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English Remedial



Read the paragraph and change some words in the bracket by using Regular/Irregular

Last week, I ...(1) up early in the morning. It was sunny and hot. My mom was in the kitchen
and breakfast was ready for me. After the breakfast, my mom ...(2) me to accompany her to
the supermarket. I was ...(3) when my mom ... (4) a large reusable shopping bag, I have never
seen that before!

1. a. wake

b. wakes

c. waking

d. woke

2. a. ask

b. asking

c. asked

d. asks

3. a. shocked

b. shocks

c. shocking

d. shockked

4. a. brought

b. bring

c. wear

d. wore
5. Mina...about her plan last month
a. forget
b. forgetten
c. forgot

d. forgotten

6. Ghania : What time is it?

Aisyah : It is . . .

a.    half-past eight

b.    eight past half

c.    half past seven

d. nine o’clock

7. “11.53” change it to sentence!

a. quarter past eleven

b. half to seven

c. eleven fifty-three

d. quarter to eleven

Read the text to answer questions number 8-10!

My name is Talitha. These are my friends, Their names are Rita, Jullie, and Pricillia. Rita is
12 years old. Her real names is Ritania but we always call her Rita. She likes to cook. She
also loves to eat. Her favorite food is Rendang.

Jullie is also 12 years old. She likes to dance. She got a trophy for winning the dance
competition last year. I’m so proud of her.

Pricillia is my best friend. She is eleven years old, just like me. She likes animals so much
and her dream is to be a vet. Me, Rita, Jullie, and Pricillia go to the same school. Our school
is next to the park. After school we often play in the park. Our favorite game is volleyball.
8. What is Rita’s real name?

a. Ria

b. Riri

c. Ritania

d. Ritavia

9. What is Jullie’s hobby?

a. cooking

b. dancing

c. swimming

d. singing

10. Her favorite food is rendang.

the underlined word refers to...

a. Rita
b. Talitha
c. Jullie
d. Pricillia

11. I have a cat ... fur color is black and white. It looks like a cow.

a. its

b. my
c. her

d. his

12. Roby doesn’t know about a birthday surprise that was prepared for...
a. its
b. my
c. him
d. Their

13. That one is ... book. (Sinta)

a. she

b. Sinta

c. he

d. Sinta’s

Complete the conversations by using Possessive nouns!

Tina: Lula this is my friend, Ani.

Lula: hello Ani!

Ani: hi Lula!

Tina: Ani is also Rina ... (14) friend and ... (15) teacher is also our teacher too.

14. a. is

b. ‘s

c. s’

d. are

15. a. his

b. their

c. her

d. its

Fill in the blank with the correct answers!

16. (+) I graduated from elementary school

(-) ...................................................................

Complete the sentece with possessive adjective!

17. a. He forgot to write ... name on the test.

b. Susan, is that ... pen on the table?

Read the passage and answer the questions number 18, 19 and 20!

Last week, Beth baked a cake for Lilly's birthday party. Lilly wanted a strawberry cake with
pink frosting. Beth was happy to bake the cake.

First, Beth mixed the ingredients in a big bowl. Next, she poured the cake batter into four
round baking pans. She put the pans in the oven. Finally, she baked the cakes for 20 minutes.

Then, Beth prepared the pink frosting. After the cakes cooled, Beth stacked them and covered
them with frosting. Beth wrote Lilly's name on top with white frosting. She put seven candles
in the cake.

On Sunday, Beth surprised Lilly with the strawberry cake. Lilly loved her cake! Lilly had
many gifts for her birthday. But Lilly said her cake was the best gift of them all!

18. What kind of cake did Lily want for her birthday? who baked the cake?

19. What did Beth do first?

20. How did Lily feel about her cake?

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