CHAPTER I III Mangaya and Pionilla

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Barangay is the Philippines' basic unit of government. Each barangay is under the

administration and supervision of cities and municipalities as the lowest level of political and

governmental subdivision in the Philippines. In every barangay there are Barangay Tanod which

play an important part in the development and progress of the barangay (Donald Sumad-On

2020) . They conduct nightly patrols, necessarily exposing their lives and limbs to danger in the

hands of criminal elements and other wayward members of society. Barangay Officials create a

policy on the duties and function of the Barangay Tanod and they work together towards a

common goal. They have an important duty in their community to maintain a peace and order.

They are the lowest level of enforcement officials in the community who supervised in their

barangay but still they perform a variety of police function. They are the front of liners in the

preparation and response to any type of calamities that threaten peace and order and public safety

and they are also responsive to unique peace and order in the barangay.

Peace and order is an essential ingredient in maintaining economic development,

social order and political stability (Bayan, 2017). According to the Local Government Code of

1991, Republic Act No. 7160, the role of the Barangay in assures the peace and order in the

barangay level. Pursuant to DILG Memorandum Circular 2003-42, professionalizing these

BPSOs ensures that peace and order and public reference to public safety. As the basic political

unit, the creation of the Barangay Police Security Officers/ BPSOs, otherwise commonly known

as “Barangay Tanod,” security are sustained as the key factor in Barangay's growth. Provided in

the DILG's trainers guidebook, the barangay tanod's duties and responsibilities include: assisting

barangay officials in crime prevention and promoting public safety through patrolling/"ronda",

reporting to the offices concerned of any disruptions or unjust events, tracking the presence and

actions of criminals and illegal elements; assisting police and “lupong taga-pamayapa” in the

execution of warrants and other judicial proceedings; and assisting barangay officials in the

enforcement of national and local laws; and other means deemed appropriate in the prevention of

crime. Public safety or its absence, impacts the lives of everyone (Moore & Braga, 2004). Under

NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular 2008-013, the Barangay Police Security Officers serving

as an auxiliary of the Philippine National Police, are considered as force multiplier. Though

barangay police or “tanod” works on a voluntary-basis, they do not hesitate to risk their lives just

to ensure the security of the people in their respective Barangay (Benitez, 2013). According to

De Jesus (2018), Usec. Diño said he would push for a bill that would grant rights for barangay

watchmen to receive medical and housing benefits, as well as legal assistance and right to

security of tenure. According to Shoemaker (1996), It is argued that, due to lack of resources,

conventional socialization practices and the value of the barangay justice system, juvenile courts

and correctional facilities are used less often than the juvenile code would suggest and this

situation is likely to continue. Several businesses are already introducing programs to help

motivate the public even from the level of barangay, as a way to help curb rising crime incidence


The barangay and the police working together shows that both realize the importance

of collaborating to achieve crime prevention goals. The police acknowledge that despite their

authority, extensive training, and often considerable resources, the police require the support and

assistance of others. To justly and effectively control and prevent crime and disorder, public

support is necessary because the number of police officers to hand duty at any me is far fewer

than most citizens imagine. They cannot possibly demonstrate physical presence in all places at

all times in a community. Furthermore, for police to be effective, they should be able to work not

just within the operations of the criminal justice system with which they are most closely

identified but also within other social and governmental networks, such as the schools and local

government units (Plant & Scott, 2009).

Insufficient personnel in an organization brings about an increase in workload and

less supervision. Many managers and supervisors are under the impression that the level of

employee performance on a job is proportional to their size (Engetou, 2017). In contrast,

Chiwokwu (2016) asserts that police in a region does not necessarily result in more or less

International Journal of Advanced Research in ISSN: 2278-6236 Management and Social

Sciences Impact Factor: 7.065 Vol. 9 | No. 6 | June 2020 IJARMSS | 118

crime; effective crime control and prevention rely on proper and effective utilization and

management of police personnel.

The barangay officials and barangay tanod are patrolling every night to lessen night

time crime and some of their duties is to implement the curfew policy in every community to

maintain peace and order in barangay. However, they still encountered lot of problems during

night patrolling like lack of vehicle when conducting patrol; insufficient training like self-

defense techniques; insufficient equipment like baton; handcuff and other equipment use for

crime prevention; lack of coffee specially when on night duty to keep them awake; insufficient

budget support; Barangay Tanod does not report on scheduled duty; some Barangay Tanods are

absent during scheduled duty; lack of cooperation among members of the Barangay Tanod;

insufficient supervision and monitoring from Barangay Officials; lack of cooperation among the

residents; honorarium/salary is not given on time; Barangay Tanods are not aware on duties and

responsibilities; and lack of dissemination on new policy to enforce within the Barangay.

This research paper will be analyzing some of the problem encountered by barangay

tanods in conducting nighttime patrol to prevent crime in selected barangay in Pagbilao, Quezon.

This will also serve as basis of barangay tanods to improve their patrolling style during night

time. The impact is on the barangay tanods success or failure in the performance of their duties

during nighttime patrol to prevent crime and the degree of relationship of each respondent in the

exercise their responsibilities to the community.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study plans to seek the Problems encountered by the barangay tanods in

conducting nighttime patrol to prevent crime in selected barangay in Pagbilao, Quezon

Specifically, it seeks to answer these questions;

1. What is the demographic profile of the barangay tanod respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Years of Service

1.4 Educational Attainment

2. How serious are the problems encountered by the Barangay Tanod in crime prevention?

3. What activity plan can be proposed to enhance the effectiveness of Barangay Tanod in Crime


Significance of the Study

The researcher envisions that an investigation of this kind will greatly benefits the

barangay tanods of selected barangay in Pagbilao Quezon.

