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User’s Manual

Version 3.0

2465 Central Ave. Suite 110

Boulder, Colorado USA 80301
+1 (303) 415 1475

Installation and Basic Operation...................................................................................................... 6

Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 6

Minimum System Requirements .................................................................................................6

Installation ...................................................................................................................................6

Licensing....................................................................................................................................... 7

Getting Started ............................................................................................................................ 7

Analysis of Cracks – General Guidelines.......................................................................................... 9

Geometry Input for Cracks ..........................................................................................................9

Dimensions Window (Crack Analysis)........................................................................................10

Stress Input for Crack Analysis...................................................................................................11

Uniform and Linear Stress Distributions................................................................................11

Weight Function Method.......................................................................................................13

Inferring the Stress Distribution from Internal Pressure.......................................................13

Material Properties for Crack Analysis ......................................................................................14

Parametric Analysis....................................................................................................................14

Crack Analysis Tools...................................................................................................................16

The K Calculator .....................................................................................................................16

The Reference Stress Calculator ............................................................................................16

Fracture Analysis Using the FAD Method ......................................................................................17

The Failure Assessment Diagram (FAD).....................................................................................17

FAD Analysis Options .................................................................................................................17

Stress Input for a FAD Analysis ..................................................................................................19

Primary Stresses.....................................................................................................................19
Installation and Basic Operation

Secondary and Residual Stresses...........................................................................................20

Material Properties for a Fracture Analysis...............................................................................21

Tensile Properties ..................................................................................................................21

Stress-Strain Curve.................................................................................................................21

Toughness Parameters ..........................................................................................................21

Charpy Correlations ...............................................................................................................22

Defining Toughness as a Function of Temperature...............................................................23

Master Curve Approach for Toughness.................................................................................23

Assessing a Known Flaw.............................................................................................................24

Assessing Limiting Flaw Size ......................................................................................................24

Assessing Limiting Load .............................................................................................................24

Monte Carlo FAD Analysis .........................................................................................................25

Normal Distribution ...............................................................................................................27

Log-Normal Distribution ........................................................................................................27

Weibull Distribution...............................................................................................................27

Uniform Distribution..............................................................................................................27

Triangular Distribution...........................................................................................................28

Ductile Tearing Analysis.............................................................................................................29

Fatigue Crack Propagation Analysis...............................................................................................32

Crack Growth Options ...............................................................................................................32

Growing a Crack to Failure.....................................................................................................32

Growing a Crack to a Specific Size .........................................................................................32

Growing a Crack for a Specific Number of Cycles..................................................................32

Reporting Units for Fatigue Life.............................................................................................32

Cyclic Stress Input (Constant Amplitude Loading).....................................................................33

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Version 3.0
Installation and Basic Operation

Non-Cyclic Stress Input When Growing to Failure ....................................................................34

Material Properties for a Fatigue Analysis ................................................................................35

Material Property Databases for Fatigue ..............................................................................35

Paris Equation (Power Law) ...................................................................................................35

Piece-Wise Power Law...........................................................................................................36

NASGRO Equation..................................................................................................................36

User-Defined Fatigue Crack Growth Relationship.................................................................37

Variable Amplitude Fatigue Analysis .........................................................................................39

Cumulative Damage Model ...................................................................................................39

Cycle-By-Cycle Integration.....................................................................................................40

Rayleigh Stress Distribution ...................................................................................................40

Tabular Histogram for Cyclic Stresses....................................................................................41

Cyclic Stress Scale Factors......................................................................................................42

Environmental Crack Growth ........................................................................................................44

Creep Crack Growth.......................................................................................................................45

Assessment of Metal Loss and Corrosion Pitting ..........................................................................47

Flaw Type Window.....................................................................................................................47

Dimension Window (Metal Loss Analysis).................................................................................47

Supplemental Loads...................................................................................................................49

Thickness Data Window.............................................................................................................49

Groove or Gouge Data Window ................................................................................................52

Pitting Data Window..................................................................................................................52

Structural Discontinuity Window...............................................................................................54

Brittle Fracture...........................................................................................................................54

Level 1 Crack-Like Flaws ............................................................................................................55

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Version 3.0
Installation and Basic Operation

Report ........................................................................................................................................56

Assessment of Creep Damage and Rupture ..................................................................................59

The Geometry Window (Creep Analysis) ..................................................................................59

The Dimensions Window (Creep Analysis) ................................................................................59

The Operating Conditions Window ...........................................................................................59

The Materials Window ..............................................................................................................59

Graphical Output (Creep Analysis) ............................................................................................61

Changing the Variables on the Plots......................................................................................61

Increasing the Number of Plotting Points .............................................................................62

Parametric Analysis (Creep Rupture) ........................................................................................63

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Signal Fitness-For-Service
Version 3.0
Installation and Basic Operation

Installation and Basic Operation

Signal Fitness-For-Service™ is an integrated software package for Fitness-For-Service
assessment and fracture mechanics analysis. This software performs failure assessment
diagram (FAD) calculations in accordance with either API 579 or BS 7910 methodologies. Signal
FFS™ also performs assessments of fatigue crack growth, brittle fracture, local metal loss,
pitting corrosion, creep damage, and creep crack growth in accordance with both current and
upcoming releases of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2007 Fitness-For-Service.

A highly flexible parametric study capability allows users to quickly evaluate a wide range of
what-if scenarios. For fracture assessments with the FAD approach, a Monte Carlo probabilistic
module can be used to quantify risk and the effect of uncertainty in input parameters.

Signal FFS includes extensive material properties databases for fatigue crack propagation and
creep rupture. In the case of fatigue crack propagation, the user has a choice of NASGRO (from
NASA) or BS 7910 material constants. Material constants for creep analysis are based on the
MPC Omega method and were taken from API 579 Appendix F.
An intuitive Windows interface makes navigation through the program straightforward. Of
course, this software in not intended for a layman. Signal FFS should be used only by a
competent engineer with a working knowledge of fracture mechanics and Fitness-For-Service

Minimum System Requirements

Operating System Windows 2000, XP, or Vista
Hardware PC with 200 MHz or higher clock speed, 64
MB RAM, 600x800 or higher screen
resolution, 50 MB of available disk space

1. We recommend that you exit all programs before installation.

2. Insert the CD into the drive. If auto-run is enabled on your PC, an installation menu will
appear. Click the button labeled Install Signal FFS to begin the installation. If auto-run is
not enabled, you can run SignalFFS_Setup.exe from the CD directly to initiate the

3. The installation wizard will guide you through the installation.

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Version 3.0
Installation and Basic Operation

4. Select a destination directory and program group when prompted, or use the default.
NOTE: do not install Signal FFS to multiple different locations on your hard drive. This could
cause problems with future updates or cause the program to not function correctly.

5. You may need to restart your computer in order to complete the installation process. The
install program will tell you if this is necessary.

The demonstration version of Signal FFS will allow you to access and view all of the available
features, and run several of the API 579 Examples. With the demonstration version you will be
unable to run custom analyses.

Once you have purchased Signal FFS, to unlock the full functionality of Signal FFS, you will need
to apply your license key to the installation directory (typically, c:\Program Files\Quest
Reliability\SignalFFS). Detailed instructions will be provided at time of purchase.

Note: if you are upgrading from Fracture Graphic™ or PetroFit™, a new license key is required.
Please contact us at or +1-303-415-1475.

Getting Started
Signal FFS is launched like any other Windows program. You can find the Signal FFS shortcut in
the Programs item in the Start menu under the program group specified during installation (by
default, this is “Quest Reliability”). Alternatively, you can open the application directory with
Windows explorer and double-click on the SignalFFS.exe executable.

After startup, a Home window is displayed. At this point, the user selects the type of analysis
(brittle fracture, corrosion/metal loss, cracks/crack-like flaws or creep rupture) and selects the
system of units. , and various options associated with each type of analysis. At subsequent
windows, the user inputs information about geometry, dimensions, loading, and material

Depending on the type of analyses, there are additional input windows, some of which have
multiple tabs. Navigation through the input windows is easy, and can be accomplished in one of
three ways of ways. The forward and reverse arrows (which point to the right and left,
respectively) move the user to the next and previous step. The tabs on each window offer a
second means of navigation. Finally, clicking on the buttons on the navigation bar along the
left-hand side of the screen allows the user to move quickly between input windows. Note that
the available options on the navigation bar will vary depending on the type of analysis selected.

