Barrie & Hannington (1999)

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Chapter 1

Classification of Volcanic-Associated Massive Sulfide Deposits

Based on Host-Rock Composition
Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0E8

Volcanic-associated massive sulfide deposits (VMS) are 4567 13-16

predominantly stratiform accumulations of sulfide miner- 1 17-20 27
als that precipitate from hydrothermal fluids at or below 2 12
10 23
9 11 29
the sea floor, in a wide range of ancient and modern geo- 3 8 21 24
logical settings (Figs. 1, 2). They occur within volcano- 25
sedimentary stratigraphic successions, and are commonly 26
coeval and coincident with volcanic rocks. As a class, they 32
represent a significant source of the world's Cu, Zn, Pb, 22
30 33
Au, and Ag ores, with Co, Sn, Ba, S, Se, Mn, Cd, In, Bi, Te, 31 34
Ga, and Ge as co- or by-products. 35
The understanding of ancient, land-based VMS deposits
has been heavily influenced by the discovery and study of ARCHEAN
active, metal-precipitating hydrothermal vents on the sea
floor. During the last three decades, excellent descriptions MESOZOIC PROT/MZ AR/MZ AR/PT
of sea-floor sulfides and related vent fluids and hydrother- FIG. 1. Location of major VMS districts of the world, with total tonnages
mal plumes have provided modern analogs for the land- in million tonnes (MT). M: Mafic; B-M: Bimodal Mafic; M-S: Mafic Silici-
clastic; B-F: Bimodal-Felsic; B-S: Bimodal-Siliciclastic.
based VMS deposits (Rona, 1988; Rona and Scott, 1993;
Hannington et al., 1995). Conversely, the geology and 1 Windy Craggy, NW British Columbia: 297 MT, Mesozoic M-S;
mineralogy of land-based deposits have provided insight 2 N. Cordillera, Canada (including Eskay Creek): 100 MT, L. Paleozoic, M,
B-M, B-F;
into the plumbing systems and sulfide mineral paragenesis 3 Jerome, Arizona, USA: 30 MT, E. Proterozoic, B-M;
of sulfide deposits relevant to sea-floor hydrothermal sys- 4 Slave Province, Canada: 50 MT, L. Archean, B-M, B-F;
tems. This volume capitalizes on the complementary na- 5 Flin Flon-Snow Lake, Man. and Sask., Canada: 160 MT, E. Proterozoic, B-
M, M;
ture of ancient, land-based VMS deposits and active, 6 Ladysmith-Rhinelander, Wisconsin, USA: 80 MT, E. Proterozoic, B-M;
metal-precipitating hydrothermal systems on the sea floor, 7 Abitibi-Superior, Canada (incl. Kidd Creek): 500 MT, L. Archean, B-M, B-
much as the Reviews in Economic Geology Volume 2 (Berger F.
8 Ducktown, Tennessee, USA: 180 MT, L. Proterozoic, M-S;
and Bethke, eds., 1985) did with epithermal deposits and 9 Bathurst, New Brunswick, Canada: 250 MT, E. Paleozoic, B-S;
active, subaerial geothermal systems, and draws equally 10 Buchans-Victoria Lake, Newfoundland: 20 MT, E. Paleozoic, B-F;
from land-based and sea-floor VMS research. 11 Iberian Pyrite Belt, Portugal and Spain: 1000+ MT, E. Paleozoic, B-S;
12 Rouez, Bretagne, France: 100 MT, M. Proterozoic, M-S;
This volume attempts to provide a balanced view of VMS 13 Trondheim, Norway: 40 MT, E. Paleozoic, B-M, M-S, B-F;
systems, with descriptions of the processes involved in 14 Skellefte (including. Boliden), Sweden: 75 MT E. Proterozoic, B-M, B-F;
VMS formation and of important examples representing a 15 Rana-Grong-Sulitjelma, Sweden, Sweden: 80 MT, E. Paleozoic, B-M, M-S;
16 Outokumpu-Pyhasalmi, Finland: 60 Mt, E. Proterozoic, B-M, M-S;
variety of VMS deposits and districts, in modern and an- 17 Central Urals, Russia: 100+ MT, E. Paleozoic, B-F, B-M;
cient settings. It is not meant to be a comprehensive re- 18 Buribai-southern Urals, Russia and Kazikstan: 100+MT, E. Paleozoic, B-F,
view; rather, it presents a spectrum of current ideas based B-M;
19 Turkey (including Murgul): 170 MT, Paleozoic and Mesozoic, B-M, B-F, M;
on research since the benchmark paper of Franklin et al. 20 Zyryanowsk, Kazakstan: 500 MT, Paleozoic, B-F, B-M;
(1981). The contributions are divided into two parts. In 21 Troodos, Cyprus: 35 MT, Mesozoic, M;
Part I, reviews of the most significant geological, physical, 22 Presika, Otjahasi, Matchless, S. Africa-Namibia: 140 MT, M. Proterozoic,
and chemical processes involved in the formation of land- 23 Gai-Uchali, Kazakstan: 100+ MT, Paleozoic, B-F, B-M;
based and sea-floor VMS deposits are presented. These in- 24 Yidan, China: ?, Mesozoic, B-F;
clude: the volcanology of subaqueous settings and the re- 25 Qilian, China: ?, E. Paleozoic, B-M, B-F;
26 Kang Dian, China: 500 MT, L. Proterozoic, B-M;
lationship between volcanology and VMS systems by 27 Hongtouchan, China: ?, L. Archean, B-M;
Gibson et al. (1999); structural aspects of magmatism and 28 Hokuroku, Japan: 100 MT, Miocene, B-F;
hydrothermal circulation in ocean floor and ophiolitic set- 29 Besshi, Japan: 230 MT, L. Paleozoic and Mesozoic, M-S;
30 Big Stubby, Mons Cupri, Whim Creek, W. Australia: 15 MT, M.+L.
tings by Harper (1999); the relationship between magma Archean, B-F;
chemistry and hydrothermal venting, with emphasis on 31 Scuddles-Golden Grove, W. Australia: 45 MT, L. Archean, B-M;
32 Philippines: 60 MT, Cenozoic, B-F, M, B-S;
33 Mt. Morgan, Queensland, Australia: 50 MT, E. Paleozoic, B-M;
*Alternate address: Barrie & Associates, 23 Euclid Avenue, Ottawa, 34 Benambra-Woodlawn, Victoria-NSW, Australia: 35 MT, E. Paleozoic, B-F;
Ontario, Canada K1S 2W2. 35 Mt. Read, Tasmania, Australia: 150 MT, E. Paleozoic, B-F.


