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Number 400, pp. 32–39

© 2002 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Anatomy and Function of the

Glenohumeral Ligaments in Anterior
Shoulder Instability
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Andreas C. Burkart, MD; and Richard E. Debski, PhD

The anatomy of the glenohumeral ligaments Shoulder stability is dependent on many fac-
has been shown to be complex and variable and tors that can be separated into two categories:
their function is highly dependent on the posi- active and passive. The active stabilizers (del-
tion of the humerus with respect to the glenoid. toid, biceps, and rotator cuff muscles) and the
The superior glenohumeral ligament with the passive restraints (bony geometry,19 labrum,
coracohumeral ligament was shown to be an
capsule, and glenohumeral ligaments) con-
important stabilizer in the inferior direction,
even though the coracohumeral ligament is much tribute during normal shoulder function. How-
more robust than the superior glenohumeral ever, no one structure stabilizes the gleno-
ligament. The middle glenohumeral ligament humeral joint throughout the range of motion
provides anterior stability at 45 and 60 ab- (ROM).
duction whereas the inferior glenohumeral lig- The capsuloligamentous complex at the
ament complex is the most important stabi- glenohumeral joint first was described in 1829
lizer against anteroinferior shoulder dislocation. and consists of the superior, middle, and infe-
Therefore, this component of the capsule is the rior glenohumeral ligaments and the coraco-
most frequently injured structure. An appro- humeral ligament.13 The glenohumeral liga-
priate surgical procedure to repair the inferior ments do not act as traditional ligaments that
glenohumeral ligament complex after shoulder
carry a pure tensile force along their length
dislocation must be considered. In addition, a
detached labrum can lead to recurrent anterior and become taut at varying positions of ab-
instability and a compromised inferior gleno- duction and humeral rotation. In addition,
humeral ligament complex. However, addi- the glenohumeral ligaments do not have the
tional capsular injury usually is necessary to al- strength characteristics of the ligaments at the
low anterior dislocation. knee.43–45
After a traumatic episode, more than 97%
of patients with anterior shoulder instability
were found to have a Bankart lesion.23,25 This
From the Musculoskeletal Research Center, Department lesion is defined as the detachment of the an-
of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh, Pitts- terior and inferior glenohumeral capsule with
burgh, PA. involvement of the anterior band of the infe-
Reprint requests to Richard E. Debski, PhD, Muscu- rior glenohumeral ligament.2 Clinical and ex-
loskeletal Research Center, Department of Orthopaedic
Surgery, University of Pittsburgh, P.O. Box 71199, Pitts- perimental findings suggest that this site is the
burgh, PA 15213. most common location of failure and typically

Number 400
July, 2002 Glenohumeral Ligaments and Anterior Instability 33

includes the labral attachment to the gle- ligament also blends inferiorly with the supe-
noid.3,14,21,34 The initial lesion found after rior glenohumeral ligament.
shoulder dislocation also includes the periosteal
insertion of the labrum.1 Recurrent disloca- Superior Glenohumeral Ligament
tions can lead to detached capsular structures The superior glenohumeral ligament originates
and additional tissue damage.15 However, tear- from the supraglenoid tubercle, just anterior to
ing and avulsion from the humerus of the cap- the origin of the long head of the biceps, and
sule also can occur.1,6,12 Based on these findings, inserts on the humerus near the proximal tip of
the anterior band of the inferior glenohumeral the lesser tuberosity on the medial ridge of the
ligament is commonly accepted to be the pri- intertubercular groove (Figs 2, 3). It forms an
mary anterior stabilizer of the glenohumeral anterior cover around the long head of the bi-
joint.40 ceps tendon.20 The superior glenohumeral lig-
ament also is part of the rotator interval.20 In
Anatomy of the Glenohumeral Ligaments an anatomic study, the superior glenohumeral
Coracohumeral Ligament ligament was missing in 6% of the specimens,
The coracohumeral ligament originates from whereas in 17% of the specimens, the superior
the dorsolateral base of the coracoid process glenohumeral ligament had a common origin
and extends as two bands, blending with the with the middle glenohumeral ligament at the
capsule, to the greater tuberosity and to the 1 o’clock position on the glenoid labrum.38
lesser tuberosity with only a few fibers20 (Fig
1). Portions of the coracohumeral ligament Middle Glenohumeral Ligament
form a tunnel for the biceps tendon on the an- The origin of the middle glenohumeral liga-
terior side of the joint.11,20 The rotator interval, ment is found on the supraglenoid tubercle and
the region of the capsule between the anterior anterosuperior region of the labrum between
border of the supraspinatus and the superior the 1 and 3 o’clock positions38 (Figs 2, 3).
border of the subscapularis muscle, is rein- Therefore, the anatomy of the middle gleno-
forced by the coracohumeral ligament.20 This humeral ligament is similar to the superior

Fig 2. A posterior view of a right shoulder is shown.

