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Brain & Language 127 (2013) 205–221

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Connections for auditory language in the human brain

Sarah M.E. Gierhan ⇑
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Department of Neuropsychology, Leipzig, Germany
Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The white matter bundles that underlie comprehension and production of language have been investi-
Available online 3 January 2013 gated for a number of years. Several studies have examined which fiber bundles (or tracts) are involved
in auditory language processing, and which kind of language information is transmitted by which fiber
Keywords: tract. However, there is much debate about exactly which fiber tracts are involved, their precise course
Language in the brain, how they should be named, and which functions they fulfill. Therefore, the present article
Syntax reviews the available language-related literature, and educes a neurocognitive model of the pathways
for auditory language processing. Besides providing an overview of the current methods used for relating
Neural pathways
White matter tracts
fiber anatomy to function, this article details the precise anatomy of the fiber tracts and their roles in pho-
Review nological, semantic and syntactic processing, articulation, and repetition.
! 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Additionally, it is not only unknown which fiber tracts

specifically contribute to language processing, and their precise
For over two decades, neuroscientist and linguists have inves- course, but there is also disagreement about the nomenclature of
tigated the cortical areas that enable humans to speak and to the fiber tracts and about the functions they subserve during
comprehend language (see, e.g., Price, 2010, for a recent review). language processing. The present article aims to provide an over-
However, a clear picture of how these cortical processing areas view of which fiber tracts support transmission of which linguistic
are connected for information propagation has remained elusive. information during auditory language processing.
As a result, a number of studies have been conducted recently, First, the methods used for exploring fiber tracts and relating
which investigate the anatomical connections between the corti- anatomy to function will be reviewed (Section 2). Second, the
cal areas, and their functions in language processing. However, anatomy and nomenclature of the fiber tracts that are discussed
this has still not resulted in a coherent picture, and it is, as yet, as participating in language processing are expounded (Section 3).
undetermined which connections contribute to language Last, the language functions will be stated that have been
processing and which specific linguistic information they transmit attributed to the different fiber tracts (Section 4). The focus is on
(Friederici, 2009, 2011; Weiller, Bormann, Saur, Musso, & Rijntjes, auditory language processing and its underlying left-hemispheric
2011). long-range association pathways, i.e., the structural connections
Anatomically, the connections materialize as bundles of white between the lobes of the left hemisphere.
matter, i.e., projections of nerve cells that proceed under the
surface from one cortex area to another. The cellular projections 2. Methods for accessing language fiber tracts
bundle during their course, and form so-called fiber tracts. These fi-
ber tracts enable cortical areas to communicate with each other by In the following two sections, the methods used for investigat-
transmitting information. However, there is much debate about ing the anatomy and functional roles of fiber tracts in the human
the precise course of the tracts: the brain divisions they pass brain are outlined. The first section clarifies the methods applied
through and the terminating regions. For example, tracts that were in pure anatomical examinations. The second section outlines the
previously regarded as one single fiber bundle have been shown, in methods applied when relating the anatomy to the underlying
non-human primates, to actually consist of various separate com- function.
ponents that pass through and connect different areas of the brain
(e.g., Petrides & Pandya, 1984). 2.1. Exploring the anatomy

⇑ Address: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2.1.1. Dissection
Stephanstraße 1a, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany. Fax: +49 341 9940 2260. In the exposed brain, dissection of the gray and white matter
E-mail address: can be performed (e.g., Martino et al., 2011). This allows the course

0093-934X/$ - see front matter ! 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
206 S.M.E. Gierhan / Brain & Language 127 (2013) 205–221

of the fiber bundles to be uncovered and studied in detail. cortical thickness analyses) or even a priori knowledge about the
However, with dissection it is rarely possible to study more than course of the fibers is consulted.
one fiber bundle simultaneously, because dissection is accompa-
nied by discreation of the covering brain structure. Moreover, 2.2. Relating anatomy to function
dissection methods can obviously only be applied post mortem.
2.2.1. Inference
2.1.2. Fiber tracking One deductive method for investigating the functions of fiber
In the living brain, fiber bundles can be studied when using a tracts is to compare the fiber tracts or diffusivity parameters of
specific diffusion weighted sequence in the magnetic resonance different species (e.g., humans vs. non-human primates), or
(MR) scanner, which measures the diffusivity of water molecules developmental stages (e.g., children vs. adults), against the back-
in the brain. Basser, Mattiello, and LeBihan (1994) showed that ground of what these groups are able to do. If a fiber tract is less
the principal diffusion direction of water in the brain is parallel pronounced in one group compared to another group, its function
to the fiber bundles. This local diffusion direction can be used by can be related to the behavioral ability that is less matured in the
a fiber tractography algorithm to reconstruct the fiber bundles one group, compared to the other group. Some researchers addi-
which exist in the brain (see Catani, Howard, Pajevic, & Jones, tionally calculate correlations between structure and function,
2002 for one of the first studies using fiber tractography, as well which makes this method more reliable.
as Catani & Thiebaut de Schotten, 2008). Starting from one or more
brain region(s) of interest (ROI), the principal diffusion direction 2.2.2. Lesion mapping
parallel to the fiber direction is traced. If the diffusion of the water The functions that underlie different fiber tracts can also be
molecules is highly parallel, the fibers are likely to be arranged in a studied by lesion mapping (e.g., Dronkers, Wilkins, van Valin, Red-
bundle. fern, & Jaeger, 2004; Tyler et al., 2011). To investigate language
There are multiple methods for reconstructing the fiber tracts, functions, lesion mapping is applied to patients that exhibit lan-
e.g., deterministic and probabilistic calculations (for details see, guage deficits: patients with speech or language disorders, patients
e.g., Mori, 2007). In deterministic tractography, one single diffusion with different types of aphasia, or patients with semantic dementia
direction per voxel is interpolated and followed to reconstruct the or schizophrenia. In this method, the white and gray matter
tract; in probabilistic tractography, the probability of a diffusion damage that causes the clinical symptoms is correlated with the
direction per voxel is calculated and a likelihood map of a tract is behavioral performance in language tasks.
reconstructed, which shows the probability that a particle tra- To reconstruct the damaged fiber tract, an image of the patient’s
verses the voxels of the tract. brain is overlaid with fiber tracts from images of healthy partici-
The amount of scientific insight that can be gained when study- pants’ brains, or fiber tracking is directly applied to the patient’s
ing the precise anatomy of the fiber tracts is affected by the extent brain. The function of the damaged tract is then deduced from
to which the course of the fibers is constrained a priori by ROIs. the ability that the patient lacks. To determine the quantitative
Moreover, it makes a difference if only one starting region relationship between clinical symptoms and the microstructural
(so-called seed region) is used, or if target regions are also used. damage, the patient’s behavioral performance is correlated with
Other important considerations are, how big the ROIs are, and if the diffusivity values (e.g., fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity,
the ROIs are terminating regions or bottleneck regions, i.e., an area axial/parallel/longitudinal diffusivity, radial diffusivity; see
the fibers of a tract have to pass through if they are constricted by Sundgren et al., 2004, for an overview about different diffusivity
surrounding brain structures. Based on the number of ROIs that values and their application to different diseases).
researchers use, different tractography approaches have been
distinguished: 2.2.3. Functional-based fiber tracking
Possibly the simplest method for mapping function and anat-
– Single-ROI approach (one-ROI approach): One single seed ROI is omy of a tract is to infer their functional roles from neuroimaging
chosen a priori and used for fiber tracking. The ROI can consist studies (e.g., Catani, Jones, & Ffytche, 2005). Neuroimaging investi-
of one white matter voxel or a bigger volume of voxels. The ROI gates the functions of cortical areas. Based on the functions of
can be a terminating region or a bottleneck region of the interconnected cortical areas, the functional role of the tract that
intended tract. Thus, the course of the resulting fiber is connects the areas is deduced.
restricted to only one region or even one voxel. A more reliable way to deduce the functional role of a tract is to
– Double-ROI approach (two-ROI approach): One seed ROI and perform fiber tracking directly on the data of preceding functional
one big target ROI (i.e., a whole lobe or gyrus) or two small ROIs imaging studies (e.g., Friederici, Bahlmann, Heim, Schubotz, &
(used as seed and target alternatively) are defined a priori and Anwander, 2006; Kamada et al., 2007; Saur et al., 2008). In this
used for fiber tracking. Thus, the course of the resulting fiber method, a fiber tract starting in a specific ROI is ascribed the
tract is restricted to the fibers passing through both ROIs. The functional role of transmitting the information that is processed
double-ROI approach is often used for partitioning of a fiber in that ROI.
tract into subcomponents. One option for identifying the functionally informed seed region
– Multi-ROI approach (multiple-ROI approach): Two or more ROIs for fiber tracking is to use the white matter adjacent to functional
are defined a priori and used for fiber tracking. One seed ROI magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activations. Ideally, the fMRI
together with multiple target ROIs, or multiple seed ROIs and diffusion data are derived from the same subjects so that a di-
together with one target ROI (Wakana et al., 2007) are possible. rect and precise individual mapping of function and anatomy is
Thus, the course of the resulting fiber tracct is restricted to the possible. However, some studies have also applied group averaged
fibers passing through all regions or explicitly not passing fMRI activations to individual brains, or used fMRI activations from
through some of the regions. other participants. Another possibility for locating functionally
informed seed regions is to use those gray matter regions that
To determine the location of the ROIs for fiber tracking, func- show a strong correlation between damage and clinical symptoms
tional imaging data (see the section ‘‘Functional-based fiber track- in patients, e.g., regions revealed by lesion mapping.
ing’’ below), data from correlations between gray matter and When using functional-based fiber tracking, the relation be-
behavioral performance (e.g., from voxel-based morphometry or tween structure and function is only indirect, as is the case when
S.M.E. Gierhan / Brain & Language 127 (2013) 205–221 207

