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Messenger marketing is a cutting-edge strategy which provides countless opportunities for marketers.
Telegram is one of the tools that seems to be cut out for marketing purposes. people use it to
communicate, find answers to their questions, get customer support and reach out to brands. In this
method, we'll tell you how to earn money on Telegram, and share some actionable tips on creating and
promoting your Telegram channel.

What is Telegram

Telegram is a cloud-based fast-growing messaging app. It is available both for desktop and mobile and is
known for its high level of information security. Despite being banned in Russia and iran, Telegram is
Widely spread in these countries as well as in Ethiopia, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Also, it's gathering
momentum in Europe and the USA as it's perfect both for communication and for marketing purposes.
Statista reports that there were about 76,000 Telegram downloads to Android devices in Great Britain in
January 2020. As for the USA, according to Statista, Telegram was the tenth most popular mobile
messaging app in the country as of September 2019. Telegram has a competitive edge over other
messengers both in terms of communication and monetization as it allows users to create full-fledged
easy-to-make channels. Another advantage of Telegram is that there is no advertising on the app. This
attracts educated audiences who are in the know about the latest online trends.

Telegram statistics

Here are some facts about Telegram which may be useful to marketers.

1. About 15 billion messages are sent daily on the app.

2. The app has spent SO on advertising.
3. 85% of Telegram users are on Android devices
4. Telegram is available in 13 languages.
5. There are 67% men and about 33% women on Telegram.
6. The largest age groups are 25-34-year•olds (38%) and olds (27%).

What makes Telegram a good monetization channel?

There are many ways to make money via Telegram, But what makes it so good for monetization? Here
are some things which make the app a perfect money-making tool.

1. The audience on Telegram is active, educated and well-off.

2. There's no advertising on the platform, so people aren't prone to banner blindness. That's why
they're more likely to respond to your marketing efforts in a positive way.
3. Telegram marketing is a new strategy, so the competition is re'atively low.
4. Open rates on Telegram are higher in comparison with other marketing methods.

5. Messenger marketing resembles 1:1 communication, which allows marketers to create a seamless
user experience.
6. Telegram allows marketers to deliver relevant content to their followers.
7. Creating a Telegram channel is free and doesn't require any special skills. Telegram channels have
an unlimited number of subscribers, so you can send messages to a great number of users.
8. You can build a customer-facing chatbot ( to achieve your
marketing goals. A bot can save you a lot of time as it can serve many purposes, for example,
provide your customers with the information they request and send them videos, documents,
images, etc.
9. There are private channels which provide extra monetization options.
10. User information is well-protected.
11. The app is user friendly.
12. Push notifications in Telegram channels help people keep track of What you're posting.
13. You can set a self-destruct timer to delete messages which are relevant only for a short period,
for example, When announcing some limited-time offers.
14. You can pin the most important messages at the top of the channel. This Will help you attract
users' attention to the most important information.
15. You can transfer files of different formats on the apps,

How to build and promote a Telegram channel

Channels are great tools to help you make money through Telegram. Here's a step-by-step guide on
budding a Telegram channel.

Please download Telegram app at Google Play Store (android) end Apps Store (iOS) or install desktop

HOW to create a Telegram channel

1. To create a new channel on iPhone, go to the chats tab and tap New message in the top-right
2. Create a Channel name, upload photo and add channel description.
3. Set your channel setting. Public or private.
4. The next step is to add users to your private channel if you opt for one.
5. Appoint admins to help you manage the channel. For this, tap the information button in the top-
right corner of your channel and then, select the Administrators section. Then, add admins.
6. Once you've chosen the right user from your list of contacts, you can choose what a new admin
can do, for example, change channel info, post messages, delete messages, etc.

How to grow and promote your Telegram channel

Once you've created a channel, it's time to grow your following and start monetizing your efforts. Here
are some easy-to-follow tips on how to make money on Telegram channels and increase your audience.

1. Create a name that is easy to remember and that reflects the personality of your brand. Don't be
a copycat, think of a unique name. This will help you stand out from your competitors.
2. Make sure your logo is memorable and reflects your niche and its values.
3. Enlist your channel benefits in your Channel description.
4. Create top-quality, compelling content that will strike a chord with your audience and provide
solutions to their pain points. Use various content formats, including photos, gifs, short videos,
5. Watermark your images or videos. This will help you get more eyes on your channel.
6. Post consistently. Map out a posting schedule and stick to it.
7. Make sure there's no irrelevant or outdated content on your channel. This may be off-putting for
the newcomers. If you find content like this, delete it.
8. promote your channel on Other Telegram channels and Q&A platforms like Quore.
9. Use your blog to promote Telegram channel. For this, place a link to your channel on your blog
and vice versa, embed a link to your blog in the bio of your channel.
10. Host giveaways on your channel or Offer a lead magnet.
11. Join groups in your niche and participate in discussions actively. Promote your channel in the
discussions you're taking part in.
12. Never change the theme of your channel. If you need to expand the range of topics, choose some
related to the main theme.
13. List your channel in channel directories.
14. Personalize your channel with the help of Telegram stickers. Apart from adding some fun to the
channels, branded stickers are perfect for boosting your brand awareness and increasing
engagement on your channel.

The Key Methods to Increase telegram channel subscribers

The main challenge in setting up and managing e channel is the number of its real members. At the start
there are a few questions such as: "How can I get more subscribers on telegram channel? Or "How to
increase telegram group members?!?