Clicking on the Data Sheet button will advance the user to a tabbed window that contains all of
the input data that have been previously entered. Data are displayed on a spreadsheet grid, and
values can be edited directly in the spreadsheet. All data grids are fully functional spreadsheets

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Version 3.0
Installation and Basic Operation

that support Excel formula syntax, as well as Cut, Copy, Paste, Copy Down and Copy Right
commands. These commands are available in the Edit menu.

Clicking the Run button executes the analysis. Results are displayed graphically and in tabular

Signal FFS files have a .ffs extension, but files from Fracture Graphics (.fgr) and PetroFit (.pft)
can also be opened. New, Open, Save, and Save As commands are available in the File menu,
as with most Windows programs. File opening and saving commands can also be accessed
from the tool bar along the top of the window as well as from standard keyboard shortcuts (e.g.
Ctrl-S to save and Ctrl-O to open).

Home window

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Signal Fitness-For-Service
Version 3.0
Analysis of Cracks – General Guidelines

Analysis of Cracks – General Guidelines

Geometry Input for Cracks
The Geometry window is shown below. At the first tab, the component geometry, crack
location/orientation, and the crack shape are selected. At the second tab, information about
the weld (if applicable) is input. This latter set of inputs is used to estimate weld residual
stresses for the fracture analysis. It has no effect on the crack propagation rates for fatigue and
environmental cracking analyses.

The main Geometry window

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Version 3.0
Analysis of Cracks – General Guidelines

The Weld tab of the Geometry window

Dimensions Window (Crack Analysis)

The dimensions of the component and the crack are input at this window. In the case of a crack
propagation analysis (fatigue or environmental cracking) the crack dimensions may be the
initial, final, or both, depending on the type of analysis.

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Version 3.0
Analysis of Cracks – General Guidelines

The Dimensions window for crack analysis.

Stress Input for Crack Analysis

Uniform and Linear Stress Distributions
A stress gradient can be treated by inputting a linear, or up to a 4 order polynomial stress
distribution. A linear stress gradient can be input in one of three ways. A membrane and
bending component can be defined or the minimum and maximum values at either end can be
specified. Alternatively the coefficients of a linear equation can be input. The coefficients on
the polynomial have units of stress.

The origin (x = 0) of the stress distribution is defined at the crack mouth in the case of a surface-
breaking crack, at the surface nearest the crack in the case of a buried flaw, or by the
internal/external orientation chosen in the case of through-wall cracks in components such as
cylinders and spheres.

It is important to note that the stress distribution to be input corresponds to the stress at the
flaw location in the absence of the flaw. The redistribution of stress that results from the
introduction of a crack is taken into account in the K solution.

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Version 3.0
Analysis of Cracks – General Guidelines

Linear stress distribution input.

Polynomial stress distribution input.

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Version 3.0
Analysis of Cracks – General Guidelines

Weight Function Method

The weight function method uses the Principle of Superposition to calculate stress intensity
factors for arbitrary loading. For geometries where weight functions are available, stresses
obtained directly from finite element results can be input into Signal FFS.

The weight function option is selected at the Stresses window for each of the stress types
(primary, secondary, etc.). An input window, as illustrated below, will be displayed.
IMPORTANT NOTE: you must input the stress distribution that corresponds to the uncracked
condition. The origin (x = 0) is defined at the crack mouth, and distances are absolute (inches or
millimeters) rather than dimensionless (x/t). The full through-thickness stress distribution
should be input rather than a partial distribution.

A graphical display of the weight function or any of the stress distributions that have been input
can be displayed by selecting the Show Stress Distribution option from the Analysis menu on
the main window.

Input window for weight functions.

Inferring the Stress Distribution from Internal Pressure

For cylindrical and spherical shells, the through-wall stress distribution can be determined
automatically by inputting the internal pressure. When the ratio of the inside radius, Ri, to wall
thickness, t, is less than 5, a weight function is used to determine the stress intensity solution
corresponding to the hoop stress. For larger Ri/t, the hoop stress distribution is represented by
a cubic polynomial. For internal cracks, the pressure loading on the crack is included in the KI

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Version 3.0
Analysis of Cracks – General Guidelines

calculation. The methodology for computing hoop stress can be modified by selecting Analysis
Options from the Analysis menu.

Material Properties for Crack Analysis

The Material Properties window is shown below. For a fracture analysis, the tensile properties
and fracture toughness must be input. For a fatigue analysis, the appropriate material
constants for the crack growth law must be input. In the latter case, two material property
databases are available.

The Material Properties window for a crack analysis.

Parametric Analysis
To perform an analysis while systematically varying one or more input values, select the
parametric analysis option under the Analysis menu. A window will be displayed that offers a
list of variables. Check the items that you wish to include in the analysis. Enter the values for
each case in the spreadsheet. When you click the Run button, the analysis will be performed
with the input values in the first row, repeated for the values in the second row, and so on. You
may use spreadsheet formulae to link variables to one another. For example, suppose that you
wish to vary flaw size but maintain a 5:1 ratio between flaw length and flaw depth. You could
enter flaw length values in the first column and enter

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Version 3.0
Analysis of Cracks – General Guidelines

= A1/5

in the first row of the second column, and then use the Copy Down command in the Edit menu
to paste this formula in subsequent rows.

The number of cases that can be run in a parametric study is limited only by the number of rows
in the spreadsheet (approximately 16,000).

Selection of variables to include in the parametric analysis.

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Version 3.0
Analysis of Cracks – General Guidelines

Inputting values for the parametric analysis. Variables can be related through spreadsheet formulae.

Crack Analysis Tools

The K Calculator
Selecting K Calculator from the Tools menu reveals a tabbed window at which the user can
view stress intensity values for a range of crack sizes. In order to use the K calculator, the user
must first input the geometry, dimensions and stresses.

The Reference Stress Calculator

Selecting Reference Stress Calculator from the Tools menu reveals a tabbed window at which
the user can view stress intensity values for a range of crack sizes. In order to use the reference
stress calculator, the user must first input the geometry, dimensions and stresses.

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Signal Fitness-For-Service
Version 3.0
Fracture Analysis Using the FAD Method

Fracture Analysis Using the FAD Method

The Failure Assessment Diagram (FAD)
This is a two-criteria failure model that considers the full range of behavior from brittle fracture
to ductile overload. For a given structure that contains a crack-like flaw, a toughness ratio, Kr, is
computed and plotted, along with a stress ratio (Lr). The failure assessment diagram (FAD) is a
locus of points that correspond to critical combinations of toughness ratio. If the assessment
point for the structure of interest lies inside the FAD (i.e., below the failure locus curve), the
structure is considered safe. The analysis predicts failure when the point falls outside of the

FAD output. The assessment point falls inside the FAD curve in this case.

FAD Analysis Options

The fracture analysis can be performed with either the API 579 or BS 7910 FAD methodologies.
In both cases, there are three choices for the FAD curve. The standard FAD curve can be used
(API 579 Level 2, which is equivalent to the BS 7910 Level 2A FAD), or a material-specific FAD

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Version 3.0
Fracture Analysis Using the FAD Method

that requires a stress-strain curve can be selected. Alternatively, a user-defined FAD curve can
be input (see below).

Note that both the API 579 and BS 7910 procedures use the same FAD curves. However, there
are subtle differences in the way in which the two methodologies compute the assessment
point. In the Signal FFS software, the KI and reference stress solutions from API 579 are used
irrespective of the analysis procedure that is selected. The reason for this is that the compendia
of KI and reference stress solutions in API 579 are far more extensive and up to date than the
limited collection of solutions in BS 7910.

The FAD analysis can be performed either with a single toughness value or with a resistance

Fracture Analysis tab on the Home window.

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Version 3.0
Fracture Analysis Using the FAD Method

Input window for User-Defined FAD.

Stress Input for a FAD Analysis

Primary Stresses
Primary stresses are the result of externally applied forces and moments. Stated another way,
primary stresses are load-controlled stresses. An example of primary stress is the shell
membrane stress due to internal pressure in a vessel or pipe.

In an FAD analysis, primary stresses are used to calculate the load ratio, Lr, which is the
horizontal axis of the FAD.

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Version 3.0
Fracture Analysis Using the FAD Method

Primary stress input.