90° 120° 150° 180° 150° 120° 90° 60° 30° 0° 30° 60° 90°

70° 70°

60° 60°

30° 30°

0° 0°

30° 30°

60° 60°

70° 70°
90° 120° 150° 180° 150° 120° 90° 60° 30° 0° 30° 60° 90°

FIG. 2. Location of sea-floor hydrothermal vent sites and massive sulfide deposits. Modified after Hannington et al., 1995.

the thickened oceanic crust in the Galapagos area by Per- massive sulfide-forming hydrothermal systems in sedi-
fit et al.(1999), and more generally in bimodal volcanic ment-covered oceanic spreading centers. Felsic volcanic
settings by Barrett and MacLean (1999); hydrothermal al- and sedimentary-influenced VMS systems are found in
teration of the oceanic crust by Alt (1999); fluid-rock in- more mature volcanic or continental arc settings. These
teractions in VMS systems as recorded by stable isotope types are represented in this volume by the precious
systematics by Huston (1999); the metal transport capabil- metal-rich Eskay Creek deposit, described by Roth et al.
ities of hydrothermal fluids by Seyfried et al. (1999); pre- (1999), and the incredibly prolific Iberian pyrite belt of
cious metal enrichment associations and processes in VMS Portugal and Spain, described by Carvalho et al. (1999).
systems by Hannington et al. (1999); and heat and fluid
flow in VMS systems by Barrie et al. (1999a). The Classification Scheme
In Part II, descriptions of land-based and sea-floor de- For the purposes of this volume, a simple, five-fold clas-
posits or districts are given, within the context of the sification of VMS deposits is proposed that encompasses
processes described in Part I. They are arranged in an most of the known ancient and active VMS settings. The
order from primitive, mafic-dominant systems to evolved, classification draws from a comprehensive database se-
felsic and sedimentary rock-dominant systems, similar to lected from Mosier et al. (1983), the Geological Survey of
the order in the classification scheme described below. Canada VMS database for Canada (Franklin, 1993), the
Deposits in mafic-dominant, ophiolitic settings are de- published literature, annual reports of major mining com-
scribed by Galley and Koski (1999). Many of these de- panies, and our own files. The database includes 878 de-
posits are believed to represent supra-subduction zone posits, of which 811 have proper geological control and ac-
tectonic settings, and they provide the closest compari- curate grade and tonnage information (mined, mineable,
son to mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal vent fields. A re- and geological reserves, and drill indicated resources). The
view of the giant Kidd Creek deposit of the Late Archean deposits in the database represent ~60 percent of the total
Abitibi subprovince by Barrie et al. (1999b) provides a subaerial continental areas; data from deposits in ex-Soviet
view of a bimodal-mafic, primitive arc VMS setting. The bloc countries, China, and Antarctica are not included.
largest Besshi-type, or mafic-siliciclastic type VMS deposit The five-fold classification is based on host rock compo-
in the world at Windy Craggy, British Columbia is de- sition, with emphasis on the pre-alteration composition of
scribed by Peter and Scott (1999). In a broad sense, mod- coeval, or nearly coeval (within 3–4 m.y.) volcanic host
ern analogs for deposits like Windy Craggy are described rocks. Rocks up to ~3 km into the stratigraphic footwall, ~1
by Goodfellow and Zierenberg (1999) in their paper on km into the stratigraphic hanging wall and up to 5 km

along strike are considered. Previous studies have used the successions), tectonic setting (e.g., deposits in metamor-
base metal content (e.g., Hutchinson, 1973; Solomon, 1976; phic terrane with unclear origins) or age (e.g., many
Franklin et al., 1981; Large, 1992), tectonic setting (e.g., “Archean Cu-Zn” deposits similar to Phanerozoic deposits)
Sawkins, 1976; Hutchinson, 1980), host rock textures are avoided.
(Morton and Franklin, 1987; see Gibson et al., 1999), or From the most primitive to the most evolved in a chem-
host rock lithology (e.g., volcanic, volcano-sedimentary, ical sense, the five host rock compositions considered are:
sedimentary divisions: Sangster and Scott, 1976) as the mafic, bimodal-mafic, mafic-siliciclastic, bimodal-felsic, and
principal criteria for classifying VMS sulfide deposits. bimodal-siliciclastic. The average grade and tonnage of de-
Given that most of the metals in the majority of VMS de- posits in these groups are given in Table 1, and the aver-
posits are derived from leaching of a footwall substrate age grade and tonnage for each type divided by time pe-
(Large, 1992) which is predominantly volcanic, and that riod is given in Table 2. These data are presented in a
the composition of the volcanic substrate commonly re- variety of bar graphs and ternary plots in Figures 3–6.
flects the gross tectonic setting, it is not surprising that
there is broad agreement and overlap among these classi- Mafic Type
fication schemes and with the one presented here. In this The mafic type is defined by two principal criteria: a pre-
classification, similar VMS deposits group together reason- dominantly (e.g., >75%) mafic host rock stratigraphic suc-
ably well regardless of their age, and many of the ambigu- cession, and rare or absent (<1%) felsic volcanic rocks.
ities in classification based solely on metal content (e.g., The host rocks commonly have minor (<10%) siliciclastic
“Cu-Zn” deposits may include felsic- and mafic-dominant or ultramafic rocks, or both. The mafic type encompasses

