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Daily test English



1. Tina: Do you have pets?

Rani: Yes, I have a...
a. Cow
b. Rabbit
c. Snake
2. My uncle rides a...
a. Cow
b. Horse
c. Camel
3. Below are the kinds of farm animals, except...
a. Pig
b. Chicken
c. Tiger
4. Below are the kinds of wild animals, except...
a. Snake
b. Goat
c. Lion
5. Below are the kinds of domestic animals, except...
a. Cat
b. Dog
c. Snake

1. Anjing 9. Kuda
2. Kelinci 10. Kucing
3. Domba 11. Burung
4. Sapi 12. Ayam
5. Hamster
6. Bebek
7. Tikus
8. Babi7

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