The result of this study will serve as a basis for improvement of the performance of

barangay tanods through nighttime patrol to prevent crime and make more challenging on the

part of the people under their barangay and make them realize that conducting patrol during at

night to prevent crime will be of great help to lessen the crime in their barangay.

This study is also important to;

(1) People living in selected barangay in Pagbilao, Quezon.

(2) Non-Government Employees

(3) Barangay Officials, and

(4) Higher officials, that they give more stress or emphasis to the development of conducting

nighttime patrol and give necessary trainings for the barangay tanods in order to provide better

understanding about the things that they need to do.

Scope and Limitation


This study covers 50 selected barangay tanods of selected barangay in Pagbilao, Quezon.

Their answers to the questionnaire would be used as basis of the findings leading to conclusions

and recommendation that will be great help to those who like to develop or improve the

conducting of nighttime patrol.

This study is limited to barangay tanods of selected barangay in Pagbilao, Quezon..

The focus of this study is about the Problems Encountered by the Baragay Tanods in

Selected Barangay in Pagbilao, Quezon.

This study is limited to barangay tanods and atleast three years and above in the service.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined as used in this study.

Barangay Tanod, Someone whose primary role is to maintain peace and order in a particular


Crime, it is unlawful acts of some people in a particular community or barangay.

Patrol, it is something which is necessary to do as a barangay tanods just to lessen the crime in

particular barangay

Conceptual Framework








Fig. 1 Conceptual Framework

Theoretical Framework

These are the following theories which support or hold my research or study.

Routine activities theory

It is a theory of crime events. This differs from a majority of criminological theories,

which focus on explaining why some people commit crimes—that is, the motivation to commit

crime— rather than how criminal events are produced. Although at first glance this distinction

may appear inconsequential, it has important implications for the research and prevention of


Routine activities theory suggests that the organization of routine activities in society create

opportunities for crime. In other words, the daily routine activities of people—including where

they work, the routes they travel to and from school, the groups with whom the socialize, the

shops they frequent, and so forth—strongly influence when, where, hese routines can make

crime easy and low risk, or difficult and risky. Because opportunities vary over time, space, and

among people, so too does the likelihood of crime. Therefore, research that stems from routine

activities theory generally examines various opportunity structures that facilitate crime;

prevention strategies that are informed by routine activities theory attempt to alter these

opportunity structures to prevent criminal events.


Routine activities theory was initially used to explain changes in crime trends over time. It has

been increasingly used much more broadly to understand and prevent crime problems.

Researchers have used various methods to test hypotheses derived from the theory. Since its

inception, the theory has become closely aligned with a set of theories and perspectives known as

environmental criminology, which focuses on the importance of opportunity in determining the

distribution of crime across time and space.

Environmental criminology, and routine activities theory in particular, has very practical

implications for prevention; therefore, practitioners have applied routine activities theory to

inform police practices and prevention strategies. This research paper contains a review of the

evolution of routine activities theory; a summary of research informed by the theory;

complementary perspectives and current applications; and future directions for theory, research,

and prevention.

Social Control Theory

The social control approach to understanding crime is one of the three major sociological

perspectives in contemporary criminology. Control theorists believe that conformity to the rules

of society is produced by socialization and maintained by ties to people and institutions— to

family members, friends, schools, and jobs. Put briefly, crime and delinquency result when the

individual’s bond to society is weak or broken. As social bonds increase in strength, the costs of

crime to the individual increase as well.

The intellectual roots of social control theory reach back several centuries, but it was not until

the middle of the 20th century that this theory began to generate broad intereSst among crime

researchers. Since then, it has been among the most frequently tested in the scientific literature

and has garnered substantial empirical support. Its research and policy implications have

generated perhaps the most debate of any modern theory of crime. The influence of social

control theory on actual crime control policy has been less impressive. Social control theories do

not support expansion of the criminal justice system. They do not favor larger police forces or

lengthy incarceration as crime control policies. They favor instead policies designed to establish

stronger bonds between individuals and society. The first task of the control theorist is to identify

the important elements of the bond to society. The second task is to say what is meant by society

—to locate the persons and institutions important in the control of delinquent and criminal

behavior. The following list of elements of the bond— attachment, commitment, involvement,

and belief—has proved useful in explaining the logic of the theory and in summarizing relevant

research. It has also provided guidelines for evaluation of delinquency prevention programs.

Symbolic Interaction Theory

The labeling perspective has its origins in the work of Mead and Cooley in the sociological

theory of symbolic interactionism. Mead (1934) believed that the self arose through social

processes, or social experiences, which involved play, game, and the generalized other. A

person’s self is generated when an individual takes the attitudes of other people in the group

around him or her (whom Mead called the generalized other) and superimposes those attitudes

upon behavioral patterns; thus, a person will generally behave in a manner that is consistent with

the way in which that person believes others view him or her. Mead differentiated between the

“me” and the “I,” and Cooley (1926) referred to this process as the looking-glass self, which is a

reference to the socially shaped self. This process is not a static one; instead, it is a dynamic

process of the individual “reacting back against society,” which in turn is constantly reacting to

the individual (Mead, 1977, p. 235). In this way, an individual will behave in a manner that is

consistent with others’ beliefs and expectations. Human behavior, then, revolves around the

meanings of things and situations; the interpretation of these meanings through interactions with

others; and the interpretive process an individual undergoes concerning interactions, both present

and past (Blumer, 1969). Mead (1977) viewed this role taking as the foundation for social

control (formal and informal). This two-way, symbolic interaction between the self and society

forms the foundation of labeling theory.