Normally, the more the members of a Telegram channel are, the more reliable the channel will be in the
eyes of the audiences and the probability of attracting more audience will increase. Take a product sales
channel as an example. The higher the number of its real followers is, the more audience Will truly trust
the channel and place more orders. As a result, the money and income earned through the channel wit!
grow. Moreover, the decrease (losing) of users that happens at different rates in most channels Will be

So, the issue of attracting and maintaining followers becomes even more important. The common
question among users is how to increase the members of their channels. The key principle methods of
increasing rea subscribers of channel Will be presented in the following. It is noteworthy that these
Ultimate methods and strategies can also be used to quick increasing group members beside Increase
telegram channel subscribers.

1. Select a Fixed Subject for Your Telegram Channel

The first step in creating a channel is to know what the purpose behind creating the channel is.
The purpose should be determined before creating the channel. Create a reliable 'D for your
channel before you set it up! Then spend e lot of time to think about the subject and do a lot of
research on it. pay attention that When you choose your channel brand , you cannot change it
anymore. If the subject of your channel is about technology and it has attracted audience on this
subject, you should not publish posts with sports or fun contents. This lead to the dissatisfaction
of the channel members and make them leave the channel.

2. (Optional) Buy telegram members for your channel or group

Real members are the ones Who are present in the channel at their own choice, are attracted by
the content of the channel, are interested in it and follow its content With no expectations.
Forcing people Stay in a channel will lead to opposite results, In other words, attracting people to
a technical channel by false ads and fake content will have opposite results. Additionally, there
are member and follower sales channels to be tested.

Also there are many Telegram marketing services such as Telegrambooster where you can buy
telegram members. Beginner/new Telegram channels usually cannot get members and most Of
the Visitors do not follow small channels.

Telegram marketing and promotion services only can give you an initial boost! So this way you
can increase telegram channel subscribers & improve by attracting real subscribers and members.

3. Create a Professional Profile for your Telegram Channel

The logo and profile picture of your channel should be unique and eye- catching. Insert detailed
explanations of your channel in the bio and describe the general goal of the channel in 4 or 5
sentences. Select a short and relevant channel address to be easily kept in mind. Never change
the address after you have selected it. A unique and fixed identity will consolidate your brand in
the audience minds. Try to select logo that encompasses all the pictures and Videos you have
published (called watermarks). In addition, share your channel address under each post.
Therefore, each time your posts are published in other channels and groups, your channel brand
Wii' be better seen.

4. Be User-Friendly to grow your project Share the admin ID in the description section to create a
bridge between the audience and you so that they can share their ideas, complaints and
suggestions. The admins have to be active and do not use the "Last Seen Recently" item. They
should read all the messages and answer them as far as possible (even short or by an imoji). These
subtle points have considerable effects on the popularity of the channel. As the channel develops
and the number of members increases, definitely more admins have to be hired. The next point
is that you would better let the audience participate in content generation. To this end, publish
interactive posts such as polls or posts With options Of "like" or "comment'.

5. Generate Top Content! Your most important mission is to generate and publish HQ contents. In
the Telegram channel "JustTopico" , for example, all attempts are made to focus on trainings
about e-commerce and cryptocurrency.

Practical and high quality content talks not only on Telegram, but also in all social media such as
Instagram and/or throughout the Internet! Top contents Will be shared in Other and groups.
Therefore, more audience will move towards your channel. Posts with images, infographic,
tutorial videos including subtitles or Gifs will have higher feedback and impression compared to
other formats. Note that long contents are boring and Telegram users are not very interested in
them. Moreover, use different Telegram bots to add inline buttons to your posts and Witness an
organic grow in the number of your channel members

6. Do not Copy/Paste contents. When you asking How to Increase Telegram Channel Members?!
You should be prepared to spend So much time for it! There are numerous Telegram channels
and the posts of big and known channels are being circulated at a high speed. As a result, if the
posts are copied exactly as the source posts, most of the audiences will figure out that the posts
Copyrighted! & belong to a bigger channel and this channel, which is probably smaller, has copied
them. Consequently, your channel Will look of little value in the eyes of the audience. The key to
this problem is to read the contents of other channels and paraphrase it in your own words. Also,
try to publish the images with watermarks.

7. Few Words Are Best to Increase telegram channel subscribers. Try not to post long texts. Try to
have your posts not exceed a medium- sized cell phone screen. To this end, you can check your
text posts in a medium-sized cell phone and try to shorten them in case they are longer than the
aforementioned limit. The next point is that according to the investigations, infographics (graphic
charts), images, Gifs and compact videos are shared more than other contents. So, although more
efforts are required to generate such posts (specifically, the infographics that are the most
popular type of posts), it is worth it. As a result, try to keep them in your agenda.

8. Create Challenges and Games with prizes. Imagine that your channel is about tourism. Ask your
users to send you the photos they have taken of the nature. Then share the photos in your channel
with the users names mentioned underneath.

The photo seen or liked the most will be the winner and the photographer Will receive a small
cash or non-cash prize (e.g. 20 thousand tomans).