Secondary and Residual Stresses

Secondary stresses are displacement controlled and may relax with plastic deformation.
Residual stresses due to welding and other sources are treated the same as secondary stresses
in a FAD analysis. Secondary and residual stresses are not included in the calculation of the load
ratio, Lr.

While most pressure vessel and piping design codes treat all thermal stresses as secondary, it is
not necessarily appropriate to do so in a FAD calculation. For example, thermal expansion loads
in a piping system are indistinguishable from primary loads as far as a crack is concerned. When
the “gage length” over which a displacement is imposed is long, such as in the piping system
example, there is virtually no difference between load control and displacement control. Local
thermal stresses, such as those due to a through-wall temperature gradient, can be treated as
secondary in an FAD analysis. Long-range thermal loads should be treated as primary.

On the Primary Stress tab, there is an option for selecting either the default weld residual stress
distribution, or a user-defined distribution, which may include secondary stresses, residual
stresses, or both. Both API 579 and BS 7910 provide recommended residual stress distributions
for common welded joint configurations. Both sets of distributions have been programmed
into Signal FFS, and the appropriate residual stress distribution will automatically be selected if
the Default option is selected for the secondary/residual stress input.

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Version 3.0
Fracture Analysis Using the FAD Method

Some of the API 579 expressions for weld residual stress are a function of the heat input of the
final pass. The Heat Input Calculator, which can be selected from the Tools menu or the Weld
tab of the Geometry window, computes heat input given voltage, current, and travel speed.

Material Properties for a Fracture Analysis

Tensile Properties
Yield strength and tensile strength are required to define the x axis of the FAD. Tensile
properties also form the basis of the default assumptions for weld residual stresses.

Stress-Strain Curve
The material-specific FAD, which is one of the Level 3 options in both API 579 and BS 7910,
requires that the stress-strain curve be specified. In Signal FFS, the user can define the stress-
strain curve with Ramberg-Osgood coefficients or he/she can enter the curve in tabular form.
Spreadsheet formulae can be used to enter a stress-strain relationship other than Ramberg-
Osgood. A true stress – true strain curve should be input.

Stress-strain curve input for a material-specific FAD.

Toughness Parameters
Fracture toughness data can be specified in terms of critical crack tip opening displacement
(CTOD), J integral, or stress intensity factor (K). Alternatively, several Charpy correlations are
available to infer toughness.

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Version 3.0
Fracture Analysis Using the FAD Method

Input of tensile and fracture toughness values.

Charpy Correlations
When fracture toughness data are not available, Signal FFS offers a choice of correlations
between Charpy data and fracture toughness. For ferritic steels in the ductile-brittle transition
region there is a choice between API 579 lower-bound correlations or the Barsom-Rolfe two-
step correlation. There are actually two API 579 lower-bound correlations: one for normal
situations and one for dynamic loading or hydrogen-charged steels. For upper shelf behavior,
or for materials that do not exhibit a ductile-brittle transition, the Rolfe-Novak correlation may
be used.

For Monte Carlo analyses, a correlation between the 20 ft-lb (28 Joule) transition temperature
and the toughness Master Curve index temperature (To) is available.

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Version 3.0
Fracture Analysis Using the FAD Method

Charpy correlations to fracture toughness.

Defining Toughness as a Function of Temperature

At the first tab of the Material Properties window, the user has the option of specifying
toughness as a function of temperature. To take advantage of this feature, click on the
appropriate check box and then click the Define Eqn. button. For toughness based on Charpy
energy, the temperature dependence is defined by a hyperbolic tangent equation. For other
toughness parameters, the Fracture Toughness Master Curve defines the temperature
dependence. Both equations are appropriate only for ferritic steels.

The Master Curve approach defines not only the temperature dependence, but also the
statistical distribution of toughness. Consequently, the user must specify the desired
probability level (e.g. median, 10% lower bound, etc.). The user must also specify an upper
shelf cut-off for the equation.

Master Curve Approach for Toughness

The temperature dependence of fracture toughness as well as its statistical distribution can be
defined by the master curve approach, which is described in a new ASTM standard. This
approach applies only to ferritic steels in the ductile-brittle transition region.

The Master Curve is defined entirely by a reference temperature, To, which indexes the relative
position of the ductile-brittle transition region. This approach can be applied in a probabilistic
analysis such as the Monte Carlo method. The Master Curve can also be used to define a
toughness-temperature relationship in a deterministic analysis.

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Version 3.0
Fracture Analysis Using the FAD Method

Assessing a Known Flaw

This option is specified at the first tab of the Geometry window. The user specifies flaw
dimension as well as stress and material properties. The program then computes a point on the
failure assessment diagram to determine whether or not the specified flaw is acceptable.

Assessing Limiting Flaw Size

This option is specified at the first tab of the Geometry window. The user specifies stress and
material properties but not flaw dimensions. The program computes and plots the
combinations of flaw length and depth that correspond to assessment points that lie on the
failure assessment diagram.

Limiting flaw curves. (The legend was edited by right-clicking on the graph and selecting Edit Chart Data.)

Assessing Limiting Load

This option is specified at the first tab of the Geometry window. The user specifies a base stress
distribution, material properties and flaw dimensions. The program computes a scaling factor
for the given stress distribution which would cause a flaw of the given length and depth to
produce an assessment point that lies on the failure assessment diagram.

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Version 3.0
Fracture Analysis Using the FAD Method

Monte Carlo FAD Analysis

Input data for a fracture analysis typically contain a high degree of uncertainty. Signal FFS allows
the user to input the probability distribution of a given property which is then varied over a
series of Monte Carlo trials. The results of this trial can then be displayed both numerically and

The user chooses the parameters to be varied in the analysis by selecting the Monte Carlo
option from the Analysis menu and then checking the desired input values. The user then
defines the statistical distribution for each variable. Signal FFS supports five types of probability

 Normal (Gaussian)

 Log Normal

 Weibull

 Triangular

 Uniform

These distributions are described below.

Signal FFS permits two types of Monte Carlo analysis. The standard analysis permits the user to
link variables in the data spreadsheet. Suppose, for example, that operating temperature is
chosen as a random variable. Spreadsheet formulae can be used to express material properties
as a function of temperature. A random temperature is then inserted into the spreadsheet on
each Monte Carlo trial, and the corresponding temperature-dependent values are then read
from the spreadsheet.

The fast Monte Carlo analysis does not permit these spreadsheet links. While the same
parameters can be varied in both, the fast analysis checks the data spreadsheet only once for
the initial values to be used in the analysis. However, when temperature and toughness are
both random variables, and the toughness distribution is characterized by the Master Curve
approach, the fast Monte Carlo analysis will account for the random temperature in the
toughness variation.

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Version 3.0
Fracture Analysis Using the FAD Method

Variables to be included in the Monte Carlo Analysis.

Statistical distribution input for Monte Carlo analysis.

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Signal Fitness-For-Service
Version 3.0
Fracture Analysis Using the FAD Method

Normal Distribution
The normal or Gaussian distribution has a characteristic bell curve shape. The probability
density function for a variable x is given by

1  1  x   2
p( x )  exp    
 2  2    

where  and  are the mean and standard deviation of x, respectively.

Log-Normal Distribution
The logarithmic normal distribution is virtually identical to a conventional normal distribution,
except that the variable x is replaced by its logarithm. The probability density function is given

1  1  log  x     2 
p( x )  exp   10  
x 2  2    

where  and  are the mean and standard deviation of log10 (x), respectively. The latter
quantity is also known as the log standard error (LSE). Note that the above distribution is
written in terms of Base 10 logarithms, and thus the LSE specified by the user must be Base 10.

Weibull Distribution
The cumulative probability function for the three-parameter Weibull distribution is as follows:

  xx 
min 
P x   1  exp    
  x o  x min  

where xmin is the minimum, xo is the Weibull mean, and  is the Weibull slope. A two-parameter
Weibull distribution corresponds to the special case where xmin = 0. The above expression
reduces to an exponential distribution when  = 1.

Uniform Distribution
The probability density function for the uniform distribution is illustrated below. The variable x
must lie between xmin and xmax, and all values in this range are equally likely.

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Version 3.0
Fracture Analysis Using the FAD Method


Xmin Xmax
The uniform distribution.

Triangular Distribution

The probability density function for the triangular distribution is illustrated below. The variable
x must lie between xmin and xmax, with xmode being the most likely value.


Xmin Xmax

The triangular distribution.

