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WI-CAN 2020



Arrange by :

Ghesty Kania
Kelas H

Widyatama University

Table of Contents

Section I. Executive Summary 3

Section II. Business Description 3
Section III. Marketing 4
Section V: Management 7
Section VI: Financial 8
Section VII. Critical Risks 10
Section VIII. Milestone Schedule 11
Section IX. Bibliography 11

Section I. Executive Summary

One of the steps that can be applied to revive the economy is by innovating online business
marketing. According to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), internet usage in Indonesia
has jumped by more than 20% as long as work (work from home), school (school from home), or
other activities are carried out online (Kumala & Junaidi, 2020). This is certainly an opportunity for
business people to be able to market their products online. Based on this, the authors are interested
in developing a business plan for Cokasu, a beverage made from avocado as its main ingredient,
which is varied with processed chocolate. This business is engaged in soft drinks with a target
market for young people. Products will be marketed online through social media and online
motorcycle taxis.

The product that the author has developed has a promising business opportunity. This is
because the beverage product that is made is one of the products that are popular and in demand
among young people today, especially students. In addition, the main ingredients used in this
product are served shredded so that it is different from similar beverage processed products. Not
only different, but this product also has properties that are high enough for health.

Seeing this situation, "Cokasu" wants to set up a business in the food and beverage industry
using avocado as the main raw material. To make this beverage product different from its
competitors, "Cokasu" is served shredded and mixed with grated ice accompanied by a choice of
various toppings such as the main toping in the form of chocolate bars, grated cheese, macha, and
oreo. The owner feels that the “Cokasu” establishment will have great profit prospects.

"Cokasu" is an innovative fresh beverage product using avocado as the main ingredient.
"Cokasu" is served using various topping variants such as chocolate bars, grated cheese, macha, and
oreo and others. Customers can enjoy "Cokasu" according to their individual tastes. The owner also
presents a “special” variant by mixing several toppings together according to customer preferences.
To attract customers to buy products, “Cokasu” will be served fresh using attractive eco-friendly
drink bottles.

Section II. Business Description

Along with the times, the level of global competition is increasingly closely related to the
world of entrepreneurship, it is undeniable that the emergence of the MEA will be a challenge for
entrepreneurs, especially for students who will be involved in the world of work. Among the
universities there are not a few students who carry out entrepreneurial activities, this is based on a
hobby or hobby, but there are also those who do it because of urgent economic needs. There are
many types of entrepreneurship that students can do to gain financial benefits but must be in
accordance with their abilities.

One of the most promising creative business ideas today is the food and beverage industry.
This food and beverage business is a promising alternative opportunity to improve economic

conditions. This is because the need for food will never disappear. As long as humans are still alive
on earth, the need for food will always be a basic need that is needed to survive.

To be able to develop a business even though it is in a small business scope, if it is seriously

pursued it will be able to generate large profits. In this case, ideas and creativity play an important
role so that the business that is built can compete with existing products and can survive. In order to
achieve this, many people think that great discoveries are really unnecessary. However, the reality
is not like that, creativity can be developed by modifying and making a little innovation with
existing efforts such as adding flavors, compositions, colors or shapes to make it look more

Based on this, the owner develops a business plan using avocado as the main raw material.
The products developed are offered in the form of fresh drinks with avocado as the base ingredient.
Avocado is known to be a fruit that has many benefits, avocado is a fruit with a fluffier sweet taste
with a sugar content of 4.97%. The thickness of the pulp is about 2.0-2.5 cm, and the aroma is
medium. The special properties possessed by this avocado according to include
70.60% water content, 2.57% protein content, 11.78% fat content, 2.68% fiber content, 600-700
grams of fruit weight, and fruit productivity. able to reach 300-700 fruit / tree / year.

As is well known, most teenagers pay less attention to their health. Many adolescents in
developing countries in particular experience cases of malnutrition so that they are more susceptible
to developing various kinds of diseases until the most severe is causing death. On the other hand,
obesity, which is another form of malnutrition with serious health implications, affects many young
people in developed countries. Adequate nutritional and nutritional needs in youth, accompanied by
the consumption of healthy food and exercise, are provisions for good health for old age. Therefore,
the owner developed the “Cokasu” business as an alternative drink with contemporary
characteristics but also still contains nutrients that are good for health.