using inference or lesion mapping. Moreover, the quality of the Direct, as well as indirect, tracts between the lobes have been
mapping strongly depends on the quality of the fMRI design used. suggested and discussed. Indirect tracts have a relay station in
Also, other cognitive functions that might activate the specific cor- the cortical gray matter of the lobe that they pass through. For
tical region, or common, more general functions also related to the example, the frontal lobe projects to cortical regions in the parietal
specific cortical region have to be considered as possible functional lobe and these parietal cortical regions then project further, to
roles of the tract. However, a close relation between language fiber cortical regions in the temporal lobe. If both projections are re-
tracts and their cortical termination regions has been demon- garded as realizing the same linguistic function, the projections
strated. When combining stimulation of gray and white matter are subsumed into one single, indirect fiber tract.
with fiber tractography, the terminations of the dorsal fiber tracts Notably, the current methodology does not permit measure-
were shown to be essential for language (Ellmore, Beauchamp, ment of the direction of the information transmission. Thus, terms
O’Neill, Dreyer, & Tandon, 2009). Taken together, functional-based like ‘‘fronto-parietal’’ and ‘‘parieto-frontal’’ are used interchange-
fiber tracking is currently a valuable, precise, informative and non- ably. Likewise, whether a cortical region is a starting or a terminat-
invasive method for mapping functions onto fiber tracts. ing region of a tract can only be inferred from the regions’
In the following sections, the anatomy of the major white
2.2.4. Brain electrostimulation
matter bundles that have been discussed as being involved in
The most direct method for determining the function of a fiber
language processing are reviewed. Their naming was derived from
tract is to stimulate the fiber tract in awake participants and
the non-human primate literature and used heterogeneously.
observe the impairments that the stimulation causes (e.g., Bello
Therefore, the different terms are outlined and clarified. Moreover,
et al., 2008; Bizzi, 2009; Duffau et al., 1999). To derive the exact
subcomponents will be reviewed that are discussed as being
course of the fiber tract, the region that produced the impaired
involved in some bundles, as well as the probable terminating
behavioral performance when stimulated is used as a seed region
regions of each tract.
for functional-based fiber tracking.
The studies that are reviewed below and outlined in the figures
Brain electrostimulation allows direct anatomy-function-map-
and tables were explorative in nature, with the goal of examining
ping. It can, however, only be conducted during neurosurgery,
the course or terminations of the different long-range fiber tracts.
and is only applied to patients that already suffer from a neurolog-
Additionally, some studies with a double-ROI approach are re-
ical injury which makes them undergo surgery, e.g., brain tumors.
ported, which means that the amount of scientific insight that
Unfortunately, observations in the damaged brain narrow the
could be gained into the course and terminations was restricted
explanatory power of the findings.
a priori. However, the reported double-ROI studies were, nonethe-
less, influential in terms of nomenclature or partitioning of cortical
3. Anatomy regions. The focus is on language-related studies that contributed
to the understanding of fiber tracts involved in auditory language
In the human brain, several white matter tracts have been processing. However, the reported tracts are by no means exclu-
described as being involved in language processing, although it is sively involved in language processing, and probably also support
difficult to watch the fiber tracts working in real-time. However, other cognitive skills.
because some fiber tracts connect cortical areas that produce or
comprehend language, these tracts are good candidates for those 3.1. Dorsal tracts
that transmit linguistic information.
The long-range fiber tracts most likely involved in language Dorsal language fiber tracts (see Fig. 1 and Table 1) connect the
have been grouped into dorsal and ventral tracts: Dorsal tracts frontal lobe to the temporal and the parietal lobe, passing through
run superior to the horizontal portion of the Sylvian fissure, there- the white matter superior to the insular cortex. The most
by connecting the frontal lobe with the parietal and temporal lobe; important dorsal tracts for language processing, discussed in the
Ventral tracts run inferior to the horizontal portion of the Sylvian literature, appear to be the arcuate fascicle and the superior
fissure, connecting the frontal lobe with the temporal and occipital longitudinal fascicle.
lobe. The division into dorsal and ventral tracts is derived from vi-
sion research, where functional streams of processing have been 3.1.1. Arcuate fascicle
differentiated dorsally and ventrally (Goodale & Milner, 1992; In the 19th century, the arcuate fascicle (AF) was first character-
Ungerleider & Mishkin, 1982). Visual information has been postu- ized as a bundle that dorsally connects the classical language areas,
lated to be propagated differently, depending on the function that Broca’s and Wernicke’s area, and described as being involved in
the information fulfills: ranging from early visual regions in the language processing (cf. Weiller et al., 2011). Wernicke (1874)
occipital lobe to higher visual regions in the parietal lobe or in predicted, and Lichtheim (1885) observed, impaired language pro-
the temporal lobe. Hence, a dorsal route or stream of processing duction, together with intact comprehension abilities, in patients
(occipital to parietal) and a ventral stream of visual processing whose AF was lesioned. This pattern was described as conduction
(occipital to temporal) could be differentiated. When this idea aphasia. Conduction aphasia was explained by a disconnection of
was adapted for the language system (Hickok & Poeppel, 2000; the language centers for production (Broca’s area) and perception
Rauschecker, 2011; Rauschecker & Scott, 2009), the dorsal and (Wernicke’s area) and was ascribed to the lesioned AF (Geschwind,
ventral streams of processing relating to vision were spatially 1965; Lichtheim, 1885; Wernicke, 1874).
shifted in an anterior direction from occipital-parietal and occipi- In recent years, the introduction of diffusion imaging has made
tal-temporal streams to temporal-frontal streams, because the it possible to investigate this fiber bundle in the living human
temporal and frontal lobes are the lobes that mainly realize lan- brain, and to determine the termination regions of the AF in more
guage processing. In recent years, several research groups have detail. For example, Friederici et al. (2006) used a single ROI, from
sought after the functional processing streams’ counterparts in which they probabilistically traced fiber bundles in the individual
the anatomy, i.e., white matter bundles that transmit linguistic brain. The seed was derived from a functional MRI study that
information dorsally between the frontal, temporal, and parietal was conducted on the same subjects. The authors observed a dorsal
lobes; and ventrally between the frontal, temporal, and occipital tract connecting posterior Broca’s area, i.e., Brodmann area (BA) 44,
lobes (e.g., Friederici et al., 2006; Saur et al., 2008). with the posterior and middle superior temporal gyrus (STG). Also,
208 S.M.E. Gierhan / Brain & Language 127 (2013) 205–221

Fig. 1. Dorsal fiber tracts for language. Schematic overview of the dorsal tracts reported in language-related fiber tracking studies (see Table 1 for the studies). Each line
represents a tract as found in one study. (A) Inferior fronto-temporal connections, (B) superior fronto-temporal connections, (C) inferior fronto-parietal connections, (D)
superior fronto-parietal connections and (E) parieto-temporal connections. (F) Construction and schematic illustration of the underlying patterns of the five connections
representing the most probable course of the fiber tracts. The names of the tracts, as given by the authors of the different studies, are color-coded: AF (red), SLF (blue), SLF III
(light green), SLF II (purple), temporoparietal SLF (pink). Unnamed tracts are printed in dark green. Double lines are drawn if a tract was named both AF and SLF, dotted lines if
a study did not report the termination region. The size of the regions is arbitrary. The names of the regions appear as they were named in the studies. Numbers indicate
Brodmann areas. AF = arcuate fascicle, AG = angular gyrus, aIns = anterior insula, dPMC = dorsal premotor cortex, FOP = frontal operculum, IFG = inferior frontal gyrus,
IPL = inferior parietal lobule, IPS = inferior parietal sulcus, N. N. = nomen nescio, pFOP = posterior frontal operculum, pSFG/MFG = posterior superior frontal gyrus/middle
frontal gyrus, pSTG/MTG = posterior superior temporal gyrus/middle temporal gyrus, PTL = posterior temporal lobe, SLF II/III/-tp = second/third/temporoparietal component
of superior longitudinal fascicle, SMG = supramarginal gyrus, vPMC = ventral premotor cortex.

Saur et al. (2010) and Glasser and Rilling (2008) found BA 44 to be Using a double-ROI approach, Frey, Campbell, Pike, and Petrides
connected to the posterior STG (Fig. 1A). (2008) identified a second fiber tract connecting BA 8 and dorsal
With regard to the frontal terminations, the dorsal frontal cor- BA 6 with the posterior STG, in addition to what they term as
tex has also been discussed (Fig. 1B). Saur et al. (2008, 2010), for ‘‘the classic AF’’, connecting BA 44 with the posterior STG. How-
example, showed the dorsal PMC to be connected with the STG. ever, the authors admit the possibility that they traced the indirect
Table 1
Dorsal routes (chronologically, following date of publication access).