Peace and order is an essential ingredient in maintaining economic development,

social order and political stability (Bayan, 2011). According to the Local Government Code of

1991, Republic Act No. 7160, the role of the Barangay in assures the peace and order in the

barangay level. Pursuant to DILG Memorandum Circular 2003-42, professionalizing these

BPSOs ensures that peace and order and public reference to public safety. As the basic political

unit, the creation of the Barangay Police Security Officers/ BPSOs, otherwise commonly known

as “Barangay Tanods,” security are sustained as the key factor in Barangay's growth. Provided in

the DILG's trainers guidebook, the barangay tanod's duties and responsibilities include: assisting

barangay officials in crime prevention and promoting public safety through patrolling "ronda",

reporting to the offices concerned of any disruptions or unjust events, tracking the presence and

actions of criminals and illegal elements; assisting police and “lupong tagapamayapa” in the

execution of warrants and other judicial proceedings; and assisting barangay officials in the

enforcement of national and local laws; and other means deemed appropriate in the prevention of

crime. Public safety or its absence, impacts the lives of everyone (Moore & Braga, 2004). Under

NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular 2008-013, the Barangay Police Security Officers serving

as an auxiliary of the Philippine National Police, are considered as force multiplier. Though

barangay police or “tanod” works on a voluntary-basis, they do not hesitate to risk their lives just

to ensure the security of the people in their respective Barangay (Benitez, 2013).According to De

Jesus (2018), Usec. Diño said he would push for a bill that would grant rights for barangay

watchmen to receive medical and housing benefits, as well as legal assistance and right to

security of tenure. According to Shoemaker (1996), It is argued that, due to lack of resources,

conventional socialization practices and the value of the barangay justice system, juvenile courts

and correctional facilities are used less often than the juvenile code would suggest and this

situation is likely to continue. Several businesses are already introducing programs to help

motivate the public even from the level of barangay, as a way to help curb rising crime

incidences (Samaniego, 2015).

In all aspects of Government exist the social and economic services needed by the people such as

benefits, free education, livelihood program, and most importantly, their security and the

protection of their individual and community rights. Barangay, being the basic unit of the local

government plays an important role in the development of our nation. The status of peace and

order in a barangay illuminate that a peaceful barangay is a peaceful country. Peace and order

helps in maintain economic development, social order and political stability (Ac Rodriguez

2013). The researchers conducted the study based on the performance Barangay Police Security

Officer’s duties and responsibilities as provided under the Memorandum Circular 2003-042.

Crime is one of the leading universal problems this day. From time to time, many lives and

property were destroyed due to the criminal lawlessness committed. Society sees most crimes

such as robbery, rape, murder, and assault as deviant and destructive to one's life and property.

Those who want more and need more and powerful can simply take from the less powerful.

Crime has effects which are extensive as society itself. It can be as pervasive to development and

debasing to the quality of life as personally dangerous, socially damaging, or politically

embarrassing. It quiet erosion of national achievement and long term influence on motivation can

be far more detrimental to a society that is currently recognized.Crime permeates all aspects of

society and, as such, is a form of warfare waged on a worldwide scale, with non-combatants on

the losing side(UIA, 2019). Crime is a violation of rules of behavior as interpreted and expressed

by the law, which reflects opinions, traditional values, and the viewpoint of people having social

and political power. Individuals who go against these rules are subject to sanctions by state

authority, social stigma, and loss of status (Siegel, 2008). Crime is a destructive phenomenon,

given the various effects that are evident in various literature. It ranges from physical disability,

emotional crisis, psychological trauma, and economic crisis to mention a few, law enforcement

agencies are challenged to design and implement effective crime prevention activities. Crime

prevention refers to the various strategies that are devised and enforced by communities,

businesses, non-government organizations and all levels of government to target the various

social and environmental factors that increase the risk of crime, disorder and victimization (AIC,

2003; ECOSOC, 2002; IPC, 2008; Van Dijk & de Waard, 1991). Crime prevention activities

vary from place to place in such that different places adapt to varied activities anchored in

various theories of crime prevention. Understanding crime as a product of an environment

naturally suggests that crime may be prevented and controlled. Paul Bartingan and Frederick

Faust, as cited in Matsukawa and Tatsuki (1976), compared this idea to immunology and public

health. Primary prevention aims to prevent the impact of disease or injury from occurring by

maintaining a healthier population and avoiding unhealthy behavior. Secondary crime prevention

aims to reduce the impact of a disease or injury by treating it as soon as possible, and tertiary

crime prevention aims to soften the impact of an ongoing illness or injury through rehabilitation

and livelihood support. Primary crime prevention aims to prevent crime from occurring by

creating and maintaining safe environments from a criminology perspective. Secondary crime

prevention aims to address incivilities and deviances before they lead to criminal activities, and

tertiary crime prevention seeks to rehabilitate offenders through punishments, corrections,

probation, parole, and community support. One approach to crime prevention was based on the

concept of the crime prevention triangle: desire, ability, and opportunity. According to Hallock

