Reflective Essay On Malto's Case

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Ivan Joshua Gabriel P.

Pacete – 1SE February 13, 2019

Reflective Essay- John Malto (G.R. No. 164733)

A savage sexual predator that hunts innocent and vulnerable sexual preys.
This is the image I perceived to Michael John Malto Y. Zarsadias, 28 years old
who committed lascivious acts and sexual assaults against his female student hidden in
a pseudonym “AAA”, 17 years of age. What Malto had taken in action was a deviance
against the law of the land. Consequently, the language of the law is clear: it seeks to
Taking a glimpse in the time of incident (1997), AAA whose in tender age was a
college student at the Assumption College, Makati City. Meanwhile, the petitioner had
been her professor in Philosophy II class. As the time ticks, Malto had shown sexual
motives and desires to AAA evident by the attempt of watching pornographic videos at
Anito Lodge but failed to execute his plans because there was no video cassette player
in the room.
Things got worse, it was followed by aphrodisiac and erotic texting and calling of
the two and eventually lead to amorous relationship. Shortly, the two indulged in a
prohibited affiliation where AAA was forced, demoralized and pressured to make sex
with him.
This is where the fragility and innocence of a young girl had broken. Her dignity
was tarnished. Her cloaked cloth that was once a resemblance of purity was stained. . .
just because of the culprit that exploited her. Certainly, Malto corrupts AAA for his own
vested interest.
This is not an isolated case; in fact, this is also evident in England. Jeremy
Forest is a Math teacher who shared the same experience with Malto. He was once
engaged with sexual assaults with his 15-year-old female student. Their relationship has
escalated to a level where they ran away together to France. Forest was charged and
sentence for an imprisonment.
It must be inferred that in every violent actions, there will be a response of
equated reactions. A reaction of imprisonment, accountability, and justice. Both similar
cases of Malto in Philippine context and Forest in an international viewpoints
showcased the absence of obedience in the law where personal interest tops than
moral values.
From these cases, it must be an eye opener to the government to craft and
enforce sharper laws in order to safeguard the vulnerability of a possible victim from
these emerging harm just like what happened to AAA. Though the Philippines has
already Republic Act 7836 or the Philippine Professionalization Act of 1994 and
Republic Act 7160 or the Revised Penal Code for Lascivious Conduct, it must be in a
forefront lens to be implemented. Once these laws soothed in the fibers of the teachers,
there will be no more deviance in laws and as a result there will be no more student who
will be at the brink of exploitation.
It must be reminded that the teachers are the prime movers of education which
served the best interest of students for nation building and not the perpetrators of sexual
acts. Therefore, teachers must stand in the image of professionalism that embodies this
noble profession.

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