In the long run, you will earn a thousand times more than what you have spent on the prize. There
are Channels about family stuff that hold challenges (cheesy at times) such as sharing childhood
photos and a prize is given to the photo that is seen the most. These channels have attracted
many followers. Be creative and brainstorm With Other group or channel managers to find new
methods Of attracting and increasing members,

9. Telegram Fake Members Good or bad ? Take this obvious example in mind: assume that your
channel has 100,000 members, but the new member figures out that your telegram post has been
seen only 500 times. The user immediately get a negative impression of the channel and leave it.
In addition, this will result in receiving no ads in your channel. Consequently, purchasing fake
members is totally expensive, Which lead to no interesting result! Many owners of Telegram
channels and Instagram page purchase fake members and followers for their page and profiles,
which leads to nothing. use this tactic only to boost your followers initially!

10. Invite friends to Increase telegram channel subscribers In the beginning, when there are no
members in the channel, attracting new users is more difficult because Visitors do not like
channels With few members and will leave quickly. Telegram allows you to add up to 200
subscribers from among your contacts to the channel. Only add your real and loyal friends to the
channel and ask them to share your posts for a while.

11. Promote Your Channel on Social Media & Other Web Platforms. Many Telegram users also use
other social networks such as Twitter, Instagram or Facebook and WhatsApp and follow their
interests on these networks. One of the best platform is Quora. Therefore, create pages on these
networks about your Telegram channel. Place your Telegram channel address on your personal
Instagram profile. If there are discussion in Instagram comments related to the subject of your
channel, participate in it and in the end, introduce your channel. Introduce and advertise your
Telegram channel in your weblog or home page if you have one

12. (Optional) Use Online Advertising Services. Register the address and descriptions of your channel
in numerous directories that have been created in web space to create a list of Telegram Channels.
Users refer to these services to find the channels related to their interests. This way, your channel
will be among the channels suggested to the audience. Register your channel address in When you register your channel in this website, a link will be dedicated to
you in the website. You can present the link to your followers and ask them to Visit the link and
rate your channel so that it reaches a better position in the list of channels

13. (Optional) Share Your Telegram Channel Posts in other Groups and Supergroups. One of the best
tricks to increase Telegram members is certainly through Paid promotion, exchanging, cross
promotion and direct advertisements in other platforms. This is e very risky but top-rated method.
Promote your group or channel in Other supergroups! Spend some time searching for telegram
promotion groups and supergroups and telegram channel promotion bots related to the subject
Of your channel. First, observe the group. Usually, sharing ads in these groups without permission
makes the admins angry and your posts (along with you) being deleted from the group. A better
method is to establish a friendly relationship with the admins and ask them to allow you to share
the content of channel in their group. In exchange, suggest them to advertise & promote their
group in your channel.

14. Earning Telegram Cryptocurrency and Donating TON to the Users. As you know, some time ago
Telegram developed a project called the Telegram Open Network, abbreviated as "TON", which

became very popular. Cryptocurrency TON was for Telegram and a method to exchange data on
blockchain. In TON, the encrypted coins are used called Gram. As a result, you can donate this
promising cryptocurrency to your users.

How to monetize your Telegram channel

NOW we'll answer the daunting question many Telegram newbies have — how can i make money on
Telegram channels? Here are some ways to monetize your Telegram channel.

Module 1 — CPA marketing.

How to choose the right CPA Offers for Telegram

CPA stands for Cost-per-Acquisition and the acquisition can be a Sale (CPS), an Action, a Conversion, or a
Lead (CPL).

CPA offers are those which are part of the CPA model, which is related to subscription services. In the CPA
model, publishers are paid if/when a user acquires a service or product.

Let's start with some basic tips to simplify things for you.

No matter what you're trying to do, you'll definitely gonna need to :

 Know your audience — knowing your target audience is the key to success.

 Understand the needs and the trends of the market — try to do a little research before you set
a CPA campaign, If you see that a vertical or a niche is overcrowded with offers, maybe you should
consider trying a different approach and explore new affiliate marketing verticals.
 Play fair with your users —being honest with your users by showing them exactly what the offer
is promoting will surely engage them and ultimately maximize your revenues!
 Remember: be loyal to your audience, have good prelanders/banners/landing pages, choose
smart and appealing words, and I'm pretty sure you’ll like the results in the end.

1. Don't pick an offer taking only the payout into account

What is in CPA Marketing? The payout is the revenue you receive per one conversion. This specific
value/payout is decided by an advertiser, and it can be either dynamic or fixed.

What does that have to do with offers?


When we talk about choosing CPA offers that convert, it can be tempting to go for the ones With the
highest payouts. These can vary depending on country, operator, operating system, and flow.

Let's imagine you're checking offers on your CPA account. You've applied the filters and then decide to
check offers considering the highest payout.

The highest paving CPA offers are better, right? Well, not necessarily!

Turns out that you need to consider several aspects when comes to the CPA model, such as the billing

Top payout offers are generally related to the credit card submission. This means it's harder for them to
actually get subscriptions since users are more reluctant to insert their credit card details.

Bottom line?

Those who subscribe to this kind of offers have to pay more for the acquisition. Since we're referring to
reluctant users, here's another thing you need to take into consideration — the conversion rate. Let's say
you get two offers: one with a Payout of SIO and another with a Payout of $2.

You don't even hesitate! You obviously go for the first one! If the first one had a worse Conversion Ratio
— 1/1000 compared to the other 1/100, for example — after getting 5000 clicks, you'd end up with a $50

On the other hand, if you'd chosen the one with a lower Payout but a higher Conversion Ratio, you'd end
up With $100, twice the revenue, by comparison.