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Version 3.0
Fracture Analysis Using the FAD Method

Output of a Monte Carlo analysis on the FAD

Ductile Tearing Analysis

Ductile materials whose toughness is defined by a resistance curve exhibit stable tearing prior
to final failure. The analysis of such behavior involves plotting a series of points on the failure
assessment diagram corresponding to various amounts of crack growth. If all points fall inside
the FAD, no tearing is predicted. If the assessment point corresponding to the initial crack size
falls outside of the FAD but points corresponding to finite amounts of crack growth lie inside the
FAD, the analysis indicates some stable tearing. Instability is predicted when all points are
outside of the FAD and the locus of assessment points is tangent to the FAD curve.

The ductile tearing analysis option is selected on the Fracture Analysis tab of the Home
window. The crack growth resistance curve is entered on the Material Properties window.

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Version 3.0
Fracture Analysis Using the FAD Method

R curve input.

Kr J

in g
Inc re a sSiz e
Cr a c k



Plotting the R curve on the FAD.

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Version 3.0
Fracture Analysis Using the FAD Method

ra ck Gr owth
Stab l e C

Kr l ity
In sta bi
Duc til e

No C r at h
Gr o w


Interpretation of ductile tearing analysis results.

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Signal Fitness-For-Service
Version 3.0
Fatigue Crack Propagation Analysis

Fatigue Crack Propagation Analysis

Crack Growth Options
An end-point of a fatigue analysis can be based on reaching a failure condition, a specified crack
size, or a specified number of cycles. These various options are selected on the Crack Growth
tab of the Home window.

Growing a Crack to Failure

The initial crack dimensions are specified, and the number of fatigue cycles required to reach
failure is computed, along with the final crack dimensions. This option involves performing a
fracture analysis (using the FAD method) in conjunction with the crack growth calculation.
Consequently, the user is required to specify tensile properties and fracture toughness for the
material of interest, as well as the appropriate primary and secondary loads.

After each increment of crack growth, the FAD coordinates corresponding to the current crack
size will be computed. If the assessment point falls inside the FAD, the crack growth analysis
will continue. If the point falls outside of the FAD, an iterative calculation will be performed to
determine the critical crack dimensions and the cycles to failure.

Growing a Crack to a Specific Size

The initial crack dimensions are specified, together with the final depth or final length. The
number of cycles required to reach this crack dimension is then calculated. Note that the final
depth and final length cannot both be specified; one can be specified and the other calculated.

Growing a Crack for a Specific Number of Cycles

In this type of analysis, the number of cycles is input, along with either the initial or final crack
dimensions. If the initial crack dimensions are input, the final dimensions corresponding to the
specified number of cycles are computed. If the final crack dimensions are specified, the crack
growth analysis is run “backwards” to infer the initial dimensions.

Reporting Units for Fatigue Life

The default units for a cyclic fatigue analysis are cycles. Alternatively, the user may specify a
number of cycles per unit time and view the results in terms of that unit of time.

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Version 3.0
Fatigue Crack Propagation Analysis

Fatigue crack growth options.

Cyclic Stress Input (Constant Amplitude Loading)

The cyclic stress is defined as the maximum minus the minimum stress in a fatigue cycle.
Uniform, linear, polynomial, and weight function stress inputs may be input, depending on the
geometry. When there is more than one stress term (i.e., linear and polynomial cases), all
terms are assumed to be in phase with one another. For example, if there are both membrane
and bending cyclic stresses, both loads are assumed to cycle at the same frequency.

The R ratio is input on the Cyclic Stress tab. This value is used only if the user selects the
NASGRO or BS 7910 fatigue properties. The R ratio is used to estimate the threshold stress
intensity range for both the NASGRO and BS 7910 databases, and it has an influence on other
crack growth constants in the case of the BS 7910 properties. If the user inputs his/her own
fatigue properties, the R ratio input has no effect on the analysis.

When estimating the R ratio, be sure to consider all stresses, including primary, secondary and
residual. For example, non-stress-relieved welds typically have a high R ratio in fatigue because
of yield-magnitude residual stresses.

The Reference Stress Scale Factor allows the user to apply a factor of safety to the reference
stress calculated during an analysis. A factor of 1.0 leaves the reference stress unchanged.

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Version 3.0
Fatigue Crack Propagation Analysis

Cyclic stress input window.

Non-Cyclic Stress Input When Growing to Failure

When growing a crack to failure in a fatigue analysis, it is necessary to input information
required for the FAD calculation, including primary, secondary and residual stresses, as well as
fracture toughness. For static loads such as weld residual stress, the input is handled no
differently than in a standard FAD analysis. For loads that are cyclic, the peak value should be
input for the FAD calculation.

In the simplest case of constant amplitude fatigue with only cyclic primary membrane stress (no
secondary or residual stress), the peak primary stress is related to cyclic stress as follows:

Sr ( m )  Pm 1  R 

When other stresses are present, or there is variable amplitude loading, the above expression
does not apply. Consequently, Signal FFS does not assume any relationship between cyclic
stress and primary stress. These values are treated as being completely independent of one
another. Although the R ratio is input on the Cyclic Stress tab, it is not used to relate cyclic
stress to primary or secondary stresses.

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Version 3.0
Fatigue Crack Propagation Analysis

Material Properties for a Fatigue Analysis

Material Property Databases for Fatigue
Signal FFS provides two sets of material constants for fatigue crack propagation analysis. NASA
has compiled an extensive database of fatigue properties for use in its NASGRO software. In
addition, BS 7910 tabulated several sets of material constants for steel weldments in air and sea
water environments.

When the user selects the database and material from the drop-down lists, the corresponding
material constants are filled in automatically. The input fields are locked when one of the
database options is selected. However, to change one or more of the coefficients, simply
unselect the database option.

Selection of a material from the NASGRO database.

Paris Equation (Power Law)

The crack growth rate in this case is assumed to follow a power law:

 C K  m

where C and m are material constants that can either be input by the user or taken from one of
the databases. A threshold stress intensity range can be specified, below which crack growth
will not occur.

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Fatigue Crack Propagation Analysis

Piece-Wise Power Law

The crack growth rate can be specified as a piece-wise power law, where the coefficients of the
Paris equation vary over the range of the data. The user specifies up to three exponents (m1,
m2, and m3) and the first pre-exponential coefficient, C1. The other coefficients (C2 and C3) are
computed automatically. A threshold stress intensity range can also be specified.

NASGRO Equation
The following fatigue crack growth expression was developed by NASA Johnson Space Center
and is used in their NASGRO software:

 K th 
1  
da  K 
 CK m q
dN  K 
1  max 
 Kc 

The above equation is actually a simplification of the NASGRO model, and does not account for
retardation due to crack closure.

NASA has compiled a materials database that contains coefficients for a large number of
materials. When the NASGRO database option is selected in the Materials window, the
appropriate material constants are input automatically, and the da/dN – K curve is tabulated
in a spreadsheet grid (see below).

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Version 3.0
Fatigue Crack Propagation Analysis

The NASGRO fatigue crack propagation equation.

User-Defined Fatigue Crack Growth Relationship

The user can enter an arbitrary growth law by selecting the appropriate option on the Fatigue
Growth tab in the Materials window. The input grid is a working spreadsheet, so the user can
enter the growth equation as a spreadsheet formula and use the Copy Down (CTRL-D)
command in the Edit menu. Alternatively, crack growth data can be pasted into the input grid
from a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel.

Spreadsheet grid for user-specified growth equation.

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Fatigue Crack Propagation Analysis

Typical output from a fatigue analysis.

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Version 3.0
Fatigue Crack Propagation Analysis

Variable Amplitude Fatigue Analysis

Cumulative Damage Model
This option is set at the Home window. This model is a modified version of Miner’s rule that
accounts an arbitrary growth law which may include a fatigue threshold. This methodology is
very fast and efficient, and gives results that are virtually identical to those obtained with cycle-
by-cycle integration. However, neither of the currently available variables amplitude fatigue
models in Signal FFS account for history effects such as retardation and crack closure.

The diagram below illustrates how the cumulative damage model works. The loading spectrum
can be input either as a tabular histogram or a Rayleigh distribution. The cyclic stress
histogram is converted to a K histogram using the current flaw dimensions and the stress
intensity solution. A da/dN histogram is then computed from the growth law. Finally, the crack
growth rate is averaged for the current increment:

da 1  da 

dN N tot
  dN  N i

This process is repeated for each crack growth increment.