TABLE 1. Total and Average Grade and Tonnage for VMS Types, Excluding China and ex-Soviet Block Countries

TYPE Total Tonnage1 Total Cu1 Total Pb1 Total Zn1 Total Au1 Total Ag1
n in billion tonnes in million tonnes in million tonnes in million tonnes in tonnes  102 in tonnes  103
Mafic 62 0.18 3.7 0.04 1.3 2.31 2.6
Bimodal-mafic 284 1.45 24.3 2.0 44.3 12.91 38.2
Mafic-siliciclastic 113 1.24 16.2 0.6 9.7 4.03 9.2
Bimodal-felsic 255 1.29 7.1 13.2 54.2 14.18 120.0
Bimodal-siliciclastic 97 2.50 21.5 24.0 55.1 4.11 60.0
Total 811 6.66
(878)2 (6.93)2

Average size Average Cu Average Pb Average Zn Average Au Average Ag

in million tonnes grade in wt % grade in wt % grade in wt % grade in g/t grade in g/t
Mafic 2.8 2.04 0.10 1.82 2.56 20.0
Bimodal-mafic 5.1 1.88 0.75 4.22 1.52 36.5
Mafic-siliciclastic 11.0 1.74 1.83 2.43 0.84 19.8
Bimodal-felsic 5.2 1.44 1.64 5.63 2.06 92.8
Bimodal-siliciclastic 23.7 1.10 1.84 4.16 1.13 84.4

Number Number Number Number Number

of deposits of deposits of deposits of deposits of deposits
>100 MMT 50–100 MMT 20–50 MMT 10–20 MMT 5–10 MMT
Mafic 0 0 3 1 7
Bimodal-mafic 1 6 9 16 20
Mafic-siliciclastic 3 1 10 7 10
Bimodal-felsic 0 3 12 19 29
Bimodal-siliciclastic 9 4 5 6 11

Number Number Number Number

of deposits of deposits of deposits of deposits
in situ value4 in situ value4 in situ value4 in situ value4
>$1010 5–10  $109 1–5  $109 0.5–1  $109
Mafic 05 0 5 2
Bimodal-mafic 15 5 16 28
Mafic-siliciclastic 15 1 10 10
Bimodal-felsic 05 2 42 36
Bimodal-siliciclastic 25 10 16 9

1 Grade and tonnage for combined mined and mineable reserves and resources
2 Includes deposits with limited information
3 Several small deposits with reported high Au grades disproportionately bias this value
4 In US $, with 1 lb. Cu = $1.10, 1 lb. Zn = $0.60, 1 lb. Pb = $0.30, 1 oz. Au = $350, 1 oz. Ag = $5.00; excludes other metals
5 Kidd Creek: $24.6  109, Brunswick #12: $22.1  109 ; Neves Corvo deposits: $16.1  109; Windy Craggy: $10.8  109

TABLE 2. Grade and Tonnage for VMS Types by Time Periods

Average Average Average Average Average Average

Total tonnes Tonnes Cu grade Pb grade Zn grade Au grade Ag grade
n in MT in MT in wt % in wt % in wt % in g/t in g/t

Archean 1 1.5 1.5 (1.5)1 (4.15)
Early Proterozoic 3 1.9 0.6 (4.83) (0.34) (1.72) (5.23)
Middle and Late Proterozoic 0 0.0
Early Phanerozoic 23 60.0 2.6 1.77 (0.05) 2.86 (3.02) (18.0)
Late Phanerozoic 35 115.9 3.3 2.00 (0.10) (1.13) (1.74) (25.2)

Archean 1212 606.7 0.5 1.66 0.42 5.04 1.32 38.6
Early Proterozoic 73 410.2 5.6 2.20 0.98 4.32 1.47 28.7
Middle and Late Proterozoic 17 24.5 1.4 2.06 (0.97) 2.64 (1.42) (37.9)
Early Phanerozoic 54 278.8 5.2 1.93 (0.35) 3.02 2.40 44.4
Late Phanerozoic 19 130.6 6.9 1.74 (0.43) 2.54 (1.60) 28.4

Archean 2 1.4 (0.7) (1.37) (1.46) (42.5)
Early Proterozoic 7 159.8 (22.8) (2.38) (0.01) (1.27) (0.49) (25.7)
Middle and Late Proterozoic 16 307.4 19.2 1.68 (2.91) (2.44) (0.51) (17.4)
Early Phanerozoic 25 256.3 10.3 1.46 (1.73) 4.21 0.80 (33.2)
Late Phanerozoic 63 519.4 8.2 1.81 (0.02) 0.80 1.00 (12.4)

