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NPM: 16210042




A. Background of the Research

The occurrence of communication is characterized by who are the sources
of information or called by communicators and presence of people or recipient
of information. A communication can be success if the massage that
communicated by communicators can be understood by the other. According
to Keyton (2011) communication is the process of transmitting information
and common understanding from one person to another. Communication
happens as the consequences from social relationship by interaction each
other. If we observe more detail about human activities in their daily activity,
so most of it filled in communication activities, for example make
conversation, read a newspaper, listening the radio, etc. It is one of proof
that in social life, communication becomes most important part in this era.

Communication is impossible without share knowledge and assumption

between speakers and hearer (Nurhayati: 2016) . In this era, communication
develop becomes a knowledge, but in reality still happen misunderstanding or
miscommunication between communicator. So from this case, it can take the
understanding the effective communication is conditional or communication
can happen effectively if all of components are complete.

Communication uses a language as a medium. By language, people

can express their feeling and opinions. Even by language, people can
thinking and reasoned. Language is a tool or key to make communication each
other. In the other word, people are will depend on a language and also
remember that people are social creatures. Creatures cannot life without
others. In this case, each other will make interactions (communications)
for various purposes. According to Nurhayati (2016) stated language is
used to create a meaningful communication. Language spoken by human
being is not a static language, but the language is always evolving according
to human needs as users.

There are many various emerging phenomena in practical life will be have
a great influence on language. Often the rules of the agreed upon language
experienced stagnation confronts phenomenon use of language at the practical.
Assessment of a language on structural level alone is often not producing a
study that maximum. Practical conditions of use language often “out”
from the structural rules, but the communication that occurred to find an
obstacle and thus generate a communication that is more effectively and
efficiently. That encourages a study of a language not only from an angle
structural view only, but also must associated with many aspects of the outside
the language structure. In communication, those happens a conversation
inside. Conversation is a joint activity in which two or more participants use
linguistics forms and non verbal signals to communicate interactively
(Brennan :2010).Conversation in fact is a language event between two
participants or more that in general happens in a relaxed atmosphere.
Conversation is a container that possible to realize the principles of
principles of cooperation and courtesy in speaking events.

In this era, English became the important language that must be mastered
by people to face competition. Cahyono and Widiati (2001: 29) state in this
era, along with the strengthening position of English as language for
international communication, the teaching of speaking skill has become
increasingly important in the English as a second or foreign language
(ESL/EFL) context. Even though English can studied by many ways, one of it
is by conversation. By learning conversation it makes people easily to
mustered English. People can memorize much vocabulary and speak fluently.
Nurhayati (2017) stated related to the language production, recently, there
were studies indicating the research in language production aimed to explain
how people translate a through into spoken, signed, or written utterance.
In globalization era, there are many aspects using English. Such as product
guidebook, ingredients, etc. So, one of easy ways for learning English is by
conducting conversation. . Learning conversation especially English not only
taught in formal school such as kindergarten up to university and also non
formal, such as , courses, etc.

In Indonesia, there are many varieties of language, it is a part of culture in

Indonesia (Nurhayati: 2016). But, the first of foreign language target in the
school is English language. Nunan (2003: 54) defines foreign language
is when a language put as a target language but the language is not the
language of communication in that society. While, second language is when a
language put as the target language but the language is the language of
communication in that society. It’s important to learning English because
English is the language for science, technology, and business. In short,
English cannot be separated from daily activities.

Harmer (2003) stated that the teaching of language communicatively gives

many beneficial effect because it reminds that the teachers that people learn
languages not just to know them, but also to use the language to communicate.

This research will focus on the components of teaching learning process

conducted in SMP PGRI 7 Banjarmasin.

SMP PGRI 7 Banjarmasin is also one of school that focused in language

development system. The goal of programs and systems in SMP PGRI 7
Banjarmasin not only giving sufficient in Islamic knowledge but also
communicative skill especially in developing language (English). The first
students’ problem is pronunciation, because English is foreign language, so
they get difficulties to pronounce English words (Nurhayati: 2015). The
students of SMP PGRI 7 Banjarmasin have their own rules and program about
language. They use English language in their daily conversation every week.
The students have many ways to improve and express their ability; one of
them is speaking skill. So, they improve their speaking skill by daily
conversation. For example common expression program, using and adapting
the materials from master book, vocabulary mastery, language fair and so on.