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Fatigue Crack Propagation Analysis




Cyclic Stress







K dN

Cumulative damage model for variable amplitude fatigue.

Cycle-By-Cycle Integration
This option is set at the Home window. Loading can either by random or deterministic when the
stress spectrum is given in the form of a tabular histogram. This method is very time-
consuming, and the cumulative damage model is recommended.

Rayleigh Stress Distribution

The Rayleigh statistical distribution is commonly used to describe cyclic loading spectra. The
form of the distribution is as follows:

. x
1011  1 
p exp  x 2 
S rd  2 

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Fatigue Crack Propagation Analysis


S r  S r min
S rd

and Sr is the cyclic stress, Srmin is the minimum value, and Srd is the deviation. The user is
required to input Srd and Srm, which is the modal value, equal to Srmin + Srd.

Input window for the Rayleigh distribution

Tabular Histogram for Cyclic Stresses

The tabular input option enables the user to define a cyclic stress histogram. For the
cumulative damage model, cyclic stresses must be input in increasing order. The number of
binned cycles for each Sr is relative and need not correspond to the absolute number of cycles
in the analysis. For example, if the relative total binned cycles is 100 and a given cyclic stress is
specified as occurring once, this stress will occur 1% of the time. The relative binned cycles
need not be integers in the case of random loading. For example, fractional cycles can be
entered such that the total relative cycles add up to unity.

When the fatigue analysis is to be performed by cycle-by-cycle integration, the user has the
option of specifying a deterministic sequence of loading. In this case, the sequence is entered in
the order it occurs. The number of cycles for each Sr has an absolute meaning in this case, and
must be entered as an integer. A repeating loading sequence need only be entered once.
Consider for example a loading sequence that occurs over 100 cycles. If the total number of
cycles in the analysis is 100,000 the sequence will be repeated 1000 times.
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Fatigue Crack Propagation Analysis

The input grid is a fully functional spreadsheet. A mathematical relationship between cyclic
stress and cycles can be entered using standard spreadsheet syntax. The Copy Down (Ctrl-D)
command in the Edit menu can be used to paste the formula into multiple rows.

Cyclic stress histogram.

Cyclic Stress Scale Factors

When performing variable amplitude loading using either the Rayleigh distribution or the
tabular histogram, one of more scale factors must be entered on the Cyclic tab of the
Stresses/Loads window. For uniform membrane loading, this scale factor is normally set to 1.0,
in which case the histogram values or Rayleigh coefficients will be used directly. When there
are multiple stress components (e.g., membrane + bending or polynomial), a series of scaling
coefficients must be entered.

For example, suppose that the magnitude of the cyclic bending stress is half that of the
membrane stress. The membrane stress distribution could be entered as a histogram or as
Rayleigh coefficients, and scaling factors of 1.0 and 0.5 would be entered for membrane and
bending stresses, respectively. Note that only a single histogram or Rayleigh distribution can be
defined irrespective of the number of stress components. The analysis assumes that the ratio
of the components remains fixed.

Although it is customary to define the histogram or Rayleigh distribution with absolute stress
values and use dimensionless scaling factors for the various components, there is an alternative
approach. The scale factors for the stress components can be entered as absolute stress values
and the histogram can be defined as an amplitude table. Since the scale factor and loading
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Fatigue Crack Propagation Analysis

spectrum are multiplied together to obtain the cyclic stress values, it does not matter which
input is dimensionless and which has units of stress.

This latter approach is advisable when performing variable amplitude fatigue analysis using a
weight function solution for K. That is, the tabular stress input for the weight function should
be a reference stress distribution, and the histogram should be an amplitude table that scales
this stress distribution.

Cyclic stress scale factors, which are multiplied by the stress values in the histogram or Rayleigh distribution

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Version 3.0
Environmental Crack Growth

Environmental Crack Growth

An environmental crack growth analysis is very similar to a fatigue crack propagation analysis.
The key difference is that the growth rate is a function of static loads rather than cyclic loads.
Crack growth laws for environmental cracking have the following form:

 f  KI 

Power law, piece-wise power law, and user-defined growth expressions are available. The
NASGRO equation is grayed out because it is not suitable for environmental cracking.

Input window for environmental cracking material constants.

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Version 3.0
Creep Crack Growth

Creep Crack Growth

Creep crack growth rate is assumed to obey the following relationship:

 HCt q

where Ct is a creep crack growth driving force parameter, and H and q are material constants.
The value of Ct is a function of the applied stress intensity factor, the reference stress, and the
creep rate. Traditionally, steady-state creep rate has been assumed to follow a power law in

  A n

where A and n are material constants. The above expression is referred to as the Bailey-Norton
creep law.

The constants H, q, A, and n can be input by the user along with temperature. Alternatively the
Omega creep model, which is described in API 579 Appendix F, can be used. In the latter case,
the necessary material constants are provided in a database for a range of steels.

Unlike the Bailey-Norton Law, the Omega model accounts for creep damage and the resulting
acceleration of creep rate, especially near the end of life. Consequently, the Omega expression
for creep rate is not a simple power law. The Omega model is used in the Signal FFS creep
rupture module described elsewhere in this manual. In the case of creep crack growth, the
Omega material constants are used to infer the parameters H and q.

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Version 3.0
Creep Crack Growth

User-specified creep crack growth material constants.

Using the Omega material properties database for creep crack growth coefficients

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Signal Fitness-For-Service
Version 3.0
Assessment of Metal Loss and Corrosion Pitting

Assessment of Metal Loss and Corrosion Pitting

The assessments of general metal loss, local metal loss, and pitting corrosion are in accordance
with API 579. The specific type of metal loss or corrosion (general metal loss, local metal loss,
pitting, groove-like loss, etc) can be selected on the Home window.

If general metal loss is selected, the software will perform only an API 579 Section 4 analysis. If
local metal loss is selected, the software will perform both Section 4 and Section 5 analyses if
possible. API 579 does not provide precise definitions to distinguish between general metal loss
and a local thin area (LTA). The local metal loss assessment (Section 5) is generally less
conservative, particularly if the wall thinning is confined to a small area. If a groove-like flaw is
selected, only a Section 5 assessment will be performed.

Flaw Type Window

After selecting the type of structure (pressure vessel, piping component, or storage tank) on the
Home window, click on the forward arrow to display the Flaw Type window. A variety of
information is input at this window, including the flaw location, material, and design

The user may input the allowable stress value. Alternatively, there is an allowable stress
database for the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1, as well as the
ASME B31.1 Piping Code.

The default remaining strength factor (RSF) for pitting and metal loss is 0.9. This default can be
overridden by entering the desired RSF on the Flaw Type window.

Dimension Window (Metal Loss Analysis)

At the Dimensions window, the user enters the diameter and thickness of the component of
interest along with the design pressure. The uniform metal loss (past corrosion) and the future
corrosion allowance is also entered. The minimum design thickness, tmin, can be computed
automatically if desired, or it can be input by the user. In certain cases, however, automatically
calculated tmin values may not be displayed on the Dimensions window because more
information is required. If, for example, supplemental loads are specified on the Flaw Type
window, tmin cannot be calculated until these loads are entered at the appropriate window. In
such cases, the computed value of tmin will be shown on the report.

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Assessment of Metal Loss and Corrosion Pitting

The Flaw Type window.

The dimensions window for metal loss analysis.

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Assessment of Metal Loss and Corrosion Pitting

Supplemental Loads
If supplemental loads are specified at the Flaw Type window, the Supplemental Loads input
window will appear after the Dimensions window. Both primary and secondary supplemental
loads can be entered on this window.

Supplemental loads input window.

Thickness Data Window

The Thickness Data window will appear when either general metal loss or local thin area (LTA)
is selected in the Flaw Type window. If general metal loss is selected, three types of thickness
data can be entered:

1. A single minimum thickness reading, tmm.

2. Thickness readings at random locations.

3. Thickness readings on a rectangular grid.

If local thin area is selected, only the first and third options listed above are available. Note that
if thickness data are entered at random locations, a local metal loss (Section 5) analysis cannot
be performed. If only a minimum thickness value, tmm, is entered, the LTA will be assumed to
have a rectangular thickness profile. Such an analysis is conservative relative an assessment
based on a more accurate thickness profile.