Study Method Distant cortical areas connected via long-range fiber tract Functional role in language Tract name assigned
processing assigned by the by the authors
Makris et al. Bottleneck single-ROI approach; terminations are based on Caudal-lateral prefrontal regions AG – SLF II/AFh
(2005) animal literature (dorsal BA 6/46)
vPMC, ventral PFC (ventral BA 6/44) SMG (i) Articulation SLF III
SMG pSTG (i) Reception and modulation of AFv
audiospatial information
Parker et al. Double-ROI approach BA 44! pSTG!, mSTG (i) Comprehension of intelligible AF
(2005) speech
pSTG! BA 40 (SMG) (i) Processing segmental N.N.
Catani et al. Bottleneck single-ROI approach; Double-ROI approach (for ‘‘Broca’s territory’’ (BA 44) ‘‘Wernicke’s territory’’ (pSTG/ (i) Phonologically based AF, direct pathway
(2005) partitioning) MTG) language functions
‘‘Broca’s territory’’ (vPMC) ‘‘Geschwind’s territory’’ (IPL) (i) Semantically based language AF, indirect
functions pathway, anterior
‘‘Geschwind’s territory’’ (IPL) ‘‘Wernicke’s territory’’ (pMTG/ (i) Semantically based language AF, indirect

S.M.E. Gierhan / Brain & Language 127 (2013) 205–221

STG) functions pathway, posterior
Croxson et al. Bottleneck double-ROI approach Dorso-lateral! and dorso-medial! PFC – – SLF II
(2005) (incl. dPMC)
Post. ventro-lateral PFC (BA 44)! – – SLF III
Friederici et al. Single-ROI approach with fMRI for seeding BA 44! m/pSTG Processing of syntactic SLF
(2006) complexity
Powell et al. Single-ROI approach with fMRI for seeding Broca’s area! SMG, pSTG and pMTG Verbal fluency, verb generation SLF
Anwander et al. Single-ROI approach with parcellation by means of clustering BA 44!, vPMC Parietal cortex, temporal cortex – AF and SLF
(2007) BA 45! Parietal cortex, temporal cortex – AF and SLF
Glasser and Bottleneck single-ROI approach; Double-ROI approach (for BA 44 and 6 pSTG (BA 22) (i) Phonological processing STG-pathway of AF
Rilling (2008) partitioning) BA 44; parts of BA 45, 6, 9 pMTG (BA 21/37) (i) Lexical-semantic processing MTG-pathway of AF
Frey et al. (2008) Double-ROI approach Pars opercularis (BA 44)! SMG! – SLF III
BA 44! pSTG! – AF
Dorsolateral BA 8 and rostral BA 6 pSTG! – AF
Saur et al., 2008 Multi-ROI approach with fMRI for seeding PMC (BA 6)!, pars opercularis! aSTG!, pSTG! Mapping sound to articulation MdLF and SLF III/AF
Hua et al. (2009) Multi-ROI approach, population-averaged Broca’s area (BA 44) SMG (BA 40) and posterior – SLF
temporal cortex (BA 22, 21, 37,
Bernal and Bottleneck single-ROI approach Precentral gyrus (premotor and Parietal and temporal areas Involved in, but not necessary for SLF and AF
Altmann motor cortex) language
Saur et al. (2010) Multi-ROI approach with fMRI for seeding Pars opercularis!, dPMC! aSTG!, pSTG! Phonological processing AF/SLF
Galantucci et al. Bottleneck single-ROI approach; Double-ROI approach (for Frontal and opercular areas AG Syntactic processing, articulation SLF II
(2011) partitioning); Lesion mapping (for functional role determination) Frontal and opercular areas SMG Syntactic processing, articulation SLF III
Frontal areas STG/MTG Syntactic processing, articulation AF (SLF IV)
pMTG/STG AG Phonological processing, SLF, temporo-
auditory-motor-mapping parietal part
Wong et al. Single-ROI approach with fMRI for seeding Temporo-parietal region! Postcentral gyrus Auditory-motor-mapping SLF I

(continued on next page)

210 S.M.E. Gierhan / Brain & Language 127 (2013) 205–221

running SLF (see below) rather than the actual AF, due to the lim-

the functional roles; IFG = inferior frontal gyrus; IPL = inferior parietal lobule; IPS = inferior parietal sulcus; ITG = inferior temporal gyrus; m = middle; MdLF = middle longitudinal fascicle; MFG = middle frontal gyrus;
Note. AF = arcuate fascicle; AFh = horizontal portion of arcuate fascicle; AFv = vertical portion of arcuate fascicle; AG = angular gyrus; BA = Brodmann area; d = dorsal; FOP = frontal operculum; (i) = authors used inference to deduce

MTG = middle temporal gyrus; N.N. = nomen nescio; p = posterior; PFC = prefrontal cortex; PMC = premotor cortex; ROI = region of interest; SFG = superior frontal gyrus; SLF (II/III/IV) = superior longitudinal fascicle (II/III/IV);
ited resolution of the methodology, and huge inter-individual var-
Tract name assigned

iability. Glasser and Rilling (2008) additionally delineated the

AF or deep SLF
SLF, horizontal
by the authors

posterior inferior frontal cortex (ventral BA 6) as a frontal termina-

SLF, vertical

tion region. With regard to the temporal terminations, these

authors showed that BA 44 and ventral BA 6 are connected to

the posterior middle temporal gyrus (MTG). Also, Martino et al.


AF (2011) described the AF as being connected to the posterior

MTG, in addition to the inferior temporal gyrus (ITG). As a frontal
termination, the authors delineated the posterior frontal opercu-
Functional role in language
processing assigned by the

lum, when comparing multi-ROI fiber tracking with cortex-sparing


fiber dissection in the post mortem brain.

Syntactic processing

The AF, especially its temporo-parietal portion (Liu et al., 2010;

Thiebaut de Schotten et al., 2011), has been shown to be more pro-
nounced in the left than in the right hemisphere, in both Western

and Chinese populations (e.g., Catani et al., 2007; Lebel & Beaulieu,

2009; Powell et al., 2006; Qiu, Tan, Siok, Zhou, & Khong, 2011;
Rodrigo et al., 2007; Vernooij et al., 2007). It has also been shown

to be more prominent in humans than in chimpanzees and

pSTG (BA 41 and 42) and pMTG/
Ant. IPS and AG (BA 39 and 40)

macaques (Rilling et al., 2008), and more matured in adults than

in 7-year-old children (Brauer, Anwander, & Friederici, 2011;
Brauer, Anwander, Perani, & Friederici, 2013; Friederici, Brauer, &
ITG (BA 21, 22 and 37)

Lohmann, 2011). In fact, the AF was recently shown to be absent

Distant cortical areas connected via long-range fiber tract


at birth, in contrast to another dorsal tract connecting to premotor

SMG and pSTG

and precentral gyrus which was shown to be present at birth


(Friederici, 2012a; Perani et al., 2011). This corroborates the


involvement of the AF in the human-specific ability, produced by


the dominant hemisphere, to produce and understand language,

especially higher-level processes that mature late during ontogeny,
IFG (BA 44, 45), inf. precentral gyrus

for example, dealing with syntactically complex structures. More-

(BA 6), pMFG/IFG (BA 8, 9, 44, 45)

over, this emphasizes the anatomical (and functional; see below)

differentiation of the AF connecting to BA 44 and at least one dif-
pSFG and MFG (BA 6, 8, 9)

ferent dorsal tract connecting to the premotor cortex (PMC) and

the precentral gyrus.
IFG (BA 44, 45, 47)

Some authors have observed the AF to be an indirect tract with

branches to the inferior parietal lobule (IPL; Catani et al., 2005),
and specifically to the supramarginal gyrus (SMG; Parker et al.,
2005; Powell et al., 2006). Powell et al. (2006), for example, did fi-
BA 44!


ber tracking using a single-ROI approach on healthy participants

who performed three language tasks during fMRI (verbal fluency,
verb generation, reading comprehension). The fMRI activations
Multi-ROI approach compared with post mortem fiber dissection

SMG = supramarginal gyrus; STG = superior temporal gyrus; v = ventral; ! = seed region.

determined the ROIs for tractography. The authors demonstrated

a dorsal connection between Broca’s area and the posterior tempo-
ral lobe with connections to the SMG (in addition to a ventral con-
nection, see below). Using fiber tracking with a bottleneck ROI
(lateral to the corona radiata), Catani et al. (2005) traced the AF
and found that it connects the inferior frontal cortex (‘‘Broca’s ter-
Double-ROI approach with fMRI for seeding

ritory’’, as they call it) and the posterior temporal cortex (‘‘Wer-
nicke’s territory’’) directly. However, they also described a
Double- and Multi-ROI approaches

parallel fiber tract between the inferior frontal cortex and the IPL
(‘‘Geschwind’s territory’’), as well as a fiber tract between the IPL
and the posterior temporal cortex. The authors referred to these
two last tracts as the indirect AF. However, the termination regions
encompassed more than what is classically known to constitute
Broca’s and Wernicke’s area. In fact, the anterior segment of the
indirect pathway seemed to connect more the ventral PMC, more
so than Broca’s area, with the parietal cortex, and the posterior seg-

ment connected more to inferior areas in the posterior temporal

lobe than the direct AF. Thus, Catani and colleagues possibly traced
indirect fiber bundles that are different from the classical AF. It ap-
Schotten et al.

pears that these indirect tracts which go via the parietal lobe have
Table 1 (continued)

Griffiths et al.
Martino et al.

been added to the superior longitudinal fascicle (SLF) in subse-

Thiebaut de

quent studies (Fig. 1C).




In sum, the AF connects Broca’s and Wernicke’s area directly.