By applying this rule the students fell confidence and brave in speaking
English and their English skill can be showed in their daily conversation. So
the students also feel confidence face free competition in globalization era. So,
the teachers make roles to facilitate and guide the students how English should
be not only learned but also used in daily communication one of ways is by
using daily conversation.

By understanding the main function of English as a communication

language, learner who intentionally learn English are expected to master 4
skill in learning process, one of them is speaking. Speaking and writing said to
be active or productive skill whereas, listening and reading said to be passive
or receptive skill (Widowson: 1978). English consist of four skills: listening,
speaking, reading, and writing. Nurhayati (2016) define the experience with A
variety of reading, writing, and speaking, listening activities in school can help
learners acquires the skill they need to be successful. Vocabulary is one of
component of those skills. Vocabulary is important for the students to support
their four language skills (Munir: 2016). In Al Mawaddah 2, there are some
programs to enrich vocabulary mastery.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher wants to know what kind
of the preparation, process and the evaluation in implementing English
conversation in SMP PGRI 7 Banjarmasin .

B. Focus of the Research

Based on the background of the study, the general research question as

1. How are the teachers’ steps to prepare the implementation of

Conversation at SMP PGRI 7?
2. How is the teachers’ process to implementing English Conversation at
SMP PGRI 7 Banjarmasin?
3. How is the teachers’ evaluation in implementing English Conversation at
SMP PGRI 7 Banjarmasin?

C. Objectives of the Research

The aims of conducting the research are:

1. To know the teachers’ steps to prepare the implementation of

Conversation at SMP PGRI 7 Banjarmasin .

2. To know the teachers’ process to implementing English Conversation at

SMP PGRI 7 Banjarmasin.
3. To know the teachers’ evaluation in implementing English Conversation at
SMP PGRI 7 Banjarmasin.

D. Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of this research focuses on the implementation of English
Conversation in . The limitation is teachers’ implementation on English
Conversation in an . Then, the participants of this research the teacher who
uses English Conversation at SMP PGRI 7 Banjarmasin . Therefore, the
discussion focuses on the teachers’ preparation, teachers’ implementation and
teachers’ evaluation in implementing English conversation.

E. Significant of the Study

The significance of this study is the result meaningful and gives
contribution as guideline not only for the writer but also for all. For the reader,
this research its’ be useful, by giving information about the implementation of
English conversation at SMP PGRI 7 Banjarmasin . And for the teacher, this
study giving some benefits and knowledge about the implementation of
English Conversation effectively and optimally. The last, for the researcher
hopes, this research will give more description and new knowledge for the
teachers who want to implement English Conversation (preparation,
implementation, and evaluation).

F. Definition of Key Terms

Based on the title of the research, it shows the definition of some key term to
avoid misunderstanding of the reader. The definition will make the reader
understand about the content.

1. English Conversation
English Conversation is interactive communication between two or
more people using English as foreign language in formal or non
formal school in Indonesia.

2. Teachers’ preparation in implementing English Conversation

Preparation is one of activities to preparing or management principle to get
ready for successful experience. There is some planning or technique that
prepared before teaching learning English Conversation.

3. Teachers’ process in implementing English Conversation

Process is a steps or a series of actions that take or apply by the teacher in
order to achieve a result for teaching learning English Conversation.

4. Teachers’ evaluation in implementing English Conversation

Evaluation is a systematic determination or process of judging the quality
after teaching and learning English Conversation.