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Assessment of Metal Loss and Corrosion Pitting

An assessment based on a thickness grid is recommended if such data are available. Signal FFS
allows the user to specify the number of longitudinal (or meridianal) and circumferential
inspection planes. A spreadsheet grid with the requisite number of rows and columns will
appear. Note that the first row and first column are reserved for the longitudinal and
circumferential distances. If the grid spacing is uniform, the user need only specify the spacing
and the first row and column of the spreadsheet will be filled in automatically.

Input of a minimum thickness measurement.

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Assessment of Metal Loss and Corrosion Pitting

Input of thickness data at random locations.

Input of a thickness grid.

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Assessment of Metal Loss and Corrosion Pitting

Groove or Gouge Data Window

The length and width of a groove-like flaw can be entered directly on the Groove or Gouge Data
window. Alternatively, a thickness profile can be entered, similar to local thin areas. If the
groove-like flaw is not oriented in the longitudinal or circumferential direction, the thickness
grid follows the groove orientation.

Groove data input window.

Pitting Data Window

The Pitting Data window provides inputs for both Level 1 and Level 2 pitting assessments.

For Level 1 assessments, pitting charts are provided to compare with the observed degree of
pitting on the component. Several pre-defined pitting damage levels are provided in a drop
down list, which correspond to the pitting charts in API 579. When using the predefined pitting
charts, the only required user input is the maximum pit depth.

For Level 2 assessments, pit couple data must be entered. Required data for each pit couple
include the depth and diameter of each pit, as well as the spacing and the orientation angle
with respect to the principal axes.

For localized pitting, enter the axial and circumferential extent of the region of pitting. The
remaining strength factor (RSF) computed from the pit couple data will be used to define an
equivalent local thin area (LTA), which will be assessed according to Section 5 of API 579.

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Assessment of Metal Loss and Corrosion Pitting

Level 1 pitting charts.

Level 2 pit couple data.

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Assessment of Metal Loss and Corrosion Pitting

Structural Discontinuity Window

At the Flaw Type window, the user can specify that metal loss occurs at a structural
discontinuity such as a nozzle or piping branch. The Structural Discontinuity window will appear
if this option has been selected. At this window, the local dimensions are input, along with
materials of construction and allowable stress values.

Structural discontinuity input window.

Brittle Fracture
At the Home window, the user can specify a Brittle Fracture assessment. The Brittle Fracture
window provides the user with a series of questions, the answers to which are used to compute
the Critical Exposure Temperature (CET) for a component.

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Assessment of Metal Loss and Corrosion Pitting

Brittle Fracture input window.

Level 1 Crack-Like Flaws

For cases where the detailed analysis of an FAD assessment is not possible or required, a more
simple Level 1 assessment of crack-like flaws can be done. This selection is done at the Home
window, and the required information is input in the Crack Data window.

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Assessment of Metal Loss and Corrosion Pitting

Level 1 Crack Data window.

Clicking on the Run button will cause a report to be generated and displayed on the Results tab
of the Data Sheet window. The report is divided into 3 major sections. The first section lists the
input values and the second section summarizes the results. The third section provides more
details of the calculations, including intermediate values. This latter section outlines each step
in the assessment. The steps correspond to those in API 579. This section of the report is useful
for checking the calculations and understanding the assumptions Signal FFS has made.

With the Results tab visible, select Save Report from the File menu to save a copy of the report
in Rich Text format (*.rtf). A copy of the report is automatically saved whenever the main
Signal FFS file (*.ffs) is saved. These *.rtf files can be opened and edited in Microsoft Word or
other word processors. The report can also be printed directly from Signal FFS.

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Assessment of Metal Loss and Corrosion Pitting

Report header and input data.

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Version 3.0
Assessment of Metal Loss and Corrosion Pitting

Results summary and detailed step-by-step results.

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Signal Fitness-For-Service
Version 3.0
Software License Agreement

Assessment of Creep Damage and Rupture

The Geometry Window (Creep Analysis)
Three types of loading can be analyzed: uniaxial, pressurized tube, and multiaxial. In the latter
case, the ratio of the second and third principal stress to the maximum principal stress must be
input. These ratios are assumed to be constant throughout the life of the component.

The Dimensions Window (Creep Analysis)

When evaluating a boiler tube, the user must input the wall thickness and outside diameter. If
corrosion is to be considered, the user must also input information about the corrosion rate.
The corrosion rates can be input directly, or the user can input thickness readings. In the
former case, the user inputs the corrosion rates at two temperatures, and an Arhennius law is
used to infer corrosion rate at other temperatures. In the case of thickness readings, the user
must input the measured thickness at the end of each exposure. The user may use these
thickness readings directly in the calculation or these data can be used to fit an Arhennius law
for corrosion rate.

The life assessment can account for corrosion on the ID, the OD, or both. When both ID and OD
corrosion are considered, two sets of corrosion rates must be specified. If the corrosion is
quantified by thickness readings, both the measured thickness and OD must be input.

The Operating Conditions Window

At the Operating Condition window, the user inputs the time increment, temperature and
pressure for each exposure. If thickness readings were input at the Dimensions window, the
time increments will be carried forward to this window. The corrosion rates and thicknesses
are computed automatically with spreadsheet formulae, based in the information provided in
the Dimensions window.

The Materials Window

At the Materials window, the user can choose one of the materials in the Omega database.
Alternatively, he/she can access a user-defined materials database. Once the material is
specified, the user must input a rupture strain. He can also specify a prior damage level with the
top slide bar.

The two lower slide bars pertain to the relative creep strength and ductility of the material. For
example, moving the strength slide bar to the right corresponds to selecting a material at the
lower end of the scatter band for creep rate in the alloy of interest. One unit on the slide bar
corresponds to one log standard error.

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Software License Agreement

Geometry input window.

Dimensions window.

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Software License Agreement

Operating conditions window.

Graphical Output (Creep Analysis)

The output data are plotted on 6 graphs. The appearance of these plots can be modified
through a series of items under the Graph menu. To change the scale of a graph, double click
on the axis of interest.

Changing the Variables on the Plots

The default settings result in six output variables plotted against time. However, the user can
have a high degree of flexibility in defining the variables to be plotted.

To change any or all of the graphs, choose the Select Plot Variables item under the Analysis
menu. A window like that shown below will appear, and then the user can change the x and y
plotting variables for any of the six graphs.

Signal FFS will “remember” these saved settings and will create six graphs according to these
preferences each time the program is run.

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Software License Agreement

Selection of variables to plot on the 6 graphs.

Increasing the Number of Plotting Points

At its initial default setting, Signal FFS will output and plot information only at the beginning and
end of each exposure. This sometimes results in unattractive plots. For example, the strain
versus time curve may have a jagged piece-wise linear shape rather than a smooth exponential
shape. To remedy this situation, additional plotting points may be added.

To add plotting points, select Analysis Options from the Analysis menu and change the Number
of Intermediate Analysis Points on the first tab of the window. (The default is zero.) The graphs
below compare creep strain plots with 0 and 4 intermediate points.

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Software License Agreement

No Intermediate Points:

Four Intermediate Points:

Parametric Analysis (Creep Rupture)

Sensitivity studies can be performed by varying one parameter and keeping other variables
constant. To run a parametric analysis, you must first input information required to perform a
deterministic analysis. Next, select Parametric Analysis from the Analysis menu. A list of

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Version 3.0
Software License Agreement

variables will then appear. The list below pertains to a pressurized tube; this list varies
somewhat depending on the geometry being considered.

All variables other than the quantity to be varied parametrically remain constant. If
temperature is the parametric variable, as in this example, the corrosion rate can be linked to
temperature through spreadsheet formulae on the Input Data tab.

Parametric analysis inputs for a creep rupture analysis.

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Software License Agreement

Note that the parametric analysis assumes a fixed temperature and pressure for each case. The
total exposure time and the plotting interval are specified on the window shown on the
previous page.

The six creep rupture graphs will be plotted with a series of curves corresponding to the
parametric cases. The graph below illustrates creep curves at 5 temperatures.