Specifically, the AF connects BA 44 with the posterior STG. Parts

of the AF may also connect dorsal PMC or ventral BA 6 with poster-
S.M.E. Gierhan / Brain & Language 127 (2013) 205–221 211

ior STG or MTG. Whether these components can be considered as & Catani, 2012). SLF III has been identified as connecting posterior
belonging to the AF must, however, be questioned as these termi- ventral frontal regions (Fig. 1C), especially the ventral BA 6 and 44,
nation regions were more consistently shown to be involved in the with the parietal cortex (Croxson et al., 2005; Hua et al., 2009;
SLF tracts (see next section). Makris et al., 2005).
In sum, besides the AF which directly connects the frontal with
3.1.2. Superior longitudinal fascicle the temporal cortex, three SLF fiber bundles have been delineated
The superior longitudinal fascicle (SLF) and the arcuate fascicle as being involved in language processing: the SLF II, the SLF III and
were first regarded as one single bundle running under the frontal the SLF-tp. The SLF II connects the dorsolateral prefrontal and the
and the parietal gray matter in a dorsal course. Investigations of premotor cortex (especially dorsal BA 6) with the AG, the SLF III
the white matter of monkeys however, distinguished the AF and connects the ventrolateral frontal cortex (mainly ventral BA 6
three different SLF bundles (Petrides & Pandya, 1984; Schmah- and BA 44, but also partly BA 45) with the SMG. The SLF-tp con-
mann & Pandya, 2006). The AF has been assigned to the fiber bun- nects the IPL with the posterior temporal cortex, thereby being dis-
dle that connects the frontal cortex to the temporal cortex directly, tinct from the posterior portion of the AF. Two different parts of the
without sending out branches to the parietal cortex; whereas the SLF-tp have been discussed, one connecting SMG with posterior
fibers connecting the frontal cortex with the gray matter of the STG (perhaps as supplement of the SLF III), and another connecting
parietal lobe have been assigned to the SLF. The SLF has been fur- AG with posterior MTG (as supplement of the SLF II). However,
ther delineated into three different fronto-parietal bundles, SLF I, II, more research is clearly needed, especially with regard to the
and III, separated by their cortical areas of origin. The SLF I has been SLF-tp.
described as running medially, connecting superior portions of the
frontal and the parietal lobe. As these regions do not strongly par- 3.2. Connectivity of the inferior frontal cortex
ticipate in language processing (cf., Vigneau et al., 2006), the SLF I
is not assigned language functions, and will not be considered in The connectivity profile of the inferior frontal cortex has been
the rest of this article. The SLF II has been described as traveling subject to separate investigations examining which sub-areas
from the dorsal premotor and the prefrontal cortex to the caudal connect dorsally, and which connect ventrally to the other lobes.
IPL, and the SLF III has been described as traveling from the ventral Posterior regions of the inferior frontal cortex, i.e., premotor and
premotor and the prefrontal cortex to the rostral IPL in the monkey motor cortex, have been shown to have exclusively dorsal connec-
(Petrides & Pandya, 1984; Schmahmann et al., 2007). tions to the parietal and temporal cortex. In particular, the ventral
This classification into AF, SLF I, II and III has been adapted to premotor cortex (BA 6) has often been delineated as the terminat-
the human brain. In humans, the same stem portions of the four ing region of the inferior fronto-parietal connection (Catani et al.,
dorsal fiber bundles have been identified (Frey et al., 2008; Makris 2005; Hua et al., 2009; Makris et al., 2005).
et al., 2005; Thiebaut de Schotten, Dell’Acqua, Valabregue, & Catan- Bernal and Altman (2010) differentiated between posterior and
i, 2012). Moreover, a fifth dorsal long-range fiber tract has been anterior regions, i.e. Broca’s area, of the inferior frontal cortex.
delineated, connecting the posterior temporal cortex with the gray Using a bottleneck-approach, they claimed that the dorsal tracts
matter of the inferior parietal cortex (Fig. 1E). As mentioned in the are connected, nearly exclusively, to the dorsal and ventral precen-
previous section, this temporo-parietal tract was first described as tral gyrus (premotor and motor cortex). However, in 41.6 % of their
an additional component of the AF (Catani et al., 2005; Makris subjects, some fibers also reached Broca’s area.
et al., 2005). However, with the adaptation of the monkey nomen- Concerning the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), some authors have
clature to the human brain, the temporo-parietal tract has been proposed a clear differentiation of BA 44 being connected to
henceforth named the SLF, or more precisely, the SLF-tp (Gala- temporal regions dorsally, and BA 45 being connected to temporal
ntucci et al., 2011), whereas the name AF has been reserved for regions ventrally (Frey et al., 2008; Griffiths, Marslen-Wilson,
the direct connection between the frontal and the temporal gyrus. Stamatakis, & Tyler, 2012; Kaplan et al., 2010). Anwander, Tittge-
The SLF-tp differs from the posterior part of the direct AF in that it meyer, von Cramon, Friederici, and Knösche (2007) also observed
does not arch in an anterior direction around the posterior end of dorsal connections starting in BA 45. The authors seeded in the dif-
the Sylvian fissure, but runs in a posterior direction to the angular ferent voxels of the IFG. Based on the different connectivity profiles
gyrus (AG), where it terminates in the gray matter (Galantucci of the seed voxels, the IFG was parceled into subparts, each
et al., 2011). The SLF-tp has also been discussed as belonging to showing a similar connectivity pattern. The IFG appeared to have
the ventral running middle longitudinal fascicle (MdLF) or the infe- three different parts, connecting to the posterior regions: BA 44,
rior longitudinal fascicle (ILF; Frey et al., 2008; Makris et al., 2009). only connected dorsally; BA 45, mainly connected ventrally, but
The SLF-tp actually seems to consist of two temporo-parietal com- also, to a lesser extent, dorsally; and the frontal operculum, only
ponents, one connecting SMG with posterior STG (Parker et al., connected ventrally. One study also showed BA 47 to be connected
2005), and a second connecting AG with posterior MTG (Martino dorsally to the posterior regions when comparing human with
et al., 2011). However, because this assumption relies on only a non-human fiber tracts using a multiple-ROI approach (Thiebaut
few studies, it is also possible that the two components belong to de Schotten, Dell’Acqua, Valabregue, & Catani, 2012). Others,
one single fiber tract. There is clearly a need for more research however, found BA 47 to be connected ventrally to the posterior
investigating the temporo-parietal connections involved in lan- regions (Saur et al., 2008, 2010).
guage processing.
Several studies have tried to delineate the precise anatomical 3.3. Ventral tracts
terminations of the different components of the SLF. With regard
to the parietal terminations, SLF II has been identified as connect- The ventral fiber tracts for language processing (see Fig. 2 and
ing the AG with the frontal cortex, and SLF III has been identified as Table 2) connect the frontal lobe to the temporal and occipital
connecting the SMG with the frontal cortex (Galantucci et al., lobes, passing through the bottleneck of the anterior ventral ex-
2011). With regard to the frontal terminations, SLF II has been treme and/or external capsule. Although these capsules have long
identified as connecting dorsal frontal regions (Fig. 1D), especially ago been distinguished by neuroanatomists, the current resolution
the dorsal BA 6, but also BA 8, 9, and 46, with the parietal cortex of the DTI methodology does not permit differentiation of which
(Croxson et al., 2005; Frey et al., 2008; Makris et al., 2005; Saur capsule is actually passed through by the ventral long-range fiber
et al., 2008, 2010; Thiebaut de Schotten, Dell’Acqua, Valabregue, tracts. Monkey studies, however, imply that it is the extreme
212 S.M.E. Gierhan / Brain & Language 127 (2013) 205–221

