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 Purification
o Food – Decide what a more pure diet means and follow that for three days prior.
Examples include fasting, gong vegetarian, eating only at night etc…
o Sex – For three days either abstain from sex or dedicate the act to the accomplishment
of this work.
o Energy – do a purification such as the White Star practice or Pillars and Spheres
o Mind – Meditation and Silent Contemplation
 The Area
o Lay out the Gate – a circle with a star appropriate to the working drawn on the floor.
(Saturn=Triangle, Jupiter = square, Mars= Pentagram, Sun = Hexagram and so on)
o Lay out lighting in the number appropriate and perhaps in the color of the planet.
Candles the appropriate color are good. Lamps or even bulbs of the appropriate color
are even better.
o Make offerings of food, Incense, Libations, etc that are appropriate to the planet. See
Picatrix, 777, or other texts that lay this out for examples, but do not be a slave to these.
Let research and revelation work together.
o Wear the seal of the planet you are planning on walking or the seal of the spirit you will
call to open the gates for you.
 Invocation of the Guide (Optional)
o Invoke your HGA to lead you on the quest.
o Alternatively you can pray or invoke another intermediary spirit such as Beatrice from
Dante’s Paradiso, Sophia, etc. I used Thelemia – for this to good effect.
 The Working
o Chant IAO, AOI, OIA, AIO,IOA,OAI repeatedly to connect with the overall music of the
o Move to the, Chanting the Syllable of just the planet you are working with.
o When you feel the ambiance of that planet has been reached – make your
evocation/invocation to call the Diety/Angel/Intelligence that you plan to ask to open
the gate.
o Ask to enter the sphere so that you can gain its GNOSIS, train to MEDIATE IT’S POWER,
o Take note of visions and messages shown to you but know that the work has only just
begun for that sphere.
o Close the temple as usual.
 Walking the Gate
o Take note of how the power of the planet is manifesting in your life. Learn the lessons
the planet has for you through its influence (and yes, sometimes interferrance) in your
o Use the power of that planet in spells and strategies. This is how to TRAIN to mediate its
o Recognize when it turns SOUR. It is helpful to have a guide or a peer who can maybe
point this out. Sometimes we are bling to what is happening to us and require the
objectivity of a teacher or wise fellow.
o Only then do you move to the next gate.

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