(2001), as cited in Gubatan (2011), taking away any of the three elements of the crime triangle,

prevents the occurrence of crime. He further suggested that opportunity is the most natural

component to control, which can break the crime prevention triangle to win the battle against

crime. Under United Nations standards and norms on crime prevention, UNODC contributes to

crime prevention and control for international and national efforts. UNODC assists member

states in enhancing the ability of primary crime prevention actors and systems to be more

productive with particular attention to weaker groups. UNODC also focuses on creating

specialized tools and manuals in support of policymaking and the delivery of technical

assistance. Addressing the UN Security Council, The United Nations Secretary-General observed

that in matters of justice, prevention is worth better than a cure. Prevention is the first imperative

of justice o, the prevention of crime is the keystone requirement for the establishment of a safe

and secure society, the achievement of which is a prerequisite for healthy economic growth

through continuing business investment as well as community wellbeing cohesion (Homel,

2009). In the Philippines, Republic Act 6975 or the "Department of Interior and Local

Government (DILG ) Act of 1990", as amended directs the National Police Commission to

recommend to the President, through the Secretary of the DILG a national crime prevention

program. The NAPOLCOM developed the 2019 National Crime Prevention Program (NCPP)

through its Technical Committee on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, an ad-hoc

interdisciplinary body composed of acknowledged experts from government agencies and non-

government agencies involved in the criminal justice system. To ensure the success of the NCPP,

the office of the President issued Memorandum Circular Order No. 66, which directs all

government agencies and local government units to support the same. The 11th United Nations

(UN) Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in 2005 provides an account of the

development of the Community Oriented Policing System (COPS) adopted in the Philippines in

1994. It is a part of the national anti-crime strategy, which is now included in the National Crime

Prevention Program adopted in 2004. Accordingly, the COPS program is 'people-powered' and

utilizes the first projects to explain its pros. In 1986, the first initiative BAC-UP was developed

in Bacolod City modeled on the Japanese 'Koban' system. It displayed decentralized community-

based police stations at the local level. The project developed solid police-community links at the

local level, which has continued to grow and been sustained over 18 years. The COPS system is

built on the same principles of utmost integrity, trust, participation, and civic-mindedness of both

officials and citizens (Braga & Weisburd, 2001).

The Philippine National Police said crime prevention remains a top priority to ensure public

security and safety but needs the community's active support and cooperation. Cooperation

stakeholders are the primary key and should be done to maintain safety in the community.

Citizens are encouraged to report and become volunteers by informing the PNP about suspicious

movement of persons such as modus operandi in their area.(Patoza, 2018) In the local setting,

Quilang (2017) claims that the type of living conditions and social environment in Baguio City

accompanied by urbanization has also affected crime trends. For instance, in urban areas, a crime

such as theft, robbery, violent crime, and drug-related crime has drastically increased.

Simultaneously, the type of offenses executed by organized criminals, juveniles, and foreigners

become more grave. This event generates "feelings of insecurity" in many people, especially

those living in urban areas. This increase in crime has adversely affected the "quality of life" in

the community and poses a serious cause of hindrance to the sustainable growth of a country

Recently, however, according to reports released by the Baguio City Police Office, the crime rate

in Baguio City continuous to decrease. This decline is due to the implementation of different

programs, and interventions by the police force to uphold the peace and order situation. The

same has placed the country's summer capital one of the most peaceful cities in the country and

the Southeast Asian region over the past years. Therefore, the city is a desirable place to study

crime prevention activities. Carroll (2019) emphasized that effective crime prevention requires

individuals, communities, businesses, and all levels of government to work cohesively in a

coordinated way to develop and implement effective strategies to address the causes of crime.

Also, community crime prevention programs need appropriate and sufficient funding. Resources

should be structured under subsidiary principles, which demand that resources and

responsibilities be given and assigned at the lowest level of government feasible. An engaged

approach to funding with clear parameters will help to ensure that the program's funding aligns

with and can achieve the central government's strategic plan. The benefits of the contractual

arrangement include leveraging local knowledge by engaging local government and community

organizations and empowering communities Zvekic (1993), as cited in Dasayon (2013), states

that crime prevention strategy should include several aspects in his theory on Citizens'

Experience with Crime Prevention. It should promote active crime prevention policies and the

development of long-term plans. There is also a need to improve coordination of crime

prevention activities at the national, regional, and local levels. Law enforcement and criminal

justice should promote the safety and security of person and property; treatment of victims with

respect and understanding of their needs; regular monitoring of crime prevention programs,

based on reliable information, analysis and public discussion with all parties involved. In the

1970s in England & Wales, the mainstream of social welfare services was generally provided

through generic service delivery structures. Teams of social workers were organized to be close

to the communities and served to provide those communities with a wide range of services -

largely in response to the expressed needs of these communities. As we moved into the 1980s,

however, these generically organized teams began to separate into several discrete specialisms.

New team structures were developed to provide specialist services to specific client groups,

largely within the government's policy agenda and a rearticulated professional philosophy

couched in preventative terms. And, quite naturally, these specialist teams increasingly grew to

define their role in terms of the internal imperatives of their area of work. (Haines, 2019) The

neighborhood watch has often been characterized as one of the most widespread means of

decreasing crime. It is recommended by the UK and United States governments and is prevalent

among the society and the police (Sims, 2001). Holloway and Bennett's (2008) research review

furnishes some proof that neighborhood watch can be efficient in reducing crime; yet, the results

of evaluations are mixed and note that some programs work well while others seem to work less

well or not at all. There are several possible motivations for this. Rosenbaum (1987) groups these

reasons under three general subjects: (1) measurement failure, (2) program failure, and (3)theory

failure. Measurement failure indicates that the evaluation missed measuring the accurate program

result because the research design used to evaluate it was inadequate. Program failure means that

the Neighborhood watch program did not display a positive result because the program was not

adequately strong to bring about the effects sought. Theory failure indicates that the principles on

which neighborhood watch is based are incorrect—that the offered device by which

neighborhood watch is supposed to prevent crime is incorrect. Aquino, Pila, and Buraga (2016),

in their effort to assess the crime prevention activities in Mandaluyong City, revealed that the