capsule because its fibers are oriented in an anterior-posterior as connecting BA 45 (Croxson et al., 2005; Frey et al., 2008; Makris
direction, contrary to the fibers of the external capsule (Petrides & Pandya, 2009), the frontal operculum (Makris & Pandya, 2009;
& Pandya, 2009; Schmahmann et al., 2007). Saur et al., 2008, 2010) and the lateral orbitofrontal cortex
(Croxson et al., 2005; Makris & Pandya, 2009) via the middle
3.3.1. Uncinate fascicle STG/STS (Frey et al., 2008; Makris & Pandya, 2009) with the poster-
The uncinate fascicle (UF; Fig. 2A) has been described as a white ior MTG and STG (Saur et al., 2008, 2010) and the border region to
matter bundle running in a hook-shape through the bottleneck of the parietal cortex (Wong, Chandrasekaran, Garibaldi, & Wong,
the extreme capsule, thereby connecting the anterior temporal 2011). Also, connections from the anterior insula (Wong et al.,
lobe with the inferior frontal cortex (Déjerine, 1901). It has been 2011), and pars orbitalis (Saur et al., 2010), as well as connections
delineated in several studies investigating the fiber tracts underly- to the anterior STG (Saur et al., 2008) and MTG (Saur et al., 2010)
ing language processing. As a termination region in the temporal have been suggested.
lobe, the studies have consistently depicted the anterior temporal Interestingly, in the language-related studies, no study
lobe (Anwander et al., 2007; Friederici et al., 2006), especially delineated both the IFOF and an extreme capsule fascicle. Rather,
superior (Hua et al., 2009; Martino et al., 2011; Thiebaut de Schot- the fiber tract that has been denoted the EmC or the ECFS resem-
ten, Dell’Acqua, Valabregue, & Catani, 2012) and middle regions bles, in big parts, the tract that has been denoted the IFOF. When
(Martino et al., 2011). As termination regions in the frontal lobe, compared to the IFOF, the frontal termination regions of the EmC
a variety of regions have been discussed: the frontal pole (Hua tract and the IFOF appear to be similar. The posterior termination
et al., 2009; Thiebaut de Schotten et al., 2012), the pars orbitalis regions, however, differ in that the EmC tract reaches the posterior
of the IFG (Thiebaut de Schotten et al., 2012), the medial orbito- temporal and the parietal lobe, whereas the IFOF has been de-
frontal cortex (Croxson et al., 2005; Martino et al., 2011) the lateral scribed as reaching the occipital cortex by the majority of studies.
orbitofrontal cortex (Croxson et al., 2005; Martino et al., 2011; It is thus possible that there is an additional long-range fiber
Thiebaut de Schotten et al., 2012), the anterior frontal operculum tract, the extreme capsule fascicle, connecting the inferior frontal
(Anwander et al., 2007; Friederici et al., 2006), and even BA 44 of lobe via anterior parts of the extreme capsule with the posterior
Broca’s area (Parker et al., 2005). The subinsular portions of the temporal regions. However, because big parts of this fiber tract
UF have been shown to be more pronounced in the left than in are similar to the IFOF, the differences between the two tracts
the right hemisphere (Rodrigo et al., 2007). are perhaps only ostensible. Actually, the double-ROI approaches
that have been often used for tracking of the EmC tract with ROIs
3.3.2. Inferior fronto-occipital fascicle in the posterior temporal and frontal cortex (Frey et al., 2008; Saur
The second ventral fiber bundle which connects the frontal and et al., 2008, 2010) prevent the finding of occipital connections.
the temporal lobe, through the bottleneck of the extreme capsule, Thus, the findings of the EmC tract in humans might actually be
is the inferior fronto-occipital fascicle (IFOF; also abbreviated in findings of the IFOF. Schmahmann et al. (2007), on the contrary,
the literature as IFO, IOFF, IOF; Fig. 2B). The IFOF has been suggested that the findings of the IFOF might actually be findings
described as running more superior through the bottleneck of the of the EmC and/or UF conflated with the ILF, because the EmC tract,
extreme capsule than the UF (Thiebaut de Schotten et al., 2012). As but not the IFOF, could be delineated in monkeys using an autora-
frontal termination regions, the anterior inferior frontal cortex, diographic isotope technique. However, in humans, the IFOF, but
specifically BA 45, 47 and the frontal operculum (Anwander not an EmC tract, was delineated long ago by Déjerine using post
et al., 2007; Hua et al., 2009; Sarubbo, De Benedictis, Maldonado, mortem dissections (1901; cf. Sarubbo et al., 2011).
Basso, & Duffau, 2011); the lateral and medial orbitofrontal cortex Taken together, the EmC tract and the IFOF might be one and
and the frontal pole (Hua et al., 2009; Sarubbo et al., 2011; Thie- the same tract as no study—to our knowledge—has ever delineated
baut de Schotten et al., 2012); as well as the dorsolateral prefrontal both in one brain. Whether this tract should be named the EmC
cortex (Sarubbo et al., 2011; Thiebaut de Schotten et al., 2012); tract or the IFOF depends on the perspective. For the remainder
have been discussed. Sarubbo, De Benedictis, Maldonado, Basso, of the article, the term ‘‘IFOF’’ will be used as, in humans, the
and Duffau (2011) distinguish a superficial component that termi- EmC captures all the white matter between the insular cortex
nates in the IFG (pars orbitalis and triangularis), from a deep com- and the claustrum (in its whole length and height), and hence
ponent that terminates in more anterior and superior rostral areas. encompasses many more fibers and not only the long-range fibers
The occipital cortex has been revealed as a possible posterior of an anterior-posterior directionality. These have been shown to
termination region (Hua et al., 2009; Martino et al., 2011; Powell only be situated in anterior parts of the EmC (Sarubbo et al.,
et al., 2006; Sarubbo et al., 2011; Thiebaut de Schotten et al., 2011). Note, however, that the IFOF, contrary to what the name
2012), but so have connections to the posterior STG and MTG implies, may encompass fibers that do not reach the occipital
(Powell et al., 2006; Sarubbo et al., 2011), as well as the temp- cortex.
oro-basal area and the superior parietal lobule (Martino et al.,
2011; Sarubbo et al., 2011). The IFOF has been shown to be more 3.3.4. Inferior longitudinal fascicle
matured in humans than in non-human primates (Thiebaut de The inferior longitudinal fascicle (ILF; Fig. 2D) has been found to
Schotten et al., 2012), suggesting a human-specific function to connect the ventral part of the temporal lobe with the occipital and
the IFOF, e.g., language. parietal cortex in monkeys (Schmahmann & Pandya, 2006; Thie-
baut de Schotten et al., 2012). In the language-related literature
3.3.3. Extreme capsule in humans, a lateral component of the tract has been described
The long-range fiber tract that ventrally connects the frontal to to connect the temporal pole with the occipital cortex (Galantucci
the posterior temporal cortex in humans has been named the IFOF, et al., 2011; Hua et al., 2009; Martino et al., 2011). A medial
the extreme capsule (EmC; Fig. 2C) and the extreme capsule fiber component of the ILF has been delineated as connecting anterior
system (ECFS) likewise. In monkey studies, the EmC has been fusiform gyrus with occipital cortex (Martino et al., 2011). Frey,
delineated as a separate fiber bundle, i.e., the extreme capsule Campbell, Pike, and Petrides (2008) also described the connection
fascicle, and described as connecting the ventrolateral prefrontal between posterior STG/STS and inferior parietal sulcus as
cortex, the caudal orbitofrontal cortex, as well as BA 45, to the mid- belonging to the ILF or MdLF. Unfortunately, no other explorative
dle STG and the superior temporal sulcus (STS; Schmahmann & examinations related to auditory language processing have explic-
Pandya, 2006). In humans, the EmC/ECFS tract has been described itly investigated the ILF.
S.M.E. Gierhan / Brain & Language 127 (2013) 205–221 213

Fig. 2. Ventral fiber tracts for language. Schematic overview of the ventral tracts reported in language-related fiber tracking studies (see Table 2 for the studies). Each line
represents a tract as found in one study. Each panel illustrates the course of the fiber tracts that were named by the authors of the different studies. (A) Uncinate fascicle, (B)
inferior fronto-occipital fascicle, (C) extreme capsule fascicle, extreme capsule, external capsule or extreme capsule fiber system, (D) inferior longitudinal fascicle, (E) and
middle longitudinal fascicle. (F) Construction and schematic illustration of the underlying patterns of the five tracts representing the most probable course of the fiber tracts.
Dotted lines are drawn if a study did not report the termination region. The size of the regions is arbitrary. The names of the regions appear as they were named in the studies.
Numbers indicate Brodmann areas. aIns = anterior insula, FOP = frontal operculum, Fpole = frontal pole, IPS = inferior parietal sulcus, ILF = inferior longitudinal fascicle,
IFOF = inferior fronto-occipital fascicle, MdLF = middle longitudinal fascicle, Occ = occipital cortex, Orb = orbitofrontal cortex, pSTG/MTG = posterior superior temporal gyrus/
middle temporal gyrus, PTL = posterior temporal lobe, TP = temporoparietal border region, Tpole = temporal pole, UF = uncinate fascicle.

3.3.5. Middle longitudinal fascicle approach, Makris and Pandya (2009), as well as Makris et al.
The middle longitudinal fascicle (MdLF; Fig. 2E) connects (2009) described the MdLF as connecting the temporal pole and
anterior with posterior temporal regions. Saur et al. (2008, 2010) middle STG/STS with the AG, running mainly in the white matter
stated that the MdLF connects anterior with posterior STG, thereby of the STG, lateral to the IFOF and superior to the ILF but medial
collecting fibers from the anterior and posterior MTG. These con- to the temporal portions of the dorsal fiber tracts. There are,
nected regions were derived from an fMRI study and a priori deter- however, no other studies delineating the tract to be involved in
mined as seeds for tracking. Using a bottleneck single-ROI auditory language processing.
Table 2

Ventral routes (chronologically following date of publication access).

Study Method Distant cortical areas connected via long-range fiber tract Functional role in language processing assigned by Tract name assigned by
the authors the authors

Parker et al. (2005) Double-ROI approach BA 44! ATL, pSTG! (i) Processing intelligible speech UF or superior part of
Croxson et al. (2005) Bottleneck double-ROI approach Central! and lateral! orbitofrontal cortex – – UF
Lateral orbitofrontal cortex! and ant. ventro-lateral – – EmC
PFC (BA 45)!
Friederici et al. (2006) Single-ROI approach with fMRI for seeding FOP! ATL Local structure building and processing UF
Powell et al. (2006) Single-ROI approach with fMRI for seeding pSTG! STG, MTG, occipital lobe, ATL, Reading comprehension IFOF, ILF
frontal areas
Anwander et al. Single-ROI approach with parcellation by BA 45! Posterior temporal cortex – IFOF and ILF
(2007) means of clustering FOP! Posterior temporal cortex – IFOF and ILF
Frey et al. (2008) Double-ROI approach Pars triangularis! (BA 45) mSTG/STS! – EmC
pSTG/STS! Ventral post. IPS! – MdLF and ILF
Saur et al. (2008) Multi-ROI approach with fMRI for seeding Pars orbitalis!, pars triangularis! Fusiform gyrus!, pMTG!, aMTG! Mapping sound to meaning ILF and MdLF and EmC
FOP! aSTG! + pSTG! Monitoring processes during repetition EmC