A. Types of English Conversation

According to Brennan (2010:1) Conversation is a joint activity in which
two or more participants’ uses linguistic forms and nonverbal signals to
communicate interactively. Dialogues are conversations between two
participants (although the terms dialogue and conversation are often used
interchangeably). Face-to-face conversation is universal engaged in by all
human cultures, and providing an interactive context in which children learn
their native languages. Heritage (2001:2744), stated” Conversations are social
creations. They are produced one step at a time as people carry out certain
joint activities. A joint activity is one in which two or more people have to
coordinate with each other to succeed. In English First (2014), there are
several classifications of conversation:

1. Structural Conversation
Grammar specification refers to as structure. Examples of
structures include past tense, noun plurals, the comparison of adjectives,
and others. The use of the English language both in everyday speech and
writing to be precise in the use of any terms as related to time: past,
present, and future. In addition, the use of English structure associated
with the use of the form noun, pronoun, Articles, and various forms of the
word adjective, verbs, and adverbs. Thus, type of conversation is
prioritizing grammar.

2. Functional Conversation
Functional conversation is a conversation lessons are intended to
establish a person's ability in language functioning according to the place
and its existence. In everyday conversations (daily conversation) are often
confronted with something that objective. For this conversation used when
a formal conversation. Include into the daily conversations that is
Greeting, introduction, parting, asking something, gratitude and
appreciation, invitation, asking and giving permission, praising and
congratulation, like and dislikeexpression, apology, commands and
requests certainty, expressing capability,and offering something.

3. Situational Conversation
Is a conversation lesson aim to establish the ability of students
toidentify specific functions in communication based on a formal
situation? John: Waiter, give me two coffees, please!The phrase 2 coffees -
it is just one example of how the use of specialfunctions in communication
based on the situation. In the restaurant, alreadyusual we say 2 coffees
grammar although it is wrong, because the 'coffee' isusually regarded as
uncountable noun.

B. English Conversation for Secondary School

1. English as Foreign Language
When teaching a language, it is very essential that teachers know
the use of the language itself in a particular area in which the language is
used whether as a second or foreign language so that they can adjust the
kinds of appropriate teaching methods based on these backgrounds.
Teaching English in Indonesia is categorized as teaching the English as a
foreign language which refers to the learning of English in a country
where English is not the native language and the students are learning
English mostly at high school, university or a language school in their own
country. In contrast, teaching English as second language means that the
learning of English done by immigrants moving to a country in which
English is the native language (Paul 2003: 1-2).For example, an
Indonesian child who has moved to America with his family is an ESL
learner in his English class. In ESL, learners commonly have more
opportunities to use English naturally outside class rather than in EFL,
such as when playing with friends, shopping, chatting, discussing, or when
living their lives in the English speaking countries. Learners may also have
more exposure to English which has very significant effect in fostering
their abilities when performing the language, such as when watching TV,
listening to radio or just hearing conversations happening around them. In
general, when ESL learners have moved to a particular English speaking
country and see that many people there speak English whenever and
wherever they are, they start to be deeply aware of the importance of
English and feel it is natural and extremely necessary to learn it. Yet, EFL
learners, on the other hand, seldom feel whether English is either natural
or necessary to learn since they tend not to have more opportunities to use
English and in many cases, they have lack of exposure to English because
English is not the native language in their country and many times they
find it difficult to get exposure to English after the English class dismisses.

2. Teaching at Junior and Senior High School

Education is an important aspect of life (Nurhayati: 2019:1).
Education related with teaching and learning.Teaching English to
teenagers can be fun, but can also be annoying. It depends on how the
teacher views and manages the students regarding with their activities in
classroom. That’s why English teachers need to know and consider the
characteristics of their students. English as a subject matter is managed for
developing the four skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing,
so the students are hoped to be able to communicate using English in
certain levels. Junior high school students who are in year between eleven
up to fourteen or often called teenagers are characterized as adolescent
Harmer (2001: 38- 39) states that there are at least five
characteristics of adolescent learners. First, they seem to be less lively and
humorous than adults. Second, Identity has to be forged among classmates
and friends: peer approval may be considerably more important for the
students than attention of the teacher. Third, they would be much happier
if such problem did not exist. Fourth, they are likely to be disruptive in
class. The last but not the least, they have great capacity to learn, have a
great potential for creativity and a passionate commitment to things that
interest them. Yet, the students cannot learn as much as they can if the
teacher is unable to provide engaging and meaningful learning experience
for them. If they are engaged since at the beginning until the end of the
lesson, they will have a great capacity to learn, a great potential for
creativity and a passionate commitment to things which make them
interested. Thus, the cooperation between the teacher and the students is
really needed in teaching learning process in order to make it successful.
One of the teacher’s jobs is to provoke the adolescent students in their
intellectual activity and creativity so that they are able to express their
ideas, thoughts, and feeling freely. Remembering that adolescent students
are still in period of change, new experiences, instability, learning many
things and often making disruptive behavior life school, the teacher is
required to be more creative and skilful in managing the classroom as well
as the learning experience.