PNP conducts enhanced Police Integrated Patrol Systems (PIPS), deploys Tactical Motorized

Riders on perceived crime-prone areas, saturation drives among others. The respondents from the

business, education, health, and youth sectors appraised the crime prevention efforts as

moderately. The crime prevention activities of the barangay, on the other hand, is assessed as

effective. All the barangays have organized a group of Barangay Tanod, which helps maintain

the peace and order situation in their respective places. Data also show that they received good

benefits in cash and in-kind while serving their barangay constituents. The youth, however, find

the barangay officials not fully efficient probably because they were affected by the restrictions

and were deprived of their enjoyment, especially the curfew hours where they have to observe.

While the study assesses crime prevention activities based on the perception of the end receivers,

which is rational, comprehensive assessment of activities should be based on results and not

perception alone.

Under NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2015-342 dated July 21, 2015, NAPOLCOM adopted the

Community and Service-Oriented Policing (CSOP) System as the foundation of community-

oriented policing and crime prevention strategy. The CSOP System refers to the promotion of

peace and order and public safety and strengthening of local government capability aimed

towards the effective delivery of essential services to the citizenry. It shall be undertaken through

collaboration and cooperation between the local executives and citizenry, the integrated law

enforcement agencies through program or project implementation, and sharing funds and

logistics. According to the PNP Managing Patrol Operations Manual (2015), the PNP strategy in

crime prevention, which the institution has advocated to be complete and holistic, is composed of

three mechanisms, namely police visibility, law enforcement, and police-community partnership.

Police presence is done by deploying various activities such as area patrol, community

engagement, and other related policing activities to respond to situations that warrant police

assistance or intervention. Law enforcement, as one mechanism, is the implementation of laws

and ordinances through police operations, investigation, apprehension of suspects, or convicted

offenders. Police community partnership applies the philosophy of community policing, which

emphasizes the collaboration between the police and the community in settling peace and order

issues towards a healthy and harmonious society. The point of peace in order is seen as a shared

responsibility. The community becomes the force multiplier of the police. Barangay Tanods.

This is equivalent to civilian police in the place. The barangay tanod brigade plays an essential

role in the development of the barangay. It is one of the implementing means of the Barangay

Peace and Order Committee (BPOC), which has the fundamental task of ensuring that peace and

order prevail in the barangay. Chapter 4 Section 391 No. 16, of the Republic Act 7160 or the

Local Government Code of 1991, mandates the Sangguniang Barangay, as the legislative body

of the barangay, to provide for the organization of community brigade, barangay tanod or

community service unit as may be necessary. The Punong Barangay shall supervise the barangay


Regular Patrolling is done to make the community feel the police and the official’s

presence and dedication to implementing the law and readiness to apprehend violators. Barangay

tanods with barangay officials are conducting patrol every night from 9 PM to 5 AM when law

violators such as thieves are expected to carry out their plans. This is also geared to implement

the anti-curfew ordinance among minors. Further, more efforts are given at night, considering

that it is the time when possible altercations happen due to drunkenness and accidents. This

manifests that, indeed, community-based policing is being observed in the area. The barangay

itself has developed a scheme to prevent crimes and not merely relying on police operations.

Perhaps the most persuasive case for community policing is its capacity to improve relations

between the police and residents by sharing responsibility for addressing community.

problems. Community policing emphasizes preventing crime before it is committed by

encouraging community residents to become the "eyes and ears" of the police. Furthermore, the

ratio of police officers to possible crime targets is meager. Officers are not likely to encounter

crimes in routine patrols, so the community must participate in patrolling (Rohe, Adams, Arcury,

1997). Furthermore, enhanced police visibility may not always work or may fail to address

criminality. The police need to share the mantle of responsibilityfor fighting crime with the

members of the community. Community cooperation and support isindispensable. The PNP's

primary mission expressly provides that peace and order andpublic safety can only be attained

with the active involvement of the community (BPAT Manual, 2009). For the police, routine

patrolling is conducted based on a schedule. Accordingly, BCPO Sation 3 has a deployment

scheme or plan wherein identified personnel will patrol the vicinity of a place under their area of

responsibility on specified dates. Automobile patrol is commonly used to rove around the

barangay. The patrol officers will then stop for several minutes at some locations, such as points

of convergence, to ensure safety and develop police omnipresence. The community informants

confirmed these identified activities. This proves that the PNP vigorously pursued its operational

programs with the implementation of LOI 63,/2010 Police Integrated Patrol System (PIPS) dated

November 27, 2012, directing all units to enhance crime prevention and solution. The LOI calls

for the pursuit and intensification of high visibility (foot and mobile patrols) and other police

interventions. Patrol activities are considered as the primary activity conducted by the

implementers in the effort of preventing crimes in the barangay. These activities are held so that

police and its auxiliaries can be seen and felt by the community. Patrol is a way to employ

presence, which is a significant crime deterrent to reduce if not eliminate the opportunity to

commit a crime. Patrol officers, daily, acquire first-hand information and experience on the

situation in the community, particularly identifying crime-prone areas and usual suspects or

recidivists. Hence, the conduct of patrol and the appropriate deployment of patrol officers to

reduce crimes is an indispensable component of policing (PNP Managing Patrol Operations

Manual, 2015).