This can also happen when you use the smartlinks and go for segments which typically showcase higher
Payouts but harder Conversion Ratios instead of the ones with lower Payouts that can turn out to be more

One of the many advantages of playing with the smartlink is that segments are optimized based on top-
performing campaigns. This means the relation between the two referred metrics is taken into account.
play a smart move and try to understand whether or not your audience is willing to pay more for an offer
or if it's better to receive less but in a more consistent way. That's right!

2. EPC Isn't Everything

What is Epc or Earnings per Click? EPC stands for Earnings per Click and it shows you the revenue you get
for each 100 clicks.

It's the average amount cf money you can get per every 100 clicks on your link.

How do vou calculate EPC?


Take the amount generated in revenue, divide it by the entire number of clicks on that specific link, and
multiply that particular value by 100.

With Earnings Per Click (EPC), you're considering Payout and Conversion Ratio, which provides you a more
complete metric.

It ain't perfect, though. Why?

Because the values you see are an average of all the traffic network receives to those offers or segments.
Let's pretend there's a scenario containing two different offers: one of them showcases an amazing EPC,
the other an average EPC that won't get anyone excited.

The first one is mainly being used by a hyper-experienced group of affiliates, with really wicked pre-
landers, high-quality traffic sources, and a lot of know-how on that specific type of offer.

You can easily make great pre-landers using this online tool

The consequence? This Will hugely increase the EPC!

That hike is definitely gonna catch your gaze because you live to get the highest paying CPA offers like a

The problem? You'll end up swimming with the sharks, hustling and fighting incredibly tough competitors.

Eventually, you may even fail to get the EPC you saw first. That's enough to break your CPA marketing
heart, bro! On the Other hand, you've got the second offer. This one's being used by the same group
playing with the first one. In fact, a lot of other affiliates are using it as Some do it better, some worse, not
getting quality traffic and probably failing to get the promotion right.

3. Don't choose based on Vertical/Category

CPA networks allow you to explore 10004 CPA offers from all over this green earth. These offers have
been previously tested so you know the quality is super high! You should never forget that you can
promote Adult or Mainstream.

The latter has some cool sub-categories you can go for, such as Nutrition, Sweepstakes, Gaming,
Gambling, Finance, Health a Fitness, etc. Knowing your is EVERYTHING!

You've gotta understand what's working better when setting a campaign, you avoid losing

4. Pay attention to restrictions


What your audience wants isn't the only thing you should consider when looking for CPA offers to
promote! Always keep an eye out for restrictions. These restless prohibitions and guidelines can really
cost you a whole lotta sweet, saucy cash.

They Can even get you blocked, preventing you from getting those terrific Top Offers. Sometimes, a
restriction pops up because of the name of the Offer. This won't bring about any sort of penalties.

For example, in case it's only for 3G, traffic coming from Wi-Fi will be redirected to another offer — if
you've got the Safety Fallback enabled — or to nowhere, leading to a loss of potential conversions.

Other offers can be more related to the type of promotion you're doing, not allowing Pops nor Native, or
even not letting you get Incent Traffic, for instance. Make sure to read ALL restrictions thoroughly so you
don't risk being a casualty in the Offer Wars!

5. Match the promotion to the landing page

I told you about restrictions on tip number 5. However, that doesn't mean you can't be creative.

In fact, it's the opposite: creativity fuels this whole biz. Let's say you're creating material that's considered
compliant with the rules and guidelines, asking for the approval of Partners when needed.

Even so, you'll also need a kickass Pre-Lander page because you really wanna make money With CPA
offers! It can really be that secret sauce you needed to get a good conversion ratio.

You should get your audience all fired up about the offer, so they can't wait to get to that landing page
and convert.

But What if it's a very bad Landing page, or what if you've advertised a completely different thing? All that
excitement Will probably turn into dire disappointment. That's Why you should always look at the
screenshots of each offer, since that's what the user will see in the end.

This enables you to test the offer that best suits your materials and to compare performances among the
various offers,

6. Select based on an advertiser

With time you'll Start to know your audience more and more. You'll get to understand who provides what
and what they want. If an advertiser has some insights about a type Of Offer, vertical or even GEO, they’ll
probably provide some more awesome offers in the near future.

This can be something to take into account when choosing a new offer and you can definitely ask your
Account Manager about it.

Knowledge comes from experience and experience comes from positive and negative aspects, but mainly
from doing. Something. How to avoid making silly media buying beginner's mistakes? If you bought the
premium pack. I am here to help.

Recommended CPA networks and offers

1. C3pa
2. Mylead
3. TopOffers
4. Mobidea
5. CPAgetti
6. Toro Advertising
7. Terra Leads
8. CPA Exchange
9. 39net

Module 2 - Affiliate marketing

The crux Of affiliate marketing is that affiliates are paid a commission whenever a Visitor redirected
through their affiliate links performs a desired action on the advertiser's website.

This money-making strategy is one of the most lucrative ones on Telegram. To earn on the app, you
should promote third-party products or services, for example, Clickbank or Amazon products and share
your affiliate link. When a visitor buys a product after clicking on your link, you get an affiliate

Telegram is perfect for promoting time-limited offers, for example, last- minute offers in travel. So, you
can create a Telegram bot which will help people search for a product, for example, for flight tickets and
accommodation, and get a commission whenever a visitor books via your affiliate link.

Affiliate Networks

Top networks you should use are: Clickbank, Shareasale,, Rakuten and Amazon.