In this case they need something special in their education. Schools

and teachers should provide adolescents with opportunities to explore and
experiment in a stable, engaging and supportive atmosphere because they
learn new experiences, new roles, and this range of age is one of the most
challenging times in life. So they are able to resolve their problems
themselves together with the teacher’s guidance. After all, they still need
the guidance in living their lives until they can stand on their own.

C. English Foreign Language at

English speaking ability is very important for people interaction where
people almost speak everywhere and everyday through English. In this global
era,many people used English as a media of communication and it makes
people who come from different countries to be easier in making interaction
and communication. As one of international language, English is also being
taught in Indonesia both in religious or non-religious institution. Nowadays, in
facing global competition students required to have high proficiency of
international language. It can be prepared through educational institutions
including or called as “pesantren” .

Pesantren is Islamic education institution that demonstrates indigenous

cultural of Indonesia cultural education. Pesantren has been established and
developed since long time ago in all over Indonesia (Miftahusaiyan :2002).
According to Dhofier (2011) .Pesantren in Indonesia can be classified into
three categorized. First, Salafiah (traditional). Second, Khalafiyah (modern).
Third, mixed salafiyah-khalafiyah.

As institution of education, also has a program of learning English as the

way of communication in daily conversation one of them is Daily
Conversation. It’s a method of language learning education in pesantren that
encourages students’ speaking fluency improvement through daily
communication. It aims to overcome several problems that students encounter
in learning foreign language skill, especially in speaking.

According to Gert and Hans (2008: 207), speaking is utterance with the
purpose of having intention to be recognized by speaker and the receiver
processes the statements in order to recognize their intentions. Speaking is one
way to communicate which ideas and though a message orally. To enable
students to communicate, we need to apply the language in real
communication. Brown and Yule (1994: 14) argue that speaking is depending
on the complexity of the information to be communicated; however, the
speaker sometimes finds it difficult to clarify what they want to say.

Ricard (1990) define that the typical learner problems in speaking are:
students’ cannot sustain spoken interaction beyond segments, frequent
communication breakdown, lack of vocabulary needed to talk about common
utterances, lack of communication, and cannot participate actively in
conversation. Those problems faced by learners and make them unconfident in
practicing foreign language and impede their speaking skill improvement.
They need habitual of speaking practice to be familiar with foreign language.
In learning foreign language, the mastery of speaking skill is a priority for
many second or foreign language learners. Learners consequently often
evaluate their success in language learning as well as the effectiveness of their
foreign language on the basic of how well they feel they have improved in
their spoken language proficiency.

