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Vol 436|4 August 2005



On the Moon as it was on Earth

Bernard Marty
Does the Moon’s surface contain an archive of the early history of Earth? According to an intriguing idea, based on
recently published analyses of lunar soils, it might do — and the proposal can be tested.

of the solar wind is depleted in 15N by more

The onset of the terrestrial dynamo, resulting
from slow cooling of the core and crystalliza- than 24% relative to terrestrial nitrogen. The
tion of its inner part, led to the development of suggestion was that the 15N enrichment of
the geomagnetic field that shields Earth’s sur- lunar soil is ‘planetary’ in origin. Interplan-
face from extraterrestrial material and cosmic etary dust particles are a particularly attractive
rays. The mechanism and timing of this event candidate source in this respect — the flux of
are unknown, but Ozima et al. (page 655 of such particles dominates the extraterrestrial
this issue)1 argue that the problem can be flux on Earth, and, compared with the solar
tackled from a fresh perspective. wind, these particles are rich in 15N.
Ozima et al. base their thinking on a new Ozima et al.1 have now come up with
interpretation of geochemical data obtained another interpretation. They propose that the
from lunar soils recovered by the Apollo mis- N-rich content of lunar soils came from the
sions. They propose that, before the terrestrial terrestrial atmosphere when the Moon was
dynamo kicked in, ions escaped from the top closer than at present and the geomagnetic
of Earth’s atmosphere, and were implanted in field was not established, so allowing ions to
lunar soils together with ions emitted by the escape from Earth. They base their hypothesis
Sun in the so-called solar wind. The process on isotope correlations resulting from mixing
ended with the emergence of the geomagnetic between two sources. On the one hand, a solar
field, and ions implanted in lunar soils have component free of deuterium (there is practi-
since been dominated by input from the solar cally no deuterium in the Sun because it was
wind. According to this model, then, the com- consumed during the deuterium-burning
position of volatile elements trapped in lunar stage of the star) and depleted in both 40Ar (the
soils is a mix of ancient terrestrial atmosphere Figure 1 | Fieldwork on the Moon. Buzz Aldrin
solar gas is dominated by 36Ar) and 15N; and,
and solar gas. The relative proportions varied sets out the foil of a ‘solar-wind collector’. on the other hand, an atmospheric component
through geological time, offering the prospect containing deuterium (from the oceans) and
of investigating the epoch when the geo- This component has been detected in both Ar (produced in the Earth by the decay of
dynamo started, as well as the compositions lunar soils and aluminium foils exposed to the K), and enriched in 15N. Ozima et al. com-
of these two sources. Sun by the Apollo astronauts (Fig. 1). The iso- pute the flux of atmospheric species that their
Because it formed at high temperatures, the topic compositions of helium, neon and argon model demands and find it compatible with
Moon as a whole is depleted in volatile ele- (the only elements that could be analysed dur- geochemical observations.
ments such as those in the atmosphere and the ing the experiments) in both sets of samples This interpretation can account for some of
oceans on Earth (hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen are identical, showing that the solar-wind the noble-gas and stable-isotope variations,
and the noble gases, for example). But these component dominates the noble-gas inven- and it is consistent with the source strength
elements are abundant in lunar soils, pointing tory of lunar soils. required to account for the lunar soil inven-
to the existence of extra-lunar sources, two of But some other elements, in particular tory. But interplanetary dust particles are also
which are obvious. nitrogen, do not fit into this picture2. Nitrogen enriched in deuterium and 15N relative to
The first stems from the fact that there is no has two isotopes, 14N and 15N, and their ratio in the solar wind, and their flux, estimated from
plate tectonics on the Moon — after the initial lunar soils varies by more than 30%, compared extrapolation of terrestrial measurements, can
stages of planetary building, the lunar sur- — in most situations — with less than 2% on provide the required amounts of deuterium
face evolved as a result of the continuous Earth. No known nuclear process in the Sun or and nitrogen in lunar soils6 (the occurrence of
bombardment by ‘planetary material’. This is its corona can account for the nitrogen-isotope Ar is alternatively explained by degassing of
material with a volatile-element composition variations in lunar soils; moreover, nitrogen the lunar interior). Another problem is that
different from that of the Sun, and not derived is enriched in lunar soils compared with soils depleted in 15N tend to show higher
from the Sun, and includes asteroid and noble gases in the solar wind, so it has been amounts of 40Ar (relative to 36Ar) than soils
cometary bodies of various sizes. Some of the argued that the solar wind alone cannot rich in 15N, whereas Ozima and colleagues’
volatile elements trapped in these bodies were account for the nitrogen-isotope and elemen- proposal requires close association between
vaporized and re-trapped in the surface of soil tal abundances3,4. 15
N-rich nitrogen and 40Ar-rich argon. Lunar
grains. Second, ions from the solar wind are Five years ago, analyses of grains of lunar soils might in fact reflect the contributions of
directly implanted into surface grains at char- soil, made possible by technical advances, led three sources, thus obscuring isotopic trends
acteristic depths of a few tens of nanometres. to the proposal5 that the nitrogen component — a component from Earth’s atmosphere, the
©2005 Nature Publishing Group
NEWS & VIEWS NATURE|Vol 436|4 August 2005