The product that the owner has developed has its own characteristics, namely using avocado
ingredients that are shaken and combined with various kinds of toppings with chocolate as the main
topping. In addition, to add to the taste, the authors add other complementary ingredients such as
gelatin, grated ice and various topping variants (Oreos, cheese, tango wafers, macha, astor,
strawberry, milo, and peanut). This product is packaged hygienically and attractively using plastic
cups that are labeled as brands that characterize the product.

Section III. Marketing

A. The Product

"Cokasu" is an innovative fresh beverage product using avocado as the main ingredient.
"Cokasu" is served using various topping variants such as chocolate bars, grated cheese, macha, and
oreo and others. Customers can enjoy "Cokasu" according to their individual tastes. The owner also
presents a “special” variant by mixing several toppings together according to customer preferences.
To attract customers to buy products, “Cokasu” will be served fresh using attractive eco-friendly
drink bottles.

B. The Market

The marketing target of this product is more focused on student groups and general citizens,
especially young people. This is because fresh, healthy and sweet beverage products such as
“Cokasu” are more popular with groups of students and young people. The main target of this
product is students at Widyatama University. The products that will be made are predicted to be
able to attract young people, especially college students and have affordable prices for students. To
support the government's efforts to prevent the spread of Coronavirus, customers can order
“Cokasu” through a delivery service using Gojek and Grab.

C. Distribution of The Product

Promotion of fresh beverage products "Cokasu" will be carried out by:
1. Providing direct information
Information about the product is disseminated by each team member through direct selling.
2. Providing information indirectly
Promotion will be carried out using brochures through technological media that are very close
to the community, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and others.

D. Pricing Strategy

The price for one glass of “Cokasu” is very friendly for students, which is around IDR
8,000-15,000 / glass according to the choice of topping.

E. Digital Marketing Strategy

1. Analisis SWOT

a. Strength

Strength Description
✔ Product has beneficial value The products produced in this
✔ Selling price business have beneficial values
✔ Unique beverage processing and affordable selling prices. In
innovation addition, this business creates a
unique beverage product.

b. Weakness
1. Avocado processing must be done properly so that it is not harmful to consumer health.
2. Creativity is needed in serving beverage packaging to attract consumer interest.

c. Opportunity (Peluang)

Opportunity Description
This business has a unique value
✔ Unique Value because there are still not many
products with similar processing
The rapid development of culinary

✔ Wide marketing delights in Indonesia and the
scope attractiveness of the public towards
unique drinks, make this product
has a good market opportunity.
✔ Advances in media Technological advances that allow
technology promotion to a wider range of
consumers and the use of online
motorcycle taxis in the marketing

d. Threat

Threat Description
1. Promotion The number of contemporary
beverage products that are already
well-known is a challenge for
Cokasu to be able to attract

F. Competitor’s Product

This "Cokasu" should be juxtaposed with several other contemporary snacks such as "Street
Boba", "Chatime", "Manggo Smoothie", "Thai Tea" and others. Compared to other contemporary
drinks, "Cokasu" is very safe for consumption for all ages, from children to adults. The presence of
the "Cokasu" drink is very popular with the community. This is because the appearance of the
product is attractive and delicious. This product is made from mashed avocado and served using
various topping variants such as chocolate bars, grated cheese, macha, and Oreos.

G. Market Size

Target Market Number of Target Market Market Size (Rp)


Students 43% 2,500,000

Young and adult customers 27% 1,580,000

Residents of urban area 30% 1,800,000

Total 100% 5,880,000

H. Regulations

“Cokasu” is a business field that is included in small businesses because it has assets or assets
below IDR 50,000,000. To obtain a license to set up a trading business (UD), "Cokasu" performs
several licensing procedures as follows:

1) Registration of business licenses to the Regional Government's Economic Office which
is registered with the district court.
2) Application to become a local taxpayer to get a NPWP.
3) Registration to the Department of Trade and Industry.