Because of the importance of international language, modern pesantren

takes a role on educating language to students especially English and Arabic.
Learning English is a students’ preparation to be able compete internationally
and learning Arabic is a must to understand Islamic knowledge as many
Islamic studies refer to Arabic language, such Al Qur’an, Hadits, and so on.
Nurjaman (2013). In his study, Nurjaman (2013) also investigated English
learning system at a modern known as Al-Aqsha. Fro the study, it is known
that Al-Aqsha also concentrates on vocabulary enrichment and practice. This
finding is thus similar to the vocabulary practice generated by Al Mawaddah
2. Dealing with the selection of materials, Al Mawaddah 2 uses and adapts
English materials that can be used in the target situation, that is, conversation
and learning activities at the environment. has their own programs in EFL
learning. Rohim (2020) also revealed that speech activity is performed at
Nurul Jadid . Comparable to Al Mawaddah 2 and Al-Aqsha, speech activity
at Nurul Jadid is conducted once a week. All these findings provided evidence
that English is learned intensively at s. It seems that s generally have the
same belief that English is vital for students both for learning and
communicating. Furthermore, the outcome of English conversation program,
the case of Al Mawaddah 2 is comparable to Al-Aqsha (Nurjaman, 2013). Al
Mawaddah 2 and Al-Aqshaare able to represent their boarding schools in
English competitions such as debate, speech, and storytelling, and they
successfully became the winner. They have proven that studying at s makes
them more competitive. All these findings are clear evidences that intensive
English program is effective in getting the students to communicate in English
either in informal or formal situations.


A. Research Design
In general, Punch (1998:66) stated that research design means a structure
to plan and execute a particular research. Research design also the crucial
part of the research as it includes the four important consideration, there
are: conceptual framework, the identification of whom and what to study
on and some of tools and procedures for collecting data and analyzing data.

Basically, the research design is divided into some types, for example
qualitative and quantitative research. In this study, the researcher used
qualitative research approach. Berg and Howard (2012) the characteristics of
qualitative research as meanings, one of concepts, a definition, metaphors,
some of symbols and a description about things. The definitions show that
qualitative necessary instruments that can help solve the problem. A
Qualitative research approach views human thought and behavior in social
context and covers a wide range of phenomena in order to understand and
appreciate them. Qualitative research method was developed in the social
science, to study about social and cultural phenomena, such as observe
feelings, thoughts, behaviors and belief of society.

Example of qualitative method there are: case study. In this research, the
researcher use Case Study research design. Yin (1984 :23) describes the
case study research method “as empirical inquiry that investigates a
contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context; when the boundaries
between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident; and in which
multiple sources of evidence are used”. Ary (2010:29) stated that “A
case study is a type of ethnographic research study that focuses on a single
unit, such as individual, one group, one organization, or one program”.
According to Borg and Gall (1989) the characteristics of qualitative
research are: First, Qualitative researches use the natural settings. Second, in
qualitative research emphasis is place and process, no hypothesis ismade and
tasted. Third, using inductive analysis.

The goal of this research is to arrive at a detailed description and to

understanding of the entity or the case. This research uses multiple methods,
such as interview, observation, and archives to gather the data from the field.
In case studies an in-depth of a single unit. Unit here can be an individual, a
group or community, an institution, etc. The big advantage of case studies is
the possibility of depth. It seeks to understand the whole case in the totality
of the environment. The data sources include observation, participation
observation (fieldwork), interview, questionnaire, texts, documents, the
researcher‟s reactions and impressions.

According to al (2011) there are seven steps of case study

method as follows:

1. Justification for the research paradigm and research

2. Justification for the case study method
3. Criteria for judging the quality of the case design
4. Designing the case study
5. Criteria for selecting case design
6. Data collection
7. Case study analysis
In the other hand, Neale et al (2006) defined there are six steps of
case study, the steps as follow:

1. Plan
2. Develop Instruments
3. Train Data Collectors
4. Collect Data
5. Analyze Data
6. Disseminate Findings

B. Research Setting
Research setting is as physical, social, and cultural site inwhich the
researcher conducts the study. This research was located at Penataran
Street- Nglegok-Blitar-East Java. It is one of the middle in Blitar, East
Java. There are teachers with the best quality competent, supporting activities
such as extracurricular, student organization, learning community, sports
team, etc. The learning process is made as comfortable as possible for

C. Subject of Study
Subject of research is an individual that is observed, analyzed, examined,
investigated, experimented upon or/and treated in the course of particular
study. The subjects of this study as follow:

1. The Teacher
The majority of the teachers of Al Mawaddah 2 graduated from Al
Mawaddah 2. Usually, the qualified graduates were invited and given a
letter of recommendation from the leader to teach at Al Mawaddah 2.
The primer participant/subject in this research is the teacher that
implements English Conversation.