Archean 24 170.2 7.1 1.09 1.23 6.23 0.83 125.2
Early Proterozoic 42 222.9 5.3 1.05 0.72 4.45 1.65 49.3
Middle and Late Proterozoic 14 68.0 4.9 1.53 0.85 4.07 1.47 109.2
Early Phanerozoic 82 375.0 4.6 1.53 2.50 6.69 2.63 85.8
Late Phanerozoic 93 472.6 5.1 1.64 1.52 5.29 2.04 115.7

Archean 2 0.6 0.3 (1.23) (1.67) (4.60) (1.36) (37.7)
Early Proterozoic 9 24.6 2.7 (1.60) (1.82) (5.45) (1.09) (63.2)
Middle and Late Proterozoic 4 13.3 3.3 (1.15) (1.61) (5.28) 0.97 (57.1)
Early Phanerozoic 75 2451.1 32.7 0.93 1.74 3.83 0.76 54.8
Late Phanerozoic 7 14.9 2.1 (2.06) (2.13) (4.48) (2.85) (238.3)

1 Grades in parentheses for averages based on less than 10 values

2 Values in bold highlight data appreciably higher than other grade-tonnage data

ophiolitic settings (Galley and Koski), and the examples rocks (Table 2; Fig. 4). In broad terms, the composition of
are found almost exclusively in Phanerozoic rocks (Fig. 4). the host rocks reflects primitive volcanic arc, or rifted prim-
Modern analogs are found in ocean ridge, advanced back- itive volcanic arc settings. The mafic volcanic rocks are gen-
arc rift, and supra-subduction zone nascent arc settings. erally basaltic and tholeiitic, although they may be transi-
The basaltic host rocks are predominantly tholeiitic, and tional to calc-alkalic; felsic volcanic rocks are commonly high
locally boninitic. Pre-Phanerozoic examples include the silica rhyolites or transitional with calc-alkalic rhyolites (see
Potter mine in the Late Archean Kidd-Munro assemblage Barrett and MacLean). Classic examples are the deposits of
of the western, Abitibi subprovince, Ontario, Canada, and the Noranda district, Quebec (Gibson and Watkinson,
the Coronation mine and nearby deposits in deformed ul- 1990), the Flin Flon deposit in the Flin Flon-Snow Lake belt
tramafic-gabbroic tholeiite sequence in the Early Protero- of Manitoba-Saskatchewan (Syme and Bailes, 1993), and the
zoic Amisk Group in northeast Saskatchewan, Canada. United Verde mine of the Jerome district in Arizona
Mafic VMS are fewer in number (n = 62), smaller (average (Gustin, 1990; Fig. 1). Kidd Creek also falls into this cate-
of 2.8 MT: Fig. 3), and on average, they are Cu-rich and Pb- gory, but is atypical due to its immense size and its predomi-
poor in comparison to all other deposit types (Figs. 4, 6a). nantly ultramafic footwall stratigraphic succession (Barrie et
al., see also Economic Geology Monograph 10, Hannington
Bimodal-Mafic Type and Barrie, eds., in press). Bimodal-mafic VMS are the most
The bimodal-mafic type is defined as having >50 percent common of the VMS types (n = 286), and they have higher
mafic rocks and >3 percent felsic rocks in the host strati- average Cu content than all but the mafic VMS type.
graphic succession, with subordinate siliciclastic rocks. Most
have a ratio of mafic/felsic volcanic rocks of 3:1 or greater, Mafic-Siliciclastic Type
but felsic rocks are commonly the immediate host rocks. The mafic-siliciclastic VMS type has subequal proportions
They predominate in Late Archean and Early Proterozoic of mafic volcanic or intrusive rocks and turbiditic siliciclastic

most of the other types, but their average tonnage (11.0

MT) is second only to the bimodal-siliciclastic VMS type.
Bimodal-Felsic Type
The fourth subdivision is the bimodal-felsic VMS type.
This type is defined by having >50 percent felsic volcanic
rocks, and <15 percent siliciclastic rocks in the host strati-
graphic succession, with mafic volcanic and intrusive
rocks accounting for the bulk of the remainder. Bimodal-
felsic VMS deposits have a similar age distribution as the
bimodal-mafic deposits, but they are most abundant in
the Phanerozoic (Table 2; Fig. 4). Almost by definition,
they are found in more compositionally mature volcanic
arcs, or rifted volcanic arc settings than the bimodal-mafic
types. The felsic host rocks are principally calc-alkalic,
although transitional, high-silica rhyolite to calc-alkalic
compositions are common. Similarly, mafic rocks are calc-
alkalic, or transitional tholeiitic to calc-alkalic volcanic
rocks (see Barrett and MacLean, 1999). Classic examples
are the Miocene deposits of the Hokuroku district, Japan
(Ohmoto and Skinner, 1983), the Rosebery deposits of the
Cambrian Mt. Read district, Tasmania (Green et al., 1981;
Large, 1992), and the Late Archean Izok Lake deposit,
Northwest Territories, Canada (Morrison and Balint,
1993). Bimodal-felsic deposits are the second-most nu-
merous, and on average contain the most Zn and Ag of
the five deposit types (Figs. 3, 4). They also commonly
contain barite.
The data for bimodal-felsic types indicate clear tem-
poral trends in terms of relative base metal contents
(Fig. 6b). Collectively, the Archean bimodal-felsic de-
posits are predominantly Zn-rich, whereas the relative

wt. %

FIG. 3. Histograms for total tonnage, average tonnage and number of de- Zn
posits for VMS types in database. The bimodal-siliciclastic type clearly has wt. %
the highest total and average tonnage, whereas the bimodal-mafic and bi-
modal-felsic types are the most numerous.

