rte rulesin the lcm this! box. They check ther answesin pas, 2 husband 3 granddaughter 4 daughter 5 niece 6 wife 7 son 8 grandson Exercise} GER + Play the recording to check answers for exercises 1 and 2 asa dlats,Pause ater each one to allow students time to repeat «+ Forweaker students repeat the words youself soy and encourage them to copy you. Transcript © 1.14 ja 1 James s Hol ater 2 Leoisherbetbe. 3 Kate her gander 4. Enmisher mothe, 5 Aiceishersser 6 Owen she grandfather 1 Seahis er aunt 8 Cate shercousin 9 Blot shes unce Exercise 4 Gai. *+ Draw students artention tothe incomplete sentences and ‘ead the fist one together. Explain that chide sa plural ‘noun hat refers to both sons and daughters. + Students complete the rest ofthe sentences. Encourage them to guess the answers logically they ae not sure. Check answers asa class. 2 father_3 grandfather, grandmother 4 grandson, granddaughter brother sister 6 grandmother, grandfather Exercise 5 ‘Refer students to the words and piay the recording Repeat ‘the words yourself slowly focusing on the /s/ sound so that students can see yauir mouth 2s you pronounce it ' Students repeat. Orl the class so that each student repeats ‘each word in turn. Explain thatthe phonetic symbol /a/ represents this sourd. Transcript © 1.15. spagel? Exercise 6 Ga ‘In pairs, students decide which ofthe words from exercise 1 aso contain the /4/ sound, Encourage ther to repeat the wordsto each ather to help thers decide. For weaker students, play recording 1.14 again + Piay the recording to checkanswers asa cass. Askthe students to repeat each word again stressing the / / sound. Transcript © 1.16 Gad) brother grandmother, grandsen, husband, son, uncle Look out! Explain the use of step in families where parents have remarried, The most cornmon ones are stepmother, stepfather, stepbrother and stepsister Exercise 7 «jij * Read the Lookout! box together. Explain che taskand allow students time to read the names and relations. ‘¢ ay the recording unt the / symbol Ask students who Caries and ect she's a cousin, * Play the recording from the beginning. Students do the rest of the taskand check answers in pics. + Play the recording a second time. Check answers as 2 cass Transcript © 117 fais Boy Isthisyou: phone? Gt Yost Boy Oh. rice photos! Whos his? Git Thats Cai. She my cousin She's at rivers. Boy Oh OK Andisthsyourbothe? i Yes. Wel helsmystepbrthe Boy Vitatsris name? Sil Daren And hs his dad ~ that’ my stepdad is rame's Joseph, Boy iho ae these people! Gil Tha’ yi sister, Anna. And that's my ind, Mares. Boy rt what about het? ie Tha’ Bela Shes ry neihbow. Boy Sie rice How esis she? Get Eighteen. Boy Fell heeen Gi Shes Marcus gtrenc, Boy On. Gorrie cousin Daren stepbrother Joseph stepdad ‘hana sister Marais friend For further proctce of family goto: Vocabulary Builder (Part 1) 1 Famale: daughter, granddaughter, grandmother, mother, nlece, sister, wife lal: father, grandfather, grandson, husband, nephew, son,uncle 22 cousin 3 father 4 grandmother 5 unde 6 niece T nephew 8 daughter 9 uncle 32 parents 2 grandparents 4 grandchildren 5 great-grandparents 4 students'own answers 5 Students'own answers Exercise 8 ape) Draw students attention to Holly family ee Ask them who James's, Eki that James is Holy father Ask them if can be described another way. Elicit that he is also Kates son. Explain the task and refer students tothe speech bubbles to see the example. Tey workin pats. ‘Monitor, paying attersion to vocabulary, pronunciation anc the possessive as necessary. Encourage them to describe as mary people in Holy’ family as possible When they are nishes gt feedback fom the class by asking ‘each pairto describe a different person. For further vocabulary practic, go to Vocabulary Builder (Part 2) (jaf; 61 nieces 2 matches 3 bores 4 videos 5 tomatoes 6 universities 7 tes 7 foot — feet tooth teeth; child — children; person — people; man + men: woman =+ women 82 fourbuses 3 fivemen 4 eightfeet 5 three shelves 6 twophotos ‘Alternative activity ‘Students complete their extended family ees When they finish, they swap their tees with a partner and askeach other uestions Ercourage them 16 describe farlly members in two ways. re Lesson outcome Ask students: What have you learned today? What can you do now? and elicit answers: can describe my family. can understand a dialogue that describes who people are. Grammar Present simpl Presson sus] ‘Grammar: present simple: affirmative and negative king about family and friends : affirmative and negative To do the lesson in thiry minutes, omit extensions and exercise 10. Grammar Builder activities and exercises 6, 8and 9.can beset for homework, PLEAD IN se suNUTES * Tellthe class three things you do every dey, eg. have breakfast every day, take the bus every day Igo to werk every day + in pais, students telleach other three things they do every dy. Do not worry about accuracy at this stage. Get some feedback fom each pai Exercise 1 3) * Refer students to the photo and ask them ifthey recognise ‘who is init. lct any feedback from the class + Students read the text quickyy to check who it is Do they watch this show? Does anybody ike ie? Itis Dr Gregory House from the TV show House. Exercise 2 iii} ‘+ Read the Learn thst box together. With weaker classes, do the task as a cass. Stronger students do the task alone and check answers in pairs, Check answers asa class. Exercise 3 GD ‘* Students find and underline examples of the affirmative present simple in the text. heck answers asa class. '* Elicit that the verb always ends in ~s in the third person siegular. Works, peaks, ves, walks $45, 1¥, Hive, work Unit 1 Exercise 4 (ia + Refer students to the verbs and play the recording, Pause ‘after each verb and repest it yourself esoecialy with weaker students. Encourage students to repeat after you, copying how the ss pronounced at the end of the verb. ‘+ Baplain that he phonetic symbols /s,/2/ and /iz/ represent these sounds. Transcript © 1.18 aa: Exercise 5 iss «+ Refer