To change the legend text:

1. Click on the legend with the right mouse button and select Edit Chart Data.
2. Double click on the column headings you wish to change and type in the appropriate

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Signal Fitness-For-Service
Version 3.0
Software License Agreement


1. DEFINITIONS Software; (b) sublicense, lease, rent, loan, sell, distribute,
make available or otherwise transfer the Software to any
1.1 “Cover Page” means the cover page to this third party, (c) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble,
Agreement in which these terms and conditions are or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the
incorporated. Software; or (d) otherwise use or copy the Software
1.2 “Documentation” means the user manuals except as expressly allowed under Section 2.1 above.
provided to Client with the Software in either electronic, Client may make a reasonable number of copies of the
online help files or hard copy format. Software solely as necessary for archival or backup
1.3 “Hardware” means any hardware or equipment
necessary for the operation of the Software and identified 3. DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE
by Quest on the Cover Page. 3.1 Delivery. Quest will deliver the Software in
1.4 “Implementation Services” means the accordance with its standard delivery process or as
implementation services identified on the Cover Page otherwise mutually agreed to by the parties. The
and described in Exhibit A. Software will be deemed accepted upon delivery to Client
(“License Effective Date”). Except as set forth in this
1.5 “Intellectual Property Rights” will mean all Agreement or as otherwise mutually agreed to in writing,
worldwide intellectual property rights, including without Client is responsible for installing the Software and Token
limitation, copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade in accordance with the Documentation and the
secrets, know how, inventions, patents, patent installation instructions provided by Quest. Customer
applications, moral rights and all other proprietary rights, acknowledges that the Software uses a license key
whether registered or unregistered. mechanism used to set up and restrict the functionality of
the Software. Customer agrees not to use unauthorized
1.6 “Key User” means the individual identified on license keys or otherwise circumvent Quest’s Token
the Cover Page. mechanism.
1.7 “Location” means the location identified on the 3.2 Hardware and Third Party Software. Client is
Cover Page. responsible for providing all applicable Hardware and the
1.8 “Purpose” means the purpose set forth on the Third Party Software and, except as set forth in this
Agreement or as otherwise mutually agreed to in writing,
Cover Page for which the Software may used by Client.
any required installation and configuration services
1.9 “Software” means the Quest computer required for the operation of the Software. All Third Party
software programs described on the Cover Page, Software license agreements will be agreed to by Client
including any updates and new releases thereto provided and the applicable Third Party Software vendor.
to Client pursuant to this Agreement.
1.10 “Support Services” means the support and SERVICES. Subject to the terms and conditions of this
maintenance services identified on the Cover Page and Agreement, including without limitation Client’s payment
described in Exhibit A. of all applicable Fees, Quest will provide Client with
(a) Implementation Services and (b) Support Services as
1.11 “Third Party Software” means any third party specified in Exhibit A of the Services Agreement. The
computer software programs necessary for the operation Implementation Services and Support Services shall be
of the Software, if any, identified on the Cover Page. collectively referred to as the “Services.”
1.12 “Token” means the software key provided to 5. FEES AND PAYMENT
Customer by Quest used to set up the functionality of the
Software in accordance with this Agreement. 5.1 License Fees. In consideration of the license
of the Software to Client by Quest under this Agreement,
1.13 “User Level” means the maximum aggregate Client will pay to Quest the license fees as set forth on
number of individuals set forth on the Cover Page who the Cover Page (“License Fees”). If at any time during
are authorized to log-in and use the Software. the Term, Client desires to (a) use additional Quest
software products or product modules, (b) upgrade to a
different version of the Software or (c) change the User
2.1 License. Subject to the terms and conditions Level, then Client will pay the applicable difference in
of this Agreement, including payment of all Fees (as License Fees to Quest. All License Fees are non-
defined below), Quest grants Client, during the Term, a refundable.
non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the
5.2 Services Fees. Client will pay the
Software at the Location and at the User Level, in
Implementation Fees and Support Services Fees as set
executable code form only, solely for Client’s own internal
forth on the Cover Page (collectively with the License
business Purpose in accordance with the Documentation,
Fees, the “Fees”), for the first contract year with the initial
the limitations set forth in this Agreement.
payment of License Fees. All further Fees will be due
2.2 Restrictions on Use. Client acknowledges and payable by Client no later than thirty (30) days prior
that the Software and the structure, organization, and to each anniversary of the Effective Date.
source code thereof constitute valuable trade secrets of
5.3 Expenses. In addition to any Fees, Client will
Quest. Accordingly, except as expressly permitted herein
or as otherwise authorized by Quest in writing, Client will pay Quest all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses
not, and will not permit any third party to (a) modify, pertaining to the Implementation Services such as meals,
adapt, alter, translate, or create derivative works from the lodging, transportation, an allowance for auto mileage,

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and long-distance telephone charges (“Expenses”). 7. INFRINGEMENT CLAIMS

Quest will invoice Client for Expenses, which shall be
paid within thirty (30) days after Client’s receipt of the 7.1 Indemnity. Quest will defend at its own
applicable invoice. Quest will use commercially expense any action against Client brought by a third party
reasonable efforts to keep Expenses at a minimum. to the extent that the action is based upon a claim that
the Software infringes any patents or any copyrights or
5.4 Payment Terms. All payments must be made misappropriates any trade secrets of a third party, and
in U.S. dollars. Quest may charge interest for all Quest will pay those costs and damages finally awarded
outstanding balances at a rate equal to the lesser of one against Client in any such action that are specifically
and one half percent (1½%) per month and the maximum attributable to such claim or those costs and damages
rate permitted by applicable law, from due date until paid. agreed to in a monetary settlement of such action. The
All amounts due hereunder are exclusive of, and Client foregoing obligations are conditioned on Client
will pay, all sales, use and other taxes (other than taxes (a) notifying Quest promptly in writing of such action,
on Quest’s income), export and import fees, customs (b) giving Quest sole control of the defense thereof and
duties and similar charges applicable to the transactions any related settlement negotiations, and (c) cooperating
contemplated by this Agreement. and, at Quest’s request and expense, assisting in such
5.5 Audit Rights. During the Term and for a
period of one (1) year after expiration or termination, 7.2 Injunction. If usage of the Software becomes,
Quest will have the right, during normal business hours or in Quest’s opinion is likely to become, enjoined, Quest
and upon at least five (5) business days prior notice, to may, at its option and expense, either (a) procure for
have an independent audit firm selected by Quest audit Client the right to continue using the Software, (b) replace
Client’s records relating to Client’s activities pursuant to or modify the Software so that it becomes non-infringing
this Agreement in order to verify that Client has complied and remains functionally equivalent, or (c) accept return
with the terms of this Agreement. The audit will be of the Software, terminate this Agreement upon written
conducted at Quest’s expense, unless the audit reveals notice to Client and refund Client the License Fees paid
that Client has underpaid the amounts owed to Quest by for such Software upon such termination, computed
five percent (5%) or more in any quarter, in which case according to a thirty-six (36) month straight-line
Client will reimburse Quest for all reasonable costs and amortization schedule beginning on the Effective Date.
expenses incurred by Quest in connection with such
audit. Client will promptly pay to Quest any amounts 7.3 Exclusions. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
owed plus interest as provided in Section 5.4. Such Quest will have no obligation under this Section 7 or
audits will be conducted no more than once in any period otherwise with respect to any infringement claim based
of six (6) consecutive months. upon (a) any use of the Software not in accordance with
this Agreement, (b) any use of the Software in
6. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER combination with other products, equipment, or software
to the extent such claim arises from such combination,
6.1 Performance. For a period of ninety (90) days (c) any use of any release of the Software other than the
after the License Effective Date (the “Software Warranty most current release made available to Client, or (d) any
Period”), Quest warrants that the Software, when used modification of the Software by any person other than
as permitted by Quest and in accordance with the Quest or its authorized agents or subcontractors.
instructions in the Documentation, will operate as SECTION 7 STATES QUEST’S ENTIRE LIABILITY AND
described in the Documentation in all material respects. CLIENT’S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR INFRINGEMENT
Quest does not warrant Client’s use of the Software will CLAIMS AND ACTIONS.
be error-free or uninterrupted. Quest will, at its own
expense and as its sole obligation and Client’s exclusive 8. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. IN NO EVENT
remedy for any breach of this warranty, correct any WILL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE FOR ANY
reproducible error in the Software reported to Quest by CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, EXEMPLARY,
Client in writing during the Software Warranty Period. SPECIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING
EQUIPMENT IN ANY NUCLEAR, AVIATION, MASS 9.1 Confidential Information. “Information”
TRANSIT, OR MEDICAL APPLICATIONS, OR IN ANY means information that is disclosed by a party
OTHER INHERENTLY DANGEROUS APPLICATIONS. (“Discloser”) to the other party (“Recipient”), or
QUEST SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIMS OR information of Disclosure to which Recipient has access
DAMAGES ARISING FROM INHERENTLY in connection with this Agreement. Information may be
DANGEROUS USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR THIRD disclosed in written or other tangible form (including on
PARTY SOFTWARE. magnetic media) or by oral, visual or other means.