rocks; felsic volcanic rocks are minor or absent. There may wt. %
be significant amounts of carbonate within the siliciclastic
rocks, but the siliciclastic component always predominates
(Slack, 1993). They are principally of Middle Proterozoic
age and younger, and they are commonly complexly de- Ag
formed. The Besshi deposits of Japan and the Windy g/t
Craggy deposit of British Columbia, Canada (Peter and
Scott), are type examples on land. The rifted continental
margin in the Guaymas basin of the Gulf of California, the Au
sedimented oceanic rift of Middle Valley and the Escanaba g/t
trough in the northeast Pacific Ocean (Goodfellow and
Zierenberg, 1999), and the Atlantis II deeps of the Red
FIG. 4. Histogram of average metal contents for VMS types. Legend same
Sea (Zierenberg, 1990) provide three distinct tectonic set- as in Fig. 3. See Table 1 for values. The mafic type has the highest aver-
tings as analogs for the land-based deposits. Mafic-silici- age Cu content and the lowest average Pb content, whereas the opposite
clastic VMS deposits are less numerous (n = 113) than is true for the bimodal-siliciclastic type.


15 M


.-S FE -S
.- F. AF
M A .-M M
80 R BI
60 G
20 Cu
Tonnage, in MT

Pb N
T. T. H. Zn

L. E. E.
M FIG. 6. Ternary diagrams of base metal contents in VMS deposits. a. The
40 S five VMS types. The proportion of Pb with respect to Cu and Zn increases
P from the mafic type to the bimodal-siliciclastic type, whereas the propor-
tion of Cu with respect to Pb and Zn tends to decrease. b. Bimodal-felsic
MC VMS types during five time periods, excluding the Middle Archean, Pb-
rich Mons Cupri deposit. The proportion of Pb and Cu with respect to
350 Zn tends to increase through time.
counterparts. Radiogenic decay accounts for an increase
200 LZ of ~30 percent Pb in the crust (over 4.5 Ga), and Pb is
150 also expected to become enriched in crustal reservoirs
100 through time because it partitions strongly into the melt
50 during mantle partial melting. Cu and Au enrichment in
2.0 1.0
source rocks can be explained by a variety of magmatic
and hydrothermal processes (e.g., Candela and Hol-
Age, in Ga
land, 1986; Urabe, 1987; Hedenquist and Lowenstern,
FIG. 5. Tonnage vs. age for VMS types. The major periods of VMS forma- 1994).
tion were in the Late Archean at ~2730–2700 Ma, in the Early Protero-
zoic at ~1890–1870 Ma, in the Early Paleozoic and more broadly through Bimodal-Siliciclastic Type
the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The largest examples are labeled as follows:
The fifth type is termed bimodal-siliciclastic, and has ap-
Mafic: AE: Anayatak-Ergani, Turkey; SM: Sirrt Madenkoy, Turkey; M:
Mavrovouni, Cyprus. Bimodal-Mafic: KC: Kidd Creek, Ontario, Canada;
proximately equal proportions of volcanic and siliciclastic
G: Geco, Ontario, Canada; H: Horne, Quebec, Canada; R: Ruttan, Man- rocks. Felsic volcanic rocks are generally more abundant
itoba; C: Crandon, Wisconsin, USA; ML: Mount Lyell, Tasmania, Aus- than mafic ones. The vast majority of bimodal siliciclastic
tralia. Mafic-Siliciclastic: S: Saladipura, Rajasthan, India; D: Ducktown, deposits are Phanerozoic, principally in the Iberian Pyrite
Tennessee, USA; R: Rouez, Bretagne, France; WC: Windy Craggy, British Belt of Portugal and Spain or in the Bathurst camp of New
Columbia, Canada. Bimodal-Felsic: MC: Mons Cupri, Western Australia;
S: Selbaie, Quebec, Canada; P: Pyhasalmi, Finland; M: Mt. Morgan, Brunswick, Canada. The felsic host rocks are generally
Queensland, Australia; Mu: Murgul, Turkey; MS: Matsumine-Shakanai, calc-alkalic, and in some cases it can be argued that they
Hokuroku, Japan. Bimodal-Siliciclastic: NC: Neves Corvo, Portugal; RT: were derived by partial melting of sedimentary sources,
Rio Tinto, Spain; LZ: La Zarza, Spain. consistent with a continental arc, or rifted continental arc
setting (see Carvalho et al., 1999). Mafic rocks are gener-
proportions of Pb and Cu increase through time. The ally tholeiitic, but both the Bathurst district and the Iber-
average gold contents broadly increase through geolog- ian pyrite belt have mildly alkaline basalts high in the
ical time also. These trends in metal content through stratigraphic sections (alkaline rocks are rare in VMS host
time may reflect subtle differences in source rocks, with rocks of any type). The bimodal-siliciclastic VMS deposits
younger volcanic arc systems relatively enriched in com- represent the greatest tonnage of the VMS types (2.50 bil-
parison to their Early Proterozoic and Late Archean lion tonnes), and they have the largest average deposit size