The superior glenohumeral ligament (SGHL), mid-
dle glenohumeral ligament (MGHL), anterior band
Fig 1. An anterior view of a right shoulder is of the inferior glenohumeral ligament (AB-IGHL),
shown. The coracohumeral ligament (CHL) is out- glenoid, and humeral head are labeled as each lig-
lined as it travels from the coracoid process to its ament from its origin on the glenoid to its insertion
insertions on the greater and lesser tuberosity. on the humerus.
Clinical Orthopaedics
34 Burkart and Debski and Related Research

ligament originates primarily from the anterior

labrum and attaches to the glenoid through two
separate mechanisms: (1) the collagen fibers di-
rectly attach to the glenoid labrum; and (2) col-
lagen fibers attach at an acute angle along the
neck of the glenoid and some fibers run parallel
to the surface and blend with the periosteum. At
the 3 o’clock location on the face of the glenoid,
the labral attachment of the anterior band of the
inferior glenohumeral ligament is similar to the
Fig 3. Anterior view of the humerus from a right direct insertion of a tendon. At the 5 o’clock po-
shoulder shows the insertion sites of the glenohum-
eral ligaments, marked with dark stain. SGHL  sition, the insertion consists mainly of fibrous
superior glenohumeral ligament; MGHL  mid- tissue. The length, width, and thickness of the
dle glenohumeral ligament; AB-IGHL  anterior anterior band of the inferior glenohumeral liga-
band of the inferior glenohumeral ligament ment have been reported to be 37  2 mm, 13 
1 mm, and 3  0 mm, respectively.26,27
glenohumeral ligament. However, the fibers The humeral insertion site of the anterior
of the middle glenohumeral ligament blend band of the inferior glenohumeral ligament is
with portions of the subscapularis tendon ap- located on the inferior margin of the articular
proximately 2 cm medial to its insertion on the surface and around the anatomic neck, below
lesser tuberosity.40 The width and thickness of the lesser tuberosity (Fig 3). Two distinct at-
this ligament has been found to be as much as tachments also can be observed on the
2 cm and 4 mm, respectively. humeral side: (1) a collarlike insertion that at-
taches the entire complex to the articular edge
Inferior Glenohumeral Ligament Complex of the humeral head; and (2) a V-shaped at-
The inferior glenohumeral ligament complex is tachment with the anterior and posterior bands
a hammocklike structure with anchor points on attaching at the apex of the V, distal to the
the anterior and posterior sides of the glenoid edge of the articular cartilage.29 The axillary
(Fig 4) and includes the anterosuperior, infe- pouch runs from the inferior 1⁄3 of the humeral
rior, and posteroinferior regions of the capsule. head to the inferior 2⁄3 of the anterior glenoid.
The anterior band of the inferior glenohumeral Histologically, the inferior glenohumeral
ligament complex consists of closely packed
collagen bundles, which tighten with abduc-
tion and external rotation of the glenohumeral
joint.29 In the midsubstance, the collagen bun-
dles are oriented in a radial fashion. However,
near the glenoid they change direction and
blend into the labrum circumferentially.14 The
posterior band of the inferior glenohumeral
ligament is the least commonly found portion
of this region and only could be identified in
63% of the specimens examined.14
Function of the Glenohumeral Ligaments
Fig 4. A lateral view shows a right shoulder with Coracohumeral Ligament and Superior
the humeral head exposed. The anterior band of Glenohumeral Ligament Complex
the inferior glenohumeral ligament (AB-IGHL),
axillary pouch, and posterior band of the inferior Based on a selective sectioning study, the su-
glenohumeral ligament (PB-IGHL) are shown. perior glenohumeral ligament was found to be
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July, 2002 Glenohumeral Ligaments and Anterior Instability 35