2. The Administration.
The other participants that support this study is administrators who
also give information about the implementation process of English
Conversation. (pengasuh).
D. Data and Data Sources
The data of this research are as follows:

1. Data
Data is raw of material that needs to be processed to produce the
information. The source of data in the research is the subjects from
which the data can be collected for the purpose of study
(Arikunto, 2010: 129).Qualitative data is important determining the
particular frequency of traits or characteristics. Moreover, Qualitative
data are mostly non- numerical and usually descriptive or nominal in
nature. It means the data collected are in the form of words and
sentences. Qualitative approaches aim to address the„how‟ and „why‟
of a program and tend to use unstructured methods of data collection
to fully explore the topic.
In this study, data are getting from observation and in-depth
interview. The observation is getting from the teacher and the students
activities classroom during teaching and learning process in the
classroom. And interviews are getting from the teachers that
implement the material of English Conversation during teaching and
learning process in the classroom.

2. Data Sources
The source of data in the study is subjects from which the data can
be obtained (Arikunto, 2010:129). In this research, the researcher gets
the data as follows:
a. Primary Data
Primary data are first hand, original data collected by the
researchers for the project by hand. They are collected for meeting
the objectives of the study. In this research, primary data getting
information from teacher‟s activities on teaching learning process
in the classroom, the preparation or planning before implementing
English Conversation/ English lesson, the procedure in
implementing English Conversation and the evaluation in
implementing English Conversation.
b. Secondary Data
Secondary data is data collected from sources that has already been
in some forms. In this Study, secondary data collected by researcher
indirectly. The secondary data in this research: such as the
document of teachers‟ preparation (RPP and syllabus as the
preparatory documents), teachers and students activities in the
classroom when they implement English Conversation.

E. Data Collecting Method

Data collecting method is the techniques are used by researcher to
collect the data. Data collection is one of the most important stages in
conducting research. The researcher used observation, interview and
documentation to collect the data.
1. Observation
Observation in qualitative research is “one of the oldest and most
fundamental research method approaches. This approach involves
collecting data using data using one‟s senses, especially looking
and listening in a systematic and meaningful way”(Mc Kechnie, 2008,
p.573) Observation is used to understand phenomena by studying
people‟s accounts and actions in an everyday context. In this research
the researcher write done the result from observation and researcher
doing observation in the field. Ciesilska (2018) define the components
of observation as follow:
1. Observational Research Design:
Research aims
Access to the Field
Sampling: What, Who, Where, and When
The Observer
Notes taking
2. Observation
Direct Participant
Non-participant Observation
Indirect Observation
In this research, the researcher writes done the result during
observation and the teachers‟ activities in classroom. Thus, the
researcher observed learning process by writing field note such as the
teacher‟s activities and the students‟ activities in the classroom that
implements the English Conversation. The result writes done on
observation instrument (observation sheet).

2. Interview
In Qualitative research, interview is a conversation where
questions are asked to get information. It functioned to gather data
from people about opinions, beliefs, and feelings about situations in
their own words. Interviews are particularly useful for getting the story
behind a participant‟s experiences. Interview is one of the most
widely used method for obtaining qualitative data (Ary et al, 2010:
438).The interviewer can pursue in-depth information around the topic.
Interviews may be useful as follow-up to certain respondents to
questionnaires, e.g., to further investigate their responses.
In this study the researcher interviews the teacher, and
administrations about implementing English Conversation. To conduct
interview in this research, the researcher to find the information deeply
about some question related with research problem such as the teachers‟
preparation before implementing English Conversation, the teachers‟
procedure in implementing English Conversation and their evaluation in
implementing English Conversation. The researcher use interview
guideline to get the data. In this process to help the researcher to find
and get the information deeply related with research problems. This
process used structured interview.
To get the specific information in this research consist the kind of
preparation and how they prepare, the researcher used semi structured
interview. The interview guideline about the strategies in implementing
English Conversation, and the evaluation in implementing
Conversation. Semi structured interview is a method of research used
most often in social sciences.