(23.7 MT, Fig. 3). They have on average the lowest Cu con- Ag, Au, Zn and Cu—corresponds to the degree of incom-
tent and the highest Pb content of the five VMS deposit patibility in a source rock during magmatic processes (as-
types (Fig. 4). suming the presence of trace immiscible sulfide-oxide
solid solution), with Pb representing the most incompati-
Host-Rock Composition and VMS Metal Content: ble metal. The ordering also corresponds to the relative
The Use of Primitive Mantle-Normalized Plots enrichment (enriched to the left) of metals in most VMS
Host-rock compositions may influence the metal con- deposits compared to the primitive mantle and to the rel-
tent in VMS deposits (Franklin et al., 1981), and this is ative solubility of different metals in modified seawater
clear in the classification scheme presented here. Mafic with increasing temperatures. A more rigorous compari-
rocks contain ferromagnesian minerals and minor mag- son would require that the metal contents for the deposit
matic sulfide (immiscible sulfide-oxide solid solution) that averages be normalized to 100 percent sulfide, assuming
are preferentially enriched in Cu; the Cu is available to hy- that the Cu, Zn and Pb are in chalcopyrite, sphalerite and
drothermal fluids when the crystal lattice of the host min- galena, respectively, with the remaining Fe and S distrib-
eral is destroyed during hydrothermal alteration. Simi- uted between pyrite, pyrrhotite and magnetite according
larly, felsic rocks contain feldspars that are preferentially to the mineralogy. This approach, which has proven suc-
enriched in Pb and Ba, and siliciclastic rocks contain cessful with magmatic sulfide ores (Naldrett and Duke,
feldspars and clays enriched in Pb, Ag and Zn. Gold en- 1980), would alleviate some of the uncertainty in compar-
richment in host rocks can be due to partial melting of a ing semi-massive and massive ores, but requires knowledge
residual mantle that has retained Au-enriched magmatic of the bulk Fe and S contents of the deposits and the
sulfide to form boninites (Hamlyn et al., 1985), suppres- mode of iron sulfide and iron oxide minerals, which usu-
sion of oxide and sulfide fractionation that sequester ally are not reported. It would also be desirable to include
gold in alkaline, high f O 2 magmatic systems leading to other VMS metal co- and by-products (e.g., Hg, As, Sb, Ba,
(McInnes and Cameron, 1994), and a variety of hydro- Co, Sn, S, Se, Mn, Cd, In, Bi, etc.). In this way, variable
thermal processes (Hannington et al.). source rock or magmatic contributions, or the distinctive
The base and precious metal contents for the VMS de- physical properties of different hydrothermal fluids, could
posit type averages are presented on primitive mantle- be fingerprinted, even within a single deposit, but more
normalized diagrams for comparison in Figure 7, and in Fig- information is needed before such a comprehensive ap-
ure 8, a comparison is made between deposits and possible proach can be taken.
source rocks. The primitive mantle composition is used for As expected, the mafic VMS-type averages have the flat-
two reasons: the metal values are reasonably well estab- test patterns when normalized to the primitive mantle.
lished (Table 3), and it provides a reasonable comparison They also have a tendency toward a relative enrichment in
for crustal reservoir source rocks as well as the deposits, so Au in comparison to Ag and Zn. This could be due to: (1)
both potential source rocks and deposits can be compared supergene processes that cause preferential enrichment in
from district to district. The ordering of the elements—Pb, Au in comparison to the other elements; (2) the recovery

TABLE 3. Metal and Elemental Concentrations in Chondritic, Mantle, and Crustal Reservoirs

Metal N-MORB Primitive Mantle Chondrite (C1 type) Bulk Continental Crust9

Ba (ppm) 13.8710 6.04910 2.4100 250.00

Au (ppb) 0.8720 1.39000 15210.00 3.0.0
Ag (ppb) 3030.00 1950.000 18030.00 80.00
Pb (ppm) 0.3580 0.17510 2.4740 8.0.0
Cd (ppb) 13090.00 4090.000 64070.00 98.00
Sn (ppm) 1.3500 0.12400 1.6240 2.5.0
Zn (ppm) 8480.00 5090.000 30070.00 80.00
Cu (ppm) 7080.00 2810.000 10810.00 75.00
Co (ppm) 47.1100 10410.000 5160.00 29.00
Ni (ppm) 149.5100 2,08010.000 10,50010.00 105.00
As (ppm) 190.00 10050.000 1,50070.00 1.0.0
Sb (ppm) 0.0150 0.00550 0.1650 0.2.0
Mo (ppm) 0.3150 0.06350 0.9250 1.0.0
Bi (ppb) 790.00 1090.000 11070.00 60.00
Ga (ppm) 1770.00 470.000 1070.00 18.00
S (wt.%) 0.1010 0.02510 5.4010 ND
Se (ppm) 0.1670 0.04700 1910.00 0.05
Mn (ppm) 1,00070.00 1,01070.000 1,70070.00 1,400.00
1 Hofmann, 1988 7 Sun, 1982
2 Hamlyn et al., 1985 8 At Mg number = 70: Doe, 1995
3 Keays and Scott, 1976 9 Taylor and McClennan, 1985. Values listed under N-MORB are for
4 Sun and McDonough, 1989, Joachum et al., 1993 average oceanic crust
5 Wolf and Anders, 1980 10 McDonough and Sun, 1995
6 Palme et al., 1981

105 In Figure 8, a comparison is made between the mafic

MAFIC type and the bimodal-siliciclastic deposits that represent
4 the most primitive and the most evolved VMS types, re-
spectively. The relatively flat pattern for the mafic VMS
type at ~103  primitive mantle values is broadly parallel
10 to the pattern for N-MORB. Similarly, the steep negative
slope for the bimodal-siliciclastic VMS type from 105 to ~5
2  102  primitive values broadly parallels the relatively
BIMODAL-MAFIC steep, negative slope of the bulk continental continental
4 crust. Both deposit types exhibit metal enrichments of
3–13  102  over their potential host rock compositions,
with the greatest enrichment for Pb. The patterns in Fig-
10 ure 8 are consistent with the leaching and transport of
metals by fluids that are undersaturated with respect to all
of the metals, as is generally observed at vent sites on the
10 modern sea floor (Hannington et al., 1995). Detailed as-
MAFIC-SILICICLASTIC pects of metal transport are discussed in Seyfried et al.,
4 1999.