S.M.E. Gierhan / Brain & Language 127 (2013) 205–221

Makris et al. (2009) Bottleneck single-ROI approach Temporal pole (BA 38) pSTG, AG (BA 39) Transmission of linguistic information MdLF
Hua et al. (2009) Multi-ROI approach, population-averaged Ant. inferior frontal lobe (BA 10) Occipital lobe (BA 18, 19) – IFOF
Ant. inferior frontal lobe (BA 10) Temporal pole (BA 38) – UF
Temporal pole (BA 38) Occipital lobe (BA 18, 19) – ILF
Makris and Pandya Bottleneck single-ROI approach mSTG/STS AG (i) Language comprehension MdLF
(2009) Frontal operculum, pars triangularis, orbitofrontal mSTG/STS, AG (i) Language expression EmC
Saur et al. (2010) Multi-ROI approach with fMRI for seeding FOP! pSTG! Phonological processing EmC
aSTG! pSTG! Phonological processing MdLF
Pars opercularis! pMTG! Semantic processing EmC
Pars orbitalis! pMTG! Semantic processing EmC
Pars orbitalis! aMTG! Semantic processing EmC
Wong et al. (2011) Single-ROI approach with fMRI for seeding Temporo-parietal region! Anterior insula Semantic processing EmC
Temporo-parietal region! MTG Semantic processing ILF
Martino et al. (2011) Multi-ROI approach compared with post Frontal lobe Occipital lobe, SPL, temporo- – IFOF
mortem fiber dissection basal area
Medial and lateral orbitofrontal gyrus Temporal pole, aSTG, aMTG – UF
Fusiform gyrus Occipital lobe – ILF, medial
Temporal pole Occipital lobe – ILF, lateral
Sarubbo et al. (2011) Double- and multi-ROI approaches Pars triangularis, pars orbitalis SPL, occipital extra-striate (i) Semantic processing Superficial IFOF
cortex, fusiform area
MFG, dorsolateral PFC SPL, occipital cortex, fusiform (i) Semantic elaboration of language, visual Deep IFOF, posterior
area cognition and conceptualization component
MFG, lat. orbitofrontal cortex SPL (i) Multimodal sensory-motor integration, motor Deep IFOF, middle
planning component
Basal orbitofrontal cortex, frontal pole Occipital cortex, fusiform area (i) Emotional and behavioral aspects Deep IFOF, anterior
Thiebaut de Schotten Double- and multi-ROI approaches Medial fronto-orbital region (BA 11), frontal pole Occipital lobe (BA 18, 19) (i) Reading, semantic processing IFOF
et al. (2012) (BA 10), aSFG (rostral BA 9)
Orbitofrontal cortex (BA 11 and 47) and frontal Sup. temporal pole (BA 38) – UF
pole (BA 10)
Griffiths et al. (2012) Double-ROI approach with fMRI for BA 45! pMTG! Syntactic processing ECFS

Note. a = anterior; AG = angular gyrus; ATL = anterior temporal lobe; BA = Brodmann area; ECFS = extreme capsule fiber system; EmC = extreme capsule; ExC = external capsule; FOP = frontal operculum; (i) = authors used inference
to deduce the functional roles; IFOF = inferior fronto-occipital fascicle; ILF = inferior longitudinal fascicle; IPS = inferior parietal sulcus; m = middle; MdLF = middle longitudinal fascicle; MFG = middle frontal gyrus; MTG = middle
temporal gyrus; p = posterior; PFC = prefrontal cortex; ROI = region of interest; SFG = superior frontal gyrus; SPL = superior parietal lobule; STG = superior temporal gyrus; STS = superior temporal sulcus; UF = uncinate fascicle;
= seed region.
S.M.E. Gierhan / Brain & Language 127 (2013) 205–221 215

3.4. Summary studies related to auditory language processing. However, these

pathways have been shown to be involved in visual language pro-
Dorsally (Fig. 1F), there is one direct pathway involved in audi- cessing, and may be also involved in auditory language processing
tory language processing which connects the frontal lobe with the via short-range connections, possibly playing a dispensable role.
temporal lobe, and two indirect pathways with participation of the
parietal gray matter. (c) The inferior longitudinal fascicle (ILF) connects the temporal
pole with the posterior temporal and the occipital cortex. It
(a) The direct tract connects BA 44 (posterior Broca’s area) with runs mainly in the white matter of the MTG.
the posterior STG and is named the arcuate fascicle (AF) in the (d) The middle longitudinal fascicle (MdLF) connects the
majority of the studies. Some studies also describe the posterior temporal pole with the posterior superior temporal cortex. It
MTG as a temporal termination, and some do not differentiate runs mainly in the white matter of the STG, lateral to the IFOF
between the STG and the MTG. Only a negligible amount of and superior to the ILF but medial to the temporal portions of
studies support BA 45 or ventral BA 6 as frontal terminations. the dorsal fiber tracts.

The indirect pathways are remarkably distinguishable in both 4. Function

the frontal, and the parietal regions they connect. A superior
pathway connects superior frontal regions, via the AG, with the In the following sections, the studies will be reviewed that have
temporal cortex, whereas an inferior pathway connects inferior tried to relate linguistic functions to the different fiber tracts, using
frontal regions, via the SMG, with the temporal cortex. the methods described above. Because fiber tracts are white matter
bundles, they have the capacity to transmit specific kind of infor-
(b) The superior indirect tract connects the dorsolateral frontal mation. In transmitting information, they give rise to a cognitive
cortex (mainly dorsal BA 6), via the AG, with the posterior ability, given the interplay with activation in the gray matter re-
temporal cortex. The tract’s fronto-parietal part corresponds gions they connect.
to the superior longitudinal fascicle (SLF) II, whereas its pari- The specific ability they afford, together with the connected
eto-temporal part was previously described as the SLF-tp. The cortical areas, is called the functional role of the fiber tract, e.g.,
termination region in the temporal lobe is the posterior STG retrieval of word meanings, analysis of word order, storage of
and/or the posterior MTG, depending on the study. A few stud- syntactic structures, and so forth. The functional roles that will
ies have delineated a direct tract between the dorsal premotor be considered separately in the following sections are phonological
cortex and the posterior temporal lobe. However, as the current processing, articulation, speech repetition, semantic processing,
methodology has limited resolution, and there is much inter- and syntactic processing. Which fiber tracts are discussed to sup-
individual variability, it is possible that this direct tract encom- port a specific functional role, will be reported.
passes the parietal cortex, and hence corresponds instead to the
superior indirect tract described here. 4.1. Phonological processing
(c) The inferior indirect tract connects the posterior inferior
frontal lobe, via the SMG, with the posterior temporal cortex. Rolheiser, Stamatakis, and Tyler (2011) showed that phonolog-
The tract’s fronto-parietal part corresponds to the SLF III which ical processing during both comprehension and production tasks
runs laterally to the AF. There is no consistent nomenclature for relies on the dorsal fiber tracts exclusively (they subsume it as
the tract’s parieto-temporal part. BA 6 and BA 44 have mainly ‘‘AF/SLF’’). The authors correlated the performance of post-stroke
been suggested as frontal terminations, but also partly BA 45. patients in language comprehension and production tasks with
In the temporal lobe, the tract probably ends in the superior white matter damage of the AF/SLF and a ventral pathway. More
posterior temporal cortex. specifically, it has been suggested that phonological processing is
a function of the temporoparietal part of the AF/SLF system, be-
Ventrally (Fig. 2F), there are two main pathways (based on the cause electrostimulation of the temporal white matter underlying
number of times they have been delineated) involved in auditory the posterior superior temporal cortex elicited phonological
language processing which connect the frontal to the temporal impairments (paraphasias; Duffau, Gatignol, Moritz-Gasser, &
lobe, traveling through the bottleneck of the extreme capsule. Mandonnet, 2009; Duffau et al., 2002). Also, Parker et al. (2005)
attributed a function in syllable discrimination and identification
(a) The uncinate fascicle (UF) connects, hook-shaped, the during speech perception to the temporoparietal pathway.
inferior frontal and the prefrontal cortex with the anterior tem- However, that was based on functional activations from different
poral cortex. Fibers connecting the medial and the lateral participants. Mapping white matter damage to phonological errors
orbitofrontal cortex and the anterior frontal operculum with in spontaneous speech and naming, Galantucci et al. (2011)
the superior portion of the anterior temporal lobe were espe- distinguished the temporoparietal part of the direct AF from the
cially shown in language-related fiber tracking studies. temporoparietal SLF, which is the pathway connecting the AG with
(b) The inferior fronto-occipital fascicle (IFOF) connects the the posterior temporal cortex (SLF-tp). They showed that only the
inferior frontal cortex with the posterior temporal and the SLF-tp, and not the temporoparietal portion of the AF, was
occipital cortex, running superiorly to the UF through the bot- significantly more damaged in patients with the logopenic variant
tleneck of the extreme capsule. Especially, anterior Broca’s area of primary progressive aphasia than in healthy controls. Because
(BA 45) and the deep anterior frontal operculum, as well as the these patients show phonological deficits, the authors again
frontal pole were connected with the posterior temporal and attributed the SLF-tp with a function in phonological processing.
the occipital cortex in language studies. The course of the IFOF Thus, it can be concluded that the SLF-tp may be a crucial white
resembles the course of what some authors called the extreme matter pathway for phonological processing.
capsule tract.
4.2. Articulation
There are two additional ventral pathways connecting anterior
temporal cortex with posterior areas in the temporal and occipital Dronkers (1996) and colleagues (Dronkers, Redfern, & Shapiro,
lobe which have been delineated less frequently in the fiber tracking 1993; Ogar et al., 2006) formerly showed that articulatory planning
216 S.M.E. Gierhan / Brain & Language 127 (2013) 205–221