an important inferior stabilizer of the adducted finding confirms the role of the superior gleno-
shoulder41 whereas the coracohumeral liga- humeral ligament in the adducted arm. Using
ment also has been shown to contribute to in- a computational model, the superior gleno-
ferior stability.5,20,32 In addition, these liga- humeral ligament was predicted to carry up to
ments limit external rotation of the adducted 71 N at the position of maximum anterior
arm.17,18,31 The superior glenohumeral liga- translation8,9 (Fig 5).
ment and anterior band of the coracohumeral
ligament also seem to be more important re- Middle Glenohumeral Ligament
straints up to 50 abduction and external rota- The middle glenohumeral ligament has been
tion. Furthermore, the posterior band of the shown to become taut at 45 abduction, 10
coracohumeral ligament elongates with inter- extension and external rotation.11,40 There-
nal rotation and adduction.33 fore, this ligament has been assumed to con-
While examining the tensile properties of the tribute to anterior stability. Using a robotic
superior glenohumeral ligament and coraco- and universal force moment sensor testing
humeral ligament, the coracohumeral ligament system, this hypothesis was confirmed by
was found to have twice the stiffness and three finding that the middle glenohumeral ligament
times the ultimate tensile load of the superior was the primary anterior stabilizer in anatomic
glenohumeral ligament.5 The coracohumeral rotation and adduction10 (Fig 6). The middle
ligament absorbed six times the amount of en- glenohumeral ligament carried force during
ergy to failure but only elongated 1.5 times as only anterior loading at 30, 60, and 90 ab-
much as the superior glenohumeral ligament. duction with the maximum force of 34 N be-
During these tests, all of the coracohumeral lig- ing achieved at 60 abduction.10 As the ab-
aments failed in the proximal ligament sub- duction angle was increased, the middle
stance whereas the superior glenohumeral liga-
ment failed in the distal ligament substance near
the insertion on the humerus. The cross-sec-
tional area of the coracohumeral ligament also
was significantly greater than that of the supe-
rior glenohumeral ligament at their midportions
(coracohumeral ligament 54  3 mm; superior
glenohumeral ligament 11  2 mm).5,43 The
cross-sectional area measured at the midpor-
tion of the coracohumeral ligament was ap-
proximately fivefold that of the superior gleno-
humeral ligament.
The in situ force distribution of the gleno-
humeral capsule and the resulting joint kine-
matics attributable to application of external
loads at different abduction angles have been
determined using a robotic and universal force
moment sensor testing system.10 The superior
glenohumeral ligament—coracohumeral liga-
ment complex carried force during anterior
loading (26  16 N at 0) at all abduction an- Fig 5. The surface geometry of the scapula and
gles and during posterior loading in anatomic humerus used in the computational model and
the glenohumeral ligaments are shown. SGHL 
rotation at 0 abduction. However, no forces superior glenohumeral ligament; MGHL  mid-
were detected in this complex during posterior dle glenohumeral ligament; AB-IGHL  anterior
loading at 30, 60 and 90 abduction. This band of the inferior glenohumeral ligament
Clinical Orthopaedics
36 Burkart and Debski and Related Research

at 60 and 90 (30  21 N) abduction and

reached a maximum at 90 abduction. A com-
putational model found that at 90 abduction
the anterior band of the inferior glenohumeral
ligament had the highest forces (45 N) during
anterior translation. However, during applica-
tion of a posterior load at all abduction angles,
the posterior band of the inferior gleno-
humeral ligament experienced only minimal
At the neutral position (0 abduction and 30
Fig 6. In situ force (mean  standard deviation) horizontal extension), the anterior band of the
in the glenohumeral ligaments with an anterior inferior glenohumeral ligament becomes the
load of 89 N applied to the glenohumeral joint is primary stabilizer. Sectioning the anterior band
shown. SGHL-CHL  superior glenohumeral of the inferior glenohumeral ligament and the
and coracohumeral ligament complex; MGHL 
anterior half of the axillary pouch resulted in
middle glenohumeral ligament; AB-IGHL  ante-
rior band of the inferior glenohumeral ligament significant increases in anterior, posterior and
total translation at 30 and 0 flexion and ex-
tension.30 On the opposite side of the capsule,
glenohumeral ligament and inferior gleno- the posterior band of the inferior glenohumeral
humeral ligament become more important. Se- ligament is considered the primary stabilizer
lective sectioning of the middle glenohumeral with the arm in flexion and internal rotation,
ligament resulted in increased translation at providing posterior stability.28
the joint,35 and abducting the arm to 45 in- Tensile testing of the inferior glenohumeral
creased the strain in the middle glenohumeral ligament with the shoulder oriented in the clin-
ligament.31 Others showed that the contribu- ical apprehension position revealed that 66% of
tion of the superior glenohumeral ligament to- the specimens failed at the glenoid attachment
gether with the middle glenohumeral ligament site whereas 34% failed at the midsubstance and
was similar to the inferior glenohumeral liga- humeral insertion.26,27 The failures at the gle-
ment in abduction and external rotation, but noid attachment can be separated into two cate-
the contribution of the inferior glenohumeral gories: (1) the labrum was avulsed from the gle-
ligament becomes more important with in- noid bone (63%); and (2) the labrum remained
creasing external rotation.4,31 Based on these attached to the glenoid and the ligament alone
observations, the overall function of the mid- was avulsed, representing failure at the ligament-
dle glenohumeral ligament could be summa- to-labral junction (37%). In other studies, fail-
rized as: (1) to support the arm; (2) to restrain ure occurred at the glenoid insertion site, the lig-
external rotation from 0 to 90 abduction; and ament midsubstance and the humeral insertion
(3) to provide anterosuperior stability. site in 40%, 35%, and 25% of the specimens, re-
spectively.3,16,39 Before failing, all regions of
Inferior Glenohumeral Ligament Complex the inferior glenohumeral ligament experienced
Based on anatomic studies, the anterior band a significant amount of strain.37 High strain rates
of the inferior glenohumeral ligament spans also increased the percentage of failures in the
the midportion of the anterior glenohumeral midsubstance of the ligaments (54%) whereas
joint at 90 abduction and external rotation and failures at the humeral insertion decreased sub-
restrains anterior and inferior translation of the stantially to 8%.39
humerus.36,40 Measurement of the in situ force The ultimate load of the anterior band of the
in the anterior band of the inferior gleno- inferior glenohumeral ligament was not sig-
humeral ligament revealed that it carried force nificantly different when failure occurred ei-
Number 400
July, 2002 Glenohumeral Ligaments and Anterior Instability 37