10 3

10 1

b 5

Pb Ag Au Zn Cu 3
FIG. 7. Primitive mantle-normalized metal values for average of VMS
types by age period. Archean averages: diamonds; Early Proterozoic av- ENRICHMENT BY
erages: squares; Middle and Late Proterozoic averages: triangles; Early 10
Phanerozoic (Paleozoic) averages: x’s; Late Phanerozoic averages: aster-
isks. Primitive mantle values given in Table 3. BULK CONTINENTAL CRUST
of metals for deposits mined historically (e.g., Zn not re- ENRICHMENT
covered from Cu ores in many Troodos deposits), or (3) a BUILDING PROCESSES

relative enrichment in the source rocks by magmatic Pb Ag Au Zn Cu

processes (e.g., boninites relatively enriched in Au: Ham-
lyn et al., 1985). It is noted that there are few accurate gold FIG. 8. Primitive mantle-normalized metal content plots for VMS deposit
type averages and possible source rocks. Metal contents and normalizing
grades reported for the mafic VMS types, so the apparent values are given in Tables 2 and 3. a. Early Phanerozoic mafic VMS and
Au enrichment should be considered with caution. All of N-MORB plots. In broad terms, there is a 500–1,000 enrichment for all
the other types have “negative” slopes for their primitive- of the metals in the deposit average in comparison to N-MORB. The
mantle normalized patterns, with the steepest slopes for average gold content for the VMS average is based on relatively few
the felsic-influenced VMS types. Systematic changes in the deposits and may be anomalously high. b. Early Phanerozoic bimodal-
siliciclastic VMS and bulk continental crust plots. Bimodal-siliciclastic
patterns through geological time are lacking for all but the deposits have higher Pb and Ag contents and lower Cu contents than
bimodal-felsic VMS deposits. Younger bimodal-felsic de- mafic VMS, and their sloped pattern parallels that of the bulk continen-
posits have higher Cu, Pb and Au contents. tal crust.