flux of which has varied drastically over time; should contain fewer atmospheric volatiles Bernard Marty is at the Centre de Recherches
a flux of interplanetary dust particles, which because that side has faced away from Earth Pétrographiques et Géochimiques, 15 Rue Notre
might have also varied through time; and a for most of the Moon’s history. We can hope Dame des Pauvres, BP 20, 54501 Vandoeuvre
near-constant flux from the solar wind. that exploration of the far side will be a Cedex, France.
Ozima and colleagues’ hypothesis is priority for future lunar missions; also, some e-mail:
nonetheless thought-provoking, and has the meteorites may originate from the far side and 1. Ozima, M. et al. Nature 436, 655–659 (2005).
merit of being testable. First, the light-element are promising subjects for analysis. 2. Kerridge, J. F. Rev. Geophys. 31, 423–437 (1993).
3. Geiss, J. & Boschler, P. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 46,
isotopic composition of the solar wind is We must wait and see. But if the hypothesis 529–548 (1982).
still not well known. But progress in defining turns out to be correct, it will open new 4. Wieler, R., Humbert, F. & Marty, B. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.
that will arise from an analysis of targets avenues of research into the history of Earth’s 167, 47–60 (1999).
exposed for 27 months during the Genesis magnetic field, and the possible connections 5. Hashizume, K., Chaussidon, M., Marty, B. & Robert, F.
Science 290, 1142–1145 (2000).
space mission. Second, as Ozima et al. point with the evolution of life and with environ- 6. Marty, B., Hashizume, K., Chaussidon, M. & Wieler, R.
out, lunar soils from the far side of the Moon mental conditions on the early Earth. ■ Space Sci. Rev. 106, 175–196 (2003).

NEUROBIOLOGY What determines where the axon will form?

To address this, Calderon de Anda et al.1
Getting axons going analysed cultured rat hippocampal neurons
from day 16 of embryonic development,
immediately after the neurons’ terminal divi-
Juergen A. Knoblich sion and before they become fully differenti-
Neurons extend one long axon, through which they transmit electrical ated. Using real-time analysis, the authors
show a sequence of events that correlates axon
impulses to other cells in the nervous system. Surprisingly, it seems that formation with a pre-existing polarity in the
where the axon forms is determined entirely within the neuron. undifferentiated neuron (Fig. 1a). After the
terminal division, the centrosome comes to lie
Neurons act as electrical relays: they collect final cell division, after which it becomes fully opposite the plane of cleavage. During differ-
information from other neurons through mul- specialized. entiation, the first lamellipodium forms in the
tiple extensions called dendrites, and transmit Neuronal differentiation can be followed in region of cell membrane overlying the centro-
this information through one long protrusion, cell culture. When neurons from a brain area some, and this is where the first neurite will
the axon. But the mechanism that determines called the hippocampus are plated onto coated grow. Calderon de Anda et al. also show that
where the axon forms at the neuronal surface coverslips, they follow a stereotypical sequence the axon consistently forms from the first neu-
has been unclear — it might be determined of differentiation events2. First, they form rite that grows out after the terminal division.
by an extracellular cue or by some intrinsic lamellipodia — highly dynamic protrusions So it is the plane of the terminal division that
polarity that exists in the neuron even before that characteristically grow out of the leading determines the site of axon emergence.
the axon begins to grow. On page 704 of edge of motile cells (stage 1). Shortly after- The results are not artefacts of cell culture
this issue, Calderon de Anda et al.1 resolve wards, they form four or five short extensions because the authors find a similar correlation
this question by describing an unexpected called neurites that have yet to gain the charac- for hippocampal neurons differentiating
correlation between axon outgrowth and teristics of axons or dendrites (stage 2). After in situ and for neurons in the developing eye
the position of the centrosome — a struc- 24 hours, one of the neurites extends rapidly of the fruitfly Drosophila. They are also not
ture that is involved in organizing the cell’s and will become the axon (stage 3). The merely a correlation but a causal link, because
internal scaffolding. The authors propose remaining neurites then acquire the character- ablation of centrosomes by a process known
that where the axon forms is ultimately deter- istics of dendrites (stage 4), and finally, axons as chromophore-assisted light inactivation
mined by the orientation of the neuron’s and dendrites form electrical contacts (stage 5). blocks axon outgrowth in cultured Drosophila

Figure 1 | Axon direction. Calderon de Anda et al.1 show that the centrosome first neurite extends from a position close to the centrosome. This
determines the position of axon outgrowth. a, Axon formation can be first neurite ultimately forms the axon, and the other, later neurites
modelled using cultured hippocampal neurons. The centrosome comes to become dendrites. b, No axon forms when the centrosome of a cultured
lie opposite the cleavage plane after the terminal cell division and initiates Drosophila neuron is destroyed by laser light. c, When the final stages
the formation of a lamellipodium, the first visible sign of neuronal of cell division are inhibited, two centrosomes are present. They initiate the
differentiation. Many more lamellipodia then form, and finally the formation of two axons.
©2005 Nature Publishing Group

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