Section V: Management

Employees who work in this line of business are required to have fighting spirit and high
enthusiasm to develop the business. In addition, employees must also look attractive and have skills
based on their respective job descriptions. Regulations related to tardiness, indiscipline and lying in
work will be subject to sanctions in the form of warnings, salary deductions, and dismissal.
The job descriptions of each team member are as follows:
1. Director
Determine targets that must be achieved and completed and carry out the ideas given by the
main director to develop future product innovations. The director is responsible for leading all
activities if the president director is unable to lead. In addition, the director is also obliged to carry
out a plan to achieve predetermined targets.
2. Accountant
Accountants are responsible for assisting business planning and decision making based on
prepared financial reports. Accountants are also obliged to manage all incoming and outgoing
funds. The main task of the accountant is to find funds to invest in productive expenses so that it is
hoped that the company can get a profit from this.
3. Marketing
Marketing has the obligation and responsibility for the marketing department, the proceeds
from sales, and the use of promotional funds. Marketing will be given a target by the director who
is then required to report the performance results for one month. In addition, marketing is also
obliged to regulate all marketing and promotional activities of the company.
4. Barista
Barista is obliged to prepare “Cokasu” and deal directly with consumers.
5. Manager
The manager is in charge of assisting the director in making decisions and policies,
motivating employees, and overseeing every activity such as finance, production, sales, purchasing,
product development and employee rules.

A. Main Job

The initiators of the beverage product "Cokasu" consisted of five people who had the
following main tasks:
1. Overseeing every form of activity carried out.
2. Make decisions on any plans and activities to be implemented.
3. Provide planning and business execution costs.
4. Provide creative and innovative ideas for business continuity.
5. Maintain work professionalism.
6. Each individual is responsible for their respective job descriptions.

B. Organization Structure


Manager Marketing Akuntan Barista

Gambar 1. Struktur Organisasi

Section VI: Financial

A. Financial Analysis
1. Operational Costs
a) Fixed Costs

Komponen Justifikasi Kuantitas Harga satuan Jumlah (Rp)

Pemakaian (Rp)

Spanduk 1 Buah 20.000 20.000

Banner 1 Buah 20.000 20.000

Standing banner 1 Buah 100.000 100.000

Lampu round ball 4 Buah 30.000 120.000

Kursi 10 Buah 110.000 1.100.000

Clemek 5 Buah 60.000 300.000

Pisau 3 Buah 12.000 36.000

Tong sampah 1 Buah 30.000 30.000

Kulkas 1 Buah 3.500.000 3.500.000

Mesin parut 1 Buah 495.000 495.000

Topi 5 Buah 15.000 75.000

Speaker 1 Buah 100.000 100.000

Wadah plastik 1 Set 200.000 200.000

Gelas stainless besar 1 Buah 85.000 85.000

Sendok 1 Pack 7.000 7.000

Etalase buah 1 Buah 325.000 325.000

Terminal 1 Buah 16.000 16.000

SUB TOTAL (Rp) 6.789.000

Biaya aktiva tetap perbulan = Total biaya tetap : jumlah bulan 1 tahun
= Rp. 6.789.000 : 12
= Rp. 565.750
b. Variable Costs

Komponen Justifikasi Kuantitas Harga satuan Jumlah (Rp)

Pemakaian (Rp)

Alpukat 600 Kg 20.000 12.000.000

Nangka 150 Kg 20.000 3.000.000

Es Santan Parut 150 Liter 10.000 1.500.000

Stiker 10 Meter 150.000 1.500.000

Kantong plastik 30 Pack 4.450 133.500

Sendok plastik 120 Pack 3.500 420.000

Cup 60 Pack 10.750 645.000

Tutup cup 60 Pack 6.625 397.500

Agar satelit 600 Pack 2.990 1.794.000

Gula pasir 30 Kg 12.125 363.750

Susu kental manis 60 Kaleng 9.850 591.000

Coklat batang 30 Pack 14.600 438.000

Oreo 30 Pack 6.500 195.000

Keju 30 Pack 11.250 337.500

Wafer 30 Pack 12.000 360.000

Green tea 30 Pack 15.000 450.000

Astor 15 Pack 20.000 300.000

Strawberry 30 Pack 15.000 450.000

Milo 30 Pack 15.000 450.000

Peanut 15 Kg 14.000 210.000

Sarung tangan 150 Buah 1000 150.000

Sewa tempat 1 Toko 2.100.000 2.100.000

Listrik 1 Bulan 200.000 200.000

SUB TOTAL (Rp) 27.985.250

Biaya variabel perbulan = Total biaya operasional: jumlah bulan 1 tahun

= Rp. 27.985.250 : 12
= Rp. 2.332.104

Total biaya = biaya tetap + biaya variabel

= Rp. 565.750 + Rp. 2.332.104
= Rp. 2.897.854

B. Profit Analysis

The amount of production of "Cokasu" per day is estimated at 60 glasses per day so that within
one month it can produce 1800 glasses.

