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EN 779:2012 COMPACT


In Europe and many other countries The test is performed on a filter ele-
in the world, the coarse and fine dust ment of standard size (see EN 15805),

EN 779:
filters used in air-conditioning and ven- suitable for installation in a rectangular
tilation systems are usually selected in duct measuring 610 × 610 mm – with
accordance with the classification de- a test volume flow between 0.24 m3/s
scribed in the EN 779 standard entitled
“Particulate air filters for general ven-
(850 m3/h) and 1.5 m3/s (5,400 m3/h).
Since a filter’s operational behavior is
tilation”. The ­methodology described in crucially dependent on the volume flow
this standard is based on a laboratory in operation, the filter classes and all
test procedure, with the aim of achie- other test results from the test perfor-
ving reproducible and comparable re- med in accordance with EN 779 always
sults. However, since the test aerosols relate only to the test volume flow spe-
and test dusts used will not usually cified in each case. The principal results
resemble the air pollutants that an air of the test are:
filter is exposed to in actual operation,
the results of the laboratory tests are • Gravimetric arrestance efficiency for
transferable to actual applications only synthetic dust
with very restricted relevance. • Efficiency: corresponds to the num-
ber-referenced fractional collection
The EN 779 has been in force as a Eu- efficiency for 0.4 μm ­particles of the
ropean standard since April 2012 in a synthetic test aerosol.
new, revised version. The most signi- • Pressure drop.
ficant change from the previous ver- • Dust holding capacity for synthetic
sion is the introduction of minimum dust.
efficiencies for Classes F 7 to F 9 and
the renaming of Classes F 5 and F 6 as The test procedure laid down in DIN
Viledon® air filters are always tes-
M 5 and M 6. The introduction of these EN 779 is shown in diagrammatic form
ted and classified in accordance
minimum efficiencies is an important in Figure 1.
with the latest standards.
step forward in filter standardization,
and constitutes a milestone in the filter EN 779:2012
industry, in its thrust for higher quality EN 1822:2009
standards, and thus for improved pro- EUROVENT
tection of both man and machine.

Coarse dust filters are classified by their filters are classified in a
­ ccordance with
average arrestance (Am) in relation to their average efficiencies (Em). For this
the synthetic ASHRAE dust. A final fil- purpose, between the individual dust
ter installed on the downstream side of loading stages (see Fig. 1), the filter
the filter being tested is weighed before element is exposed to a synthetic dro-
and after the dust has been fed in. The plet aerosol, and the particle number
increase in mass measured at the final concentrations are measured before
filter corresponds to the mass of dust and after the filter. The efficiency is cal-
that has penetrated through the filter culated from the difference between
being assessed. The difference from the the two concentrations – referenced to
total mass of dust fed corresponds to the concentration of 0.4 μm particles
the mass of dust arrested in the filter measured on the upstream side. Follo- pocket filter
being tested. This is put in relation to wing the test, the average efficiency is
the mass originally fed in, whereupon ­calculated as an integral mean value of
the average (gravimetric) arrestance of the individual efficiencies determined Viledon® MaxiPleat
the test filter is calculated. Fine dust as a function of the dust loading. cassette filter

Fig. 1: Diagram oftest procedure as specified in DIN EN 779

Loading with ASHRAE

dust in min. 5 individual
steps until reaching final ∆p

Measuring the initial Measuring the final

values for ∆p, efficiency values for ∆p,
efficiency, arrestance

Measuring ∆p,
efficiency, arrestance

Calculating the average

Creating test certificate arrestance and
the average efficiency

Besides the purely mechanical filte- sed flow resistance and a concomitant phenomena or shielding of the charges
ring effect, the use of what are called pressure drop – i.e., the air is filtered in such a way that a filter’s efficiency
electret media, i.e. media with passive with minimum expenditure of energy. decreases over the course of operation.
electrostatic charges on the fibers, con- Under certain operating conditions, e.g. If there is sufficient dust present in the
stitutes an option for increasing a fil- at high humidity levels, or if the filter air being filtered, this effect is compen-
ter’s collection efficiency in the initial is exposed to very fine particles from sated for by the increase in (mechani-
state or for particular critical particle combustion processes or to oil mist, cal) efficiency due to dust storage.
sizes above and beyond the minimum the effect of electrostatic charges can,
requirements, without causing increa- for example, be influenced by discharge

Table 1: The DIN EN 779:2012 in overview

EN 779 EN 779 [ % ] [ % ]
[ % ]
Coarse dust filter

G 1 G 1 Am < 65 – –

G 2 G 2 65 ≤ Am < 80 – –

G 3 G 3 80 ≤ Am < 90 – –

G 4 G 4 90 ≤ Am – –

F 5 M 5 – 40 ≤ Em < 60 –

Fine dust filter

F 6 M 6 – 60 ≤ Em< 80 –

F 7 F 7 – 80 ≤ Em< 90 35

F 8 F 8 – 90 ≤ Em< 95 55

F 9 F 9 – 95 ≤ Em 70

New in EN 779:2012 Classification of standard air filters in accordance with their filtering performance as defined in EN 779;
final pressure drop for the classification is 250 Pa for coarse dust filters, 450 Pa for fine dust filters 450 Pa.