To the end of barangay officials, they encounter a lack of civilian volunteers conducting crime

prevention activities such as patrolling and disaster-preparedness activities. This is because, at

the moment, there are only three active barangay tanods who helps in the peace and order efforts

of the barangay for more than 400 households. That number cannotbe all covered even with the

number of tanods and officials combined. Further, inactive Sangguniang Kabataan involvement

was noted. While it is true that that peace and order might not be at the top of their concerns,

their participation would be beneficial in encouraging their fellow youth to take part in building a

safer community to live. Community participation in crime prevention and criminal justice

involves the active cooperation of residents and organizations and has a long history of

accomplishments in many countries around the world. Community involvement has become an

essential component of crime prevention in all kinds of partnerships involving municipalities, the

police, schools, health and social services, and the private sector (United Nations Congress,

2015). The problem of lack of community volunteers accordingly may have various reasons

behind such as not having enough time, people naturally only give when they have something in

return, or as simple as no one asked them (Beck,2015). Encouraging residents to volunteer by

various means can be fruitful to address this problem.


An Assessment of the Role of Barangay Tanods in Mainstreaming

Peace and Order

The present weak economic condition that we confront increases the risk of securing life and

property and maintaining Peace and Order. Day by day, crimes happen around us, which we

cannot simply disregard. The limited number of our policemen given the low salary they receive

can hardly cope in reducing the rate of criminality. Given this scenario, the Barangay can

provide some assistance in terms of providing supplementary force to our police officers and

Barangay officials and complementing the effort of deterring crimes in the community level.

Barangay Tanods are at the forefront in maintaining Peace and Order in every Barangay. They

serve as effective and indispensable instrument of even the smallest Local Government Unit

(LGU) in pursuing its vision of effective and efficient governance. They are composed of

civilian volunteers guarding our own neighborhood from lawless elements and they have proven

their worth in the prevention of crime by serving as deterrent to criminals especially in areas

where policemen are scarce. Armed with nightsticks, they are often exposed to dangers.

Although they are given some incentives pursuant to the Local Government Code, these are

often not commensurate to the type of risks that are inherent in the nature of the job that they

perform. Given this setting, a look into the nature of the jobs of Barangay Tanod, its impact and

limitations as well as prospects of maximizing their services to enhance national security proved

to be not only timely but also necessary.

The study was conducted in order to provide policy makers some ideas on nature of the job

Barangay Tanods perform, the risks involved and the type of support that they need from the

community and other government institutions. It is actually an attempt to assess whether the

functions and duties of Barangay Tanods are defined in appropriate legislation’s or issuance’s

and is there a need for any remedial legislation that can help maximize the potential of the

Tanods in maintaining Peace and Order and eventually, ensuring National Security.

What factors contribute to the maximum utilization of the services of Barangay Tanods in

maintaining Peace and Order? These have been answered in this study including the

identification of problems and issues that affect the effective performance of the Tanods.

Local Government Officials and practitioners can also benefit from the study for they can have a

first hand account of how Barangay tanods perceived their role as well as how the community

can better support them. Understanding their role can lead to better execution of existing laws

affecting Barangays and adoption of policies that may enhance Barangay Tanods participation in

the area of monitoring peace and order.

The result of the study highlights the need to professionalize our Barangay Tanods thus,

facilitating the standardization of their selection and recruitment that can ultimately contribute to

boosting their morale.


An enhanced performance of the Barangay Tanods definitely redounds to the benefit of every

individual consisting of the community, while a peaceful community help support a stable


The assessment is limited only to the Province of Laguna, consisting of selected municipalities

and the City of San Pablo. In conducting the study, the researcher deeply immersed himself in

the local environment of each constituent Barangay, talking with ordinary folks, listening to their

thoughts before starting the conduct of survey. As a duly elected official of the province, he

started informally his research by making the intended subject a recipient of his provincial

allocation. In distributing bicycles for Peace and Order Patrol, he did not only win the heart of

the community but also the support of the unrecognized force multipliers who risked their lives

and limbs over a little above P450.00. An array of existing related literature as well as newspaper

articles helped the author complete his assessment. Interview with stakeholders, local

government officials, as well as focused group discussion among experts, were also conducted to

deepen the assessment of Barangay Tanods Performance.

The study has shown that indeed Barangay Tanods are useful to the community. At present,

Barangay Tanods are considered not only as force multipliers but also important partners in

preserving the environment and useful public information dissemination agents: No less than the

President of the land had admitted the usefulness of our Barangay Tanods not only in anti-

terrorist campaign but also in equally important government operation such as the recent Severe

Acute Respiratory Syndroms (SARS) campaign.

The results show the positive approval rating of the respondents when asked about the

effectiveness of Barangay Tanods on various services that they render.


As shown in the table, not only are our Barangay Tanods perceived as effective in maintaining

Peace and Order and in reducing crimes but also they proved helpful in gathering and giving of


It was observed that the lowest mark was attained at the area where presence of Barangay

Tanods was perceived as deterrence to commission of crimes. However, in a speech delivered by

Her Excellency GLORIA MACAPAGAL ARROYO, the President also noted the important role

community watchmen play in deterring the commission of crimes.

“The Barangay Tanod is a potent force to reckon with in terms of extending technical and

operational support to our policemen in the campaign against criminality especially street

crimes,” The Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) chief, Secretary Jose D.

Lina Jr., said. They could be tapped for intelligence gathering and patrolling thus, enhancing

police visibility in the Barangay, and even during emergency and disaster operations, he added.