ther at the glenoid insertion (353  32 N), in did not correlate with any anatomic directions.
the midsubstance of the ligament (213  64 N) This finding supports the hypothesis that the
or at the humeral insertion (250  28 N).26,27 capsule functions as a membranous structure.
The elongation at failure was greater with rup- These experimental findings suggest that
ture at the glenoid insertion site (9.1  0.5 mm) patients with initial glenohumeral instability
than with failure at the midsubstance (6.4  have only a small irrecoverable elongation of
0.3 mm) or the humeral insertion site (7.6  their capsuloligamentous structures so that
0.7 mm). However, the amount of irrecover- plication of the capsule, in addition to repair of
able elongation was found to be 0.8 mm at the the Bankart lesion, may not be necessary. In
glenoid insertion site, 0.2 mm in the midsub- addition, repetitive episodes of subluxation or
stance of the ligament, and 0.9 mm at the dislocation with permanent stretching of the
humeral insertion site. The yield strain at the anterior band of the inferior glenohumeral lig-
glenoid insertion site (12%  1%) and humeral ament must be considered when determining
insertion site (11%  1%) was larger than treatment options because they may lead to in-
midsubstance failure (5%  0%).26,27 There- creased soft tissue elongation. Furthermore,
fore, permanent stretching of the anterior band even though healing may occur quickly after
of the inferior glenohumeral ligament could injury to the capsule or its humeral attachment
lead to an increase in length that never exceeds site, the components of the capsule still could
4% strain. be in an elongated state.
The midsubstance strain reported in other
studies has been found to be between 9% and Glenohumeral Joint Capsule
11%.3,39 The elongation at failure of the bone- Posterior dislocation of the glenohumeral joint
ligament-bone complex reported by McMahon did not occur until the capsule was sectioned
and coworkers27 was only 6% although others from the 1 o’clock to 3 o’clock positions in ad-
have reported a range of 24% to 30%.3,39 These dition to the entire posterior capsule.30,42 In
differences might be caused by the use of dif- addition, sectioning of the posterior band of
ferent strain rates and joint positions. The fail- the inferior glenohumeral ligament and the
ure mode of the anterior band of the inferior posterior half of the axillary pouch resulted in
glenohumeral ligament also has been shown to a significant increase in anterior, posterior,
be age-dependent.22 In younger individuals, and total translation at 30 flexion. Further-
disruption of the anterior band of the inferior more, sectioning the inferior capsule resulted
glenohumeral ligament occurred most fre- in a significant increase in total translation in
quently at the glenoid insertion site, whereas in all humeral positions.30 The posterior capsule
older individuals, the midsubstance of the lig- does not have a significant role in anteropos-
ament was the most common failure site. The terior stability.
load at failure of the anterior band of the infe- The components of the capsule provide sig-
rior glenohumeral ligament was higher in the nificant contributions at 0 and 90 gleno-
younger group (164% of older group).22 humeral abduction in anatomic rotation. There-
The strain field in the inferior glenohumeral fore, as the contribution of the capsule to
ligament during anteroinferior subluxation of stability decreases at 30 and 60 abduction, the
the glenohumeral joint also has been exam- amount of translation increases and the rotator
ined.24 The maximum principal strains on the cuff ’s contribution to joint stability must in-
glenoid side of the inferior glenohumeral liga- crease. The capsule also has been shown to
ment were found to be significantly greater carry no force when the humeral head is cen-
than on the humeral side. However, the strain tered in the glenoid with the humerus in
fields were highly variable over the region anatomic rotation.7–9
studied. The principal strain vectors tended to The function of the glenohumeral ligaments
be oriented diagonally across the region and is dependent on the position of the humerus
Clinical Orthopaedics
38 Burkart and Debski and Related Research

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