What is ClickBank?

ClickBank is among the leading affiliate networks for digital products like eBooks, video tutorials, end
software. it has been around since 1998, has more than 200 million customers around the globe, and
claimsto have created more than 1000 millionaires through its platform.

In easier words, ClickBank connects digital product creators With affiliate marketers. ClickBank doesn't
own the products listed on its marketplace. It only provides a platform for thousands of product owners
to connect with affiliate marketers who wish to promote their products.

Why product creators use it?

To gain access to thousands of influential affiliate marketers who have their dedicated subscribers and
followers. It's an easy and quick way to market your product to hundreds of thousands of people even if
you have no following of your own.

Why do affiliates use ClickBank?

CLICKBANK- To find high-quality products, promote them to their website visitors and subscribers, and
earn a commission for every sale.

It's classic affiliate marketing just like any other leading affiliate marketing platform. But unlike Amazon
Associates, ClickBank is a platform for digital products only.

Can you make money With ClickBank on Telegram? Definitely yes!

The online education industry (most digital products fall into this category) is booming and is worth well
over $100 billion across the globe since people are consuming more digital info content on their
smartphones than ever before.

Plus, the affiliate marketing industry is also growing steadily. In the U.S alone, affiliate marketing
spending wili exceed $8 billion by 2022.

All this means that there has never been a better time to promote digital products as an affiliate

Does that mean you can pick any product from ClickBank, start posting your affiliate links everywhere,
and become a successful affiliate marketer?

Not really.

Promoting products from ClickBank, or any other affiliate network requires careful planning and a long-
term strategy. Otherwise, end up like the thousands Of Other wannabe affiliate marketers Who think
ClickBank is a useless platform.

I'll explain the strategy part later.

For now, let's look at some of the main advantages ClickBank offers over other affiiiate networks.

The Major pros and Cons of ClickBank for Affiliate Marketers

As I've already mentioned, ClickBank has its share of supporters and haters. It does Offer you some
significant advantages over Other affiliate networks, but it also has several weaknesses that you should
know about. Let's quickly look at the major pros and cons of ClickBank.

 A Reliable Affiliate Network


ClickBank is not a new name in the affiliate marketing space. It has been around for more than
two decades and is a proven platform When it comes to connecting product creators with
As an affiliate marketer on ClickBank, you'll consistently come across high- quality products that
you can promote, knowing that you'll get paid for every sale you rnake.

 A Wide Range Of products in Every Niche

NO matter What niche you're in or What hobbies you have, you'll find relevant products to
promote on ClickBank. Just look at the number of product categories they have on their affiliate
marketplace. The most popular categories are E-Business, Health & Fitness, Self-Help, etc. have
hundreds of products at any given time. All this means you'll never be short of products to
promote as ClickBank affiliate.

 Attractive Commission Structure for Affiliates

Most ClickBank products Offer generous commission rates ranging from 50% to 75% and even
100% in some cases. To make it even better, there are tons of recurring commission programs
on Offer as Well,
Which means you sell them once but keep earning monthly commissions as long as your referral
is an active customer. you can find recurring commission programs using the search filter on the
affiliate marketplace page.
Although recurring commissions sound more attractive, one-time commission programs are also
worth exploring if they offer a healthy commission rate.

 Easy To Get started

Getting started on ClickBank as an affiliate is pretty simple. There's no complex documentation
or up front fee required. You need to be from an eligible country, have cookies enabled in your
browser, and have a valid tax id if you're in the US.
Unlike some other affiliate networks, you can sign up both as an affiliate and a vendor on
Clickbank at the same time. However, vendors are charged a one-time sign-up fee of $49.95.

 Quick Payout Cycle

You've done the hard work, made the sale, and earned the commission you were promised. But
now it's stuck with the affiliate portal, and they're not releasing the funds because they have a
quarterly payment cycle or some insane requirement before you get paid.

This does happen on some affiliate platforms, But not ClickBank. The payouts are done weekly
and bi-weekly, depending on your payment mode.

 Comprehensive Training in ClickBank University

ClickBank has a detailed knowledge base that gives you all the basic information about using the

 penalty On Dormant
Accounts ClickBank charges you a $1 [day penalty after 90 days Of no earnings, $5/day after 180
days, and $50/day after 360 days Of no sales.

With this quick overview of ClickBank's pros and cons, let's move on to the sign-up process.

Steps To Sign-up As A ClickBank Affiliate

ClickBank has recently changed its account creation process and made it much simpler and faster. Click
on the "Create Account" link on the top of your screen to go to the sign-up page. There's nothing fancy
on this page, just a simple sign-up form that you can fill in less than a minute.

Before you can submit the form, you also need to accept the terms and conditions agreement. Next up,
ClickBank will ask you if you're interested in their training content. This is a pitch for their paid ClickBank
university program. You can watch the free videos if you want, but I don’t recommend spending on the
paid program just yet.

This completes the basic account setup. But before you get started, you need to complete your profile
and payment information. Again, you'll be taken to a basic information form where you need to submit
your full address, payee name, etc. If you're in the US, you'd also need to enter a valid Tax ID to get paid.

At the bottom of this form, there's a dropdown menu where you need to choose your account type.
Since you're joining ClickBank to promote products as an affiliate, choose the relevant option. This takes
you to your account dashboard where you're again asked to create an account. This step allows you to
link your existing ClickBank accounts together (in case you already have one). But since you want to
Start a new account, just choose the Create Account option under "I'm new here."