Then, unstructured interview conducted without a set of question.

Unstructured interviews sometimes called informal interviews. To
collect the data by this kind of this interview is used the main point of
the research problem (preparation, procedure and evaluation).

3. Documentation
Documentation can be pictures or videos that get from field. Ary
(2010:442) stated that document refer to a wide range of written
physical and visual material, including what other authors my term
artifact. The document as the secondary data. And the documents were
included picture during the observation. In this study, the researcher
collected some documents such as English lesson plan, non-written
documents (picture or videos) in teaching and learning process in the
F. Data Verification
In this study, needs validity to find and make verification of the research.
It is the evidence that the data collections of this study are valid and
responsible. Ary (2010:481) stated there are four techniques to determine
the validity data in this study; they are credibility, transferability,
dependability, and conformability.
1. Credibility
Credibility in qualitative research concerns to truthfulness of the
inquiry‟s findings. Credibility or truth value includes how well the
researcher make confidence in the findings based on the research
design, participants, and context. In qualitative research data can be
categorized good data if a data are valid. According to Creswell
(2009:191) classified the validity of data into eight strategies, one of
them is triangulate. The methodological triangulation is used in this
study. Triangulation since three data collecting techniques, they are:
observation, interview, and questionnaire. Furthermore, Cohen (2000:
112) stated “Triangulation defined as the use of two methods of data
collection in the study f some aspect of human behavior”. In this
study the researcher used is theory triangulation to make inquiry of the
data. The triangulation that involves consideration of how the
phenomenon under study might be explained by multiple theories.
Triangulation is drawn as below:

No Data Data Collection Data Sources

1 Teachers‟ preparation in Interview Teacher
implementing English conversation
2 Teachers‟ procedure in Interview Teacher
Observation Administrations
implementing English conversation

3 Teacher‟s evaluation in Interview Teacher

Observation Administrations
implementing English conversation
Table 3.1 Triangulation Process

2. Transferability
Transferability related to the questions, how far the result of the
study might be applied by the other people in the other context. Ary
(2010) stated that transferability is the degree to which the findings
of a qualitative study can be applied to generalized to other contexts
or too other group. Transferability is external factor. Therefore, the
researcher is demanded to report the data conclusion clearly,
systematically, and acceptably.

3. Dependability
The third standard for judging qualitative studies and refers to the
stability or consistency of the inquiry processes used over time. To
check the dependability of qualitative study, one way to see if the
researcher has been careless or made mistakes in conceptualizing the
study, collecting data, interpreting the findings and reporting results.
This is referred to as dependability or trustworthiness (Ary et
In this study, the researcher audited guidelines and process. The
beginning from research questions/research problems, data collection,
take documents, analyze, and examine the data. The researcher
collected the data from teachers and administrations.

4. Conformability
Conformability in qualitative research is the same as quantitative
research‟s concept of objectivity. Both deal with the idea of
neutrality or the extent to which the research is free of bias in the
procedures and the interpretation of results. Because it may impossible
to achieve the levels of objectivity that quantitative studies strive for,
qualitative researches are concerned with weather the data they collect
and the conclusions they draw would be confirmed by others
investigating the same situation. Then, in qualitative research, the
focus shifts from the neutrality of the researcher to conformability
of the data and interpretations. There are two strategies to enhance
conformability in this research.
G. Data Analysis
The step after collecting the data, the researcher analyzes the data.
Data analysis is the process of systematically applying statistical and/or
logical techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap and
evaluate data. Data analysis is the process og managing data, organizing it
into a good pattern. To analyze the data, according to Miles and Huberman
there are three types of analysis data: data reduction, data display and
verification or conclusion drawing. The data are analyzed through the
following steps:
Methods of Collecting Data:

1. Reviewing Documents
2. Doing In-depth Interview
3. Observation
4. Making field note

Data Reduction

1. Transcribing
2. Discarding
3. Organizing
4. Verification
5. Findings

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