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Information includes, without limitation, information of or termination or expiration will be immediately due and
relating to the Discloser’s present or future products, payable, all licensed rights granted in this Agreement will
know-how, formulas, designs, processes, ideas, immediately cease to exist, and Client must promptly
inventions and other technical, business and financial discontinue all use of the Software, erase all copies of
plans, processing information, pricing information, the Software from Client’s computers, and return to
specifications, research and development information, Quest or destroy all copies of the Software,
Client lists, the identity of any Client or suppliers, Documentation and other Quest Information in Client’s
forecasts and any other information relating to any work possession or control. Sections 1, 2.2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10.3
in process, future development, marketing plans, and 11 together with any accrued payment obligations,
strategies, financial matters, personnel matters, investors will survive expiration or termination of the Agreement for
or business operations of the Discloser, as well as the any reason.
terms of this Agreement.
9.2 Protection of Information. Recipient will not
use any Information of Discloser for any purpose not 11.1 Proprietary Rights. The Software and
expressly permitted by the Agreement, and will disclose Documentation, and all worldwide Intellectual Property
the Information of Discloser only to the employees or Rights therein, are the exclusive property of Quest and its
contractors of Recipient who have a need to know such licensors. All rights in and to the Software not expressly
Information for purposes of the Agreement and who are granted to Client and its affiliates in this Agreement are
under a duty of confidentiality no less restrictive than reserved by Quest and its licensors. Client will not
Recipient’s duty hereunder. Recipient will protect remove, alter, or obscure any proprietary notices
Discloser’s Information from unauthorized use, access, or (including copyright notices) of Quest or its licensors on
disclosure in the same manner as Recipient protects its the Software or the Documentation.
own confidential or proprietary information of a similar 11.2 Third Party Software. If Third Party Software
nature and with no less than reasonable care. included with the Software is subject to additional terms
9.3 Exceptions. Recipient’s obligations under and conditions imposed by Quest’s third party licensors,
Section 9.2 with respect to any Information of Discloser such terms and conditions will be contained in the
will terminate if such information: (a) was already known “About” pages of the Software and are deemed
to Recipient at the time of disclosure by Discloser; incorporated herein by reference. Client agrees to
(b) was disclosed to Recipient by a third party who had comply with all such applicable terms and conditions.
the right to make such disclosure without any 11.3 Publicity. Quest may, subject to Client’s
confidentiality restrictions; (c) is, or through no fault of approval of content, not to be unreasonably withheld or
Recipient has become, generally available to the public; delayed, (a) create a general contract announcement
or (d) was independently developed by Recipient without press release indicating that the parties have entered into
access to, or use of, Discloser’s Information. In addition, this Agreement, (b) use Client’s business name and logo
Recipient will be allowed to disclose Information of in written materials identifying Quest’s Clients and in
Discloser to the extent that such disclosure is other appropriate promotional materials; (c) identify Client
(i) approved in writing by Discloser, (ii) necessary for in applicable case studies; and (d) identify Client as a
Recipient to enforce its rights under the Agreement in reference for prospective Clients and the media (provided
connection with a legal proceeding; or (iii) required by law that Client shall not be obligated to comment in any way).
or by the order of a court of similar judicial or
administrative body, provided that Recipient notifies 11.4 Compliance with Laws. Each party will
Discloser of such required disclosure promptly and in comply with all applicable export and import control laws
writing and cooperates with Discloser, at Discloser’s and regulations in its use of the Software and, in
request and expense, in any lawful action to contest or particular, Client will not export or re-export the Software
limit the scope of such required disclosure. without all required government licenses and Client
agrees to comply with the export laws, restrictions,
9.4 Return of Information. Except as otherwise national security controls and regulations of the all
expressly provided in this Agreement, Recipient will applicable foreign agencies or authorities.
return to Discloser or destroy all Information of Discloser
in Recipient’s possession or control and permanently 11.5 Assignment. Neither party may assign or
erase all electronic copies of such Information promptly transfer, by operation of law or otherwise, any of its rights
upon the written request of Discloser upon the expiration under the Agreement (including the license rights granted
or termination of the Agreement. Recipient will certify in to Client to the Software) to any third party without the
writing signed by an officer of Recipient that it has fully other party’s prior written consent, which consent will not
complied with its obligations under this Section 9.4. be unreasonably withheld or delayed; except that Quest
may assign this Agreement, without consent, to any
10. TERM; TERMINATION successor to all or substantially all its business or assets
10.1 Term. The term of the Agreement will begin on to which this Agreement relates, whether by merger, sale
the Effective Date and will continue until terminated as of assets, sale of stock, reorganization or otherwise. Any
provided in Section 7.2 or 10.2 (the “Term”). attempted assignment or transfer in violation of the
foregoing will be null and void.
10.2 Termination. Either party may terminate the
Agreement if the other party breaches any material 11.6 Force Majeure. Except for any payment
provision of the Agreement and does not cure such obligations, neither party shall be liable hereunder by
breach within thirty (30) days after receiving written notice reason of any failure or delay in the performance of its
thereof. obligations hereunder for any cause which is beyond the
reasonable control of such party.
10.3 Effects of Termination. Upon termination or
expiration of this Agreement for any reason, any amounts 11.7 U.S. Government End Users. If Client is a
owed to Quest under this Agreement before such branch or agency of the United States Government, the

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following provision applies. The Software is comprised of 11.11 Remedies. Except as provided in Sections 6
“commercial computer software” and “commercial and 7, the parties’ rights and remedies under the
computer software documentation” as such terms are Agreement are cumulative. Client acknowledges that the
used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and are provided to the Software contains valuable trade secrets and proprietary
Government (a) for acquisition by or on behalf of civilian information of Quest, that any actual or threatened
agencies, consistent with the policy set forth in 48 C.F.R. breach of Section 2 will constitute immediate, irreparable
12.212; or (b) for acquisition by or on behalf of units of harm to Quest for which monetary damages would be an
the Department of Defense, consistent with the policies inadequate remedy, and that injunctive relief is an
set forth in 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 and 227.7202-3. appropriate remedy for such breach. If any legal action is
brought by a party to enforce the Agreement, the
11.8 Notices. All notices, consents, and approvals prevailing party will be entitled to receive its attorneys’
under this Agreement must be delivered in writing by fees, court costs, and other collection expenses, in
courier, by electronic mail (email), by electronic facsimile addition to any other relief it may receive.
(fax), or by certified or registered mail, (postage prepaid
and return receipt requested) to the other party at the 11.12 Waivers. All waivers must be in writing. Any
address set forth beneath such party’s signature, and will waiver or failure to enforce any provision of this
be effective upon receipt or when delivery is refused. Agreement on one occasion will not be deemed a waiver
Either party may change its address by giving notice of of any other provision or of such provision on any other
the new address to the other party. occasion.
11.9 Governing Law and Venue. This Agreement 11.13 Severability. If any provision of this
will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Agreement is unenforceable, such provision will be
the laws of the State of Colorado, without reference to its changed and interpreted to accomplish the objectives of
choice of laws rules. Any action or proceeding arising such provision to the greatest extent possible under
from or relating to this Agreement shall be brought in a applicable law and the remaining provisions will continue
federal or state court in Denver, Colorado, and each party in full force and effect. Without limiting the generality of
irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction and venue of any the foregoing, Section 8 will remain in effect
such court in any such action or proceeding. notwithstanding the unenforceability of any provision in
Section 6.2.
11.10 Interpretation. This Agreement is in English
and shall be interpreted according to the commonly 11.14 Construction. The headings of Sections of
understood meaning of the words and phrases in the this Agreement are for convenience and are not to be
United States of America. used in interpreting this Agreement. As used in this
Agreement, the word “including” means “including but not
limited to.”
11.15 Entire Agreement. This Agreement (including
all exhibits and attachments) constitutes the entire
agreement between the parties regarding the subject
hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous
agreements, understandings, and communication,
whether written or oral. This Agreement may be
amended only by a written document signed by both
parties. The terms of any purchase order or similar
document submitted by Client to Quest will have no

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Version 3.0

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