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042008 @ Memorandum Ie) DATE 10 SUBJECT CITY OF DALLAS June 11, 2004 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council History and Status of Hensley Field ‘On June 16, 2004, you will be briefed on the History and Status of Hensley Fiold, The briefing materials are attached, If can provide additional information, please contact me. Ge Dyce alone Assistant City Manager ‘Attachment Cc: Mary K. Suhm, Interim City Manager Ramiro Salazar, Interim Assistant City Manager Charles W. Daniels, Assistant Clty Manager JIA. Jordan, P.E., Assistant City Manager Ramon F. Miguez, P-E., Assistant City Manager Shirley A. Acy, City Secretary Madeleine B, Johnson, City Attorney ‘Thomas M. Taylor, City Auditor Judge Jay Robinson Dave Cook, Chief Financial Officer ‘Theresa O'Donnell, Director, Development Services ine OVOOHHOKOLHD OD DED HOO ONOKYE History and Status of Hensley Field City. Council Briefing Department of Development Services June 16,.2004 Legal Settlement * Current facility ens ley Established - 1929 = = = > 2 = a 2 = 2 = = = = = 2 l= = 2 oe = = = = = History * Total Land Purchase & improvements by City of Dallas — 1928-1949: approximately 787 acres — 4-tunways; 2-hangars; 4-residential buildings; 2-common buildings; 1-train depot * Utilized solely for military purposes for 70 years -- 1929 - 1999 — 1929 Lease with Army Air Corps * Terminated 1949, assumed by US Navy — 1949 Lease with Navy * Terminated May 10, 1999 — 1941 Deed with Navy (30 acres) * Title reverted to City, May 10, 1999 800770 ® ao DpOd DODD ODED DOORN DODODD Hensley Field Milestones ¢ September 1993 — Naval Air Station, Dallas included in the 1994 Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)list ¢ 1997 — Peace Prairie lease * Sept. 1998 — 1% non-military tenant — TXU ¢ Nov. 1998 — State grant for water/wastewater main project 800660 Hensley Field Milestones * May 1999 - Navy terminates lease with City ¢ June 1999 — Air Force Lease May 2001 — City files damage claim against U.S. Navy * September 2001 — Served Navy with Notice of Intention to Sue for environmental conditions = = = 2 2 > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 2 = = = ] ‘Hensley Field Milestones * June 2002 — Jefferson Blvd. — City annexes a portion of Jefferson Blvd., from S.E. 14% - Camden Road — City enters into Interlocal Agreement with Grand Prairie on Jefferson Blvd. improvements ¢ August 2002 — Legal Settlement reached Hensley Field Milestones * April 2003 ~ Jefferson Blvd., improvements project begins — Total project - $1,102,897 * City of Dallas - $699,297 * City of Grand Prairie - $403,600 * July 2003 — City completes water/wastewater main project — Total project — * State grant - $920,000 * Air Force - $1,000,965 * TXU - $1,740,000 OOOOCCCCECO OCHRE CEE EE i ew ley Legal Action me? (ey ¢ Legal Action * May 2001 - City files damage claim against Navy 2° September 2001 — City delivers Notice sey = Of Intent to Sue for environmental issues m= toNavy as: August 2002 — Legal Settlement j reached 2 = = = = a> a= = = @ > = = = ae = = = Legal Claims ¢ Property Conditions — Runway — Infrastructure — Buildings — Fencing — Erosion DOOTOO OO DERE ODO DOOTTO® 800800 Legal Claims Environmental — Clean-up level — Schedule — Asbestos — Lead-based paint = 2 = = = = = = @ o = 2 = = = 2 = = 2 > = = => = Legal Settlement ¢ Legal Settlement provided: — Navy to remediate soils and groundwater to residential standards * Soils within 3 years * Groundwater within 15 years — Navy to perform additional asbestos and lead- based paint abatement — Demolition of buildings — Work to be completed within 3 years (except groundwater) = = 2 = = = 2 = = = = = = 2 = = 2 2 = a 2 = > Legal Settlement * Legal Settlement provided: — Payment to City of $18.55 million for claims related to Navy's failure to maintain and/or repair property voood 2 = 2 = eo = = = = = 2 = 2 > = = => = Settlement Status To facilitate the Navy’s = work, Hensley Field was closed and marketing/tours of the site was suspended. Navy at 90% completion on soil remediation, abatement, demolition and restoration Rn0z00 Hensley Field Environmental Accomplishments and Milestones 2 = = = = = = = 2 = = > 2 = = eo 2 = = = = = = = = = 2 2 = = 2 zy = oe = @ = = a= 2 = 2 = 2 = = > => 2 Navy Work * Additional asbestos abatement* work (including steam chase tunnels) — 1,600 tons removed Residences continue to undergo lead- based paint abatement Demolition — 21 buildings demo required under agreement — Total actually removed by Navy — 35 Rn0ab0 = = > > = = = > = = = = = = => > = Soil Remediation * Contaminated soil removal(includes pond sediments, landfill removal and soils from 84 sites — 142,500 cy (7,125 semi-truck loads) One additional site remaining — 10,700 cy - removed (535 semi-truck loads) — 33,300 cy - remaining (1,665 semi-truck loads) = > => => = = 2 = 2 o> = => Remaining Work ¢ Identification and approval of location of permanent groundwater wells — Additional “dig” site has been identified ¢ Restoration of 85 work sites RN0ZbO 042008 lity o @ LL “ c © — — a O Hensley Field Hensley Field — 730 acres : 4 active leaseholds (189 acres) City services relocation (40 - 45 acres) Approximate 494 acres available Located adjacent to Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant (NWIRP) — Tenant - Vought Aircraft Industries 1g Texas Military Facilities Commission — Army Guard + LandLease , * April 1975 — April 2039 * 40 acres - $480 * $3,000,000 improvements ~ Peace Prairie * Land and Facilities * July 1997 — July 2022 * 107 acres + 2 buildings - $364,522 adjust every 3 years + $5.5 million improvements 8002%0 Leaseholds TXU — Land and 3 buildings * September 1998 — August 2008 * 10-year option => * 10 acres - $396,752 — => adjusted every 3 years * $3 million improvements Leaseholds U.S. Air Force — Land and 12 buildings — April 2003 — April 2043 — $1,800 annually — $1 million water/wastewater mains — Demolition of 3 buildings — Street maintenance Current Facilities Runway — 8,300 ft Facilities — 3 Office buildings — 3 Hangar facilities (177,295 sq. ft.) — 9 various — Fire Station Rail Spur Water/Wastewater mains > a? > > Area Descriptions * Section “A” — 2- Hangars” — 3-Aviation support buildings — 2-office buildings — 2- residences * Section “B” — 1-Office Building — 55 acres raw land* * Section “C” — 1-Hangar — 20 acres raw land* Runway Erosion Storm Sewer replacement/repair Roofing/repairs Demolition Fencing Building Clean-out Landscape

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