deficits are best explained by damage to the superior precentral with the logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia, the
gyrus of the insular cortex, in combination with damage to a dorsal most damaged tract was the temporoparietal SLF component
tract. This was confirmed by Bates et al. (2003) using voxel-based (SLF-tp). The SLF-tp is hence suggested to have a role in repetition,
lesion symptom mapping who localized the white matter damage because the patients showed deficits in sentence repetition. Also,
that was most associated with production deficits in the parietal correlating damage of white matter tracts with behavioral mea-
parts of the AF/SLF. Also Davtian et al. (2008) associated the SLF sures in aphasic patients, Breier, Hasan, Zhang, Men, and Papanico-
with speech production, because they caused speech arrest when laou (2008) reported that both a temporo-parietal and a horizontal
dissecting the border of a tumor contacting the SLF. Moreover, in part of the dorsal white matter bundles contribute to repetition–
patients with the non-fluent variant of primary progressive apha- independent of the cortical areas they connect. Unfortunately,
sia, the AF, the SLF III, the SLF II and the SLF-tp were demonstrated the authors do not provide detailed anatomical descriptions. More
to be the affected tracts by showing lower diffusivity (i.e., white specifically, Fridriksson et al. (2010) showed the white matter
matter damage) compared with healthy controls (Galantucci underlying the SMG to be associated with speech repetition, when
et al., 2011; Wilson et al., 2010). These patients showed, among correlating diffusion data of stroke patients with their ability to re-
other language disabilities, motor speech deficits. Those articula- peat. This finding supports the inferior indirect dorsal tract, and
tion deficits were hence supposed to result from the white matter specifically the SLF III, as playing a role in repetition. Using func-
damage of at least one of the damaged components. Using electr- tional-based fiber tracking, Saur et al. (2008), however, showed
ostimulation, Duffau and colleagues (Duffau, 2008; Maldonado, that repetition of meaningless words is associated with the supe-
Moritz-Gasser, & Duffau, 2011) delineated that stimulation of the rior dorsal tract, which connects the temporal cortex to the dorsal
SLF III induced dysarthria or complete anarthria, supporting this PMC (which they delineated as a direct tract, contrary to the dis-
pathway as having a role in articulation, and verbal working mem- cussion above).
ory for articulation, specifically through its connection to ventral Taken together, these results suggest that both the SLF-tp,
BA 6, not Broca’s area (Knight, 2011). Stimulation of a more poster- which connects the posterior temporal cortex with the AG, as well
ior and deeper white matter portion under the SMG, corresponding as the SLF III, which connects SMG with posterior inferior frontal
to the direct fronto-temporal AF, did not induce articulation defi- cortex, can be attributed a functional role in repetition. Hence, both
cits. Thus, it is likely that it is the SLF III which is a crucial white the tract involved in phonological processing (SLF-tp), as well as
matter tract for articulation. Whether the SLF II and the SLF-tp the tract involved in articulation (SLF III), appear to be involved
are also recruited during articulation, remains subject to future in repetition. This perfectly adds up as both abilities are necessary
studies. for a proper repetition. The connection to the dorsal PMC (directly
from the posterior temporal area or mediated by the AG and SLF II)
4.3. Speech repetition is an additional candidate for facilitating repetition. This connec-
tion could be specifically relevant for speech motor planning and
Historically, speech repetition has been associated with the AF: control during repetition, as these are well-known functions of
In patients with conduction aphasia, impaired repetition was the dorsal PMC.
shown to accompany a lesion in the AF and other white matter
structures that connect Broca’s and Wernicke’s area, while in pa-
tients with transcortical aphasia, intact repetition ability was 4.4. Semantic processing
accompanied by an intact AF (Geschwind, 1965). However,
empirical reports challenged the view that the AF supports speech Pathways passing through the anterior temporal lobe, but not
repetition. For example, two patients with lesions of the AF showed dorsal pathways support semantic processing, as shown by a study
an intact repetition ability, but impairments of verbal fluency and that compared the mean diffusivity of fiber tracts (i.e., the integ-
comprehension when it came to complex ideational material rity, respective damage of the fiber tracts) between patients with
(Selnes, van Zijl, Barker, Hillis, & Mori, 2002; Shuren et al., 1995). semantic dementia and healthy controls (Agosta et al., 2010). The
Moreover, it was shown that cortical lesions per se can produce anterior temporal tracts of the semantic dementia patients were
conduction aphasic syndromes without the AF being directly damaged, which probably led to the observed severe difficulties
lesioned (Anderson et al., 1999). in semantic comprehension and production tasks, like comprehen-
Berthier, Lambon Ralph, Pujol, and Green (2012) cite three sion of single words, naming, reading, and generating of semantic
possible reasons to explain these controversial findings. Firstly, associations, while syntactic, phonology and fluency was relatively
the studies may have investigated different white matter struc- spared.
tures, because the AF shows a large inter-individual variability, Both the UF and the IFOF are long-range fiber tracts that pass
both intra- and inter-hemispheric. Similarly, the studies may have through the anterior temporal lobe to the frontal lobe. Wilson
investigated different segments of the AF, because the dorsal tract et al. (2011) related both tracts to deficits in word-level semantic
is more than one single fiber bundle as it also encompasses SLF processing, but could not differentiate between them because
components. Lastly, the studies may have investigated those pa- damage to the tracts was correlated. Papagno et al. (2011) sug-
tients that were able to use other white matter tracts for repetition, gested that the most relevant function that the UF is involved in
e.g., the right AF or the ventral pathways. Berthier et al. (2012) is naming famous people, but not semantic processing. This is be-
therefore adhered to the view that the AF or some of the SLF cause the surgical removal of the UF resulted in impaired retrieval
components are crucial fiber tracts for repetition. This hypothesis of word forms for proper names, compared to unimpaired retrieval
has been corroborated by findings in glioma patients who show in patients whose UF was not removed.
repetition deficits if a dorsal fiber tract is lesioned (Bizzi et al., Stimulation of the IFOF, on the other hand, elicited semantic
2012), this is a pathway connecting mostly the dorsal and posterior paraphasia (De Witt Hamer, Moritz-Gasser, Gatignol, & Duffau,
part of the frontal cortex with the temporal cortex directly. 2011; Duffau et al., 2005, 2009; Mandonnet, Nouet, Gatignol,
Remarkably, the authors demonstrated that damage of only the Capelle, & Duffau, 2007), whereas stimulation of the UF (Duffau
cortical areas in the prefrontal cortex is not sufficient for repetition et al., 2009) or the ILF (Mandonnet et al., 2007) or MdLF (De Witt
deficits. Hamer et al., 2011) or stimulation of the tracts within the white
Investigating the different components in detail, the following matter under the SMG (Maldonado et al., 2011) did not. The authors
picture emerges: Galantucci et al. (2011) observed that in patients concluded that the IFOF is crucial for language semantic processing,
S.M.E. Gierhan / Brain & Language 127 (2013) 205–221 217

whereas the ILF, the UF and the MdLF are dispensable, meaning that over, the authors found that the disruption of one or both of these
their semantic functions can be compensated by the IFOF. tracts in post-stroke patients led to syntactic deficits, whilst the
Also, several other studies have shown the IFOF to be the most patients showed fewer or no semantic deficits. This observation
important tract for semantic processing. Kubicki et al. (2011) re- corroborates the assumption that both a dorsal and a ventral tract,
vealed that white matter abnormalities in the IFOF in schizo- which anatomically correspond to the AF and the IFOF, probably
phrenic patients predicted semantic deficits. More specifically, participate in syntactic processing. However, it cannot be ruled
Galantucci et al. (2011) delineated that it is the anterior and middle out that it is the affected cortical regions and not the white matter
portions of the IFOF that are most relevant portions for semantic that correlated with syntactic processing deficits in these studies.
processing. Abnormalities of these portions in primary progressive Friederici et al. (2006) raised the question of whether the dorsal
aphasia patients predicted the quality of single-word comprehen- and ventral tracts support different syntactic functions. Using a
sion and retrieval. Also, the maintenance of the word meanings functional-based fiber tracking single-ROI approach with seed re-
in working memory, and the integration into the overall sentence gions informed by fMRI activations of the same subjects, the
meaning is probably supported by the IFOF, as suggested by a authors observed that a dorsal fiber tract, directly connecting BA
study using the MTG and BA 47 as ROIs for fiber tracking (Turken 44 and posterior temporal cortex, was crucial for processing of
& Dronkers, 2011). These ROIs were the cortical areas in which complex syntax, and ventral pathways were crucial for processing
high-level language comprehension deficits and lesions of aphasic local structures in a simple syntax. Contrary to the results from the
patients correlated most. The regions appeared to be connected via Tyler lab reported above (Griffiths et al., 2012; Papoutsi et al.,
the IFOF. A component of the AF which connects the MTG dorsally 2011; Rolheiser et al., 2011), which restricted their ventral path-
with the frontal lobe has been suggested to play a role in the inte- way a priori to fibers connecting BA 45 with posterior MTG, Fried-
gration of word meanings with other linguistic and cognitive prop- erici, Bahlmann, Heim, Schubotz, and Anwander (2006) described
erties (Turken & Dronkers, 2011). the ventral pathway for simple syntactic processing as connecting
Moreover, not only is semantic processing supported by the the deep frontal operculum with the superior temporal cortex. The
IFOF during comprehension, but also during production tasks. Rol- frontal operculum was connected both to the anterior STG via the
heiser, Stamatakis, and Tyler (2011) showed in a study with post- U-shaped UF and to the posterior temporal regions via the IFOF.
stroke patients that the pathway connecting BA 45 with posterior The frontal operculum served as a seed region because it was the
MTG correlates with performance in semantic comprehension and most activated area in a violation detection task on a simple artifi-
production tasks (i.e., a property knowledge task and picture nam- cial grammar. Thus, the functional conclusion of the dorsal path-
ing task). Dorsal pathways showed no correlation with semantic way being involved in processing syntactically complex
processing at all. structures, and the ventral pathway being involved in processing
In sum, the IFOF, especially anterior and middle portions, ap- syntactically simple structures is based on the special case of vio-
pears to be the most relevant tract supporting semantic processes, lation detection in artificial grammar. No other study until now
during both comprehension and production, and especially on the could actually delineate ventral pathways as being involved in pro-
word-level. The contribution of other ventral fiber tracts to cessing syntactically simple structures. This sparse evidence is pos-
semantic processing seems to be dispensable. No dorsal fiber tracts sibly due to the difficulty of segregating brain correlates of simple
have been shown to be involved. syntactic processing in fMRI paradigms.
Interestingly, Wilson et al. (2011) showed that comprehension
4.5. Syntactic processing and production of syntactic structures is only supported by a dorsal
fiber tract (which they delineated as connecting inferior frontal cor-
To investigate which fiber tracts support transmission of syn- tex with posterior temporal lobe), whereas it is not supported by
tactic information, Flöel, de Vries, Scholz, Breitenstein, and Johan- ventral tracts, like the UF or the IFOF. The authors used a bottleneck
sen-Berg (2009) examined the integrity of white matter around single-ROI approach for fiber tracking, and correlated the resulting
Broca’s area and of the fiber tracts that start in the area. They tracts with behavioral measures from patients with primary pro-
found that the white matter integrity highly correlated with the gressive aphasia. They assessed comprehension and production
ability to learn an artificial grammar. This finding suggests that by using syntactic structures that also encompassed complex syn-
the pathways around Broca’s area transmit syntactic information. tactic ones, like passive or embedded constructions. Thus, from this
Unfortunately, the authors did not delineate BA 44 from BA 45, study there is no clear conclusion about the fiber tracts specifically
nor did they give a description of the observed pathways. From involved in the processing of simple syntactic structures. However,
the figure they provided, however, it can be inferred that both patients with lesions restricted to the ventral pathways have been
dorsal and ventral fiber tracts correlated with grammar learning shown to perform fairly well at syntactic processing (Wilson,
success. Galantucci, Tartaglia, & Gorno-Tempini, 2012), suggesting that the
This observation is in line with the findings of Rolheiser, ventral pathways are at least dispensable when it comes to syntac-
Stamatakis, and Tyler (2011), who correlated the performance of tic processing. The dorsal pathway, on the contrary, has been sug-
post-stroke patients in language comprehension and production gested to participate in complex syntactic processing, perhaps as
tasks with the white matter damage of the ‘‘AF/SLF’’ and of a ven- a reflection of the identification of long-distance syntactic relations
tral pathway connecting BA 45 and posterior MTG. The authors and sequence analysis (Weiller et al., 2011).
showed that both the dorsal and the ventral pathway participated Taken together, there is evidence that syntactic processing is
in syntax comprehension and production. Another study from the supported by a dorsal fiber tract, especially when it comes to the
same group confirmed this finding with respect to the processing processing of complex syntactic structures. This dorsal tract corre-
of syntactic ambiguities (Papoutsi, Stamatakis, Griffiths, Marslen- sponds to the AF, which directly connects BA 44 and the posterior
Wilson, & Tyler, 2011). Also, Griffiths, Marslen-Wilson, Stamatakis, temporal cortex. A ventral pathway, including the frontal opercu-
and Tyler (2012) recently showed the same ventral pathway to be lum, may be involved in processing of simple syntactic structures,
involved in syntactic processing, and specified the dorsal pathway although it was suggested to be dispensable. Whether it is the IFOF,
as connecting BA 44 and posterior MTG when they did tractogra- the UF, or both, is unresolved at present. Especially the specific
phy based on brain regions involved in syntactic processing (from contribution of the ventral fiber tract to syntactic processing needs
an fMRI study in a different group of healthy participants). More- further research.
218 S.M.E. Gierhan / Brain & Language 127 (2013) 205–221