Again, choose "Affiliate" in account type and enter any nickname you'd like to use on ClickBank. Keep in
mind that your nickname will also become your username and cannot be changed later. So choose it

Once you complete this step, you'll get an account confirmation email with a verification link you need
to click to activate your account. Congratulations! You're now ready to promote ClickBank products as
an affiliate marketer.

Ways To Get Paid on ClickBank

ClickBank supports four different payment modes.

 Check: ClickBank mails a paper check to your mailing address to the payee name you've entered
in your account.

 Direct Deposit: ClickBank deposits the payment directly to your bank account (not available for
all countries)

 Wire Transfer: For countries where payment via direct deposit isn't available, ClickBank offers
wire transfer payments.

 Payoneer: Payoneer is an international payment service that gives you a virtual US or EU bank
account where you can receive ACH transfer payments. You can also directly link your Payoneer
account with ClickBank to receive funds.

You can' configure your payment settings in the Account Settings tab on your main dashboard page.

To set up payment by direct deposit, wire transfer, or Payoneer, you need to enter your bank account
details. Check, as I've already mentioned, are delivered to the mailing address you entered at the time
of sign up.

popular Question: Is ClickBank a Scam?

Is ClickBank a legit affiliate program? Is it a scam? Is it a rip-off? I've seen this question repeatedly on
different forums and social networks. Here's your answer. ClickBank is NOT an affiliate program itself.

It's an affiliate platform that CONNECTS product creators With affiliate marketers. Every product listed
on ClickBank is a separate affiliate program that independently recruits affiliates. ClickBank has some
basic product quality guidelines and quality filters to ensure that every product listed on its marketplace
is legit.

It also routinely bans low-quality/scam programs that somehow make it through to its listing. But
ultimately, it's your responsibility as an affiliate to research a product and the reputation of its creator to
determine whether it is worth promoting.

Because at the end Of the day, the products you promote Will shape your reputation. If you're not
careful and Start promoting products, people Will Stop trusting you, and your sales numbers Will go
down even when you promote a genuinely useful product,

So here's your answer in simple words: Clickbank is not a scam, they won't cheat you, and won't keep
your money. But not every product listed on its marketplace is worth promoting. This brings me to the
next logical question - how do you find high quality and profitabie affiliate programs on ClickBank? TO
get your answer, you first need to understand how the CiickBank Affiliate program works.

ClickBank Affiliate Program – How Does It Work?


Once you sign up as an affiliate on ClickBank, you can immediately start promoting products to your
audience. But to identify the right products, you need to understand the different terminologies used on
the platform.

Let me start with some basic terminologies.

 Initial/Front-End Offer: This is the product offer that you originally promote to a customer. It is
usually a low priced product designed to turn a stranger into a customer so that more products
can be pitched to them.

 upsell: This is the higher-priced product that is pitched after a Customer purchases your front-
end Offer.

 One-Time Commission: This is a commission Which the affiliate is paid only once when the
initial sale is made.

 Recurring/Rebilling: This is a commission type in which an affiliate keeps getting monthly or

quarterly commissions for selling a membership product.

pretty simple, right? Let's move to the product listings now.

For every product list you’ll find Different sections within this listing. It Will help you determine the
potential Of the offer. Let me quickly describe them to you

 Initial $/sale: This is the average commission amount an affiliate earns for selling a ClickBank
product. This also includes payments for any upsells that result from the initial sale. But does
NOT include recurring commission amount.

 Avg Rebill Total: This is the average amount an affiliate makes from recurring commissions of a
product. In the ClickBank affiliate marketplace, this amount is only displayed for subscription

 Avg $/sale: This is the average amount of commission an affiliate earns for promoting a
ClickBank product (initial+recurring commissions).

 Avg %/sale: This is the average commission percentage an affiliate earns for a product, including
initial and recurring commissions, plus any upsells.

 Avg %/Rebill: This is the average recurring commission earned only on rebilis.

 Grav: This particular Stat is essential. Grav is the short form Of Gravity, which is a unique
CickBank score that shows you the sales potential of a product by taking into account the
number of affiliates who've earned d commission in the last 12 weeks promoting a product. A

high Gravity score means the product is selling well, but it also means lots of affiliates are
promoting it.

 Cat: This is the industry category of a product On ClickBank

 Affiliate Page: This is the URL of the affiliate page of the product, where you'll find the affiliate
recruitment details plus promotional material for the product.

 Affiliate Support Contact: The email to contact the product owner

That's a lot to digest and can be a bit confusing, I know. The two main things to look in a product are it's
Ave S/sale and Grav score, plus if it offers one-time or recurring commissions. With this info out of the
way, let's see how you can find profitable ClickBank affiliate products.

Finding Profitable Affiliate Programs on CiickBank

There are a iot of trash products on ClickBank. But there are some real gems listed there as well.

How do you find them? Head over to the Clickbank Affiliate Marketplace and choose the industry in
which you want to search for products. Let's explore the Self-Help industry.

Here's the list of products in this category sorted by product popularity. Here are a few things you need
to do.

1. Check The Product's Gravity Score and Ave $/sale

Sort the product list by Gravity score to see the products that are
 Selling well which means they have a landing page with a high conversion rate
 Being promoted by many Other affiliates in niche and making them good money

What gravity score should you target?

