Indonesian Efl Pre Service Teacher Barriers in Olnine Learning During Covid 19

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ISSN: 2716-3334 FASCHO.

9(2), XX-XX

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Muhammad Khoerul Hadist

English Education Study Program, STKIP Muhammadiyah Bogor
Manuscript Info Abstract
Manuscript History
Received: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This research was conducted to investigate the Indonesian pre-service
Final Accepted: xxxxxxxxxxxx teachers’ barriers in online learning during covid 19 pandemi. The
Published: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx research was used qualitative method research approach. The
Key words:-
questionnaire and interview used as the instrument of research to the
Technology, Online learnig 186 Indonesian EFL pre service teachers of STKIP Muhammadiyah
barriers, Pre service teachers. Bogor. The research discovered that the most problems in online
learning of EFL pre service teaching during covid 19 pandemic is lack
of eksternal infrastructure such as unstable of internet connection, there
is not enough of internet data and lack of device.

INTRODUCTION new model of learning from a traditional
Covid 19 disaster changed world life classroom based education to online learning
order, every aspect of life are affected such as and it’s caused various barriers are faced by a
healthy, economic, either in the educational teacher and a student itself during teaching
field. Due to social distancing regulation, in and learning (Srichanyachon, 2014).
order to avoid covid 19 transmission widely. It is well known in the educational
Therefore, educational learning and teaching system, that teachers take an important role in
model are changed from entering classes a teaching and learning proces. Besides that,
psychically become study at home or online there are also some supporting of successful
learning (Soni, 2020). learning factors especially in online learning
Those covid 19 disaster have been or E-learning; ICT knowledge, Media
coming unavoidable and unexpectable, and Technology, and infrastructure on the online
result to unreadiness, and unpreparedness in learning, and it has a significance effect in the
education major models, such as in online learning and teaching process, particularly, in
learning, because it need to adjust and adopt a new learning and teaching adaptation models

ISSN: 2716-3334 FASCHO. 9(2), XX-XX

such as in online learning and teaching government, educational institutions, teachers,

(Srichanyachon, 2014), (Volery & Lord, students, etc (Abidah et al., 2020).
2000), (Freeman & Urbaczewski, 2019). Related to the previous researched
However, according to Naveed et all above, the research would be focused on
(2017, pp. 94–107) in his research “Barriers investigation of Indonesian pre-service teacher
effecting successful implementation of E- students’ barriers level in online learning
learning in Saudi Arabia University” there are during covid 19 pandemics for the successful
four major barriers that affected to the of online learning.
successful of E-learning teaching in Saudi
Arabia university such as student, instructor,
infrastructure, and technology. And the result Since the development of Information
revealed that the infrastructure and technology and Communication Technology into 4.0, it
was the most significant which was affected grew rapidly and massive. The ICT is not an
and influenced through to the successful of E- option or alternative in education but, ICT as a
learning. necessary and a needed which is unavoidable
In other hands, study conducted by in education systems as a model of teaching
Shirkhani et all (2016, pp. 353–362) in and learning. ICT as a helpfully and an ease
“Identifying Barriers of E-learning means for teaching and learning, which is
Implementation by M.Sc. Students in using of ICT considered more interesting,
Agricultural Faculty of Islamic Azad effective, and efficient for teaching and
University, Ilam Branch” this study was aimed learning (Umar & Jalil, 2012) (N et al., 2012).
to exams the most significant factors from five However, the use of ICT in online
factor categories in E-learning barriers there learning and teaching can be a terrible which
are infrastructure, attitudinal, technical, is against from the explanation above, that
professional, human, educational-skills ICT gives an advantages and helpful and
barriers. The result covered that, the meaning full in education system. According
infrastructure barriers is most barriers which to Pavel et all (2015, p. 710) in “ICT and E-
was encountered by students during E- Learning – Catalysts for Innovation and
learning for lack of preparing facilities and Quality in Higher Education” that
tools relating to E-learning. technological literary is one of required skills
Indonesia as a developing country, it's on conducting online learning or E-learning
more possible for Indonesia to face barriers in that impacted to the process and system of
adopting online learning and teaching in educational. Therefore, ICT knowledge, skills
practices due to geographical issues, such as and competency are key important role to
in rural, even in the big cities for the sake of organize online teaching and learning and also
lack of ICT literate, Technology use or it affects to the successful or unsuccessful
Technology media, and infrastructure of online teaching and learning practically.
online learning and teaching. Thus things need In other hands, Gillet-Swan (2017, pp.
the readiness of all stakeholders involved in 20–30) in “The Challenges of Online
dealing with online learning such as the Learning: Supporting and Engaging the