students tothe veibs, With a stronger cass, ak students to practise saying the words to each other in pars and to decide whether they belong to group A or B, Then play the recording to check their answers. + With weaker students, play the recording, Pause after each verb to allow ther to decide which group each verb belongs to. lf necessary, play the recording twice. + Checkanswers as clas Transcript © 119 gas A isi likes /2/ comes, tives 8 fiz! dances, teaches, uses Exercise 6 G85) ‘+ Read the Learn this! box with the students and ask them to complete the sentences With a weaker class, ask the students to match a verb with each sertence frst before inserting thern into the sentences. + Students check answers in pais, Check answers as a cass. 2 studies 3 thes 490.5 works 6 speaks 7 has 8 watch For further practic ofthe pesent simple afrmatve o te: Grammar Builder 1B (Exs 1-2) Gaels 12 studies 3 watches 4 goes 5 flies 6 likes 7 does 8 finishes 21 studies 2 plays 3 goes 4 likes 5 fies 6 watches 7 does. 8 finishes Exercise7 GD ‘+ Read the table wit the cass and make sure they understand that they must always use dont or doesnt before the verb in the present simple negative. Emphasise thet when we Use doesntin the third person singular, the main verb is not foliowed bys. + Students do the task. Check answers asa class, doesn't go, doesn't speak, don't ive, donttsee Exercise 8 GD ‘+ Students complete the sentences. Monitor the students as they work, especialy with weaker classes. They check their answers in pais. Checkanswers asa class. 2 doesnithave 3 doesntsee 4 doesntspeak § don'tgo 6 doesnt work Extension ~ fast finishers ‘Students wate the sentences in exercise 6 in the negative. '* Blicit any information the students know about Willam and Kate's families. For further practic ofthe present simple negative. go to: Grammar Builder 1B (Exs 3-5) ‘iieit0 BA doesn't 2dont 3 doesnt 4 dont 5 doesnt 6 dont 4.2 Wedont livein Scotian, 3 | dont speak three languages. 4 My brother doesn't study every evening. 5 My dad doesn't go out alot 6 Wedont like our neighbours. 7 My cousin doesn't watch TV on his phone. 51 donitknow 2 watches 3 dontlike 4 dontlive Prince Wiliam and his wife Kate Middleton, also known as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. ‘Other family members: Prince Harry, Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth i the Duke of Exinburgh, Prince Edward. Culture note ‘The wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge was ‘0n 29 Apil 2011 in London. Everyaody in the UK got a day off work and almost 37 milion people watched the wedding on Tyaltwas broadcast on TV, radio and the intemet in almost 5 cooks 6 doesn't walk 7 do 180 countries. Exercise 9 ia Exercise 2 ised + Explain the task. Students write three true and three false sentences about themselves, using both affirmative and negative structures ofthe verbs given. + Monitor helping out as necessary and checking for correct tse ofthe present simple affirmative and negative forms. Extension - weaker students Students wite three sentences describing their partner farily. Extension ~ stronger students Students write @ short paragraph describing their partner's family, using as many of the verbs from exercise 9 as possible, Exercise 10 aa) * pairs students say their sentences to each other-They have to guess if their partner's sentences are true or false. + Monitor, helping out as necessary and listening for cortect use of present simple structure Lesson outcome ‘Ask students: What have you learned today? What can you do ‘now? and elicit the answer: I can understand and form the present simple afirmarive and negative. Ifyou lke, students caa listen to this text as they read. Explain the task and allow students time to read the headings and the text. Encourage them to read the text for the generat idea and not to worry about unknown vocabulary. itn weaker students, you right lke to do the first one together as an example. Ask them whicn paragraph they think talks about an ordinary couple and ali that Cis the correct answer. They continue with the rest ofthe task Students do the task and check answers in pairs. Check answersas a class Transcript © 1.20 «pitid. Aas ci D3 Exercise 3 «iii Tk Explain the task and allow students time to read the sentences and check for understanding, Point out that they should now knowr which part of the text contains theie answer, so tis nat necessary to read ital again. Students decide ifthe senrences are true cr fase. They check answers in pars. Check answers asa class. ais Williams mother. 2T 3 F Kateis one of three children, 4 James is Kate's brother. Culture ster Extension - fast finishers The Royal Family in pairs, students discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Pesos] being part ofthe rye fami They make asf he eas. Reading: 3 royal couple Listening: diferent opinions on the British monarchy Speaking: discussing monarchies Topic: selected reading about English-speaking countries BS onrc ur) To do the lesson in thiry minutes, omit extensions and exercise 6 Bxercses 2 and 3 can be set for homework is + Think ofa famous family (real lie or TV, 9. The Simpsons) and encourage students to ask questions and guess who itis Repaat witha couple of stronger students Exercise 1 atid, «+ In pairs, students discuss the people in the photo. Ei that they are Prince Wiliam and Kate Middleton (the Duke and Duchess af Camndgel Exercise 4 je Refer students to the tex. Ask thern to readit, ignoring the gaps, to find what a British monarch cannot do. Elicit that he Or she cannot enter the Parliament building Explain the task and refer students to the vocabulary. Check for understanding and direct weaker students to the Words in the Workbook f necessary. Students complete the text and check their answers in pairs Play the recording to check answers 2s a cass Transcript © 121 jab 1 ‘ queen 2 laws 3 elections 4 Parliament 5 parties goverment unit 19

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