There are varying opinions on this. But in general, a gravity score of above 50 is a good starting
point (the higher, the better). But that's not the only thing to consider. Also, keep a close eye on
the Avg S/sale because that's the average amount of commissions you can make by promoting a
product. Try finding a product with a reasonably high Avg $/sale number and a 50+ gravity
You can also add another filter to find only recurring commission programs if you want. Once
you're done with this, move to the next point.

2. Analyze The Product's Landing Page

This is a crucial step. The quality of a product's landing page tells you a lot about its real value,
the problems it solves, and if it’s a product worth promoting. There are a couple of important

landing pages for every affiliate product - one is the sales landing page for the customers, and
the Other is the affiliate landing page where the marketers are recruited.

You'll sign up as an affiliate from the product's Joint Venture (IV) or affiliate page. In most cases,
you'll be routing traffic from your site and email list to the product's landing page.

Are you comfortable doing it? Or do you think the landing page has a scummy look to it? Is it
making promises that are too good to be true? On the contrary, a high- quality landing page is a
strong indicator of a solid product. The other thing you need to see is the promotional material
that the product vendor is offering.

3. Research the product's Sales Funnel

Most ClickBank offers are made up of several product tiers. The initial front-end offer is usually a
low priced product that is used to suck customers into the sales funnel once inside, a customer
is redirected from one upseli offer to another to sell higher-priced products.

This is done via website redirections and email follow-ups. Once the customers purchase the
front-end offer, they're taken to an upsell offer. If the customer declines it, they're taken to a
down-sell Offer. Next, they're taken to another offer. In case they decline, they'll get follow up
emails with more offers. That's how most ClickBank products make money - by milking the
customer until they buy the main product.

Before promoting a product as an affiliate, study its sales sequence and the number of upsell in
it because it have an impact on your earnings as well as the conversion rate Of the Offer.

4. Research The Product Creator

If the product's landing page and affiliate pages look good, make a quick Google search about
the product creator as well. Find the products they've launched in the past, and see the general
sentiment about them online. This often gives you a good idea of whether products by a
particular vendor are reliable or not.

5. Check Online Reviews And Customer Feedback

product reviews come next. Search the product online and see What the reviews are saying. But
you have to be careful about this because most of the reviews are either going to be full of
praise for the product (by the affiliates) or full Of hatred (by the competitors), Look for genuine
reviews and feedback to get an idea of the product's performance.

Plus, pay special attention to forum discussions and Reddit threads because that's where most
of the dissatisfied customers went out their frustration.

6. (Optional) Buy The product You Want to promote

If the product does well on all the points I've mentioned above, it's time to buy it yourself.

Yes, you heard that right. Most front-end products aren't very expensive, and buying them Will
tell exactly how useful they are. If you're in the affiliate marketing business for the long-term,
always promote the products that you're confident about. You can even try asking the product
vendor for free access before promoting the product.

Some Will agree, some won't. This is an additional step but one that'll not only help you find
reliable products but also promote them with much better and high-quality content. If you think
the product is worth promoting, sign-up on its affiliate page, grab your affiliate link, and start

Following the steps I've listed will help you filter through all the over-hyped products and find
the real gems that are worth promoting. But how do you promote a ClickBank product as an
affiliate marketer? I'll explain this in the next section.

Make Money With ClickBank - The Right Way TO promote An Affiliate Product

What's the right way to promote an affiliate product?

Create a product-focused niche site that sings endless praises of the product and does everything to sell
it? Not really. Whether you're selling a product yourself or promoting one as an affiliate (from any
platform), you need to build trust with your target audience before you can persuade them to take

Here's how you should go about it.

1. Build A Long-Term Site Based on Well-Defined Needs

The first Step Of promoting an affi!iate product has nothing to do With affiliate marketing. It's
about building a platform, a blog, a website, a social media profile, or a YouTube channel that
targets a set of problems, not a set of products.

Let me explain. Most affiliates just grab affiliate links, publish product reviews on their sites and
YouTube channels, and wait for the customers to come. They never arrive. Some of them
directly promote affiliate links via Google or Facebook Ads.

Again, it rarely works. Serious affiliates take the longer route. They build a Telegram channel
where they provide genuinely useful content to their audience. People start trusting them and
take their recommendations seriously. Their content is not always about products or sales. Most
of it targets different customer needs and answer the most common questions of the target
audience. This is the authority Telegram channel that i always advocate. Once you build such a
channel (that may occur very fast), you're not limited to one or two products.

Once you've built authority, you can pick any relevant product from ClickBank, start promoting it
to your audience, and people will buy it because they trust you.

2. Choose Products That Solve The Right problems

How do you sell an affiliate product in you're new to a niche? Again, you need to think long-term
understand the needs of your audience and list down the problems you want to solve to
become an expert.

After that, you go to the Clickbank affiliate marketplace and find 3-4 products that are genuinely
useful and connect directly with the needs of your audience. This is important. You can't start
promoting every product that's offering a good commission rate.

The products must be relevant. Once find such products, sign up as an affiliate, grab your links
and move to the next Step.

3. Create A Lead Magnet To Attract Relevant Subscribers

Newbie affiliates directly start posting their affiliate links everywhere. Most of them never make
any sales. And even if they do, it's mostly one-time sales with no prospect" But the real money is
in repeat sales.

Research shows that the probability of selling to an existing customer is 60-70% as compared to
a new customer who is just 5-20% .