Unfortunately, some competitors on media sample with isopropanol is to ger be achieved in actual practice. The
the market are offering products whose neutralize all electrostatic charges on standard thus poses significantly more
arrestance performance is based al- the fibers. The “Minimum Efficiency” stringent requirements, resulting in im-
most entirely on the electret effect, corresponds to the lowest value of all proved operational dependability and a
and which thus purport to achieve ar- efficiencies measured during the test high overall standard of quality for the
restance performance levels that in (efficiencies of the filter element be- user.
actual practice are not sustainedly re- fore, during and after dust feed-in and
ached. For this reason, back in 2002 an efficiency of the media sample treated
additional testing method was incorpo- with isopropanol). The efficiencies and
rated in the EN 779, ­designed to assess arrestance values measured are used to
to what degree a filter’s efficiency is assign the air filters tested to a parti-
attributable to electrostatic charges on cular filter class in accordance with the
the fibers. table above.

In the new, revised version of the stan- The introduction of the new minimum
dard, this method has also been in- efficiencies into the classification of
corporated in the filter classification. high-arrestance fine filters prevents
For this purpose, a media sample is low-performing coarse filters getting
immersed in isopropanol, then dried onto the market that through high
again, and the fractional collection effi- electrostatic charging alone feign high
ciency is determined for particles mea- fine filter efficiencies which after only
suring 0.4 μm. The aim of treating the a brief period of operation can no lon- Viledon® filter mat
But: where there’s light, there’s also efficacy of a filter for specific particle Fig. 2: Sample of an organic-synthetic
shadow. The new test procedure is sizes. Another disadvantage is that the filter medium during and after treat-
performed only on a small media synthetic test dust used (ASHRAE dust) ment with isopropanol
sample, and therefore does not as- will usually not correspond to the at-
sess the quality of the overall assem- mospheric dust in the actual applica-
bly ­configuration, which may be much tion concerned, so that dust-loaded
more determinant for the filter’s per- filters behave differently in the labo-
formance than the question of whether ratory test compared to actual use.
a medium is carrying an electrostatic However, the composition of actual
charge, and if so, how much. In addition, atmospheric dust depends on many
this method undervalues the filter as a different parameters, such as the loca-
whole, since it does not factor in the tion involved, air temperature and hu-
increase in efficiency simultaneously midity, and weather conditions, so that
effected in actual practice by dust sto- entirely different operating behavior
rage. Moreover, isopropanol may also can result for one and the same filter
chemically attack the media ­structure, element in actual use, depending on
and thus either falsify the measured the places and times involved.
values or render the filter medium to-
tally unusable (see Fig. 2). Glass-fiber pocket filters release micros-
copically small fiber fragments that are
With the standardized test procedure respirable and have long been suspec-
specified in EN 779, reproducible and ted to being deleterious to human
comparable results for air filters can health. These and other phenomena
be achieved in the laboratory. Despite are grouped together under the term

Viledon® is a registered and protected trademark of Carl Freudenberg KG.

the general acceptance of EN 779, this “shedding”. This constitutes a further
standard’s test procedures as briefly weakness in the standard. Shedding is As part of ISO, a new international
described above exhibit certain weak- admittedly mentioned in the standard standard ISO 16890 is currently
nesses. One significant disadvantage for informational purposes, but a mea- being drafted to turn off the essen-
of these filter testing methods is that suring procedure is not described, let tial weaknesses of the EN 779 and
they do not permit any statements alone a method for evaluating such ef- replace it in the future.
whatsoever to be arrived at on the fects within the filter classification.

This document provides non-binding information. Freudenberg Filtration Technologies SE & Co. KG cannot accept any ­liability for the completeness and correctness
of the statements made. ­Liability and warranty questions shall be governed solely by the provisions of the delivery relationships involved.

Freudenberg Filtration Technologies SE & Co. KG

69465 Weinheim, Germany
Phone +49 (0) 6201 80-6264 | Fax +49 (0) 6201 88-6299 |

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