An interesting observation can be traced in the result of the survey. While majority of the

respondents feel that the Barangay Tanod should be clothed with police power, a significant

portion of the respondent also do not believe that they should be provided with firearms. The

delegation of police power will all the more put into significance the professionalization of the

Barangay Tanods so as to ensure that they are not prone to abuse the powers delegated to them.

Among the perceived problems, the low salary and incentives given proved to be the most


In terms of public awareness of success stories of Tanods participation in cases that lead to arrest

or crime resolution, only 20.7% are not aware. At least 22.5% of the respondents know a lot

while 47.4% know some.


When asked about what options or alternatives can help improve the service delivery of the

Barangay Tanods, professionalization proved to be the top most choice.

The state recognized the integral role of Barangay Tanod in community governance and as an

indispensable instrument in the maintenance and protection of peace and order as evidenced by

specific provisions in the Local Government Code providing limited benefits and privileges for

its members. However, such benefits are still not commensurate with the services and the

commitment being provided by the Barangay Tanod members.

Barangay Tanods share with law enforcers a coordinative role in the total effort to check social

and economic problems that affect their communities. They serve as partners of law enforcers in

the fight against criminality especially street crimes. Not only are they considered as effective

force multipliers but also reliable partners of the government in its various program, from

information dissemination to protection of the environment.

The study has shown that the effectiveness of the performance of Barangay Tanod depends on

the support of the community and the institution where he belongs and his own perception and

attitudes towards his role. Results have shown the willingness of respondents consisting of local

community residents to provide him with support, be it food during ronda or even legal support.

The state or condition of the Barangay Tanods at present leaves them highly vulnerable to the

weaknesses of the very institutions where they belong. Unless the hiring and selection process

are professionalized, they will continue to be eternally beholden to those who appointed them.

The following are the recommended courses of actions based on the results of the study.

1. Conduct further professionalization and other skills training for the Tanods to enable them to

muster enough confidence in the performance of their duties. Appropriate basic and advanced

knowledge, attitude and skills vital to the performance of their function should likewise be


2. Given the important contribution of the Tanods, the Local Government Units should endeavor

to lobby for the approval of pending bills at the lower and upper houses that would increase the

benefit of the Tanods such:

3. Utilization of tri-media should be fully optimized highlighting the role of Barangay Tanods in

keeping the community safe and secured and its role in national security. Cases where Barangay

Tanods had helped in the resolution should be compiled and if possible should be given wide


4. The LGUs should tap the service of “Karate groups, Judo enthusiasts, and the likes and

enter into Memorandum of Agreement with these organizations to tap their services in the

enhancement of fighting skills of Tanods. When it comes to investigation skills and ability, the

LGUs may invite resource speakers from the DILG and NBI.

5. The LGUs my also explore the possibility of building linkages with church organizations and

civil society at large who can readily help in the recognition and promotion of assistance to the

Barangay Tanods. This can further encourage mobility and support for the plight of the Barangay

Tanods that can hardly be attended to by the Government due to limited resources.

Implications to National Security

It is undeniable that in the governments drive against criminality, Barangay Tanods play a

critical role and in the process contributes to maintaining Peace and Order and eventually

ensuring National Security. Peace and Order creates a stable political environment that

encourages growth and development.

More than anything else, the study has shown that the Barangay Tanods are not only efficient

force mutipliers and an effective agent at the cutting edge of the Governments fight against crime

for they had also helped the government win the hearts and minds of the people.

Performance of Barangay Police Security Officer (BPSO) or Tanod in Maintaining Peace

and Order

Mary Chris Austria-Cruz

Peace and order is an essential ingredient in maintaining economic development, social order and

political stability (Bayan, 2011). According to the Local Government Code of 1991, Republic

Act No. 7160, the role of the Barangay in assures the peace and order in the barangay level.

Pursuant to DILG Memorandum Circular 2003-42, professionalizing these BPSOs ensures that

peace and order and public reference to public safety. As the basic political unit, the creation of

the Barangay Police Security Officers/ BPSOs, otherwise commonly known as “Barangay

Tanods,”security are sustained as the key factor in Barangay's growth. Provided in the DILG's

trainers guidebook, the barangay tanod's duties and responsibilities include: assisting barangay

officials in crime prevention and promoting public safety through patrolling/"ronda", reporting to

the offices concerned of any disruptions or unjust events, tracking the presence and actions of

criminals and illegal elements; assisting police and “lupongtagapamayapa” in the execution of

warrants and other judicial proceedings; and assisting barangay officials in the enforcement of

national and local laws; and other means deemed appropriate in the prevention of crime. Public

safety or its absence, impacts the lives of everyone (Moore & Braga, 2004). Under NAPOLCOM

Memorandum Circular 2008-013, the Barangay Police Security Officers serving as an auxiliary

of the Philippine National Police, are considered as force multiplier. Though barangay police or

“tanod” works on a voluntary-basis, they do not hesitate to risk their lives just to ensure the

security of the people in their respective Barangay (Benitez, 2013).According to De Jesus

(2018), Usec. Diño said he would push for a bill that would grant rights for barangay watchmen

to receive medical and housing benefits, as well as legal assistance and right to security of

tenure. According to Shoemaker (1996), It is argued that, due to lack of resources, conventional

socialization practices and the value of the barangay justice system, juvenile courts and

correctional facilities are used less often than the juvenile code would suggest and this situation

is likely to continue. Several businesses are already introducing programs to help motivate the

public even from the level of barangay, as a way to help curb rising crime incidences

(Samaniego, 2015).