This is why experienced affiliate marketers first drive traffic to a lead magnet landing page to
turn strangers into email subscribers. This approach has several benefits.
 It turns cold traffic into email subscribers (a huge business asset)
 Offering a free high-value lead magnet builds trust and authority with your subscribers.
 An email list allows you to repeatedly reach out with new offers without having to invest
in any new traffic sources.

But here's a crucial point to keep in mind. Your lead magnet has to be directly aligned with the
products you plan to promote. For example, if you plan to promote a weight loss program from
ClickBank, you can offer a free ebook of high-nutrition but low-at recipes that encourage healthy
living and helps people lose weight. That's just one example. The focus of your lead magnet
should be on the core problem of your target audience because this prepares them for future
sales pitches.

Best products to promote in 2020

• Cinderella Solution

Gravity: 384 (Super High)

Average Sale: $36 (Average)

Category: Health and Fitness: Women's Health

Description: A 28-day weight loss diet program designed for women with 2-simple Step rituals: specific
series Of exercises, and proper diet, that would help reactivate one's metabolism.

Target Audience: Middle aged women between menopausal ages from 40 to 65 who want to lose
weight, and focus on losing adipose tissue or fats.

Reasons to sell: (1) It has the highest conversion rate to cold and warm traffic and; (2) They pay the
highest commission percentage to affiliates.

• Vert Shock

Gravity: 38.50

Average Sale: $40 with 2-5 days sales a day

Category: Sports; Training

Description: A 3-Step Basketball training program that helps increase a player's vertical jump from g to
15 inches in less than 8 weeks. It focuses on contracting Type Il 8 Fibers that helps one to jump higher!

Target Audience: Basketball players, and those who are interested in increasing their vertical jump.

Reasons to sell: (I) Actively selling since 2014 and; (2) It has IOW refund rate with lots of positive


Gravity: 10.56

Average Sale: $99 sales a day; $300 to $400 per week.

Category: Arts & Entertainment; Music

Description: A Singing course for beginners that helps maximize a singer's vocal range, rapidly gain vocal
strength and agility, and master perfect pitch.

Target Audience: Aspiring Singers, and Advanced Singers who want to learn more vocal techniques,

Reasons to sell: (1) High Conversion Rate and; (2) Best Suited for Organic Traffic.

• Click Bank University (CB University)


Gravity: 48.68 Average Sale: $211.13

Category: E-3usiness and E-Marketing: Affiliate Marketing

Description: An original clickbank product that provides training programs packed with video tutorials,
interviews with the experts, useful tools, and support that helps customers find success as affiliate and
vendor. It has two separate training: Clickbank Product Publishing, and Clickbank Affiliate Mastery,

Target Audience: Affiliate Marketers, and Vendors.

Reasons to sell: (I) High Conversion Rate, (2) Effective in earning Affiliate Commissions even when you're
not doing anything and; (3) Evergreen Product.

• 12 Minute Affiliate System

Gravity: 189.36

Average Sale: $73.86

Category: E-Business and E-Marketing: Affiliate Marketing

Description: A latest Affiliate Product that has plug-end play system that enables anyone to start an
email marketing funnel focusing on popular niches (health and fitness, personal development, and
online business) where major tasks are already done for you.

Target Audience: New and Intermediate Affiliate Marketers, and Vendors.

Reasons to sell: (I) Great Earning per click, (2) Zest conversions, (3) Recurring Commissions, (4) Big and
Profitable Niche, (5) Reputable Vendor, (6) High Upsells

• Bikini Body Workouts

Gravity: 12.51 (low)

Average Sale: $20.42

Category: Health and Fitness: Women's Health

Description: A 60-day workout program that promotes weight loss, fitness, and diet through a change in
lifestyle without the traditional fitness rules. It provides an easy-to-follow, effective, and enjoyable
training for women of all sorts.

Target Audience: Women Who earn a bikini-body at any age possible.

Reasons to sell: (I) Helping women achieve a healthier and sexier body while effectively earning high
percentage commission; and (2) with Organic Traffic.

These are all just a personal recommendation from research, reviews, and personal experience. You can
choose whatever affiliate products you want to take and promote that aren't in the list,

Module 3 — Selling

Selling advertisements or paid posts on your channel.

Though there's no paid advertising on Telegram, marketers still need to promote their channels and
grow their following. So, one of the ways out is to advertise on other channels. Make sure you promote
only trustworthy and reputable channels related to your niche.

otherwise, such advertising can undermine your reputation.

Charging a fee for joining a private channel.

Another way to monetize a Telegram channel is to charge people a fee for joining it. Usually, the
strategy works the following way. You create a public channel (or an account on social media) which you
promote and in which you provide exceptionally valuable content. Also, you create a private Telegram
channel in which users can get access to premium content for a fee.

Selling and promoting your products or services.

You can also use the platform to sell your products or services. For this, you'll have to run a content-
related channel and promote your product. For example, if provide educational services, you can offer
users valuable educational content like IELTS Preparation or others.

You can also promote an app and provide your audience with an overview of its new features.

Creating Telegram bots for other people,

If you're good at it, you can create bots for Other businesses. Creating a bot isn't a difficult task but
requires some technical knowledge and creativity.

Selling stickers.

Stickers play an important role in Telegram marketing. So, if you're a creative mind, you can create and
sell stickers for different Telegram channels.

Creating and selling Telegram channels.

You can create and grow channels for businesses making the most of your experience and expertise.

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