Deposit Size: Host-Rock Permeability, hydrothermal field and associated sea-floor massive sulfide
Duration of Heat Source deposits (Rona et al., 1993), thickened oceanic crust, e.g.,
Among the most important controlling factors on the the Galapagos area (Perfit et al.), sedimented oceanic
size of a VMS deposit are the permeability of the host-rock ridges and sedimented continental margin rifts (Middle
stratigraphic succession and the duration of the magmatic Valley and Escanaba trough; Guaymas basin, respectively:
heat source. The presence of a significant siliciclastic com- Goodfellow and Zierenberg, 1999), and a variety of rifted
ponent to the host stratigraphic succession favors large arc settings, including nascent arcs (most ophiolites:
VMS deposits, as the largest deposits are either mafic-sili- Galley and Koski, 1999), primitive volcanic arcs (many
ciclastic or bimodal-siliciclastic (Fig. 3). This is perhaps Archean and Early Proterozoic deposits), mature volcanic
not surprising if a continuum with sedimentary-exhalative arcs (e.g., Hokuroku district, Japan: Ohmoto and Skinner,
deposits (SEDEX) is considered. The typical SEDEX de- 1983), and continental arcs (Iberian Pyrite Belt: de Car-
posit is 41.3 MT (n = 62: Lydon, 1996) and is larger than valho, 1999).
siliciclastic-poor VMS systems by a factor of 8–15, but The vast majority of VMS deposits have at least a minor
larger than siliciclastic-rich VMS systems by a factor of only amount of mafic volcanic rocks in their host stratigraphic
2–4 (see Table 1). Turbidites are less permeable than vol- succession. As most mafic rocks are derived from the
canic rocks, and in the absence of abundant faulting, a upper mantle, it is implicit that, in the broadest sense,
turbidite-rich setting can effectively insulate a hydrother- heat derived from the upper mantle is fundamentally re-
mal cell and its heat source from rapid advective cooling, sponsible for the thermal anomalies in the crust that lead
thus allowing for a longer-lived hydrothermal system, and to VMS mineralization. A corollary to this is that there are
relatively efficient, subsea-floor metal deposition (Good- no known VMS deposits related to anorogenic magmatism
fellow and Zierenberg). driven principally by radiogenic heat production (e.g.,
On a local scale, large deposits are also favored by many S-type and A-type, minimum melt granitic systems).
porous and relatively permeable epiclastic or autoclastic The most prolific periods of VMS mineralization in
breccias in the area of metal deposition. Epiclastic rocks terms of the number of deposits represented in the rock
may provide a favorable location for sulfide-after-silicate record are in the Late Archean (2750–2700 Ma), the Early
replacement in the subsurface, leading to a high deposi- Proterozoic (1900–1800 Ma), the early Phanerozoic (500–
tional efficiency. This is true at the giant Kidd Creek and 450 Ma) and two periods in the late Phanerozoic (390–
Horne deposits in the Abitibi subprovince, for example 250 Ma and 30–0 Ma: Fig. 5). Bimodal-mafic types are
(Hannington et al., in press; Kerr and Gibson, 1993). most abundant in the (Late) Archean and Early Protero-
High level (within 3 km in the footwall), synvolcanic in- zoic, whereas the bimodal-felsic and bimodal-siliciclastic
trusions are reasonable sources of heat, and they can drive types are more abundant in the Phanerozoic. This is con-
convection of metal-precipitating hydrothermal fluids sistent with a decrease in the global heat flux through time
through the adjacent rocks (Campbell et al., 1981). They that favors the generation of primitive, mafic arcs in ear-
may also provide some metals to the hydrothermal system lier times, and more evolved, felsic arcs in the Phanero-
(e.g., Large et al., 1996). Such intrusions are present in the zoic. That the mafic types are found almost exclusively
stratigraphic footwall in ~75 percent of the mafic VMS types, within Phanerozoic rocks reflects the scarcity of ophiolitic
~50 percent of the bimodal-mafic and bimodal-felsic VMS sections in earlier times. Titley (1993) examined the for-
types, but are much less common in the mafic-siliciclastic mation of strata-bound ore deposits, including VMS de-
and bimodal-siliciclastic types (excluding relatively thin posits, through Wilson tectonic cycles during the Protero-
sills). Tectonic imbrication and other structural complexi- zoic and Phanerozoic. He noted that an abundance of
ties can account for the lack of preservation of high level arc-related (including mafic, bimodal-mafic, and bimodal-
synvolcanic intrusions in some cases, but it would appear felsic) VMS deposits in the mid-Cambrian to Silurian and
that such intrusions were not present at the time of for- in the late Cretaceous corresponded to: (1) periods of high
mation for as many as one-third of all VMS deposits. The sea level where the depth of seawater is hundreds of meters
heat sources for hydrothermal convection in these cases above the average continental shelf edge, (2) oceanic
may have been deeper in the crust. Larger, hotter and anoxic events (see also Eastoe and Gustin, 1996), (3) open
longer-lived magmatic heat sources lead to larger deposits. stages in the Wilson Cycle, with fragmentation and dis-
Relationships between large, hot heat sources, host-rock persal of the continents due to “craton heating,” and (4)
permeability, and the size of VMS deposits are explored abundant volcanic arc and back-arc tectonic settings.
quantitatively using two-dimensional finite element heat There are relatively few VMS deposits of any type in the
and fluid flow modeling by Cathles et al. (1997; see Barrie Middle and Late Proterozoic (Hutchinson, 1980), a time
et al., 1999). represented by limited arc magmatism and stable cratonic
environments (Windley, 1977).
In summary, the deposits described in this volume
Tectonic Setting and represent many tectonic settings that have occurred
VMS Deposits through Geologic Time through Earth’s history, and they illustrate key processes
A spectrum of tectonic settings are recognized for VMS that have been responsible for VMS formation in a range
deposits. They include: oceanic ridges (e.g., the TAG of environments.

Acknowledgments Goodfellow, W.D., and Zierenberg, R.A., 1999, Genesis of massive sulfide
deposits at sediment-covered spreading centers: Reviews in Economic
We thank the three organizations that sponsored the short Geology, v. 8, p. 297–324.
course that lead to this volume: the Society of Economic Ge- Green, G.R., Solomon, M., and Walshe, J.L, 1981, The formation of the
ologists, the Mineral Deposits Division of the Geological As- volcanic-hosted massive sulfide ore deposit at Rosebery, Tasmania: Eco-
sociation of Canada, and the Geological Association of nomic Geology, v.76, p. 304–338.
Gustin, M.S., 1990, Stratigraphy and alteration of the host rocks, United
Canada. We also thank the Geological Survey of Canada and Verde massive sulfide deposit, Jerome, Arizona: Economic Geology, v.
the Chief Geologist’s office for support for this publication. 85, p. 29–49.
Mike Lesher, the former Series Editor for Reviews in Economic Hamlyn, P., Keays, R.R., Cameron, W.E., Crawford, A.J., and Waldron,
Geology, invited us to consider overseeing this volume, and H.M. 1985, Precious metals in magnesian low-Ti lavas: Implications for
we are grateful to him for providing us with this opportunity. metallogenesis and sulfur saturation in primary magmas: Geochimica
et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 49, p. 1797–1811.
This contribution has benefited from discussions with Ian Hannington, M.D., and Barrie, C.T., 1998, The giant Kidd Creek vol-
Jonasson and John Lydon, and from comments by Wayne canogenic massive sulfide deposit, Western Abitibi Subprovince, Canada,
Goodfellow. GSC Contribution No. 1997092. preface and introduction, Economic Geology Monograph 10, in press.
Hannington, M.D., Jonasson, I.R., Herzig, P.M., and Petersen, S., 1995,
Physical and chemical processes of seafloor mineralization at mid-
REFERENCES ocean ridges, in Humphris, S.E., Zierenberg, R.A., Mullineaux, L.S.,
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oceanic crust: Mineralogy, geochemistry, and processes: Reviews in Eco- chemical, biological and geological interactions: Geophysical Mono-
nomic Geology, v. 8, p. 131–153. graph 91, American Geophysical Union, p. 115–157.
Barrett, Timothy J., and MacLean, Wallace H., 1999, Volcanic sequences, Hannington, M.D., Bleeker, W., and Kjarsgaard, I., 1998, Sulfide miner-
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