1. Production costs of "Cokasu"

Production costs = (fixed costs + variable costs): total production for one month

= (Rp. 565,750 + Rp. 2,332,104): 1800

= Rp. 1,611

2. BEP Products

Product BEP = Total cost: production costs

= Rp. 2,897,854: Rp. 1,611

= IDR 1,798

This means that the overall capital will return after 1798 products are produced.

3. BEP Duration

Duration of BEP = Product BEP: total production for one month

= 1798: 1800

= 0.99 = 1

This means that the entire capital will be able to return for one month.

Section VII. Critical Risks

The food and beverage industry often experiences increases in operating costs that are
triggered by increases such as employee salaries, basic electricity rates and other operating costs.
However, this does not reduce businessmen's interest in expanding their business. Reporting from (2013) economic growth and population in Indonesia are strong reasons for business
actors to expand their business, this can be seen from the number of new brands that have sprung

For avocado itself, this fruit contains 20-30 times the amount of unsaturated fat than other
fruits. This fruit harvest season takes place around December, January, and February. Indonesia's
natural conditions, which are very suitable for fruit growth, mean that avocados can be harvested
every day and sell for around IDR 5,000-6,000 / kg at harvest time. The low price really requires
attractive packaging and processing (Putri, Dwi, & Purwanti, 2018).

Seeing this situation, “Cokasu” (Chocolate Avocado Milk) wants to establish a business in
the food and beverage industry using avocado as the main raw material. To make this beverage
product different from its competitors, "Cokasu" is served shredded and mixed with grated ice
accompanied by a choice of various toppings such as the main toping in the form of chocolate bars,
grated cheese, macha, and oreo. The owner feels that the “Cokasu” establishment will have great
profit prospects.

Section VIII. Milestone Schedule

A. Business Development Plan

■ Description of the Business Development Plan

Fresh drink products "Cokasu" are available in a variety of topping choices such as
chocolate bars, cheese slices, macha, and Oreos. Innovation by continuously updating market
desires will continue to be developed so that "Cokasu" can follow the current trends in society.

■ Business Development Stage

The description of the development plan for "Cokasu" is as follows:
■ The first three months succeeded in achieving an average sales of at least 60 glasses per day.
■ The first three months, information about "Cokasu" spread throughout the Widyatama
University campus ..
■ In the second three months, the average sales reached 80 glasses per day.
■ In the second three months, collaborating with food and beverage outlets in Bandung.
■ In the third and fourth three months, "Cokasu" cooperates with food and beverage outlets in
Bandung with an average sales volume of 70 pieces per day.
■ The second year "Cokasu" continued to increase the number of jobs and set up sales stands
spread throughout the city of Bandung.
■ The third year, “Cokasu” opened a permanent outlet in Bandung City by providing other snack
menus to accompany the main menu. The place is also used as the head office of "Cokasu"

Section IX. Bibliography

Putri, F. D., Dwi, A. L., & Purwanti, B. S. (2018). Potensi Alpukat sebagai Alternatif Olahan
Kuliner dalam Upaya Pengembangan Desa Wisata Sakerta. Prosiding Seminar Nasional
Asosiasi Sekolah Perencanaan Indonesia (ASPI) 2018 (pp. 1-23). Bogor: P4W LPPM IPB.

Kumala, R., & Junaidi, A. (2020). Strategi Bisnis dan Pemanfaatan Kebijakan Pajak di Masa
Pandemi COVID-19 dan Era New Normal (Studi Kasus Pelaku UKM Marketplace).
Prosiding Seminar Stiami, (pp. 98-103).


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