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Name: __________________________________________

Healthy Eating Assignment

You have explored the new Canada Food guide and have tracked two days of food intake. Using your knowledge of
healthy eating and your record of food intake, answer the questions below:

What were some of the positive results when analyzing what you eat?

Describe some changes you could make for healthier eating? Why do you need to make those changes?

Did you get enough activity in your day? Explain ___________________________________________________________

Did you get enough sleep the night before? ______________________________________________________________

How did you generally feel during the days you analyzed? ___________________________________________________

Explain how healthy eating contributes to a person’s physical health and mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

When you think about what you and others in your community eat, what are some of the possible social and
environmental factors which contribute to food choices? (eg. media influence, culture, religion, accessibility of different
Name: __________________________________________
foods, peer influence, financial status, environmental impact of food production methods) Pick 5 factors and explain
their impact.

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Assessment- Learning Goals

Success Criteria Not met Developing Met Exceeding

I can analyze my food intake and apply my
knowledge of healthy eating practices to
identify positive choices and necessary changes.
I can explain how healthy eating contributes to
holistic health.
I can analyze the influence of social and
environmental factors on food choices.

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