4.6. Summary 5. Conclusion and outlook

The inspection of the literature shows that phonological The present review provides a new neurocognitive model which
processing is supported by a pathway connecting the posterior is illustrated in Fig. 3. It appears that three different dorsal (direct,
temporal cortex with the angular gyrus, which is called SLF-tp. This inferior indirect, superior indirect), and two different ventral (UF,
tract seems to be different from the temporoparietal portion of the IFOF) long-range fiber tracts are mainly involved in auditory lan-
arcuate fascicle which directly connects the temporal cortex with guage processing.
the frontal cortex, thereby coursing through the white matter of Dorsally, the AF directly connects BA 44 with the posterior STG
the parietal lobe without sending branches to the cortex of the and seems to be involved in processing complex syntax. An addi-
parietal lobe. tional (inferior) indirect dorsal tract consists of connections from
The most relevant fiber tract for articulation was shown to be the posterior inferior frontal cortex to the SMG (via SLF III) and
the SLF III, a component of the superior longitudinal fascicle that from the SMG to the posterior temporal cortex (unnamed connec-
connects the posterior inferio-frontal cortex, including ventral tion). The SLF III is reported to be involved in articulation and rep-
premotor cortex, with the supramarginal gyrus. We currently lack etition. A superior indirect tract consists of connections from the
enough fine-grained investigations to make precise conclusions dorsolateral frontal cortex to the angular gyrus (via SLF II), and
about the frontal terminations. It is possible that only the ventral from the angular gyrus to the posterior temporal lobe (via SLF-
premotor cortex, and not the posterior IFG, is the cortical site that tp). The SLF-tp is reported to be involved in phonological process-
is connected to the parietal cortex, because the posterior IFG was ing. In addition to the SLF III, repetition is also supported by this
also shown to be directly connected to the posterior temporal lobe superior indirect tract, which is also discussed as being a direct
via the AF. tract without the involvement of parietal cortical areas.
Performing repetition is supported by tracts that are also Ventrally, the UF connects the inferior frontal and the prefrontal
involved in phonological processing (SLF-tp) and articulation (SLF cortex, through the bottleneck of the extreme capsule, with the
III), as well as by a tract connecting the posterior superior temporal anterior temporal lobe, and is discussed as being involved in the
cortex with the superior frontal lobe. This direct connection processing of local syntactic structures, e.g., in simple sentences.
between the temporal cortex and the superior frontal lobe is, how- The IFOF connects the inferior frontal cortex, through the bottle-
ever, questionable. There is evidence that the posterior temporal neck of the extreme capsule, with the posterior temporal and the
cortex is only connected to the angular gyrus via the SLF-tp, and occipital cortex, and seems to be involved in lexico-semantic pro-
from the angular gyrus to the superior frontal gyrus via the SLF cessing, i.e., processing of single word meanings. A functional role
II. Nonetheless, the phonological aspects of repetition are in the processing of simple syntax is also discussed, although the
supported by the SLF-tp, and the articulatory aspects by the SLF ventral tracts may be dispensable in syntactic processing. The IFOF
III, which are in turn controlled by the dorsal premotor cortex via appears to be similar to the fibers that have been previously de-
the SLF II or a direct connection. noted to be part of the extreme capsule fiber tract by some authors.
Semantic processing seems to rely most on anterior and middle Additionally, there are two ventral fiber tracts that are not con-
portions of the IFOF, connecting the temporal lobe with the inferior nected to the frontal lobe which are less frequently reported as
frontal language areas. The tract is not only relevant for the being involved in auditory language processing. The ILF connects
processing of single word meanings for comprehension, but also the temporal pole with the posterior and occipital cortex. The
for production. It is also suggested that the IFOF supports the MdLF connects the temporal pole with the posterior superior
integration of the word meanings into the sentence. However,
confirming this requires more empirical evidence.
Syntactic structures have been shown to be processed by both
dorsal and possibly also ventral fiber tracts, depending on the com-
plexity of the structures. It has been shown that complex syntactic
structures, for example sentences with a non-canonical word order
or hierarchical grammar, are transmitted via the AF connecting BA
44 with the posterior temporal cortex, whereas simple syntactic
structures, for example local phrase structures, were suggested to
be transmitted via a ventral pathway, i.e., the IFOF and/or the UF.
This ventral pathway may be dispensable.
The remaining tracts that were additionally delineated in lan-
guage-related studies, i.e., the ILF and the MdLF, have not been
unequivocally allocated to a linguistic function. It seems that they
may be of minor importance during auditory language processing,
are involved via short-range connections, have been investigated
less, or have been wrongly delineated as separate tracts and
actually merge functionally into other tracts.
In sum, phonological processing and articulation are supported
by dorsal fiber tracts only. Phonological processing recruits a
temporoparietal connection (SLF-tp) and articulation recruits a Fig. 3. Neurocognitive model which illustrates the most probable course of the
fiber tracts involved in language processing along with their names and most
parieto-frontal connection (SLF III). Speech repetition is also exclu-
probable functional roles. Numbers indicate Brodmann areas. AF = arcuate fascicle,
sively supported dorsally by recruitment of the fiber tracts for pho- AG = angular gyrus, dPMC = dorsal premotor cortex, FOP = frontal operculum,
nological processing and articulation, in addition to a connection to Fpole = frontal pole, ILF = inferior longitudinal fascicle, IFOF = inferior fronto-occip-
the dorsal premotor cortex (SLF II). Semantic processing, at least of ital fascicle, MdLF = middle longitudinal fascicle, N. N. = nomen nescio, Occ = occip-
single words, is supported by a ventral tract (IFOF) only. Syntactic ital cortex, Orb = orbitofrontal cortex, pSTG/MTG = posterior superior temporal
gyrus/middle temporal gyrus, PTL = posterior temporal lobe, SLF II/III/-tp = second/
processing needs both the dorsal (AF) and the ventral (IFOF or UF) third/temporoparietal component of superior longitudinal fascicle, SMG = supra-
fiber tracts, depending on the complexity of the syntactic struc- marginal gyrus, Tpole = temporal pole, UF = uncinate fascicle, vPMC = ventral
tures. These conclusions need further empirical support. premotor cortex.
S.M.E. Gierhan / Brain & Language 127 (2013) 205–221 219

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