Driven by these foregoing insights, the researchers found it was interesting to assess the

barangay police security officer’s performance in maintaining peace and order and as an avenue

for access of security on the local setting. The researchers conducted the study based on the

performance of BPSO duties and responsibilities as provided under the Memorandum Circular




This will tackle the different methodologies and procedures used by the researcher in

doing his research study. It includes research design through the use of descriptive survey

method, the research locale wherein the study conducted. It also includes the instruments used

in collecting and gathering the data, as well as the statistical tools used in interpreting and

analyzing the data.

Research Design

The study is a descriptive-quantitative research. As a descriptive research, it is concerned

with the prevailing or existing status of the present study. In this method, the researcher aims to

determine the Problems Encountered by the Barangay Tanod During Night Time Patrol to

Prevent Crime. For quantitative research, statistical operations will be used to concretize its

results. According to Manuel and Mendal (1998), descriptive research involves the description,

recording, analysis and interpretation of the present nature, composition of processes of

phenomena. The term descriptive research refers to the type research question, design, and data

analysis that will be applied to a given topic. Descriptive statistics tell what is, while inferential

statistics try to determine cause and effect. This type of question asked by the researcher will

ultimately determine the type of approach necessary to complete an accurate assessment of the

topic at hand. The main goal of this type of research is to describe the data and characteristics

about what is being studied. The idea behind this type of research is to study frequency,

averages, and other statistical circulations. To achieve the aim of the study, purposive quota

sampling method to the focused barangay tanods of selected barangay in Pagbilao, Quezon will

be initiated. Selected 50 baragay tanods will be responding on the survey questionnaire designed

to collect the quantitative data. The aforementioned instrument will explain the purpose of the

study and provide the consent form of the participants. The instrument will be divided into 3

parts. Each parts is described on the research instruments.

Research Locale

The researcher conducted his research in the following barangays in Pagbilao, Quezon.

namely; Barangay 1, Barangay 2, Barangay 3, Barangay 4, Barangay 5, Barangay 6, Barangay 7

and Barangay 8. The researcher chose these barangay because he is a resident of Pagbilao and he

may feel at ease to communicate well with the barangay tanods of the following barangays

mentioned above.


A total of 50 barangay tanods will be the respondents of the study. They will be

described according to their demographic profile such as age, gender, years of service, and

educational attainment. The respondents will be required to respond to the survey questionnaires

made by the researcher. There are no negative items. Scores were taken for overall score of an


Sampling Procedure

The aim of the study is to determine The Problems Encounter by the Barangay Tanods in

Night Time Patrol to Prevent Crime. In choosing the respondents, a purposive quota sampling

technique will be used. As the term implies, the sample will contain people who meet a certain

criteria- Barangay tanods of selected barangay in Pagbilao, Quezon.

Research Instrument

The instrument will be divided into 3 parts. Part 1 will contain questions related to

respondents’ demographic profile that includes age, gender, and years of service and educational

attainment. Part 2 will seek how serious are the problems encountered by the Barangay Tanod in

crime prevention. They will answer the questions using a 4-point Likert-type scale ranging from

“very serious” to “not serious at all.” Part 3 of the survey will ask the respondents to know

activity plan which can be proposed to enhance the effectiveness of Barangay Tanod in Crime

Prevention. They will respond to the questions using a 4-point Likert-type scale ranging from

“Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree.”

Data Gathering Procedures

To gather and measure information on the variables presented in this research, a

systematic quantitative data collection will be employed. Quantitative data collection is

numerical in nature and can be mathematically computed. This research will use the Likert scale

to respond on the standardized self-administered survey questionnaires. Thus, it is convenient to

implement and the effects can be measured. In choosing the respondents, a purposive quota

sampling technique will be used. Research instruments will include demographic questions to

help respondents to start comfortably. After administering the questionnaires with utmost

confidentiality, the data gathered will be organized, summarized, interpreted, and generalized.

First, the data will be organized to check for completeness and accuracy. Data will be entered by

hand and by computer (excel spreadsheet) to compute the frequencies, percentage, mean, mode,

median, range, standard deviation, variance, ranking and cross tabulation. Second, information

will be interpreted through fair and careful judgments. Next, the scope and limitations of the

study will be explicitly reported through graphical representations to show and give overview of

the data. Finally, findings and conclusions will be presented and supported by relevant theories

and researches.

Statistical Treatment

Since the study is a descriptive research, some descriptive statistics will be used like frequency

and percentage distribution of the statistical needed in certain problems depend upon the nature

of it.

To solve the problem presented in the study, the researcher will use the following statistical


1. Percentage. It will be used in describing the demographic profile of the respondents in terms

of birth year and age and gender. The percentage formula can be defined as the result of the

quotient of the number of responses (ƒ) divided by the total number of the respondents (n)

multiplied by one hundred, in mathematical terms:

P= x 100

2. Weighted Value. It was used in determining the value of each scale per statement. The

formula for weighted value can be defined as the product of the frequency (ƒ) and scale (x), in

mathematical terms:

WV =fx

3. Total Weighted Value. It was used in determining the final value of each item in the

questionnaire. The formula can be defined in the summation of the weighted values (WV) per

item, in mathematical terms:


4. Weighted Mean. It will be used in determining the final weight of each item in the

questionnaire. The formula for mean can be defined as the summation of the frequency (ƒ) and

scale (x) divided by the total number of the respondents (n), in mathematical terms:


5. General Weighted Mean. It will be used in determining the final weighted mean of all the

items in each part in the questionnaire. The formula for general weighted 22 | Page mean can be

defined as the summation of weighted means (WM) divided by the total number of items (n). In

mathematical terms:

∑ WM

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