ISSN: 2716-3334 FASCHO. 9(2), XX-XX

Isolated Learner” that, the online environment In advanced, more new technology
presents challenges to the user which is used as an extended from online learning is
required an increasing and high level of M-Learning or mobile learning, where, mobile
technological competency and proficiency. It phone used as a media in online education by
can be concluded that the competency and stakeholders (Teachers, and Students). It is
proficiency of technological knowledge as the appropriate with the research conducted by
basic point for student and teacher related to Marinakou (2014, pp. 176–199) in “M-
online learning and teaching, contrary with Learning in middle east: the case of Bahrain”.
two paragraphs above, instead of having a This research aimed to support and developed
competency, skills, and knowledge at ICT it instructor knowledge, competency, and skill
can be problems and barriers if without having through using new technology such an
ICT knowledge, competencies, and skills. appropriate and effective way. Then, at least
However, a technology as supporting there are two main media technologies
success factors in online learning and commonly used in E-learning.
teaching. It’s appropriate with Freeman (2019, One of the factors that might inhibit in
p. 3) in “Review of E-Learning Technology” E-learning as a barrier is IT infrastructure. The
that, there are some success factors such as a readiness and availability of good
technology, technology usage, and instructor infrastructure from the education institution,
as a critical success factors. Therefore, a or from all external stakeholders such as the
technology is one of the elements that can’t be government, and telecommunication service
separated in online teaching and learning. providers who take a responsibility of IT
Nowadays, along with development of infrastructure. According to Blinco (2004, p.
technology there are more than one media 2) infrastructure in E-learning related to E-
technology that can be used in online teaching learning Infrastructure, Technical
such a computer based but also smartphone or infrastructure, and ICT infrastructure,
gadgets, and so on are used as a media therefore, the meaning of infrastructure so
technology in E-Learning. broadly and widely. However, for the
Moreover, the effectiveness of technical way the meaning of infrastructure in
delivering E-learning depends on or E-learning tend to describe as networks,
influenced by quality, reliability, and hardware components, communication
compatibilities of technology during online process, services and protocols.
teaching and learning. According to Volery However, the quality of E-learning is
(2000, p. 218) in “Critical Success Factors in closely related to the operational infrastructure
Online Education” there are three main of ICT technology available, so that, teachers
variables effect the effectiveness of online and students have an effective, comprehensive
delivery; technology, instructor characteristic, and communicative experience during online
and student characteristic. Therefore, the learning and teaching. According to
compatibility of technology or hardware and McDougall (2003, pp. 13–14) in “Operational
software is key point for success factors in E- Infrastructure for Quality Distance and Online
learning. Geospatial Programs” that, the quality of
Online learning influenced by operational

ISSN: 2716-3334 FASCHO. 9(2), XX-XX

infrastructure provided whether from the In order to identify the pre-service

educational institution or from external teacher barriers level, the questionnaire was
stakeholders (government and employing to collect the data. The first
telecommunication service provider). questionnaire variable related to pre-service
Based on the researches above, there teacher barriers on ICT competency or
are several factors lead to the success of knowledge. The second variable related to
online learning or e-learning such as ICT pre-service teacher barriers on Technology are
knowledge, Technology used, and used, and the last variable related to pre-
Infrastructure. It might be contrary if there are service teacher barriers on ICT operational
some lacks from thus several factors, that, the infrastructure. To ensure the questionnaires
problems might be occurred and become are qualified the validity and reliability tested
barriers during online teaching and learning. employed by using SPSS program.
Therefore, the research should be conducted to Cornbach’s alpha coefficient was used to
examine level of barriers that probably examine the validity and the reliability for
happened in online teaching and learning each items and variables.
during covid – 19 pandemic through
Indonesian pre-service teacher students. FINDING AND DISCUSSION
1. Level of barriers in ICT knowledge, skills,
and competencies.
This study participated by Pre-service Table 1
teacher students of STKIP Muhammadiyah
Bogor all among semester from English
Language Education, Indonesia Language
Education, Educational Administration, and
Training Teachers for Childhoods as the
participants. 185 participants were taken as a
sampling technique for the sample during
covid 19 pandemic.
The research employed a qualitative
method, the questionnaire used as the As it shown in the table above the
instrument for gathering data and five likert ranges of strongly disagreed and disagreed is
model (strongly disagree, disagree, undecided, the huge percentage compared with agreed
agree, and strongly agree) employed to and strongly agreed throughout Students pre
measure three variables such as ICT service teacher STKIP Muhammadiyah
knowledge, Technology use, and IT barriers on knowledge, skills and competency
infrastructure barriers that encounter by pre- level which encountered during online
service teacher students in online learning learning. The only point 3 that is shown the
during pandemic. lowest level about 20% in strongly disagreed
related to the familiar of application used in
online learning. From this variable or level of

ISSN: 2716-3334 FASCHO. 9(2), XX-XX

ICT knowledge barriers for the student pre finding of Srichanyachon (2014), Blinco
service teachers seems don’t have any (2004) and Shirkhani (2016).
problem related to ICT knowledge, skills and
competency which is appropriate with
research conducted by Behroozian (2017), 3. Level of barriers in Operational
Shirkhani (2016), and Naveed (2017). The Infrastructure
Perceived of Usefulness. Table 3

2. Level of barriers in Technology use


Table 2

Thus results above figure out contrary

with the two variable results preceded which
is surprisingly pre service teacher much more
encountered the problem toward infrastructure
in supporting online learning during
pandemic. It’s highly noticed that, most of
them tends to agreed and strongly agreed
As we can see at the table above there about no less than 50% both of agreed and
are no significant problems that encounter by strongly agreed. So the infrastructure barriers
Students pre service teacher toward devices or most the significant results of Students
technology that they were used during online barriers level rather than ICT knowledge and
learning but it still noticed that for the item Technology are used. The finding of
number 4 and 5 it’s contrary with another Behroozian (2017), Shirkhani (2016), Naveed
items of problems that faced during online (2017), Srichanyachon (2014), and Blinco
teaching surprisingly which is indicated that (2004) confirm these results.
the most device problem happened during
online teaching where the device or
technology which were used always gasped or CONCLUSION
lagging and devices’ memory were full of According to the research results, the
data, it’s about 46% for the item 4 and 65% most significant barriers were the pre-service
for the item 5 both of agreed and strongly teacher’s students STKIP Muhammadiyah
agreed. These results are consistent with encountered in online teaching during the
covid-19 pandemic was infrastructure.

ISSN: 2716-3334 FASCHO. 9(2), XX-XX

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